Trump Borders on Treason

You are just ranting like an insane person.

I'm speaking facts, like an educated person.

You really wouldn't understand.

epeal the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments??! We want to do that? Where do you get that crap from? That is just fucking stupid!


{The Obama Administrationā€™s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate. Case in point, the Obama administration has ordered New York Times reporter James Risen to testify against one of his CIA sources, forcing the case all the way to the Supreme Court. In another investigation, the Justice Department subpoenaedā€”without noticeā€”two months worth of Associated Press reportersā€™ phone records on a leak fishing expedition. The message? Donā€™t report national security stories or you will become a target. If the Administrationā€™s goal is not to restrict the press and First Amendment, it is doing an excellent job nonetheless.}

Obama Press Attacks Degrade the First Amendment In The Name of Security

Yet the record will show that the presidentā€™s gilded rhetoric belies tarnished policies. The prioritization of the presidentā€™s first statement ā€” that religious freedom means simply freedom to worship ā€” in fact parallels his policies. Those policies often violate not only the general principles of the First Amendment, but also the more specific Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, which provides that ā€œGovernment shall not substantially burden a personā€™s exercise of religionā€ and must take ā€œthe least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.ā€

The Obama administration has taken several actions to restrict or outright violate religious liberty. They have gutted the only federal conscience regulation protecting the conscience rights of American health care professionals.

Officials issued a coercive contraception and sterilization mandate that imposes the presidentā€™s abortion ideology on all employers, exempting virtually only places of worship. The thousands of faith-based charities that actually exercise their faith and conscience beyond the four walls of their churches now face millions of dollars in fines by the Obama administration.

The administration has argued before the Supreme Court in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC against a religious institution in an attempt to restrict faith-based organizationsā€™ hiring rights. In a unanimous decision, even Mr. Obamaā€™s own appointees to the court rejected the administrationā€™s radical arguments to restrict religious liberty.}

IMBODY: Obama ā€˜freedom to worshipā€™ assaults First Amendment

he New York Times reported that Obama is drawing up a new executive action designed to execute an end-run around Congress: a requirement for companies that do business of any kind with the government to disclose their ā€œcontributions to groups that spend money to influence campaigns.ā€

Though the action would not prohibit these corporations from getting government business, it suggests that donating to the ā€œwrongā€ party might cause the corporations to LOSE government business.}

Obama Goes After First Amendment With Bombshell New Executive Order

President Obama and his allies in Congress seek to deny the constitutional gun-ownership rights of Americans merely suspected of terror ties ā€” even as the Left champions the non-existent immigration rights of aliens from regions notorious for terror ties. The backbone of the Democratsā€™ stratagem is a specious ā€œconstitutionalā€ claim, one whose logic would empower the government to strip every civil right the Constitution is designed to protect against government encroachment. As posited by Senator Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) at a Judiciary Committee hearing last week, Democrats claim that many constitutional liberties are routinely restricted in emergency circumstances ā€” in particular, Fourth Amendment rights against warrantless search and arrest. Hence, the argument goes, Second Amendment rights, too, may be stripped away if Democrats can concoct an emergency ā€” such as the ongoing crisis in which guns, apparently with minds of their own, mow down infidels.

Read more at:}

According to the legislation:

In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall ... safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.

Dems Sponsor Bill To Violate Fourth Amendment Rights Of Gun Owners - Freedom Outpost

You Communists think that if you just lie, then reality will vanish...

Federal Department of Religious Compliance? What the fuck is that!!?? We're done here. Not dealing with this equine excrement!

Are you actually and in fact as dumb as you present yourself?

Meh, it would explain why you're a Communist....
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trumpā€™s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

From WikiLeaks;

Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for yearsā€¦

Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.

Among its earliest benefactors was former First Lady and current presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. From 1990 to 1992, Clinton served on Lafargeā€™s Board of Directors. Under her tenure, Lafargeā€™s Ohio subsidiary was caught burning hazardous waste to fuel cement plants. Clinton defended the decision at the time.

Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Billā€™s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafargeā€™s EPA fine to less than $600,000.

Read more at WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary's Stunning Connection to ISIS -- Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

You don't care, the more corrupt the better for a Stalinist like you, but I have a feeling America may not be thrilled the Hillary was taking bribes from ISIS. :eusa_whistle:
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trumpā€™s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

From WikiLeaks;

Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for yearsā€¦

Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.

