Trump blasts mayor of San Juan on Twitter...

Shouldn't she be proud her country is saving the planet with their current zero emission economy
Puerto Ricans are American by birth....her country is the USA

Fun fact from CNN, there are more American citizens living in Puerto Rico than in 20 other US States combined.
And there are more Puerto Ricans living in the US than live in Puerto Rico. Because our culture is superior.
1 in 200 of the whole population of the world is directly descended from Genghis Khan. Must be because Mongol culture is superior.
My problem is the way the Trump administration/ homeland security, etc and Trump himself are out there BRAGGING what a wonderful job they are doing and praising themselves every time they speak....

What the heck is that all about....??? it is shameful and embarrassing and downright strange that this is what Trump and Company are spending their time talking about.... for goodness sake....
trump is like a spoiled child, he has to make everything about himself. He lacks the capacity to care about anyone else.

He's just plain fucking weird — in every possible way.
My problem is the way the Trump administration/ homeland security, etc and Trump himself are out there BRAGGING what a wonderful job they are doing and praising themselves every time they speak....

What the heck is that all about....??? it is shameful and embarrassing and downright strange that this is what Trump and Company are spending their time talking about.... for goodness sake....
trump is like a spoiled child, he has to make everything about himself. He lacks the capacity to care about anyone else.

He's just plain fucking weird — in every possible way.

What's amusing about those claims, that they describe your average liberal snowflake to a Tee! You don't care about other views! You're right and everyone else is wrong! It's why you excuse the actions of people like Hillary Clinton and groups like Antifa.
Fun fact from CNN, there are more American citizens living in Puerto Rico than in 20 other US States combined.
I see what you did there....At first this seemed like one of those things that make ya go "hmmmmmmmmmm"!... then I realized you hid the "PUNCHLINE" in plain the beginning of the sentence, very very clever and extremely funny...good job
Let's have some perspective here, Kiddies! This is the 3rd huge natural disaster that FEMA has had to deal with in a very short amount of time. I can't remember the last time 3 major hurricanes have struck the US in a matter of months like what just happened. From a logistical standpoint there are only so many FEMA people out there and right now you've got to believe they're getting stretched to the max. Add in the fact that this last storm hit an island away from the mainland and that the devastation was so complete that you're going to need to bring EVERYTHING with you and you're going to have to bring it by boat or by plane! To think this is going to be the same response as what took place in Texas and Florida is naive and ignorant!
with a

Yes, it's true that FEMA was hit with a couple of major Hurricane emergencies prior to Hurricane Maria and they are overwhelmed, they are also short handed and understaffed...

My problem is the way the Trump administration/ homeland security, etc and Trump himself are out there BRAGGING what a wonderful job they are doing and praising themselves every time they speak....

What the heck is that all about....??? it is shameful and embarrassing and downright strange that this is what Trump and Company are spending their time talking about.... for goodness sake....

They've done a fantastic job so far...why is it wrong for their leaders to commend them for it? Because it's Donald Trump? If Barack Obama was still sitting in the Oval Office, wouldn't be saying a negative word about leadership in this crisis and you know it!

FEMA was outstanding in Texas and Florida. The task that they now face in Puerto Rico is staggering. You've got no infrastructure left and the affected area is on an island where nothing can be trucked all has to be flown in or shipped by boat. They'll get the job done...but it's going to take a long time. Anyone who thinks it won't has no clue what they're talking about!
trump is like a spoiled child, he has to make everything about himself. He lacks the capacity to care about anyone else.

He's just plain fucking weird — in every possible way.

What's amusing about those claims, that they describe your average liberal snowflake to a Tee! You don't care about other views! You're right and everyone else is wrong! It's why you excuse the actions of people like Hillary Clinton and groups like Antifa.
You're wrong, again, as usual. I've never excused Hillary Clinton. I think she's nearly as despicable as Putin's girlfriend, trump.

I also have no use for Antifa, and before you throw around more baseless accusations, I hate the BLM degenerates, too.
The backwards liberal crackpots are just doing what they know how to do best
1) complain
2) call other people racist

You forgot not do a damn thing, then bitch, like bitches. Has Tyrone strolled through Brownsville yet? Yeah, I thought not.

Has Tyrone ever been on 54th street and read "FUCK THE WHITES"? On the side of the Norton Tire company?

Probably not. I have.

True story. The other half of that building was a big, nice, thrift shop which I was at one week before all the bullcrap.

Right before the whole city smelled like burning rubber for 3 days.
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I guess the priority is stroking Trump's massive ego. Criticize him, dare to point out the emperor has no clothes and your people will suffer as a result.

And still his supporters cheer.

This says more about their state of mind than anything else. First, they were susceptible to the huckster buffoon's message of doom, gloom and he alone can fix this. Second, they never really had any humanity to begin with. One must aspire to and earn humanity through empathy. These folks were never raised to think of anyone beyond their own reflection in the mirror, hence their admiration for someone equally as egotistical.

Glad you don't resort to lumping people into stereotypes, Nosmo! (Eye Roll) Funny how conservatives always contribute more to charity than liberals do...yet we're the ones who are lacking in empathy?
Oh gawd. Not that old canard again.

It's Republicans who need the charity more than anyone. The fact they get the most food stamps proves that.
Oh gawd. Not that old canard again.

It's Republicans who need the charity more than anyone. The fact they get the most food stamps proves that.

