Trump Blames everyone else for Yemen Bombing problems..

Like BONOBO 'took credit' for killing OBL????????? HAAAA HAAAAA!
BONOBO was shit scared to send in the raid to take out OBL. It was ONLY after some of his top commanders threatened to resign did BONOBO have the balls to put his own name on the order.
Even then he already had these top commanders sign a letter absolving BONOBO of ANY blame when/if the raid went south.
Fucking POS scum-bag!

Do you have any links for that Danny?...Please don't waste my time by putting out blogs or Bullshit news links
The military didn't trust Obama and Jarrett not to tip off the Pakistanis about the raid.
Osama bin Laden raid not Obama’s call
Right Easy this is why you slammed Obama for every mistake he made in combat...
You LIE - NEVER did that...and you can't prove your accusation to be true.
...and last I checked that SOB never SERVED / was never IN Combat!
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Like BONOBO 'took credit' for killing OBL????????? HAAAA HAAAAA!
BONOBO was shit scared to send in the raid to take out OBL. It was ONLY after some of his top commanders threatened to resign did BONOBO have the balls to put his own name on the order.
Even then he already had these top commanders sign a letter absolving BONOBO of ANY blame when/if the raid went south.
Fucking POS scum-bag!

Do you have any links for that Danny?...Please don't waste my time by putting out blogs or Bullshit news links
The military didn't trust Obama and Jarrett not to tip off the Pakistanis about the raid.
Osama bin Laden raid not Obama’s call

Thanks, but your link is a Rightwing Blog Danny.
Throwing each other under the bus already...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 51m51 minutes ago
..Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!

7,577 replies3,774 retweets19,819 likes

Yemen 'BANS US ground raids on Al Qaeda bases' after Trump's first raid killed little girl
Civilians were killed in the Bin Laden raid and the Navy lost a top secret helicopter, so if you trouser-snakes want to go negative on this operation knock yourself out. We all know you're just making youselves look like a bunch of Monkeys fucking a football.

Bin Laden is dead...something the GOP failed at for years..

Trump would be taking full credit if it was a success...
Why should he act like Obama?

Obama considered the OBL raid a foreign policy victory of his own doing. Anyone who participated in it knows that isn't true. Trump found out about this operation after it had been in the planning stages. He merely attended a briefing and gave the go ahead. He didn’t plan it and Obama didn’t plan the OBL raid. The less said about it the better for obvious security reasons. Obama wanted credit and Trump doesn't. I think the standard for success it different for Obama, which is low, and for Trump, which is impossible according to the left. Trump can do nothing right. Obama could do no wrong. This is the real issue here. The blatant double-standards Democrats demand and receive from the media.

Report: Obama's Team Put Together the Yemen Mission - Minutemen News
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Ostupid didn't do anything right while CIC he is the stupidest POTUS we ever had, he is only good at campaigning, lying, and disruption, all only worth a damn if you are a pile of shit treasonous community organizer. As far as Trump blaming other people, he has had to fight for everything he has tried to do while the previous pile of worthless dog shit had only a small amount of problem with any of his vile and treasonous actions because he insulated himself with his adoring complicit press. As I remember it everything the lying pile of shit did as he destroyed all of the work done to repair many aspects of this country HE BLAMED ON BUSH, So what is your damn liberal communist loving point with this thread LOOSER?
Trump has been in office for FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!
No one in the LIB MSM demanded BONOBO take any responsibility for fuck all for eight years!

Trump has been in office for three weeks, during which time there has been total chaos in the Administration and in the country because of Trump and his entire team's ineptitude, lies, and incompetence in understanding how to govern.

Trump promised is scared shitless supporters that he'd be their Daddy and fix things, but he's made thing so bad in his first three weeks in office, that people are cancelling travel to the US, and selling all of their stock portfolios.
Like BONOBO 'took credit' for killing OBL????????? HAAAA HAAAAA!
BONOBO was shit scared to send in the raid to take out OBL. It was ONLY after some of his top commanders threatened to resign did BONOBO have the balls to put his own name on the order.
Even then he already had these top commanders sign a letter absolving BONOBO of ANY blame when/if the raid went south.
Fucking POS scum-bag!

Do you have any links for that Danny?...Please don't waste my time by putting out blogs or Bullshit news links
The military didn't trust Obama and Jarrett not to tip off the Pakistanis about the raid.
Osama bin Laden raid not Obama’s call

Thanks, but your link is a Rightwing Blog Danny.
So anything that originates from a 'rightwing' source can't be true?
That's pretty fucking lame pal.
Right Easy this is why you slammed Obama for every mistake he made in combat...
You LIE - NEVER did that...and you can't prove your accusation to be true.