Among its earliest benefactors was former First Lady and current presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. From 1990 to 1992, Clinton served on Lafargeā€™s Board of Directors. Under her tenure, Lafargeā€™s Ohio subsidiary was caught burning hazardous waste to fuel cement plants. Clinton defended the decision at the time.

Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Billā€™s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafargeā€™s EPA fine to less than $600,000.

Read more at WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary's Stunning Connection to ISIS -- Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

You don't care, the more corrupt the better for a Stalinist like you, but I have a feeling America may not be thrilled the Hillary was taking bribes from ISIS. :eusa_whistle:
I see ....I post a factual and verifiable story about Trump on a thread that is about Trump. Then you post a smear of Clinton with allegations by Julian Assange who out to get Clinton before she gets him absent any actual documentation. In addition it is published on a site that is of questionable motives and veracity and appears to have an anti establishment-anti government agenda. One poster on that site wrote:

Once again a site that tells you NOTHING about who's behind it. "About us" doesn't mention who founded the website, who is controlling the website, who is financing the website. Legitimate no agenda websites such as,, and many others are not afraid to let you know who's behind them. The poll itself doesn't mention how many people were polled, how they were chosen or what questions were asked. This is not a poll or website with any credibility whatsoever.
You are just ranting like an insane person.

I'm speaking facts, like an educated person.

You really wouldn't understand.

epeal the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments??! We want to do that? Where do you get that crap from? That is just fucking stupid!


{The Obama Administrationā€™s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate. Case in point, the Obama administration has ordered New York Times reporter James Risen to testify against one of his CIA sources, forcing the case all the way to the Supreme Court. In another investigation, the Justice Department subpoenaedā€”without noticeā€”two months worth of Associated Press reportersā€™ phone records on a leak fishing expedition. The message? Donā€™t report national security stories or you will become a target. If the Administrationā€™s goal is not to restrict the press and First Amendment, it is doing an excellent job nonetheless.}

Obama Press Attacks Degrade the First Amendment In The Name of Security

Yet the record will show that the presidentā€™s gilded rhetoric belies tarnished policies. The prioritization of the presidentā€™s first statement ā€” that religious freedom means simply freedom to worship ā€” in fact parallels his policies. Those policies often violate not only the general principles of the First Amendment, but also the more specific Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, which provides that ā€œGovernment shall not substantially burden a personā€™s exercise of religionā€ and must take ā€œthe least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.ā€

The Obama administration has taken several actions to restrict or outright violate religious liberty. They have gutted the only federal conscience regulation protecting the conscience rights of American health care professionals.

Officials issued a coercive contraception and sterilization mandate that imposes the presidentā€™s abortion ideology on all employers, exempting virtually only places of worship. The thousands of faith-based charities that actually exercise their faith and conscience beyond the four walls of their churches now face millions of dollars in fines by the Obama administration.

The administration has argued before the Supreme Court in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC against a religious institution in an attempt to restrict faith-based organizationsā€™ hiring rights. In a unanimous decision, even Mr. Obamaā€™s own appointees to the court rejected the administrationā€™s radical arguments to restrict religious liberty.}

IMBODY: Obama ā€˜freedom to worshipā€™ assaults First Amendment

he New York Times reported that Obama is drawing up a new executive action designed to execute an end-run around Congress: a requirement for companies that do business of any kind with the government to disclose their ā€œcontributions to groups that spend money to influence campaigns.ā€

Though the action would not prohibit these corporations from getting government business, it suggests that donating to the ā€œwrongā€ party might cause the corporations to LOSE government business.}

Obama Goes After First Amendment With Bombshell New Executive Order

President Obama and his allies in Congress seek to deny the constitutional gun-ownership rights of Americans merely suspected of terror ties ā€” even as the Left champions the non-existent immigration rights of aliens from regions notorious for terror ties. The backbone of the Democratsā€™ stratagem is a specious ā€œconstitutionalā€ claim, one whose logic would empower the government to strip every civil right the Constitution is designed to protect against government encroachment. As posited by Senator Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) at a Judiciary Committee hearing last week, Democrats claim that many constitutional liberties are routinely restricted in emergency circumstances ā€” in particular, Fourth Amendment rights against warrantless search and arrest. Hence, the argument goes, Second Amendment rights, too, may be stripped away if Democrats can concoct an emergency ā€” such as the ongoing crisis in which guns, apparently with minds of their own, mow down infidels.

