Trump Blaming Wife for OZ Loss

What the Democrats want is to sodomize our children, and corrupt them and sexualize them at an early age.
We don't want men with balls and a cock competing on the women's swim team and changing and showering in women's locker rooms, and dorms, you sick perverted mentally deranged morons.

There is not enough wealth in The World to tax the Rich into Oblivion to give you lazy groomers Universal Income
Americans don't want to be ruled by Religious Fanatics who hate God's Hydrocarbons he gave us to improve the lives of the poor and working class.
Americans don't agree with your Fascist Mandates to get rid of our Petro powered vehicles and drive your stupid Electricity Guzzling Toxic EVs.
We don't want to be part of your 666 Satanic Global New World Order and Great Reset.
We want control of our Borders. F you and your coke, heroin, and fentanyl addiction and your addiction to trafficking children for your disgusting Pedophile Brothels.
We don't want Sanctuary Cities for law breakers and criminals and drug addicts.

We don't want rapists and murderers running free in our streets on $0 dollar bail to kill and rape again.

You Believe in Choice, Right? Only if it is to Murder 70 Million Black and Hispanic Babies, right. No choice if I don't want foreign DNA injected into me. F you and your population control and your human experimentation. You are a bloodthirsty heathen.

Nothing you believe in is Honest, not even your Horse Shit about a Livable Wage.
How in The Hell are you going to tax the ever living shit out of businesses, entrepreneurs and job creators on one end, and then force them to pay high wages on the other end? You don't think they will simply raise the price of their products dimwit? You gonna enforce your mandates on China, or keep using slaves to build your shit?
The only way to drive up wages is to have a hot domestic economy, give the middle finger to China, produce our own goods here and force employers to compete harder for employees.

Create Wage Wars. You don't need a stinking corrupt government running our economy or our lives.

Take that Buggery to San Francisco with Paul Pelosi and his Gay Illegal Alien Prostitute.
Whatever you say, adolf -keep it up you're the best at scaring the hell out of people with total BS and hate.
He BACKED these candidates and gave them legitimacy, snowflake. And they LOST!! Why?? Because they were as bat shit, foaming at the mouth crazy as he is!

And here you are...again, absolving him of any missteps or incompetence. I LOVE it!!
You just can't quit him. :auiqs.jpg:
Does anyone blame themselves? Now the RNC and McCarthy are getting trashed for all the fn millions of $$$ that was spent on Trumps losers. This is what everyone on the opposing isle expected to happen. Tossing blame. Creating intra-party feud dynamics

Is Trump no longer the GOP's big cheese? Amazing what division a midterm election can produce.
What the Democrats want is to sodomize our children, and corrupt them and sexualize them at an early age.
We don't want men with balls and a cock competing on the women's swim team and changing and showering in women's locker rooms, and dorms, you sick perverted mentally deranged morons.

There is not enough wealth in The World to tax the Rich into Oblivion to give you lazy groomers Universal Income
Americans don't want to be ruled by Religious Fanatics who hate God's Hydrocarbons he gave us to improve the lives of the poor and working class.
Americans don't agree with your Fascist Mandates to get rid of our Petro powered vehicles and drive your stupid Electricity Guzzling Toxic EVs.
We don't want to be part of your 666 Satanic Global New World Order and Great Reset.
We want control of our Borders. F you and your coke, heroin, and fentanyl addiction and your addiction to trafficking children for your disgusting Pedophile Brothels.
We don't want Sanctuary Cities for law breakers and criminals and drug addicts.

We don't want rapists and murderers running free in our streets on $0 dollar bail to kill and rape again.

You Believe in Choice, Right? Only if it is to Murder 70 Million Black and Hispanic Babies, right. No choice if I don't want foreign DNA injected into me. F you and your population control and your human experimentation. You are a bloodthirsty heathen.

Nothing you believe in is Honest, not even your Horse Shit about a Livable Wage.
How in The Hell are you going to tax the ever living shit out of businesses, entrepreneurs and job creators on one end, and then force them to pay high wages on the other end? You don't think they will simply raise the price of their products dimwit? You gonna enforce your mandates on China, or keep using slaves to build your shit?
The only way to drive up wages is to have a hot domestic economy, give the middle finger to China, produce our own goods here and force employers to compete harder for employees.

Create Wage Wars. You don't need a stinking corrupt government running our economy or our lives.

Take that Buggery to San Francisco with Paul Pelosi and his Gay Illegal Alien Prostitute.
Are you off your meds again?
Hell doesn't exist.
Either does Heaven.
Your religion is a myth.
Keep it away from my the Constitution instructs.

That is why you are going to Hell. To be with your monkey ancestors since you are just a Godless Animal without a spirit.
Carry on Ape Man.

BTW, if there is No God, then there is no reason for any laws, rules, politics, or computers, or any of the devices that make life comfortable.
If Evolution is The Law of the Land and where Apemen like you came from, then how come you can't hire a squirrel to mow your lawn?
Shouldn't there be competing squirrel men, fish men, lizard men who evolved to create companies like Ford, Apple, Dell And Microsoft?

Law of the Jungle is the only law if Evolution is where you came from. Don't be surprised when survival of the fittest excludes you from the gene pool.

Maybe you should go back to your cage and start flinging pooh at everyone monkey man.
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OK, I will say it because you are to kind to say .....He cannot quit because the mouth is wrapped around his tRUMP's D*CK!

He BACKED these candidates and gave them legitimacy, snowflake. And they LOST!! Why?? Because they were as bat shit, foaming at the mouth crazy as he is!

And here you are...again, absolving him of any missteps or incompetence. I LOVE it!!
You just can't quit him. :auiqs.jpg:
Doesn't Rump make lots of decisions based on Melanie anyway? Marking applications with a "C"?
Oh wait, I'm thinking of Melanin. Never mind.
Gawd he is a whiny little bitch. Nothing is EVER his fault. It's always someone else who advised him at fault. Last night is his fault and his fault alone.
Why can't Republicans and conservatives just kick this whiny little #### to the curb?? :auiqs.jpg:

That's because "authoritarian passives". Those are the "bottoms" in the authoritarian bubble, the ones so devoid of character they simply wait for some authority figure to tell them what to think, and then leech on. In other words they just ain't got the cojones.
BTW, if there is No God, then there is no reason for any laws, rules, politics, or computers, or any of the devices that make life comfortable.
Who said there is no god?
Not me.
I said YOUR (Christian) version of god/heaven/hell doesn't exist.

It is just Bronze Age superstition.

But as long as you are trying to use "god" to justify your ignorant, tribalistic, primitive and unenlightened religious ideas about science.....
as in, without "god" we wouldn't have ANY of the great (scientific) breakthroughs that make life comfortable.......

how about the medical SCIENCE that allows women to control their own personal reproductive choices.



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