Trump Borders on Treason

What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.

And, you're so sure that whoever you're voting for has never ever told one lie? You can't compare whatever lies Hillary has told to the bottomless pit of lies coming from Trump.. I don't know about the other candidates, but I doubt that they've gone throughout life without ever uttering one untruth! Pretty stupid to think that.

Well, you might think it is simple-minded, but let's put it this way......your 3rd party candidate has 0 chances of winning and you know it. So, go ahead and mark their name, or throw it in the trashcan....both actions will have the same result.

Hillary can't tell a lie to save herself. I never said no one has never told a lie, that is a pretty stupid thing to even think.

So not voting for a major party is throwing a vote in the trash can. Maybe to you because you have no principles and will vote for crap. I have higher standards for my Presidents.
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trump’s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm not voting for Hillary. I'm alot smarter than anyone voting for those two nuts.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.

And, you're so sure that whoever you're voting for has never ever told one lie? You can't compare whatever lies Hillary has told to the bottomless pit of lies coming from Trump.. I don't know about the other candidates, but I doubt that they've gone throughout life without ever uttering one untruth! Pretty stupid to think that.

Well, you might think it is simple-minded, but let's put it this way......your 3rd party candidate has 0 chances of winning and you know it. So, go ahead and mark their name, or throw it in the trashcan....both actions will have the same result.

Hillary can't tell a lie to save herself. I never said no one has never told a lie, that is a pretty stupid thing to even think.

So not voting for a major party is throwing a vote in the trash can. Maybe to you because you have no principles and will vote for crap. I have higher standards for my Presidents.
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trump’s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm not voting for Hillary. I'm alot smarter than anyone voting for those two nuts.

Throwing your vote away is not "smarter". Hillary is the best qualified than all 17 Republican candidates and all five Democratic candidates combined.
Clinton and Jackson were both impeached and no amount of ugly talk from a moron libtard will change the history books. Clinton is a man whore and was disbarred to boot. Couldn't even keep his law license because he was perjuring himself in front of a federal grand jury. Lying comes naturally to all democrats and especially to Clintons.

And, it doesn't mean shit, moron. And you should talk about lying.....with your candidate being the worst liar of all time. A candidate that even your own party has deemed unfit. You must be some special kind of stupid to think that he is Presidential.

It won't mean shit for you. If the person has a "D" after their name, you dismiss the lies, no matter how blatant they are. Now, if the lie comes from a person with an "R" after their name then all hell breaks loose. You are a good little partisan hypocrite.
I see ....I post a factual and verifiable story about Trump on a thread that is about Trump. Then you post a smear of Clinton with allegations by Julian Assange who out to get Clinton before she gets him absent any actual documentation. In addition it is published on a site that is of questionable motives and veracity and appears to have an anti establishment-anti government agenda. One poster on that site wrote:

You are flailing wildly.

There are two possibilities, the emails that WikiLeaks is leaking are legitimate, or they are not. So far, three top Communist operatives, including the disgusting Debbie Wasserman Schultz have resigned. IF the information released were false, it is unlikely top party bosses would be resigning.

So the emails are genuine. Let's face facts, you have no integrity - not a shred or a hint. You have no care that Hillary is taking bribes from ISIS, you merely fear that it will end her campaign. That she is a crook and a traitor isn't an issue with you - only party matters. If you can lie, spin, cheat, distort, or otherwise distract from the fact that Hillary has been engaged in illegal and treasonous dealings with ISIS for years, you will. You hope that enough of the nation places party ahead of the Constitution like you do, so the criminal acts of the traitor Hillary are not considered. The FBI declared that like Stalin, Hillary is not subject to the laws of the land, so it's unlikely that she will be prosecuted. But the people get funny about presidential candidates who are in the pocket of terrorist organizations.

{On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.}

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

IF America elects a known traitor, then we deserve the civil war that will follow.
I'm flailing? Says the one who calls us all Communists and traitors while apparently not knowing what a communist actually is.
Clinton and Jackson were both impeached and no amount of ugly talk from a moron libtard will change the history books. Clinton is a man whore and was disbarred to boot. Couldn't even keep his law license because he was perjuring himself in front of a federal grand jury. Lying comes naturally to all democrats and especially to Clintons.