Read more at:}

According to the legislation:

In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall ... safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.

Dems Sponsor Bill To Violate Fourth Amendment Rights Of Gun Owners - Freedom Outpost

You Communists think that if you just lie, then reality will vanish...

Federal Department of Religious Compliance? What the fuck is that!!?? We're done here. Not dealing with this equine excrement!

Are you actually and in fact as dumb as you present yourself?

Meh, it would explain why you're a Communist....
You just can't come up with anything to counter the any of the dirt on Trump, or to refute the fact that he and his campaign is a disaster, so, you just blather on about Clinton and Obama. I'm not even going to read this garbage but here is something that you should read:

Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours
I see ....I post a factual and verifiable story about Trump on a thread that is about Trump. Then you post a smear of Clinton with allegations by Julian Assange who out to get Clinton before she gets him absent any actual documentation. In addition it is published on a site that is of questionable motives and veracity and appears to have an anti establishment-anti government agenda. One poster on that site wrote:

You are flailing wildly.

There are two possibilities, the emails that WikiLeaks is leaking are legitimate, or they are not. So far, three top Communist operatives, including the disgusting Debbie Wasserman Schultz have resigned. IF the information released were false, it is unlikely top party bosses would be resigning.

So the emails are genuine. Let's face facts, you have no integrity - not a shred or a hint. You have no care that Hillary is taking bribes from ISIS, you merely fear that it will end her campaign. That she is a crook and a traitor isn't an issue with you - only party matters. If you can lie, spin, cheat, distort, or otherwise distract from the fact that Hillary has been engaged in illegal and treasonous dealings with ISIS for years, you will. You hope that enough of the nation places party ahead of the Constitution like you do, so the criminal acts of the traitor Hillary are not considered. The FBI declared that like Stalin, Hillary is not subject to the laws of the land, so it's unlikely that she will be prosecuted. But the people get funny about presidential candidates who are in the pocket of terrorist organizations.

{On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.}

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

IF America elects a known traitor, then we deserve the civil war that will follow.

Bwahahaha.....usually when one is in a hole one quits digging...but not you.....Scalia "honorable"....bwahahaha....he's the one that suggested "some African-Americans belong in lesser colleges." I guess what it boils down to is you like Scalia because he's racist, like you.

Ah yes, Playtex showing off that DD IQ again... :eusa_whistle:

You do lie, incessantly, but that's just because the hate sites that fill your little mind train you to lie.

What, EXACTLY did Scalia say?

In the past decade, some scholarship has gathered around the idea that affirmative action in fact hurts its ā€œintended beneficiaries,ā€ defined in the research as minority students, who are ā€œmismatchedā€ to universities that grant them admission in part because they belong to an underrepresented demographic at those institutions.

The most prominent articulation of mismatch theory comes from Richard Sanderā€™s ā€œA Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law,ā€ published in 2004 in the Stanford Law Review. Sander, who co-authored the court brief with legal writer Stuart Taylor, is a law professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. He argues that because minority students who are admitted to a school through race-based admissions tend to have lower academic credentials, they struggle to thrive in a learning environment with higher standards than those for which their prior education prepared them.}

Where Justice Scalia got the idea that African Americans might be better off at ā€˜slower-trackā€™ universities


You fucking retard...

Racist-bigot-uneducated2008 and beyond... you are such an asswipe claim that Scalia is so honorable and you don't even know what he said....proving that you're the fucking retard. To classify an entire race based on a few students is not only stupid and retarded, it is racist, you fucking bigot. Go wipe that turd drool off your look fucking retarded.
You just can't come up with anything to counter the any of the dirt on Trump, or to refute the fact that he and his campaign is a disaster, so, you just blather on about Clinton and Obama. I'm not even going to read this garbage but here is something that you should read:

Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours

Regardless of what Trump has or has not done, Hillary Clinton is a crook and a traitor.

Yeah, right, that's why your stupid leaders have been so successful at indicting her and sending her to prison. Retard.
You know................this is just Trumps way of trying to keep the e-mail scandal alive.