Yeah Links proof below of threads you made..

I like you Easy, but I love proving you

Just a few links:

Had Obama and Hillary Had the Brains And / Or the Balls To Do This, 4 Americans Would Be Alive Today

Obama Foreign Policy Success (Part II)

Benghazi guards turned on US diplomats in 2012 attack

Emails: Looks Like Hillary Authored Benghazi Lie

Let's See Obama Deny This: Iran Makes Video of Ransom Drop
Trump has been in office for FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!
No one in the LIB MSM demanded BONOBO take any responsibility for fuck all for eight years!

Trump has been in office for three weeks, during which time there has been total chaos in the Administration and in the country because of Trump and his entire team's ineptitude, lies, and incompetence in understanding how to govern.

Trump promised is scared shitless supporters that he'd be their Daddy and fix things, but he's made thing so bad in his first three weeks in office, that people are cancelling travel to the US, and selling all of their stock portfolios.
Like BONOBO 'took credit' for killing OBL????????? HAAAA HAAAAA!
BONOBO was shit scared to send in the raid to take out OBL. It was ONLY after some of his top commanders threatened to resign did BONOBO have the balls to put his own name on the order.
Even then he already had these top commanders sign a letter absolving BONOBO of ANY blame when/if the raid went south.
Fucking POS scum-bag!

Do you have any links for that Danny?...Please don't waste my time by putting out blogs or Bullshit news links
The military didn't trust Obama and Jarrett not to tip off the Pakistanis about the raid.
Osama bin Laden raid not Obama’s call

Thanks, but your link is a Rightwing Blog Danny.
So anything that originates from a 'rightwing' source can't be true?
That's pretty fucking lame pal.

I am looking for a objective link, you know the political links stand by their man..on either side..
Ostupid didn't do anything right while CIC he is the stupidest POTUS we ever had, he is only good at campaigning, lying, and disruption, all only worth a damn if you are a pile of shit treasonous community organizer. As far as Trump blaming other people, he has had to fight for everything he has tried to do while the previous pile of worthless dog shit had only a small amount of problem with any of his vile and treasonous actions because he insulated himself with his adoring complicit press. As I remember it everything the lying pile of shit did as he destroyed all of the work done to repair many aspects of this country HE BLAMED ON BUSH, So what is your damn liberal communist loving point with this thread LOOSER?

So you are standing by and excusing Trumps blaming others while accusing Obama for doing it ....Haaa Haaa.
Trump has been in office for FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!
No one in the LIB MSM demanded BONOBO take any responsibility for fuck all for eight years!

Trump has been in office for three weeks, during which time there has been total chaos in the Administration and in the country because of Trump and his entire team's ineptitude, lies, and incompetence in understanding how to govern.

Trump promised is scared shitless supporters that he'd be their Daddy and fix things, but he's made thing so bad in his first three weeks in office, that people are cancelling travel to the US, and selling all of their stock portfolios.
Like BONOBO 'took credit' for killing OBL????????? HAAAA HAAAAA!
BONOBO was shit scared to send in the raid to take out OBL. It was ONLY after some of his top commanders threatened to resign did BONOBO have the balls to put his own name on the order.
Even then he already had these top commanders sign a letter absolving BONOBO of ANY blame when/if the raid went south.
Fucking POS scum-bag!

Do you have any links for that Danny?...Please don't waste my time by putting out blogs or Bullshit news links
The military didn't trust Obama and Jarrett not to tip off the Pakistanis about the raid.
Osama bin Laden raid not Obama’s call

Thanks, but your link is a Rightwing Blog Danny.
So anything that originates from a 'rightwing' source can't be true?
That's pretty fucking lame pal.

I am looking for a objective link, you know the political links stand by their man..on either side..

It's not even a blog, it's a fake news site, the World Net Daily.
Throwing each other under the bus already...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 51m51 minutes ago
..Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!

7,577 replies3,774 retweets19,819 likes

Yemen 'BANS US ground raids on Al Qaeda bases' after Trump's first raid killed little girl
Civilians were killed in the Bin Laden raid and the Navy lost a top secret helicopter, so if you trouser-snakes want to go negative on this operation knock yourself out. We all know you're just making youselves look like a bunch of Monkeys fucking a football.

Bin Laden is dead...something the GOP failed at for years..

Trump would be taking full credit if it was a success...
Why should he act like Obama?

Obama considered the OBL raid a foreign policy victory of his own doing. Anyone who participated in it knows that isn't true. Trump found out about this operation after it had been in the planning stages. He merely attended a briefing and gave the go ahead. He didn’t plan it and Obama didn’t plan the OBL raid. The less said about it the better for obvious security reasons. Obama wanted credit and Trump doesn't. I think the standard for success it different for Obama, which is low, and for Trump, which is impossible according to the left. Trump can do nothing right. Obama could do no wrong. This is the real issue here. The blatant double-standards Democrats demand and receive from the media.

