Trump Borders on Treason

Where does it say it's against the Geneva Convention?

ISIS doesn't qualify for Geneva Convention rules. And they damned sure don't go by them.

In the field you probably have a good point. Once captured I think the responsibility goes to the capturing country.

I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.
Since waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques are surrounded in a veil of secrecy, we don't know how effective they are. There're a lot of "experts" who claim they don't work and there're others that claim they do.

IMHO, there are a lot of interrogation techniques that have been proven effective and we should stick with those, at least in the world as is today. There may come a time that the threat to the US homeland has become so great as to justify compromising our moral standards for security’s sake, however, we are not there, at least not yet.

The one thing we have to keep in mind is that the purpose of an interrogation is to obtain information. If the purpose becomes otherwise, all objectivity is lost and we become no better than our enemies.

To some knuckle dragging cretins being better has no meaning. We signed an important international document guaranteeing how we would treat captured prisoners. It is clear that some Americans ARE no better than our enemies.

If waterboarding saves the life of ONE American soldier, it is completely justified. It is clear that some Americans have never served in a shooting war.
I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.
Since waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques are surrounded in a veil of secrecy, we don't know how effective they are. There're a lot of "experts" who claim they don't work and there're others that claim they do.

IMHO, there are a lot of interrogation techniques that have been proven effective and we should stick with those, at least in the world as is today. There may come a time that the threat to the US homeland has become so great as to justify compromising our moral standards for security’s sake, however, we are not there, at least not yet.

The one thing we have to keep in mind is that the purpose of an interrogation is to obtain information. If the purpose becomes otherwise, all objectivity is lost and we become no better than our enemies.

When we chop off their heads we become no better than our enemies.
I agree, so maybe we shouldn't chop heads off.

I don't recall the US ever chopping off any heads. It is a certainty that LWNJ's will say that Trump wanted to. Waterboarding is a non fatal interrogation method that has worked in obtaining information a few times according to the CIA.

Trump stated clearly that he would employ methods "a lot worse than waterboarding".

Sierra Hotel!
Where does it say it's against the Geneva Convention?

ISIS doesn't qualify for Geneva Convention ruCles. And they damned sure don't go by them.

In the field you probably have a good point. Once captured I think the responsibility goes to the capturing country.

I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.

Lucky us you are not still carrying a weapon.

I have a concealed carry permit, but carrying a weapon has NOTHING to do with waterboarding.

Great tough guy. Why don't you head over to Chicago and sort that out for us. You could capture gang bangers and waterboard them to tell you where their headquarters are. Then go kill em.
Trump is a Buffoon that is ramping up his intimidation to try and steal the election. His call for "monitors" for the polls is actually a call for vigilantes at the polling places. That is how he has survived. He is a bully and a rich Thug.

The registrars need to make sure the Trump vigilantes don't try and bar voters from their constitutional privileges. Maybe his butt buddy, Poooootin has been instructing him on how to steal an election.

ISIS doesn't qualify for Geneva Convention rules. And they damned sure don't go by them.

In the field you probably have a good point. Once captured I think the responsibility goes to the capturing country.

I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.
Since waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques are surrounded in a veil of secrecy, we don't know how effective they are. There're a lot of "experts" who claim they don't work and there're others that claim they do.

IMHO, there are a lot of interrogation techniques that have been proven effective and we should stick with those, at least in the world as is today. There may come a time that the threat to the US homeland has become so great as to justify compromising our moral standards for security’s sake, however, we are not there, at least not yet.

The one thing we have to keep in mind is that the purpose of an interrogation is to obtain information. If the purpose becomes otherwise, all objectivity is lost and we become no better than our enemies.

To some knuckle dragging cretins being better has no meaning. We signed an important international document guaranteeing how we would treat captured prisoners. It is clear that some Americans ARE no better than our enemies.

If waterboarding saves the life of ONE American soldier, it is completely justified. It is clear that some Americans have never served in a shooting war.

Ya think? 99% of Americans have never served in a shooting war ya dolt.
ISIS doesn't qualify for Geneva Convention ruCles. And they damned sure don't go by them.

In the field you probably have a good point. Once captured I think the responsibility goes to the capturing country.

I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.

Lucky us you are not still carrying a weapon.

I have a concealed carry permit, but carrying a weapon has NOTHING to do with waterboarding.