Several MONTHS AGO, Hillary turned over her server to the FBI, and it was thoroughly checked out. And..............during the time the FBI checked her server, they said ZERO about it being hacked.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when the DNC actually WAS hacked by Russia. Trump then comes and tries to connect the 2 by saying that if they hacked the DNC, then they probably hacked Hillary as well, and then tries to say that Russia now has her e-mails from a hack (they most likely don't, or they would have released them already), and asks Russia that if they do have the e-mails to release them, and they would be richly rewarded by the media.

2 lies are being told here by both sides. On one side, there is the ASSUMPTION that Hillary was hacked by Russia and they have 30,000 emails of hers, and on the other side they are saying that Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary. He didn't. He just said they probably have them, and if they do, he'd like them to release them.

People get confused so easily nowadays.

Don't you think the email scandal needs to be kept alive?
Isn't that what Republican/conservatives trying to do?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

When asked if Clinton broke the law, Comey said that his judgment was that there was not enough evidence to "establish beyond a reasonable doubt" that Clinton did so. But Comey also reiterated that he would go as far as to fire someone in the FBI's employ who handled classified information the way the Clinton team did.

But, he didn't find enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt and he didn't have her indicted. End of Story. You parrot Republicans will keep it alive, just like you keep Benghazi alive, but there is nothing there, so it just makes the bunch of you look retarded. want to compare the insane behavior of Donald Trump supporters who immediately go into a rage and throw out insults whenever the shameful behavior of their hero Trump is brought out? You're delusional.
Fuck Trump. Fuck Hillary. I'm comparing the partisan behavior of their insane supporters. The abusive assholes like yourself, ma'm.

Fuck you.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clintonā€™s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

ā€œRussia, if youā€™re listening, I hope youā€™re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,ā€ he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
So he is almost as crooked as obuthole and the hildabeast.

He's the only crook here. And now he has demeaned a Gold Star can't get any lower than that. Keep kissing his feet.
You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

Damn you are a dumb dumb look at any history book Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson the only to presidents to be Impeached but not removed by the Senate...quit trying to revise history
It does not seem to understand that the house impeaches by a majority vote. There are two possible outcomes in the senate. Acquittal or conviction. It takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict. . But, you have still been impeached no matter what.

What you seem to not understand is that Clinton's "impeachment" by the Republican House doesn't mean shit. It is equivalent to your stupid party's charges against Hillary....they don't mean squat unless they find something to indict/convict and they didn't do that with Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton is still one of the best presidents we've had, regardless of the bullshit the Republicans tried to pull on him...End of Story.
I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

Damn you are a dumb dumb look at any history book Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson the only to presidents to be Impeached but not removed by the Senate...quit trying to revise history
It does not seem to understand that the house impeaches by a majority vote. There are two possible outcomes in the senate. Acquittal or conviction. It takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict. . But, you have still been impeached no matter what.

What you seem to not understand is that Clinton's "impeachment" by the Republican House doesn't mean shit. It is equivalent to your stupid party's charges against Hillary....they don't mean squat unless they find something to indict/convict and they didn't do that with Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton is still one of the best presidents we've had, regardless of the bullshit the Republicans tried to pull on him...End of Story.

Nope that's not what the history books say Mrs revisionist history.
Clinton and Jackson were both impeached and no amount of ugly talk from a moron libtard will change the history books. Clinton is a man whore and was disbarred to boot. Couldn't even keep his law license because he was perjuring himself in front of a federal grand jury. Lying comes naturally to all democrats and especially to Clintons.
You know................this is just Trumps way of trying to keep the e-mail scandal alive.

Several MONTHS AGO, Hillary turned over her server to the FBI, and it was thoroughly checked out. And..............during the time the FBI checked her server, they said ZERO about it being hacked.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when the DNC actually WAS hacked by Russia. Trump then comes and tries to connect the 2 by saying that if they hacked the DNC, then they probably hacked Hillary as well, and then tries to say that Russia now has her e-mails from a hack (they most likely don't, or they would have released them already), and asks Russia that if they do have the e-mails to release them, and they would be richly rewarded by the media.

2 lies are being told here by both sides. On one side, there is the ASSUMPTION that Hillary was hacked by Russia and they have 30,000 emails of hers, and on the other side they are saying that Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary. He didn't. He just said they probably have them, and if they do, he'd like them to release them.