In the past 3 weeks, Trump has tried to erase just about anything that is of Obama.

Trump and Obama should take full responsibility of wins and fails because it was their pen that signed the orders..
Are you trying to claim that these links provided make up the entire extent of Obama's military involvement / decisions over his entire 8 years? Because you said 'EVERY Mistake he made in combat'....

The 1st link you posted is about Benghazi. There was no 'combat' in Benghazi, as Liberals claim the US was not 'at war' in Libya. Obama would probably be more apt to call Benghazi a case of 'workplace violence' than 'combat'. Again, it wasn't combat - it was 4 Americans who should not have been there - who should have already been pulled out - fighting for their lives.

'The Ransom drop' - since when was that considered 'IN COMBAT'?

Yes, I have criticized Obama's OBVIOUS F* up, ones you would agree with...unless you are going to claim his FAILED Syrian 'Red Line' was a success or that allowing mile-long convoys of ISIS to flow freely, un-opposed into Iraq was a /brilliant idea'.

The last link was about HILLARY, and yes she was running weapons into Benghazi and her own e-mails suggest she was conducting a cover-up, telling the Egyptian Rep she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack while telling the American people it was the video. (I take it you consider arming ISIS and Al Qaeda was a great military idea? Or perhaps making the ISIS black market oil facilities that paid for 50% of it's terrorist activities - **** the Paris attack - 'off limits' was great idea?! How about dropping leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming when Russia and France had war planes on the way to attack ISIS after they attacked Paris - I guess you think that was a great military move?)

I gave Obama credit for when credit was due - like his order to take-down UBL.

YOU said, however, that I 'slammed Obama for every mistake he made in combat'.

You FAILED to prove it.
The fact that you lie / failed was just proven AGAIN!

Your false narrative / false attack failed.
Ostupid didn't do anything right while CIC he is the stupidest POTUS we ever had, he is only good at campaigning, lying, and disruption, all only worth a damn if you are a pile of shit treasonous community organizer. As far as Trump blaming other people, he has had to fight for everything he has tried to do while the previous pile of worthless dog shit had only a small amount of problem with any of his vile and treasonous actions because he insulated himself with his adoring complicit press. As I remember it everything the lying pile of shit did as he destroyed all of the work done to repair many aspects of this country HE BLAMED ON BUSH, So what is your damn liberal communist loving point with this thread LOOSER?

So you are standing by and excusing Trumps blaming others while accusing Obama for doing it ....Haaa Haaa.
The mission was clearly planned by Obama's Pentagon team. I think it was possibility a landmine, one of many, that Obama set for Trump on the way out the door.

Report: Obama's Team Put Together the Yemen Mission - Minutemen News
Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?

Because Trump screwed up big time. This, killing 40 civilians, one soldier dying and a plane lost is nothing like one teen boy

How is Trump responsible for the leak that tipped off Al Qaeda?

How is Trump responsible for the actions of the superior who was aware that the jihadists were tipped off to the mission and still sent in the forces resulting in the firefight?

And more importantly how is any CIC responsible for radical Islamists insisting on taking women and children to the battlefield and/or using them as human shields.
and then complaining cause they were killed? It's just another example of how libturd's live in pretendland.
Great comeback , blame it all on Obama...


Given the time frame, Obama planned it and Trump said 'Ok' to the mission. they share this specific one.

There were many missions that were part of Obamas bombing policy.

Trump has made it his priorities to change everything Obama did since day 1, nope can't blame this on Obama unless if you can prove Trump couldn't change the policy..
Mattis IS looking into it. Obama was so afraid of a bombing going awry that he micromanaged the field. He required his personal approval of every attack. Mattis is looking at making these decisions go back to lower commanders in the field.
Great comeback , blame it all on Obama...


Given the time frame, Obama planned it and Trump said 'Ok' to the mission. they share this specific one.

There were many missions that were part of Obamas bombing policy.

Trump has made it his priorities to change everything Obama did since day 1, nope can't blame this on Obama unless if you can prove Trump couldn't change the policy..

'No boots on the ground' policy since the removal of troops from Iraq. Been policy for years.

This is to Old Lady as well..

The timeline clearly shows that the both teams looked over and signed off the raid..

Trump had the pen in his hand , so he made the final decision.