And, it doesn't mean shit, moron. And you should talk about lying.....with your candidate being the worst liar of all time. A candidate that even your own party has deemed unfit. You must be some special kind of stupid to think that he is Presidential.

It won't mean shit for you. If the person has a "D" after their name, you dismiss the lies, no matter how blatant they are. Now, if the lie comes from a person with an "R" after their name then all hell breaks loose. You are a good little partisan hypocrite.

It doesn't mean shit to me because Bill is not the one that is running for the Presidency. Talk about all condemned Hillary for staying with her husband after he cheated on her, but claim to be Christian and abhor divorce. Then you forgave Sanford, the Republican governor of SC who also cheated on his wife, who divorced him, and rewarded him with a Senate seat.

All the crap that you Republican/conservatives claim are Hillary "lies" is nothing but bullshit that you all make up. Your party has a candidate that has been rated the worst liar in the history of the United States....and some of you claim you will throw your vote away, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you go ahead and vote for that demagogue, just like the rest of the hypocrites while claiming that you won't.
Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.

And, you're so sure that whoever you're voting for has never ever told one lie? You can't compare whatever lies Hillary has told to the bottomless pit of lies coming from Trump.. I don't know about the other candidates, but I doubt that they've gone throughout life without ever uttering one untruth! Pretty stupid to think that.

Well, you might think it is simple-minded, but let's put it this way......your 3rd party candidate has 0 chances of winning and you know it. So, go ahead and mark their name, or throw it in the trashcan....both actions will have the same result.

Hillary can't tell a lie to save herself. I never said no one has never told a lie, that is a pretty stupid thing to even think.

So not voting for a major party is throwing a vote in the trash can. Maybe to you because you have no principles and will vote for crap. I have higher standards for my Presidents.
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trump’s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm not voting for Hillary. I'm alot smarter than anyone voting for those two nuts.

Throwing your vote away is not "smarter". Hillary is the best qualified than all 17 Republican candidates and all five Democratic candidates combined.

In your opinion, which is pretty suspect. Clinton lied about the e-mails, Clinton lied about not having more than one cellphone, why the hell would a rational person lie about that. Even after the footage in Bosnia, she had to still lie about that. When it comes down to her and Pat Smith, with Clinton's history, we know she probably lied about that. She had her state department leak lie about Libya. The FBI basically found her to be incompetent. If she was the smartest, I'll glad throw my vote away. I'm not going to contribute with the dumbing down of America.
Clinton and Jackson were both impeached and no amount of ugly talk from a moron libtard will change the history books. Clinton is a man whore and was disbarred to boot. Couldn't even keep his law license because he was perjuring himself in front of a federal grand jury. Lying comes naturally to all democrats and especially to Clintons.

And, it doesn't mean shit, moron. And you should talk about lying.....with your candidate being the worst liar of all time. A candidate that even your own party has deemed unfit. You must be some special kind of stupid to think that he is Presidential.

It won't mean shit for you. If the person has a "D" after their name, you dismiss the lies, no matter how blatant they are. Now, if the lie comes from a person with an "R" after their name then all hell breaks loose. You are a good little partisan hypocrite.

It doesn't mean shit to me because Bill is not the one that is running for the Presidency. Talk about all condemned Hillary for staying with her husband after he cheated on her, but claim to be Christian and abhor divorce. Then you forgave Sanford, the Republican governor of SC who also cheated on his wife, who divorced him, and rewarded him with a Senate seat.

All the crap that you Republican/conservatives claim are Hillary "lies" is nothing but bullshit that you all make up. Your party has a candidate that has been rated the worst liar in the history of the United States....and some of you claim you will throw your vote away, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you go ahead and vote for that demagogue, just like the rest of the hypocrites while claiming that you won't.

