Trump Borders on Treason

Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

Trump is now the most dangerous man in the world

Four months ago, I warned that Republican nominee Donald Trump's statements about NATO revealed "a superficial and childlike understanding of the alliance." Trump's recent comments about NATO have demonstrated that I underestimated how much he would harm the alliance and thereby damage the security of the U.S. and our allies.
Trump's disclosure that if he is elected president, the U.S. may not defend NATO allies attacked by Russia, breaks over six decades of strong bipartisan support for the transatlantic alliance. Since World War II, every American president has recognized the importance of NATO to the U.S. and they would all reject the madness of Trump's views on the alliance. For example, Ronald Reagan described NATO as "the core of America's foreign policy and of America's own security." Trump fails to understand this central role of NATO in U.S. national security.
If elected president, Trump may accomplish what a hundred Soviet military divisions could not do throughout the Cold War: break NATO and end the successful alliance between the transatlantic democracies.
Whether he wins or loses, Trump has already pleased Russian President Vladimir Putin by harming the credibility of America as an ally and weakening deterrence in Europe. Trump has also refuted John Kennedy's pledge that "the American commitment to the freedom of Europe is reliable." In contrast, Trump promises that as president he is prepared to tell allies under attack, "Congratulations, you will be defending yourself."

I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.

You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?

It's not rocket science.......we know Trump loves praise. We also know he is trying to buddy up to Putin....and Russia hacking the DNC is no coincidence. Putin would very much like to see Trump as President, so he can pull his strings.

Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'

I find it odd, that you claim the private email server was nothing of any importance, but then complain that Putin hacked the email server.
I find it odd that you claim that I claim the private email server was nothing of any importance. Please quote me where I said that, or is this just another example of conservative made-up shit?

If there was nothing to it, then you shouldn't care about Putin doing that.
What I have said is that Comey, the FBI director did not find any criminal behavior on the part of Hillary. How you can interpret that to mean that there was nothing to it is probably why conservatives are so paranoid....they read stuff that isn't there. And, the reason that I care that Putin is doing it is because Russia is not a great ally of the United States, as your dumb candidate suggests. Putin may have found an easy puppet to manipulate in Trump and hopes to use him to harm the United States.

If there was a massive problem with Clinton unsecured email server, maybe you should focus on more than Trump and Putin.
What an ignoramus. It has been proven that there was a massive problem with Clinton's unsecured email server....otherwise the FBI wouldn't have done the investigation. But, you're so transparent in your attempt to redirect the focus away from Trump, Putin's new puppet. Yet, even a Republican director, Comey, did not find any criminal act in what she why do you ignoramuses keep hammering at it? Because you have nothing else.
You realize if Hillary wasn't the scum sucking criminal, lying trash that she is, she would never have had the private email server to begin with, and this wouldn't be an issue.

You realize that if Hillary was the criminal (never mind the nasty conservative ad hominem you added), the FBI would have indicted her and we wouldn't be discussing this issue. But of course, you are intelligence impaired, so how could you have deducted that from Comey's finding?

You wouldn't have anything to complain about.
I'm sure your stupid party would have come up with some other scandal to accuse her of and spend thousands of our taxpayer money, because that is what "conservatives" do....they waste our money on frivolous shit that doesn't amount to anything while claiming all the while that they are "conservative". Like shit. Go figure!
Trump is much worse than just a traitor:

Anti-Semitic Preacher Hopes Trump Will Be God's Instrument To Finally Destroy The Jews
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 8/25/2016 2:51 pm
Among the anti-Semites and white supremacists rallying behind Donald Trump is Christian writer and conspiracy theorist Texe Marrs, who declared on a radio program recently that Trump just might be God's instrument for finally destroying Israel and the Jews.

While speaking with Jeff Rense, a fellow right-wing extremist, Marrs made the case that Trump has a lot in common with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, which he meant as a compliment.

Anti-Semitic Preacher Hopes Trump Will Be God's Instrument To Finally Destroy The Jews
Trump is much worse than just a traitor:

Anti-Semitic Preacher Hopes Trump Will Be God's Instrument To Finally Destroy The Jews
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 8/25/2016 2:51 pm
Among the anti-Semites and white supremacists rallying behind Donald Trump is Christian writer and conspiracy theorist Texe Marrs, who declared on a radio program recently that Trump just might be God's instrument for finally destroying Israel and the Jews.

