Trump Borders on Treason

What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters.

One of those scandals was created by Billy blow job himself and resulted in his impeachment, loss of his law license and a fine. Now tell me who is delusional.

You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Neither was Andrew Johnson..

Yet the facts remain and history will show

The Facts. Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton wereimpeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, but acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon resigned before he could beimpeached.
Impeachment History - Infoplease › spot › impeach
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Agreed, but sadly, it wouldn't go any further than investigating Hillary's obstruction of justice investigation for destroying 30,000+ emails before submitting them for review.

BTW, did you know Hillary was a signatory of 18 U.S.C. section 1519:
"Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."
The law says that no one has to use email, but it is a crime (18 U.S.C. section 1519) to destroy even one message to prevent it from being subpoenaed. Prosecutors charging someone with obstruction don’t even have to establish that any investigation was pending or under way when the deletion took place. As T. Markus Funk explained in ajournal article for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the prosecutor “need only prove that the defendant shredded the documents, at least in part, to make life more difficult for future investigators, if and when they eventually appear.”
declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional!! What the &*^%$##!

You found the "bold" key, Comrade. :thup:

While you Communists are dedicated to ending civil rights, you have zero chance of passing a constitutional amendment to repeal the 1st, 2nd, or 4th Amendments.

So what is a totalitarian thug to do?

Well, there is a myth that the SCOTUS is the Constitution and that codified law is irrelevant, as promoted by the Anti-Liberty left. (note how bolding was used to emphasize a point? Cool, huh?) Put an Elena Kagan who is hostile to the Constitution on the court, and she can find that the right to religion is not a right at all, that it is a privilege constrained to the inside of churches duly licensed by the Federal Department of Religious Compliance. Or that the right to speech does not apply to political opposition to party members.

These are all things that you Communists have already attempted. And of course, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is so gone - armed peasants are never good for a totalitarian system such as that you of the left are establishing.

That right there destroys what little credibility that you might have had. Do you even know what the bill of rights is?? The are AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. They are PART OF THE CONSTITUTION. Therefore they cannot be made unconstitutional by a court!

You of the left demand that the court is the only law of the nation, that the Constitution means only what the SCOTUS wants it to mean at any given moment. You of the anti-liberty left have already attempted to subvert the BoR on many occasions, stopped only by honorable men such as Justice Scalia. Dishonorable scum like Ginsburg already attempted to gut the 1st and 4th. She failed only because she was a minority voice. Should the Marxist faction gain a majority, as it will under Hillary, the Constitution is done.
I have to ask who has American success in their plans. It's not Hillary, she's just four more years of stupid ass obummer. So, I will vote for Trump.

There is a clinical explanation for your resolve.

Pinsky then went on to question the mental health of Trump’s supporters, who seem to support him no matter what he says or does.

What’s more fascinating to me, Don, is not him but his supporters that seem to not be concerned about any of this. That, to me, is fascinating. As always, what is up with us? Let’s just assume that most people that would choose to be in a very high-profile race like this would have narcissistic tendencies, and there’s something called sort of narcissistic injury, then narcissistic rage. If you injureif you really shame somebody — they tend to be sort of teflon when it comes to shame. If you shame them, they can react with extreme aggression and extreme rage. So this seems to be that kind of a psychological process.”

Dr. Drew: Trump And His Supporters Are Mentally Unstable | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave
Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters.

One of those scandals was created by Billy blow job himself and resulted in his impeachment, loss of his law license and a fine. Now tell me who is delusional.

You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.
declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional!! What the &*^%$##!

You found the "bold" key, Comrade. :thup:

While you Communists are dedicated to ending civil rights, you have zero chance of passing a constitutional amendment to repeal the 1st, 2nd, or 4th Amendments.

So what is a totalitarian thug to do?

Well, there is a myth that the SCOTUS is the Constitution and that codified law is irrelevant, as promoted by the Anti-Liberty left. (note how bolding was used to emphasize a point? Cool, huh?) Put an Elena Kagan who is hostile to the Constitution on the court, and she can find that the right to religion is not a right at all, that it is a privilege constrained to the inside of churches duly licensed by the Federal Department of Religious Compliance. Or that the right to speech does not apply to political opposition to party members.

These are all things that you Communists have already attempted. And of course, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is so gone - armed peasants are never good for a totalitarian system such as that you of the left are establishing.

That right there destroys what little credibility that you might have had. Do you even know what the bill of rights is?? The are AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. They are PART OF THE CONSTITUTION. Therefore they cannot be made unconstitutional by a court!

You of the left demand that the court is the only law of the nation, that the Constitution means only what the SCOTUS wants it to mean at any given moment. You of the anti-liberty left have already attempted to subvert the BoR on many occasions, stopped only by honorable men such as Justice Scalia. Dishonorable scum like Ginsburg already attempted to gut the 1st and 4th. She failed only because she was a minority voice. Should the Marxist faction gain a majority, as it will under Hillary, the Constitution is done.