Actually, I said Sanford needed to resign. I am not voting Trump so my candidate isn't Republican. More of the liberal nonsense of trying lump people together. Shame that all you see is partisan BS.

I'd actually vote for Bill Clinton over Trump and Bill's incompetent wife.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Nothing will convince Trump supporters that he is not the man for the job because they know that the media is controlled by the democrats, the system is rigged, neither government nor politicians can't be trusted, Trump is being treated unfairly, and everything the opposition says is a lie, including the leadership in the Republican party. Only the worlds from the master's mouth are to be believed.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Nothing will convince Trump supporters that he is not the man for the job because they know that the media is controlled by the democrats, the system is rigged, neither government nor politicians can't be trusted, Trump is being treated unfairly, and everything the opposition says is a lie, including the leadership in the Republican party. Only the worlds from the master's mouth are to be believed.

Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
So he is almost as crooked as obuthole and the hildabeast.

He's the only crook here. And now he has demeaned a Gold Star can't get any lower than that. Keep kissing his feet.
The crooks are the left, particularly the hag hildabeast. Hillary and obuthole has demeaned the whole U.S. Stop kissing their asses.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Nothing will convince Trump supporters that he is not the man for the job because they know that the media is controlled by the democrats, the system is rigged, neither government nor politicians can't be trusted, Trump is being treated unfairly, and everything the opposition says is a lie, including the leadership in the Republican party. Only the worlds from the master's mouth are to be believed.

Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.
To keep the hag hildabeast out.
So far all he has done was promoting racism, hatred, bigotry, fear, isolation, anger.

I didn't ask what slander and libel the little Goebbels of the democratic party came up with.

Trump is causing a meltdown within the GOP. He refused to endorse Paul Ryan for reelection...... But his VP endorse Ryan.

Pence breaks with Trump, endorses Ryan
Mike Pence breaks with Donald Trump, endorses Paul Ryan -

I understand that you seek to slander Trump. I don't give a shit about him. We have an open traitor far too close to power.

BREAKING: WikiLeaks releases hacked audio recordings of Democratic National Committee voicemails. Election 2016

— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) July 28, 2016

JUST IN: WikiLeaks releases hacked DNC voicemails

— The Hill (@thehill) July 28, 2016

BREAKING: #WikiLeaks releases hacked #DNC voicemails: WikiLeaks releases hacked DNC voicemails

— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) July 28, 2016

Read more: BREAKING: Wikileaks Just Released The Biggest Disaster For Democrats - Hillary's Worst Nightmare!

Look, treason is just part of being a democrat, but some of use really don't like it.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
So he is almost as crooked as obuthole and the hildabeast.

He's the only crook here. And now he has demeaned a Gold Star can't get any lower than that. Keep kissing his feet.
The crooks are the left, particularly the hag hildabeast. Hillary and obuthole has demeaned the whole U.S. Stop kissing their asses.
Interesting pattern here. While Trump has run off the rails and we keep posting credible evidence that his campaign is in shambles and he is in a derp spiral, no of you whackos can counter that information in any meaningful way. Rather, all that you can do is attempt to discredit Clinton and trash Obama with bogus horseshit.

Interesting pattern here. While Trump has run off the rails and we keep posting credible evidence that his campaign is in shambles and he is in a derp spiral, no of you whackos can counter that information in any meaningful way. Rather, all that you can do is attempt to discredit Clinton and trash Obama with bogus horseshit.


Her own emails that she "accidentally deleted" which establish ties between her and ISIS are "bogus?" No big deal, right Comrade? I mean, it isn't like treason is a problem - party above all...
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Nothing will convince Trump supporters that he is not the man for the job because they know that the media is controlled by the democrats, the system is rigged, neither government nor politicians can't be trusted, Trump is being treated unfairly, and everything the opposition says is a lie, including the leadership in the Republican party. Only the worlds from the master's mouth are to be believed.

Trump is a joke, I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him.
Trump may not win but he's going get a lot of votes and political analysts are going to be scratching their head for years, asking themselves how did this guy get as far as he did.