Questions rise about Trump-ordered raid in Yemen
Based on the advice of top military commanders.
If President Trump had used his pen to stop the raid YOU!!!!! would be screaming your fucking head off: "SEE! I told you so! Trump won't take the advice of his top military commanders!!!! "
You need to take your tongue out of BONOBO's asshole!
Given the time frame, Obama planned it and Trump said 'Ok' to the mission. they share this specific one.

There were many missions that were part of Obamas bombing policy.

Trump has made it his priorities to change everything Obama did since day 1, nope can't blame this on Obama unless if you can prove Trump couldn't change the policy..
Mattis IS looking into it. Obama was so afraid of a bombing going awry that he micromanaged the field. He required his personal approval of every attack. Mattis is looking at making these decisions go back to lower commanders in the field.
Given the time frame, Obama planned it and Trump said 'Ok' to the mission. they share this specific one.

There were many missions that were part of Obamas bombing policy.

Trump has made it his priorities to change everything Obama did since day 1, nope can't blame this on Obama unless if you can prove Trump couldn't change the policy..

'No boots on the ground' policy since the removal of troops from Iraq. Been policy for years.

This is to Old Lady as well..

The timeline clearly shows that the both teams looked over and signed off the raid..

Trump had the pen in his hand , so he made the final decision.

Questions rise about Trump-ordered raid in Yemen
Based on the advice of top military commanders.
If President Trump had used his pen to stop the raid YOU!!!!! would be screaming your fucking head off: "SEE! I told you so! Trump won't take the advice of his top military commanders!!!! "
You need to take your tongue out of BONOBO's asshole!

Thing is I don't see Trump taking any responsibility as usual, he blames it on everyone else..
Poor Trump he is such a victim..
I am pro Muslim. But I am anti terrorist. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only an extremely small % are terrorists you're not smart enough to know the difference.

I'm also pro LGBT rights, pro black pro common sense.
That puts me at odds with all the Trump supporters and your supreme commmander himself.
are you muslim?

Why do you believe a man can use a little girl's public toilet? or bath? why don't you protect little girls?

Why are you so frightened of everything? My God, man up, you snivelling fool. Grow a pair of balls and deal with real issues.
so you don't believe in little girls rights. I do and they outweigh a man confused with his gender.
and yet he went and met and grieved with the family of the fallen Seal at the airport where his body went. consoling their loss. hmmm, you want to diss those people too? why is it you're so anti-american and pro muslim anyway? what you got in the muslim business?

How do you make the jump from his saying that Trump botched this raid, to saying that he is pro-Muslim. It defies logic and reason, but then you're a Trumpbot so logic and reason are non-existent.
really you ask that question? wow. See his hatred of Trump got in the way of the military. fk, That's unamerican. So, if he's unamerican and backing all this muslim shit, then he must be pro muslim. I just asked what he gets out of it.

Thank you proving to me that you really are a total idiot. No wonder you voted for the Snowflake-in-Chief. I'm surprised you aren't hiding under your bed what with all of the terrorists around and the highest murder rate in years. TrumpleThinSkin is clearly terrified and you should be too.
Good point Dragon Lady. Trump's lie about the highest murder rate in 47 years is just part of his plan to scare the shit out of the uninformed, along with his Muslim ban, in order to get his toxic agenda passed.
I can't believe Trump is this stupid. His lying is all part of his master plan.
The nation's murder rate is going down.
The murder rate among negroes in 30 of the country's inner cities is exploding.
Murder rate expected to rise in largest US cities – but spike is unevenly felt
dude, the left don't care that inner city blacks knock off each other. Ask them.
Like BONOBO 'took credit' for killing OBL????????? HAAAA HAAAAA!
BONOBO was shit scared to send in the raid to take out OBL. It was ONLY after some of his top commanders threatened to resign did BONOBO have the balls to put his own name on the order.
Even then he already had these top commanders sign a letter absolving BONOBO of ANY blame when/if the raid went south.
Fucking POS scum-bag!

Do you have any links for that Danny?...Please don't waste my time by putting out blogs or Bullshit news links
so you really think BONOBO shot OBL? wow, you're goofier than I ever thought.
Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?

Because Trump screwed up big time. This, killing 40 civilians, one soldier dying and a plane lost is nothing like one teen boy

How is Trump responsible for the leak that tipped off Al Qaeda?

How is Trump responsible for the actions of the superior who was aware that the jihadists were tipped off to the mission and still sent in the forces resulting in the firefight?

And more importantly how is any CIC responsible for radical Islamists insisting on taking women and children to the battlefield and/or using them as human shields.

I agree and from what I've read those woman picked up guns and started firing at our boys. They got their asses shot off.
Feralphile Revisionism

That happened at Wounded Knee and at all the other fake-history "atrocities" Whiteys Hating Whitey are in positions to brainwash us about.

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