People get confused so easily nowadays.

Don't you think the email scandal needs to be kept alive?
Isn't that what Republican/conservatives trying to do?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

When asked if Clinton broke the law, Comey said that his judgment was that there was not enough evidence to "establish beyond a reasonable doubt" that Clinton did so. But Comey also reiterated that he would go as far as to fire someone in the FBI's employ who handled classified information the way the Clinton team did.

But, he didn't find enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt and he didn't have her indicted. End of Story. You parrot Republicans will keep it alive, just like you keep Benghazi alive, but there is nothing there, so it just makes the bunch of you look retarded.

That is beyond funny. He would have fired her if she worked for the FBI and handled classified info the way she did. You dumbass Democrats are the retards.
You know................this is just Trumps way of trying to keep the e-mail scandal alive.

Several MONTHS AGO, Hillary turned over her server to the FBI, and it was thoroughly checked out. And..............during the time the FBI checked her server, they said ZERO about it being hacked.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when the DNC actually WAS hacked by Russia. Trump then comes and tries to connect the 2 by saying that if they hacked the DNC, then they probably hacked Hillary as well, and then tries to say that Russia now has her e-mails from a hack (they most likely don't, or they would have released them already), and asks Russia that if they do have the e-mails to release them, and they would be richly rewarded by the media.

2 lies are being told here by both sides. On one side, there is the ASSUMPTION that Hillary was hacked by Russia and they have 30,000 emails of hers, and on the other side they are saying that Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary. He didn't. He just said they probably have them, and if they do, he'd like them to release them.

People get confused so easily nowadays.

Don't you think the email scandal needs to be kept alive?
Isn't that what Republican/conservatives trying to do?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

When asked if Clinton broke the law, Comey said that his judgment was that there was not enough evidence to "establish beyond a reasonable doubt" that Clinton did so. But Comey also reiterated that he would go as far as to fire someone in the FBI's employ who handled classified information the way the Clinton team did.

But, he didn't find enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt and he didn't have her indicted. End of Story. You parrot Republicans will keep it alive, just like you keep Benghazi alive, but there is nothing there, so it just makes the bunch of you look retarded.

That is beyond funny. He would have fired her if she worked for the FBI and handled classified info the way she did. You dumbass Democrats are the retards.

Comey is a he's the one that is a dumbass. And, being fired is not equivalent to being a criminal, so you are either stupid or just like to appear stupid.
You just can't come up with anything to counter the any of the dirt on Trump, or to refute the fact that he and his campaign is a disaster, so, you just blather on about Clinton and Obama. I'm not even going to read this garbage but here is something that you should read:

Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours

Regardless of what Trump has or has not done, Hillary Clinton is a crook and a traitor.

So far all he has done was promoting racism, hatred, bigotry, fear, isolation, anger.

Trump is causing a meltdown within the GOP. He refused to endorse Paul Ryan for reelection...... But his VP endorse Ryan.

Pence breaks with Trump, endorses Ryan
Mike Pence breaks with Donald Trump, endorses Paul Ryan -
Clinton and Jackson were both impeached and no amount of ugly talk from a moron libtard will change the history books. Clinton is a man whore and was disbarred to boot. Couldn't even keep his law license because he was perjuring himself in front of a federal grand jury. Lying comes naturally to all democrats and especially to Clintons.

And, it doesn't mean shit, moron. And you should talk about lying.....with your candidate being the worst liar of all time. A candidate that even your own party has deemed unfit. You must be some special kind of stupid to think that he is Presidential.
You just can't come up with anything to counter the any of the dirt on Trump, or to refute the fact that he and his campaign is a disaster, so, you just blather on about Clinton and Obama. I'm not even going to read this garbage but here is something that you should read:

Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours

Regardless of what Trump has or has not done, Hillary Clinton is a crook and a traitor.

So far all he has done was promoting racism, hatred, bigotry, fear, isolation, anger.

Trump is causing a meltdown within the GOP. He refused to endorse Paul Ryan for reelection...... But his VP endorse Ryan.

Pence breaks with Trump, endorses Ryan
Mike Pence breaks with Donald Trump, endorses Paul Ryan -

They are so discombobulated......they don't know what the hell they are doing.

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