While speaking with Jeff Rense, a fellow right-wing extremist, Marrs made the case that Trump has a lot in common with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, which he meant as a compliment.

Anti-Semitic Preacher Hopes Trump Will Be God's Instrument To Finally Destroy The Jews

Which only proves that Trump supporters although some claim to be "Christian" don't even know what that means. Especially the one featured in your link, Texe Marrs.

"Among the anti-Semites and white supremacists rallying behind Donald Trump is Christian writer and conspiracy theorist Texe Marrs, who declared on a radio programrecently that Trump just might be God's instrument for finally destroying Israel and the Jews.

While speaking with Jeff Rense, a fellow right-wing extremist, Marrs made the case that Trump has a lot in common with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, which he meant as a compliment."

Professing Christians hold Jews in high regard, so go figure!
Donald Trump's Extremist Allies: Who's Who At The Values Voter Summit 2016

Donald Trump is slated to join conservative activists and a number of GOP elected officials at next weekend’s Values Voter Summit, the annual Washington, D.C., event sponsored by the Family Research Council.

The GOP nominee has been busy recruiting Religious Right leaders, often while waving the Bible in the air and boasting about his plans to appoint conservative jurists to the bench and end the “War on Christmas.”

The activists joining Trump at the Values Voter Summit are some of the country’s most extreme opponents of LGBT rights, vocal conspiracy theorists and outspoken critics of the separation of church and state: want to compare the insane behavior of Donald Trump supporters who immediately go into a rage and throw out insults whenever the shameful behavior of their hero Trump is brought out? You're delusional.

Insults everyone, then complains about insults? Let's see...

It appears that you turn out to be the idiot, here, moron.
No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.
Boy, you all are really stupid.
Another idiot confusing the DNC e-mails to Hillary's e-mails. Boy, you all need to catch up....stupid people like those exhibiting their stupidity here should not be allowed to vote.
Except those weren't Hillary's e-mails, idiot.
No, idiot. Russia didn't hack into Hillary's e-mails. Geez, I'm really getting tired of trying to educate so many uninformed people.

That's from first two pages only. Shall we continue?

You're the idiot.....if they could hack the DNC, what makes a bigger idiot like you think that her mail was safer at .gov?
Bwahahaha! What a dumbass.
Just because your one-cell brain clump doesn't understand what is being said doesn't mean what is being said is not intelligent, you ignorant buffoon.
Thanks for proving over and over what an ignorant piece of poop you really are. Nobody cares what your poop filled brain thinks.
Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf.
It's official.......Trump is a whacko and so are his followers. want to compare the insane behavior of Donald Trump supporters who immediately go into a rage and throw out insults whenever the shameful behavior of their hero Trump is brought out? You're delusional.

Insults everyone, then complains about insults? Let's see...

It appears that you turn out to be the idiot, here, moron.
No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.
Boy, you all are really stupid.
Another idiot confusing the DNC e-mails to Hillary's e-mails. Boy, you all need to catch up....stupid people like those exhibiting their stupidity here should not be allowed to vote.
Except those weren't Hillary's e-mails, idiot.
No, idiot. Russia didn't hack into Hillary's e-mails. Geez, I'm really getting tired of trying to educate so many uninformed people.

That's from first two pages only. Shall we continue?

You're the idiot.....if they could hack the DNC, what makes a bigger idiot like you think that her mail was safer at .gov?
Bwahahaha! What a dumbass.
Just because your one-cell brain clump doesn't understand what is being said doesn't mean what is being said is not intelligent, you ignorant buffoon.
Thanks for proving over and over what an ignorant piece of poop you really are. Nobody cares what your poop filled brain thinks.
Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf.
It's official.......Trump is a whacko and so are his followers.

You conveniently forgot to post the comments I was responding to. Typical of Trump supporters (mostly conservative)....they are hypocrites.

I don't respond in a nasty way unless they are nasty to me first......Trump and many of his supporters here on this forum, get nasty without being provoked....probably because they have no debating skills, like you. want to compare the insane behavior of Donald Trump supporters who immediately go into a rage and throw out insults whenever the shameful behavior of their hero Trump is brought out? You're delusional.

