Trump Borders on Treason

One of those scandals was created by Billy blow job himself and resulted in his impeachment, loss of his law license and a fine. Now tell me who is delusional.

You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

There is a clinical explanation for your resolve...
Doesn't this apply to all political partisans? People who back themselves up to a wall of extremism and thing anyone Left or Right of them is an enemy? want to compare the insane behavior of Donald Trump supporters who immediately go into a rage and throw out insults whenever the shameful behavior of their hero Trump is brought out? You're delusional.
No. After the FBI came out and said that there was no evidence of any illegal activity, it should have been dropped.
Ummm, that's not what Comey said:

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe
While Comey said there is no basis to indict Clinton for being "extremely careless" with classified information, he made clear that if she had been working for him, he might have fired her.

"It's not fair to prosecute [such a] person on these facts," but "just because someone's not prosecuted for mishandling classified information, that doesn't mean, if you work in the FBI, there aren't consequences for it," he said.

"They might get fired, they might lose their clearance, they might be suspended for 30 days," or they might face some other "sort of discipline," he said.

"So the notion that it's either prosecute or you walk around ... smiling all day long is just not true for those people who work for the government," he insisted.

If those employees left government, though, there would be no way to discipline them, and they would "be in the same boat" as Clinton, who as a former secretary of state is not facing discipline for her actions, he said.

The Clinton campaign official said "present circumstances" — including her belief that the information was not classified, the absence of proper markings and the fact that many State Department officials initiated these conversations with her — should influence "how the case is viewed in terms of any administrative repercussions."
Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton were both impeached. It's on their record in the history books. Dummies should pick up a book now and then. want to compare the insane behavior of Donald Trump supporters who immediately go into a rage and throw out insults whenever the shameful behavior of their hero Trump is brought out? You're delusional.
Fuck Trump. Fuck Hillary. I'm comparing the partisan behavior of their insane supporters. The abusive assholes like yourself, ma'm.
You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

Damn you are a dumb dumb look at any history book Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson the only to presidents to be Impeached but not removed by the Senate...quit trying to revise history
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
So he is almost as crooked as obuthole and the hildabeast.
Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

Damn you are a dumb dumb look at any history book Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson the only to presidents to be Impeached but not removed by the Senate...quit trying to revise history
He is a libtard, they hate true history.
Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

Damn you are a dumb dumb look at any history book Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson the only to presidents to be Impeached but not removed by the Senate...quit trying to revise history
It does not seem to understand that the house impeaches by a majority vote. There are two possible outcomes in the senate. Acquittal or conviction. It takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict. . But, you have still been impeached no matter what.
declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional!! What the &*^%$##!

You found the "bold" key, Comrade. :thup:

While you Communists are dedicated to ending civil rights, you have zero chance of passing a constitutional amendment to repeal the 1st, 2nd, or 4th Amendments.

So what is a totalitarian thug to do?

Well, there is a myth that the SCOTUS is the Constitution and that codified law is irrelevant, as promoted by the Anti-Liberty left. (note how bolding was used to emphasize a point? Cool, huh?) Put an Elena Kagan who is hostile to the Constitution on the court, and she can find that the right to religion is not a right at all, that it is a privilege constrained to the inside of churches duly licensed by the Federal Department of Religious Compliance. Or that the right to speech does not apply to political opposition to party members.

These are all things that you Communists have already attempted. And of course, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is so gone - armed peasants are never good for a totalitarian system such as that you of the left are establishing.

That right there destroys what little credibility that you might have had. Do you even know what the bill of rights is?? The are AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. They are PART OF THE CONSTITUTION. Therefore they cannot be made unconstitutional by a court!

You of the left demand that the court is the only law of the nation, that the Constitution means only what the SCOTUS wants it to mean at any given moment. You of the anti-liberty left have already attempted to subvert the BoR on many occasions, stopped only by honorable men such as Justice Scalia. Dishonorable scum like Ginsburg already attempted to gut the 1st and 4th. She failed only because she was a minority voice. Should the Marxist faction gain a majority, as it will under Hillary, the Constitution is done.
You are just ranting like an insane person.