Bwahahaha.....usually when one is in a hole one quits digging...but not you.....Scalia "honorable"....bwahahaha....he's the one that suggested "some African-Americans belong in lesser colleges." I guess what it boils down to is you like Scalia because he's racist, like you.
Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters. impeachment of her husband Mrs. Poopy Head?
Are you retarded? Hillary is not Bill......and FYI, poop filled brain, he was acquitted of such ridiculous charges brought on by retarded conservatives. Wiki: "He was subsequently acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999."

Geez, it must be true, Trumpf supporters are uneducated....I believed that, but I think they are also retarded.

Hey I give Hillary a lot of credit she is a master criminal, Al Capone would be proud of her.

You're just butt sore because you're stupid party can only create such absurd scandals that try as hard as you can, never stick to the wall.

Be afraid for your candidate......he's facing many suits....and I don't mean the ones his companies make in Mexico.
Watch the back drop of these so called die hard Trump supporters, all white, looking like a fresh can of shit spray, people who Trump on his best days wouldn't be caught dead near...the guy is a trash heap magnet for retards.

Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters. impeachment of her husband Mrs. Poopy Head?
Are you retarded? Hillary is not Bill......and FYI, poop filled brain, he was acquitted of such ridiculous charges brought on by retarded conservatives. Wiki: "He was subsequently acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999."

Geez, it must be true, Trumpf supporters are uneducated....I believed that, but I think they are also retarded.

Hey I give Hillary a lot of credit she is a master criminal, Al Capone would be proud of her.

You're just butt sore because you're stupid party can only create such absurd scandals that try as hard as you can, never stick to the wall.

Be afraid for your candidate......he's facing many suits....and I don't mean the ones his companies make in Mexico.
Watch the back drop of these so called die hard Trump supporters, all white, looking like a fresh can of shit spray, people who Trump on his best days wouldn't be caught dead near...the guy is a trash heap magnet for retards.

Shit spray is not a match for our complexions!

Neither is dark meat Willow, but you beat up barbies don't mind digesting it...:banana:
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters.

One of those scandals was created by Billy blow job himself and resulted in his impeachment, loss of his law license and a fine. Now tell me who is delusional.

You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

Apparently you know nothing about how our courts work. The Senate acquitted him....done, over. Take a civics course.
The REAL question is what would trigger an investigation by the justice department and the FBI.
Illegal activity such as obstruction of justice or violating 18 U.S. Code § 1519

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters.

One of those scandals was created by Billy blow job himself and resulted in his impeachment, loss of his law license and a fine. Now tell me who is delusional.

You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

Bwahahaha....I'm laughing at another of your stupid comments "These will declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional"......maybe you should do some, never mind, I forgot you don't have a brain.

That is exactly the danger of activist justices. Kagan has voted against the BoR every time. Your filthy party is dedicated to ending civil rights once and for all, and they certainly won't use the legal means of the amendment process to do so. An activist court ruling that "the people" are somehow not the peasants but only the Hollywood elite, or that "arms" means soda bottles, or that "speech" is limited to abortion at a DNC run clinic.

The SCOTUS has been pretty creative in their corruption of the law in the past, get the Ginsburg, Kagan (with her retarded little dog Sotomayor) faction in the majority, and the Bill of Rights is done.
Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters. impeachment of her husband Mrs. Poopy Head?
Are you retarded? Hillary is not Bill......and FYI, poop filled brain, he was acquitted of such ridiculous charges brought on by retarded conservatives. Wiki: "He was subsequently acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999."

Geez, it must be true, Trumpf supporters are uneducated....I believed that, but I think they are also retarded.

Hey I give Hillary a lot of credit she is a master criminal, Al Capone would be proud of her.

You're just butt sore because you're stupid party can only create such absurd scandals that try as hard as you can, never stick to the wall.

Be afraid for your candidate......he's facing many suits....and I don't mean the ones his companies make in Mexico.
Watch the back drop of these so called die hard Trump supporters, all white, looking like a fresh can of shit spray, people who Trump on his best days wouldn't be caught dead near...the guy is a trash heap magnet for retards.

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters. impeachment of her husband Mrs. Poopy Head?
Are you retarded? Hillary is not Bill......and FYI, poop filled brain, he was acquitted of such ridiculous charges brought on by retarded conservatives. Wiki: "He was subsequently acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999."

Geez, it must be true, Trumpf supporters are uneducated....I believed that, but I think they are also retarded.

Hey I give Hillary a lot of credit she is a master criminal, Al Capone would be proud of her.

