Trump BOOED this morning when he voted

lol. This picture is worth a thousand...


The Stepford Wife doing what she is told. She's probably trying to vote for Michelle O since she likes her speeches so much.
I guess in NYC you've got to be happy if thugs are doing anythings besides killing cops or each other.
As opposed to Iowa and Nevada where they kill cops.....
There are cesspools in all states, but none bigger than NYC or maybe Chicago which, not coincidentally, are very liberal areas.

This country would come to a standstill without NYC. Everything that runs and hums comes from there. Just try to remember 9/11 and the days following it. I know that's a lot to ask since you can barely remember the last six months....

Say liberal, how come your avatar is of a Quasi-Redskin who is pissed off at the world she wasn't born beautiful?

Winning the second most senior member seat in the Senate made up for all of it.
Nice sons. Hope your sister wasn't in labor too long.
Some derelict crackhead boos Trump and the OP drops his pants and starts rubbing one out.
This country would come to a standstill without NYC. Everything that runs and hums comes from there. Just try to remember 9/11 and the days following it. I know that's a lot to ask since you can barely remember the last six months....
It's exact;y the Trumps and Guilianis of NYC that make things run. not the thugs that are running from them.
The progs will shit nickels when Trump CARRIES New York....remember, you heard it here first. Last week I predicted he'd carry Michigan...not a prog in the house snickering about that this morning.
Some derelict crackhead boos Trump and the OP drops his pants and starts rubbing one out.

I guess you didn't see the tape. The mic was picked up some who were shouting "You're a phony!" Others who were farther away across the street were yelling something else. It was beautiful, man. And I bet Trump is at home right now Tweeting about it.
I guess in NYC you've got to be happy if thugs are doing anythings besides killing cops or each other.
As opposed to Iowa and Nevada where they kill cops.....
There are cesspools in all states, but none bigger than NYC or maybe Chicago which, not coincidentally, are very liberal areas.
Then, don't go to those cities. Perhaps you can't keep up.
Spoken like a true communist. I'm America you should be able to go anywhere you want, but not in liberal shit holes.
You need to make up your mind, Skippy. Here in America, adults don't go places they don't like...if they can help it. They don't go to places they don't like then whine about it.....if they are adults.
This country would come to a standstill without NYC. Everything that runs and hums comes from there. Just try to remember 9/11 and the days following it. I know that's a lot to ask since you can barely remember the last six months....
It's exact;y the Trumps and Guilianis of NYC that make things run. not the thugs that are running from them.

Trump hasn't paid state taxes in 18 years. He doesn't give a fuck about NYC. Michael Bloomberg did more for NY in a day than Trump has done in 30 years.
It's not often when a candidate's home state goes against a big way. Tells us something....
Is that why Hillary didn't run in her home state to be a senator?
You think she would have had a problem there?
Yes, they knew she was a crook. She has to go some where she knew she could win.
Are you sure her home state wouldn't vote for her? It's a heavy Democrat state, you know. Besides, neither Senate seat was up for contention in 2000.

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