Trump Blasts Military Generals, Says They Are ‘Embarrassing To Our Country’

correct me if I am wrong but retired and resigned military can publically support whoever they like , is that correct Longknife ??
No, Comrade Trump, YOU are an embarassment to this country!
------------------------------------- [chuckle] not impressed JimH , its easy to call names and do insults with no substance Jim .
No, Comrade Trump, YOU are an embarassment to this country!
------------------------------------- [chuckle] not impressed JimH , its easy to call names and do insults with no substance Jim .

Everytime he opens his mouth, he provides sibstance. He is a gift to the DNC. Who woulda thought that you would nominate a Putin Lover.
Another first for a Presidental candidate. Comrade Trump is the first to appear as a stooge on Russian television. Poooootin using him like a used tampon.:spinner:
well that was fun , liberal Hilary and mrobama supporters and apologists kicked in the nutz and azzez once again but looks like it may be over .

You are truly dopey.
------------------------------------ and you are MOSTLY WRONG HStarsky .

A president has no hand in promoting or assigning the general staffs of the military.
"His" generals will be the same as Obama's
Looks like the RWrs want our military leaders picked via the "Spoils System"....that'll work.
this is the list of retired Generals that support Trump . If an active General publically supports Trump or advises war fighting that mrobama doesn't like well he will probably be fired . Its a military rule that active service personnel keep their opinions to themselves or be disciplined Starsky . ------------- don't you know that Starsky ??
Active military are not allowed to publically support anyone. You know nothing, Jon Snow.
this is the list of retired Generals that support Trump . If an active General publically supports Trump or advises war fighting that mrobama doesn't like well he will probably be fired . Its a military rule that active service personnel keep their opinions to themselves or be disciplined Starsky . ------------- don't you know that Starsky ??
Active military are not allowed to publically support anyone. You know nothing, Jon Snow.
------------------------------------------ I think I said that Bodecia .
I hear that the retired Generals , Admirals , military leaders supporting Trump is up to 120 at the moment Bodecia .
well that was fun , liberal Hilary and mrobama supporters and apologists kicked in the nutz and azzez once again but looks like it may be over .

You are truly dopey.
------------------------------------ and you are MOSTLY WRONG HStarsky .

A president has no hand in promoting or assigning the general staffs of the military.
"His" generals will be the same as Obama's
Looks like the RWrs want our military leaders picked via the "Spoils System"....that'll work.
--------------------------------------------------- well , mrobamas 'Perfumed princes' military generals , admirals and military leaders will probably be ignored and pushed aside while being assigned pencil sharpening duty and emptying wastebaskets if the Trump is elected President Bodecia .
correct me if I am wrong but retired and resigned military can publically support whoever they like , is that correct Longknife ??

Absolutely. The Hatch Act only deals with civil servants AND active duty military personnel. Note the "civil servants". Wonder how often Hillary and her minions broke that law.
Trump Blasts Military Generals, Says They Are ‘Embarrassing To Our Country’

Hours earlier, he said he’d rely on the generals’ expertise to defeat ISIS.

Appearing at the Commander-in-Chief forum on MSNBC, Donald Trump said the generals of the U.S. military were “embarrassing” to America.

Trump said that the generals had been “reduced to rubble.”

Trump has previously said he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

All of this is particularly confusing, since, just hours earlier, Trump said that he would rely on the generals of the U.S. military to create a plan to defeat ISIS.

Trump is a know nothing loser that couldn't wipe the dust off these brave mens shoe. I hope every veteran says a big NO to Trump.

Trump is the kind of treasonous idiot that would even try to turn our generals against each other. Just imagine a war within our own military.

Obama and the Democrats just fucked military members on a 2017 pay raise. How in God's name do you people think there could possibly be a war within our own Military? You people think Commander in Chief is an Entitlement.

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