You're just butt sore because you're stupid party can only create such absurd scandals that try as hard as you can, never stick to the wall.

Be afraid for your candidate......he's facing many suits....and I don't mean the ones his companies make in Mexico.
Watch the back drop of these so called die hard Trump supporters, all white, looking like a fresh can of shit spray, people who Trump on his best days wouldn't be caught dead near...the guy is a trash heap magnet for retards.

Shit spray is not a match for our complexions!

Neither is dark meat Willow, but you beat up barbies don't mind digesting it...:banana:
Not me. I eat strictly white meat.
Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters.

One of those scandals was created by Billy blow job himself and resulted in his impeachment, loss of his law license and a fine. Now tell me who is delusional.

You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

Apparently you know nothing about how our courts work. The Senate acquitted him....done, over. Take a civics course.

The House and Senate are not our COURTS. We can start here. Was he impeached?
You know................this is just Trumps way of trying to keep the e-mail scandal alive.

Several MONTHS AGO, Hillary turned over her server to the FBI, and it was thoroughly checked out. And..............during the time the FBI checked her server, they said ZERO about it being hacked.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when the DNC actually WAS hacked by Russia. Trump then comes and tries to connect the 2 by saying that if they hacked the DNC, then they probably hacked Hillary as well, and then tries to say that Russia now has her e-mails from a hack (they most likely don't, or they would have released them already), and asks Russia that if they do have the e-mails to release them, and they would be richly rewarded by the media.

2 lies are being told here by both sides. On one side, there is the ASSUMPTION that Hillary was hacked by Russia and they have 30,000 emails of hers, and on the other side they are saying that Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary. He didn't. He just said they probably have them, and if they do, he'd like them to release them.

People get confused so easily nowadays.

Bwahahaha.....usually when one is in a hole one quits digging...but not you.....Scalia "honorable"....bwahahaha....he's the one that suggested "some African-Americans belong in lesser colleges." I guess what it boils down to is you like Scalia because he's racist, like you.

Ah yes, Playtex showing off that DD IQ again... :eusa_whistle:

You do lie, incessantly, but that's just because the hate sites that fill your little mind train you to lie.

What, EXACTLY did Scalia say?

In the past decade, some scholarship has gathered around the idea that affirmative action in fact hurts its “intended beneficiaries,” defined in the research as minority students, who are “mismatched” to universities that grant them admission in part because they belong to an underrepresented demographic at those institutions.

The most prominent articulation of mismatch theory comes from Richard Sander’s “A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law,” published in 2004 in the Stanford Law Review. Sander, who co-authored the court brief with legal writer Stuart Taylor, is a law professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. He argues that because minority students who are admitted to a school through race-based admissions tend to have lower academic credentials, they struggle to thrive in a learning environment with higher standards than those for which their prior education prepared them.}

Where Justice Scalia got the idea that African Americans might be better off at ‘slower-track’ universities


You fucking retard...
What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hey Mrs poopy head,

there is no smear campaign going on against Hillary, Jesus,she does it herself some unintentional because she is a world class elite snob and some on purpose to cover her tracks

Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf. Yeah, she does it to herself, that's why all those Republican created scandals have resulted with actual are so delusional....just like the rest of the morose Trumpf supporters. impeachment of her husband Mrs. Poopy Head?

Hey I give Hillary a lot of credit she is a master criminal, Al Capone would be proud of her.


Hillary Clinton is a typical fucktard.
Willow, we have got to get you a life.....would you like to go to a movie, Mrs. Robinson?
Willow, we have got to get you a life.....would you like to go to a movie, Mrs. Robinson?
LOL. That applies equally to you, Ma'm.
You know................this is just Trumps way of trying to keep the e-mail scandal alive.

Several MONTHS AGO, Hillary turned over her server to the FBI, and it was thoroughly checked out. And..............during the time the FBI checked her server, they said ZERO about it being hacked.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when the DNC actually WAS hacked by Russia. Trump then comes and tries to connect the 2 by saying that if they hacked the DNC, then they probably hacked Hillary as well, and then tries to say that Russia now has her e-mails from a hack (they most likely don't, or they would have released them already), and asks Russia that if they do have the e-mails to release them, and they would be richly rewarded by the media.

2 lies are being told here by both sides. On one side, there is the ASSUMPTION that Hillary was hacked by Russia and they have 30,000 emails of hers, and on the other side they are saying that Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary. He didn't. He just said they probably have them, and if they do, he'd like them to release them.

People get confused so easily nowadays.

Don't you think the email scandal needs to be kept alive?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

When asked if Clinton broke the law, Comey said that his judgment was that there was not enough evidence to "establish beyond a reasonable doubt" that Clinton did so. But Comey also reiterated that he would go as far as to fire someone in the FBI's employ who handled classified information the way the Clinton team did.

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