Repeal the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments??! We want to do that? Where do you get that crap from? That is just fucking stupid!

Federal Department of Religious Compliance? What the fuck is that!!?? We're done here. Not dealing with this equine excrement!
Last edited:
The InfoWars Candidate: How Donald Trump Is Broadcasting Conservative Misinformation
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/2/2016 5:30 pm
Hardly a week goes by without Donald Trump championing a new conspiracy theory, often qualifying his claims by saying that he is just asking a question or repeating what he heard or read from an unnamed source.

So it wasn’t too surprising to see Trump allege yesterday that the general election may be “rigged” and claim today that “there’s something phony” about polls which show him trailing Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s warning that the election will be stolen and that the polls are deliberately suppressing his level of public support came just days after his confidant Roger Stone and conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones similarly claimed that Clinton plans to rob Trump of the election and that her allies in the media are skewing polls against him so people won’t notice it when the election gets stolen. The InfoWars Candidate: How Donald Trump Is Broadcasting Conservative Misinformation
You are. FYI, Bill was acquitted from the impeachment. So for you conservatives to keep on parroting it just shows that you're either ignorant of what acquittal means, or just butt-headed.

In the common law tradition, an acquittal formally certifies that the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.

And most important, Bill is not the one that is running for case that hadn't occurred to most of you.

Billy blow jab was not acquitted. Apparently you know nothing about it. The House of Representatives IMPEACHED Clinton.

You kinda got to lead her along gently. Think walnuts.

I know, but I screwed up when I said he was not acquitted. The Senate did acquit him, but that was to be expected.

He was impeached by the House though and that's on his record along with his being disbarred and dis honored. He a scuzz.

No, ignoramus.....he was acquitted by the Senate. It's also on his record that he was acquitted...which nullifies the action of impeachment. He was not removed from office.

Impeachment is the same as being charged....but in order to claim that he was impeached he would have had to be found guilty and he would have been removed from office. So, your claim that he was impeached only means that Republicans made charges against him, which the Senate acquitted him of. Republicans are famous for making charges....getting results is where they fail because most of their charges are unfounded.

It's no wonder you wizards keep claiming that Hillary is a "criminal".....all those trumped up charges against her by Republicans, with no indictments. It must be true, Trump supporters are uneducated.....tsk, tsk.

n. what an accused criminal defendant receives if he/she is found not guilty. It is a verdict (a judgment in a criminal case) of not guilty. (See: acquit)

On February 12, 1999, the five-week impeachment trial of Bill Clinton comes to an end, with the Senate voting to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment: perjury and obstruction of justice.

a : to bring an accusation againstb : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in officec : to remove from office especially for misconduct

Then there are these crimes that he was found guilty in a court of law rather then in a political body with partisans voting.

WASHINGTON — The federal judge who found President Clinton in contempt of court last April levied a penalty of $90,686 against him Thursday, making him the first chief executive ever assessed such a payment.

Repeating her condemnation of Clinton for lying under oath in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual harassment lawsuit, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright said that she was imposing the sanction to cover some of Jones' legal expenses and "to deter others who might consider emulating the president's misconduct."

The US Supreme Court yesterday issued an order disbarring former president Bill Clinton from practicing law before the high court. The ruling is seen as marking the official end of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

The court did not explain its reasons for the disbarment, although such a decision usually follows disbarment in a lower court. In April, Mr Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he was given a $25,000 fine.
You are just ranting like an insane person.

Repeal the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments??! We want to do that? Where do you get that crap from? That is just fucking stupid!

Federal Department of Religious Compliance? What the fuck is that!!?? We're done here. Not dealing with this equine excrement!
Not so insane when many prominent Democrats seek to make the Constitution a "living document" subject to being reinterpreted by their elitist standards.

Example; do you believe the Second Amendment means only the National Guard or Federal government should have arms?