I call bullshit on your claim, dnerd.
Oh gawd. Not that old canard again.

It's Republicans who need the charity more than anyone. The fact they get the most food stamps proves that.

I call bullshit on your claim, dnerd.
View attachment 152194

You've proven that Republicans do not receive the most food stamps.

But you've also proven that conservatives receive the most food stamps.

Since polls indicate that a greater percentage of people in the US are conservative than moderate or liberal, and since all of these groups have had 17% on food stamps, then the absolute number of conservatives that have been on food stamps is the highest.
trump is like a spoiled child, he has to make everything about himself. He lacks the capacity to care about anyone else.

He's just plain fucking weird — in every possible way.

What's amusing about those claims, that they describe your average liberal snowflake to a Tee! You don't care about other views! You're right and everyone else is wrong! It's why you excuse the actions of people like Hillary Clinton and groups like Antifa.
You're wrong, again, as usual. I've never excused Hillary Clinton. I think she's nearly as despicable as Putin's girlfriend, trump.

I also have no use for Antifa, and before you throw around more baseless accusations, I hate the BLM degenerates, too.

The difference between Trump and an Obama, Monk is that Barry talked the talk but really did very little to help others. Was the life of an inner city black teenager in Chicago better because of the Obama Presidency? Hillary Clinton isn't much different. Her husband Bill was often called "the first black President" because of his ease courting the black community but when you look at some of the things that the Clintons DID while in office...they're responsible for incarcerating more black men than any two people in the history of this country...yet SHE won the black vote in this last election!
I guess the priority is stroking Trump's massive ego. Criticize him, dare to point out the emperor has no clothes and your people will suffer as a result.

And still his supporters cheer.

This says more about their state of mind than anything else. First, they were susceptible to the huckster buffoon's message of doom, gloom and he alone can fix this. Second, they never really had any humanity to begin with. One must aspire to and earn humanity through empathy. These folks were never raised to think of anyone beyond their own reflection in the mirror, hence their admiration for someone equally as egotistical.

Glad you don't resort to lumping people into stereotypes, Nosmo! (Eye Roll) Funny how conservatives always contribute more to charity than liberals do...yet we're the ones who are lacking in empathy?
Oh gawd. Not that old canard again.

It's Republicans who need the charity more than anyone. The fact they get the most food stamps proves that.

Republicans get the most food stamps? I'd love to see you back that claim up.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients
trump is like a spoiled child, he has to make everything about himself. He lacks the capacity to care about anyone else.

He's just plain fucking weird — in every possible way.

What's amusing about those claims, that they describe your average liberal snowflake to a Tee! You don't care about other views! You're right and everyone else is wrong! It's why you excuse the actions of people like Hillary Clinton and groups like Antifa.
You're wrong, again, as usual. I've never excused Hillary Clinton. I think she's nearly as despicable as Putin's girlfriend, trump.

I also have no use for Antifa, and before you throw around more baseless accusations, I hate the BLM degenerates, too.

The difference between Trump and an Obama, Monk is that Barry talked the talk but really did very little to help others. Was the life of an inner city black teenager in Chicago better because of the Obama Presidency? Hillary Clinton isn't much different. Her husband Bill was often called "the first black President" because of his ease courting the black community but when you look at some of the things that the Clintons DID while in office...they're responsible for incarcerating more black men than any two people in the history of this country...yet SHE won the black vote in this last election!

I thought slick Willie was called the First Black President because of his illegitimate black boy he fathered in southern Mississippi?

I guess the priority is stroking Trump's massive ego. Criticize him, dare to point out the emperor has no clothes and your people will suffer as a result.

And still his supporters cheer.

This says more about their state of mind than anything else. First, they were susceptible to the huckster buffoon's message of doom, gloom and he alone can fix this. Second, they never really had any humanity to begin with. One must aspire to and earn humanity through empathy. These folks were never raised to think of anyone beyond their own reflection in the mirror, hence their admiration for someone equally as egotistical.

Glad you don't resort to lumping people into stereotypes, Nosmo! (Eye Roll) Funny how conservatives always contribute more to charity than liberals do...yet we're the ones who are lacking in empathy?
Oh gawd. Not that old canard again.

It's Republicans who need the charity more than anyone. The fact they get the most food stamps proves that.

Republicans get the most food stamps? I'd love to see you back that claim up.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

For real... I didn't know the ghetto was full of conservatives. Who would of thunk?

The mayor of San Juan is working tirelessly to save her people

Trump is playing golf
I guess the priority is stroking Trump's massive ego. Criticize him, dare to point out the emperor has no clothes and your people will suffer as a result.

And still his supporters cheer.

This says more about their state of mind than anything else. First, they were susceptible to the huckster buffoon's message of doom, gloom and he alone can fix this. Second, they never really had any humanity to begin with. One must aspire to and earn humanity through empathy. These folks were never raised to think of anyone beyond their own reflection in the mirror, hence their admiration for someone equally as egotistical.

Glad you don't resort to lumping people into stereotypes, Nosmo! (Eye Roll) Funny how conservatives always contribute more to charity than liberals do...yet we're the ones who are lacking in empathy?
Oh gawd. Not that old canard again.

It's Republicans who need the charity more than anyone. The fact they get the most food stamps proves that.

Republicans get the most food stamps? I'd love to see you back that claim up.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients
Do you know how to read?

From your link....
Of these, about one-in-five (22%) of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.

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