Trump Blaming Wife for OZ Loss

"No, I don't take responsibility at all." djt

Best part of this video is just after he says his lifelong mantra "no I don't take responsibility at all", Dr Birx and Mike Pence just look at each other like, "did he really just say that?".
I am not, thus I am not making claims about Trump's mood.

You on the other hand made claim of fact about Trump's mood, so the question is how you do know what mood he is in if you are not with him?
His own people are talking.
And based upon the two books I have read so far about Trump and ALL the other things I have read....yeah, this behavior COMPLETELY fits his MO.
So it's PROBABLY true.

“Wounded” Trump is “furious” and blaming Melania for his decision to endorse Oz: report “Wounded” Trump is “furious” and blaming Melania for his decision to endorse Oz: report
Who said there is no god?
Not me.
I said YOUR (Christian) version of god/heaven/hell doesn't exist.

It is just Bronze Age superstition.

But as long as you are trying to use "god" to justify your ignorant, tribalistic, primitive and unenlightened religious ideas about science.....
as in, without "god" we wouldn't have ANY of the great (scientific) breakthroughs that make life comfortable.......

how about the medical SCIENCE that allows women to control their own personal reproductive choices.


There is no such thing as personal reproductive choice unless you are talking about Birth Control.
God imparts life. You do not have the right to end an innocent life in an attempt to cover up your sins.

There is a Heaven and a Hell and a God, but somehow I don't believe you will ever meet him.

I suggest you invest in Fire Proof Underwear.

There are many stories this morning about Trump fuming over his endorsed candidates losing. Blaming Melania for her decision to back the OZ? Of course he does. It's never his fault for backing some loser like himself. Other Republicans are blaming him also. This is what you call the start of something big.

Now let's see when Trump announces his bid for 2024.

"The New York Times' Maggie Haberman chimed in on Twitter with her own dispatch that claimed the twice-impeached former president is now even blaming former first lady Melania Trump for some of his own poor endorsements."

"Trump is indeed furious this morning, particularly about Mehmet Oz, and is blaming everyone who advised him to back Oz -- including his wife, describing it as not her best decision, according to people close to him," Haberman writes.

"Haberman also reports that the losses of Trump-backed candidates such as Oz and Don Bolduc may impact his decision to announce his third presidential campaign next week."

Have you ever blamed anything on your spouse? What a wonder baby you are.
250,000 illegal mail in ballots in PA sent out by The DemNazi party is what caused OZ to lose to a brain dead sodomite moron.
Russia, Russia, Russia.

Can I start screaming this again, since you are going with the same FAKE story of hundreds of thousands of illegal mail in ballots.

CLUE: It's called having more people vote for you.
250,000 illegal mail in ballots in PA sent out by The DemNazi party is what caused OZ to lose to a brain dead sodomite moron.
Not really. What caused Oz to have his ass handed back to him was the fact that more people voted for Fetterman, assclown.

Laugh & the world laughs with you, cry & you cry alone. So, how do you like your own company?
Trump is neither “furious” nor ”fuming” this morning.
Melania has a moving company on speed dial for when the orange knuckle dragger announces. No way will she be dragged all over the Country for the next two years with that lunatic.
Russia, Russia, Russia.

Can I start screaming this again, since you are going with the same FAKE story of hundreds of thousands of illegal mail in ballots.

CLUE: It's called having more people vote for you.
The Original Tree is obviously off his meds today.
What he is ignorant of is that mail in ballots in Pennsylvania have already been challenged in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court by Republicans in an attempt to suppress the vote.

They (Republicans) lost.

Mail in voting was not only upheld by the Penn Supreme court as perfectly constitutional; it was expanded.

And Republicans really need to stop their snowflake whining about this because early and absentee voting is going to be the norm for ALL future elections.
Because it is necessary.

We have over a hundred millions people voting now in elections.
The old days of an election being a one day event where eveverybody showed up in person to stand in line and cast a ballot are long gone.
The "volume" of votes has increased too much.

And this is the one thing that drives Republicans BONKERS since most of their "strategy" always revolves around keeping voter turnout as LOW as possible.
Now the genie is out of the bottle and they JUST can't put it back in.

So sad.

Pennsylvania’s mail-voting law is constitutional, the state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday, upholding the 2019 measure that allows any voter to use mail ballots and removing a cloud of uncertainty heading into the midterm elections.

The law dramatically expanded mail voting from a method that had been allowed only in a very small number of cases — about 5% of votes in any given election — to one used by millions over the last two years.

Don't worry little DemNazi. The Bible says your Anti-Christ Messiah wins in the end for a little while.
All your Satanic Dreams of a Godless Utopia come true. It lasts for just 7 years, and God exposes your false god as a fraud, then comes sudden destruction, The Judgement, and extinction of Evil, and from The Ashes God's Kingdom of which you will have no part of.

I read the book and in the end, we win.

When the MAGAts get control of the Federal Govenment.

There are many stories this morning about Trump fuming over his endorsed candidates losing. Blaming Melania for her decision to back the OZ? Of course he does. It's never his fault for backing some loser like himself. Other Republicans are blaming him also. This is what you call the start of something big.

Now let's see when Trump announces his bid for 2024.

"The New York Times' Maggie Haberman chimed in on Twitter with her own dispatch that claimed the twice-impeached former president is now even blaming former first lady Melania Trump for some of his own poor endorsements."

"Trump is indeed furious this morning, particularly about Mehmet Oz, and is blaming everyone who advised him to back Oz -- including his wife, describing it as not her best decision, according to people close to him," Haberman writes.

"Haberman also reports that the losses of Trump-backed candidates such as Oz and Don Bolduc may impact his decision to announce his third presidential campaign next week."

So some leftwing "journalist" claims Trump is blaming Melania? Do you have a quote of him doing that?

Of course you don't.
I have no clue what you are going on about super duper lol but what Democrats want is what every other modern country already has, a living wage healthcare cheap college and training paid parental leave daycare and great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in Americans again period trickle down is total ********
They have tax rates that start at 60%, asshole. They also have unemployment rates that are more than double ours and gas that costs $10.00/gal
Why would anyone vote for someone based on Trump's endorsement?
Are people too lazy to look up a candidate's platform?
There is so much to digest about the mid term election but for some reason hate filled lefties seem to want to focus on faked quotes attributed to a president who has been out of office for two years. Hatred is the reason that Pa. democrats would rather have a racist brain damaged freak in the Senate.

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