Insults everyone, then complains about insults? Let's see...

It appears that you turn out to be the idiot, here, moron.
No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.
Boy, you all are really stupid.
Another idiot confusing the DNC e-mails to Hillary's e-mails. Boy, you all need to catch up....stupid people like those exhibiting their stupidity here should not be allowed to vote.
Except those weren't Hillary's e-mails, idiot.
No, idiot. Russia didn't hack into Hillary's e-mails. Geez, I'm really getting tired of trying to educate so many uninformed people.

That's from first two pages only. Shall we continue?

You're the idiot.....if they could hack the DNC, what makes a bigger idiot like you think that her mail was safer at .gov?
Bwahahaha! What a dumbass.
Just because your one-cell brain clump doesn't understand what is being said doesn't mean what is being said is not intelligent, you ignorant buffoon.
Thanks for proving over and over what an ignorant piece of poop you really are. Nobody cares what your poop filled brain thinks.
Uh, oh, another poop-filled brain moron coming to the rescue of Trumpf.
It's official.......Trump is a whacko and so are his followers.

You conveniently forgot to post the comments I was responding to. Typical of Trump supporters (mostly conservative)....they are hypocrites.

I don't respond in a nasty way unless they are nasty to me first......Trump and many of his supporters here on this forum, get nasty without being provoked....probably because they have no debating skills, like you.

Nope, in majority of cases you are the one who initiate the insults, especially when conversation doesn't go in your favor. Once you get bitch slapped, you complain how you're treated.
33+ years investigating Hillary & they found nothing. Trump committed to get elected! Impeachment is coming as soon as Democrats retake congress in 2018 election.
33+ years investigating Hillary & they found nothing. Trump committed to get elected! Impeachment is coming as soon as Democrats retake congress in 2018 election.
Make sure you buy plenty of lubricant for two years of jerking off, and then losing, big league. :rofl:
33+ years investigating Hillary & they found nothing. Trump committed to get elected! Impeachment is coming as soon as Democrats retake congress in 2018 election.

Trump is a lying slug, who used stolen emails from Russia to slam Hillary. If the GOP keeps stonewalling a full, open. investigation, they will lose both the House and Senate in 2018. Choose Repubs
33+ years investigating Hillary & they found nothing. Trump committed to get elected! Impeachment is coming as soon as Democrats retake congress in 2018 election.

Trump is a lying slug, who used stolen emails from Russia to slam Hillary. If the GOP keeps stonewalling a full, open. investigation, they will lose both the House and Senate in 2018. Choose Repubs
Nobody needs stolen anything to slam Hillary. She's a psychopathic felon.
33+ years investigating Hillary & they found nothing. Trump committed to get elected! Impeachment is coming as soon as Democrats retake congress in 2018 election.
Incorrect. A lot was found on Hillary "Sniper Fire" Clinton, but all of it, as Comey stated, didn't have enough evidence to prosecute.

In the movie "The Godfather II", in a scene during testimony for the Senate Committee on Organized Crime these lines were said:

Senator Pat Geary: Mr. Cici, was there always a buffer involved?

Willi Cici: A what?

Senator Pat Geary: A buffer. Someone in between you and your possible superiors who passed on to you the actual order to kill someone.

Willi Cici: Oh yeah, a buffer. The family had a lot of buffers!

The same can be said about the Clinton family. ;)
I think more and more we are finding out that Trump is probably just a puppet being controlled by Putin. The idiot thinks that Putin thinks highly of him when in actuality, Putin knows he is easy to manipulate and a great candidate for President of the US, so that Trump can help him (Putin) make Russia the greatest nation in the world, instead of the United States. Suckers that support Trump can't even see it.
You really think..... that Trump is controlled by Putin? Honestly? I mean, this isn't a really pathetic attempt at sarcasm or whatever you left-wingers consider "funny".... you actually think that Putin.... really truly is in control of Donald Trump....?
It's just the LWL version of the "Obama is a Muslim Kenyan sleeper agent" meme.

Even if Trump was Putin's puppet, the fact remains there are too many eyes in government to allow him to do anything.

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