Do you support the Patriot Act? Not just the one originally enacted, but the revisions subsequently signed by President Obama?
Actually, the DNC is closer to Communism and Socialism. But spin it anyway you need to to sleep at night.'re the one with a party that considers someone that commits treason worthy of being President. He also dissed all the generals, claiming he knew more about ISIS than they much for Republicans and their claim to be such Patriots and how much they love the military....they believe and reward a buffoon that claims our military sucks.

What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.

And, you're so sure that whoever you're voting for has never ever told one lie? You can't compare whatever lies Hillary has told to the bottomless pit of lies coming from Trump.. I don't know about the other candidates, but I doubt that they've gone throughout life without ever uttering one untruth! Pretty stupid to think that.

Well, you might think it is simple-minded, but let's put it this way......your 3rd party candidate has 0 chances of winning and you know it. So, go ahead and mark their name, or throw it in the trashcan....both actions will have the same result.

Hillary can't tell a lie to save herself. I never said no one has never told a lie, that is a pretty stupid thing to even think.

So not voting for a major party is throwing a vote in the trash can. Maybe to you because you have no principles and will vote for crap. I have higher standards for my Presidents.
Actually, the DNC is closer to Communism and Socialism. But spin it anyway you need to to sleep at night.'re the one with a party that considers someone that commits treason worthy of being President. He also dissed all the generals, claiming he knew more about ISIS than they much for Republicans and their claim to be such Patriots and how much they love the military....they believe and reward a buffoon that claims our military sucks.

What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.


Why what?

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You are clearly clueless about Trump then. It is as plain as day how he says and does thing to create a stir. Many in the public spot light say things to stir up press.

You take Trump's cluelessness and his offensive statesments as a bloke who's taking the piss?? I've heard all the excuses now....
{By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}

Yeah, that's sarcasm, shitferbrains. Oh, he's RIGHT - we would see some incredible stuff, but the sarcasm is clear to anyone with an IQ above 30 or a hint of integrity - which disqualifies you on both counts.

Yeah, course he did..:cuckoo:
You are clearly clueless about Trump then. It is as plain as day how he says and does thing to create a stir. Many in the public spot light say things to stir up press.

You take Trump's cluelessness and his offensive statesments as a bloke who's taking the piss?? I've heard all the excuses now....

I guess you are very smart or savvy to the ways of this country. He is a political shock jock, he says things to stir things up. That is his way. I don't care for it, but I also realize that is his style.'re the one with a party that considers someone that commits treason worthy of being President. He also dissed all the generals, claiming he knew more about ISIS than they much for Republicans and their claim to be such Patriots and how much they love the military....they believe and reward a buffoon that claims our military sucks.

What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.

Hillary is lying scum, I won't vote for her or Trump. Who can trust the woman who lies even when confronted with her lies. Pretty stupid to vote for people you can't trust. As far as throwing away a vote, that is a simple-minded person's answer.

And, you're so sure that whoever you're voting for has never ever told one lie? You can't compare whatever lies Hillary has told to the bottomless pit of lies coming from Trump.. I don't know about the other candidates, but I doubt that they've gone throughout life without ever uttering one untruth! Pretty stupid to think that.

Well, you might think it is simple-minded, but let's put it this way......your 3rd party candidate has 0 chances of winning and you know it. So, go ahead and mark their name, or throw it in the trashcan....both actions will have the same result.

Hillary can't tell a lie to save herself. I never said no one has never told a lie, that is a pretty stupid thing to even think.

So not voting for a major party is throwing a vote in the trash can. Maybe to you because you have no principles and will vote for crap. I have higher standards for my Presidents.
Trump is either a complete idiot or he is throwing the election! Get smart Dude!!

Ignoring Advice, Donald Trump Presses Attack on Khan Family and G.O.P. Leaders

Donald J. Trump’s unabashed and continuing hostility toward the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier, and his attacks on Republican leaders who have rebuked him for it, threaten to shatter his uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election campaign.

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