Trump Borders on Treason

Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."
No one with any sense at all, including Trump believes his promises. Trump's philosophy is keep the opposition guessing. He wants to be seen as unpredictable because he believes that's how to beat the opposition. However, in the presidency unpredictability creates distrust and division. To succeed as president, he needs trust and unity.
The Japanese used waterboarding and it was torture and men did die. The way we do it, its no more than mildly annoying.
Then what's the point in it.

Strange as it may sound, one of the most effective interrogation techniques is pretending to be friends. Many people think this can't work with terrorists but a number of studies have concluded otherwise.

Exactly so. Some of the best information we got was because we gave a diabetic terrorist some sugar free cookies.

After Waterboarding: How to Make Terrorists Talk?
The Japanese used waterboarding and it was torture and men did die. The way we do it, its no more than mildly annoying.
Then what's the point in it.

Strange as it may sound, one of the most effective interrogation techniques is pretending to be friends. Many people think this can't work with terrorists but a number of studies have concluded otherwise.

Exactly so. Some of the best information we got was because we gave a diabetic terrorist some sugar free cookies.

After Waterboarding: How to Make Terrorists Talk?
A person being tortured is going to give you information but are you going to be able to easily confirm it. And if the information is bad, you're going to flag him as an unreliable source and his further usefulness is questionable. It's far better to cultivate trust between the interrogator and the prisoner so that the prisoner will become a willing source of information. This is when you hit the jackpot.

I've never understood why so many people don't understand this. I guess they've watch too many WWII movies.
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You know, when waterboarding was being used in Viet Nam and Korea, it was used by the higher ups to elicit FALSE CONFESSIONS.

None of the information we waterboarded terrorists for ever panned out.
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.
NYC Parks Department Confirms What We Already Knew: Donald Trump's Penis Is Disturbing

Talk about treason!! These are the kind of people who Trump associates with and brings into his fold. It explains a lot about his own coziness with Russia and Putin.

Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) — A firm run by Donald Trump's campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country's pro-Russian government, emails obtained by The Associated Press show. Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.

The lobbying included attempts to gain positive press coverage of Ukrainian officials in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. Another goal: undercutting American public sympathy for the imprisoned rival of Ukraine's then-president. At the time, European and American leaders were pressuring Ukraine to free her.

Gates personally directed the work of two prominent Washington lobbying firms in the matter, the emails show. He worked for Manafort's political consulting firm at the time.
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

I personally don't think that Trump is being controlled by Putin, but I do think that they've got connections with each other that most don't know about.

No, Putin doesn't control Trump, but Trump would make a deal with him if he could get away with it and nobody found out.
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

It's not rocket science.......we know Trump loves praise. We also know he is trying to buddy up to Putin....and Russia hacking the DNC is no coincidence. Putin would very much like to see Trump as President, so he can pull his strings.

Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

I personally don't think that Trump is being controlled by Putin, but I do think that they've got connections with each other that most don't know about.

No, Putin doesn't control Trump, but Trump would make a deal with him if he could get away with it and nobody found out.

And this is inherently bad, why? After all, you guys just supported Obama, making a deal with "Death to America" Ayatollah in Iran. Why is it great when you make a horrible deal, but bad if Trump makes a deal with Putin? Isn't that what you left-wingers claim to want? Us to talk and make deals with those who hate us?
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

It's not rocket science.......we know Trump loves praise. We also know he is trying to buddy up to Putin....and Russia hacking the DNC is no coincidence. Putin would very much like to see Trump as President, so he can pull his strings.

Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'

I find it odd, that you claim the private email server was nothing of any importance, but then complain that Putin hacked the email server.

If there was nothing to it, then you shouldn't care about Putin doing that.

If there was a massive problem with Clinton unsecured email server, maybe you should focus on more than Trump and Putin.

You realize if Hillary wasn't the scum sucking criminal, lying trash that she is, she would never have had the private email server to begin with, and this wouldn't be an issue.

You wouldn't have anything to complain about.
Trump is a Buffoon that is ramping up his intimidation to try and steal the election. His call for "monitors" for the polls is actually a call for vigilantes at the polling places. That is how he has survived. He is a bully and a rich Thug.

The registrars need to make sure the Trump vigilantes don't try and bar voters from their constitutional privileges. Maybe his butt buddy, Poooootin has been instructing him on how to steal an election.

Why is black intimidation okay.

Both parties have poll watchers.
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

It's not rocket science.......we know Trump loves praise. We also know he is trying to buddy up to Putin....and Russia hacking the DNC is no coincidence. Putin would very much like to see Trump as President, so he can pull his strings.

Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'

I find it odd, that you claim the private email server was nothing of any importance, but then complain that Putin hacked the email server.

If there was nothing to it, then you shouldn't care about Putin doing that.

If there was a massive problem with Clinton unsecured email server, maybe you should focus on more than Trump and Putin.

You realize if Hillary wasn't the scum sucking criminal, lying trash that she is, she would never have had the private email server to begin with, and this wouldn't be an issue.

You wouldn't have anything to complain about.
Putin didn't hack the server. The information was taken by DNC staffer, Seth Rich. He gave everything to Asange thinking it would save his life. It didn't work. He was murdered on his way to a 5 am appointment with THE FBI.
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

It's not rocket science.......we know Trump loves praise. We also know he is trying to buddy up to Putin....and Russia hacking the DNC is no coincidence. Putin would very much like to see Trump as President, so he can pull his strings.

Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'

I find it odd, that you claim the private email server was nothing of any importance, but then complain that Putin hacked the email server.

If there was nothing to it, then you shouldn't care about Putin doing that.

If there was a massive problem with Clinton unsecured email server, maybe you should focus on more than Trump and Putin.

You realize if Hillary wasn't the scum sucking criminal, lying trash that she is, she would never have had the private email server to begin with, and this wouldn't be an issue.

You wouldn't have anything to complain about.
Putin didn't hack the server. The information was taken by DNC staffer, Seth Rich. He gave everything to Asange thinking it would save his life. It didn't work. He was murdered on his way to a 5 am appointment with THE FBI.

Right, I knew about this. I'm just responding to their narrative. Come on....
I don't think Julian Assange is dead. Apparently his lawyer is dead. But I doubt Assange is dead.

If he messes with the Clinton's too much, he may end up dead though.

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