The fact is there are a lot of people who agree with Trump. They think the country has gone to hell and it will take an exceptional person to turn it around, someone who is completely different than anyone in Washington today.

Even if Trump loses, he will be an inspiration for the next charismatic demigod and the next one may just have a lot more political savvy than Trump.
Throwing your vote away is not "smarter". Hillary is the best qualified than all 17 Republican candidates and all five Democratic candidates combined.

Treason being her "qualification?"
Batshit Crazy People Who You May Know and Think are Sane:

Linda Harvey: America Will 'Bleed To Death' Under 'Jezebel' Hillary Clinton
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 8/3/2016 2:15 pm
In her WorldNetDaily column yesterday, Linda Harvey of Mission America warned that electing Hillary Clinton as president “will be a stab at the heart of this once-great nation,” predicting that the country will “bleed to death on her watch” and people will be thrown in jail for expressing “Christian views on homosexual behavior.”

Other countries should also fear a Clinton presidency, Harvey said, as she would promote “the diabolical cause of normalizing homosexual conduct worldwide.”

“Fascism continued and extended under a modern-day Jezebel,” she said. “America can do far better than Hillary. Please, if you claim to love the Lord Jesus, do not help elect this corrupt woman.” Linda Harvey: America Will 'Bleed To Death' Under 'Jezebel' Hillary Clinton

Right-Wing Pastor: Clinton Willing To Destroy America For Power
Submitted by Nabi Dressler on Wednesday, 8/3/2016 2:55 pm
On Friday’s edition of “Trunews” with Rick Wiles, Georgia pastor Benjamin Faircloth claimed that if elected, Hillary Clinton “would have no problem setting this nation on fire” and would attempt to expand her authority just as Turkish President Recep Erdoğan has consolidated power following an attempted coup.

“Turkey, what’s happening there, Pastor Rick, is going to happen here in America,” Faircloth said, arguing that Erdoğan staged the coup in order “to take total control, if you will, and be a dictator over that nation.” Right-Wing Pastor: Clinton Willing To Destroy America For Power
Batshit Crazy People Who You May Know and Think are Sane:

So you'll just lie the truth away, eh Comrade?

These latest revelations expose the deep relationship between Hillary Clinton and Lafarge — a company proven to be working with and funding ISIS. The information was released one week after a statement made by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, during an interview with Democracy Now, implicated Clinton as being connected to arming terrorists.
Read more at WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary's Stunning Connection to ISIS -- Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

That's a left wing site, Comrade Shitferbrains.
Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.

And, you're so sure that whoever you're voting for has never ever told one lie? You can't compare whatever lies Hillary has told to the bottomless pit of lies coming from Trump.. I don't know about the other candidates, but I doubt that they've gone throughout life without ever uttering one untruth! Pretty stupid to think that.

Well, you might think it is simple-minded, but let's put it this way......your 3rd party candidate has 0 chances of winning and you know it. So, go ahead and mark their name, or throw it in the trashcan....both actions will have the same result.

Hillary can't tell a lie to save herself. I never said no one has never told a lie, that is a pretty stupid thing to even think.

So not voting for a major party is throwing a vote in the trash can. Maybe to you because you have no principles and will vote for crap. I have higher standards for my Presidents.
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trump’s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm not voting for Hillary. I'm alot smarter than anyone voting for those two nuts.

Throwing your vote away is not "smarter". Hillary is the best qualified than all 17 Republican candidates and all five Democratic candidates combined.
Hillary is the kunt of the democrat party.

Interesting pattern here. While Trump has run off the rails and we keep posting credible evidence that his campaign is in shambles and he is in a derp spiral, no of you whackos can counter that information in any meaningful way. Rather, all that you can do is attempt to discredit Clinton and trash Obama with bogus horseshit.


Her own emails that she "accidentally deleted" which establish ties between her and ISIS are "bogus?" No big deal, right Comrade? I mean, it isn't like treason is a problem - party above all...
So you have seen the E mails that the FBI could not find? WTF?? Care to share.

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