Great tough guy. Why don't you head over to Chicago and sort that out for us. You could capture gang bangers and waterboard them to tell you where their headquarters are. Then go kill em.

Not my job. Take that up with the Mayor of Chicago and the Governor of Illinois.
Since waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques are surrounded in a veil of secrecy, we don't know how effective they are. There're a lot of "experts" who claim they don't work and there're others that claim they do.

IMHO, there are a lot of interrogation techniques that have been proven effective and we should stick with those, at least in the world as is today. There may come a time that the threat to the US homeland has become so great as to justify compromising our moral standards for security’s sake, however, we are not there, at least not yet.

The one thing we have to keep in mind is that the purpose of an interrogation is to obtain information. If the purpose becomes otherwise, all objectivity is lost and we become no better than our enemies.

When we chop off their heads we become no better than our enemies.
I agree, so maybe we shouldn't chop heads off.

I don't recall the US ever chopping off any heads. It is a certainty that LWNJ's will say that Trump wanted to. Waterboarding is a non fatal interrogation method that has worked in obtaining information a few times according to the CIA.

Trump stated clearly that he would employ methods "a lot worse than waterboarding".

Sierra Hotel!

Yankee Oscar Uniform.... Alpha Romeo Echo.... Alpha November ... India Delta India Oscar Tango
Trump is a Buffoon that is ramping up his intimidation to try and steal the election. His call for "monitors" for the polls is actually a call for vigilantes at the polling places. That is how he has survived. He is a bully and a rich Thug.

The registrars need to make sure the Trump vigilantes don't try and bar voters from their constitutional privileges. Maybe his butt buddy, Poooootin has been instructing him on how to steal an election.


Yup! The communists have won 100% to nothing lots of times.
I hate to break the news to you but the job of the president is political from the day he takes office to the day he leaves. Every decision he makes will be political. If it make sense to you to put someone in the office that is a political neophyte, with no understanding of how the government and congress actually work, and has to look in the dictionary for definition of geopolitics, then you have no idea what the job of the president really entails.

Understanding the cultures, the history and driving forces of our allies and enemies, an understanding of American foreign policy, it's successes and failures, a knowledge of the personalities, and key issues for members of congress, an understating of government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and finance, a basic knowledge of our laws and how they relate to the constitution, and a working knowledge of the components of the executives branch are critical to the work of the president. This is the real world experience and knowledge anyone applying for the president's job needs. It's impossible for any president to have all the knowledge and experience he needs, but for a person to come to the office with nothing he needs is a hell of problem.

Donald Trump's experience developing and managing real estate is about as applicable to the job of the president as the experience of Joe the plumber.

Well, you pointed out that Obama had "all this experience" and look what that got use ....... screwed.

You're surely delusional.....the one that got us screwed was G W Bush. Obama was the one that rescued the're just a little behind the times....time for you to catch up.

Can I laugh any harder...I don't think so.

Bush screwed us.

He also cost his party the house and senate.

Obama threw the country a cement life preserver......

Time for you to pull your head out of your ass.

Apparently your head is so far up the Republican's party ass you are unable to see reality. Maybe you should read a current newspaper....oh, you probably have trouble reading. I see you had trouble comprehending!

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

I'm so tired of dealing with the uneducated Trump supporters....they're just as whacko as he is...thanks for playing. Now go play with yourself....I don't have time for idiots like you.

Please show me one post where I supported Trump.

You can't. It simply fits your little ten-year-old view of the world.

Our country is desperately out of balance and Obama did nothing to help that.

I watched, in real life, as his policies and approaches made the rich richer.

Income suppression at the lower end and a lack of jobs has driven people from the labor force.

What's worse (and is never spoken of by either candidate) is the huge debt Obama helped create.

I don't belong to the GOP. It's you that is licking the balls of your far left masters and asking it they'll let you do it tomorrow.

When the smoke clears, it will be people like you (on both sides) that will be responsible for the bigger messes this country faces in the short term future.

Playing ? Who plays ? I actually live in this world. You've been on drugs far to long.

Looking forward to that know...the one where I support Trump.

You don't support Trump? My sounded just like the dumb idiots that support Trump.
In the field you probably have a good point. Once captured I think the responsibility goes to the capturing country.

I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.
Since waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques are surrounded in a veil of secrecy, we don't know how effective they are. There're a lot of "experts" who claim they don't work and there're others that claim they do.

IMHO, there are a lot of interrogation techniques that have been proven effective and we should stick with those, at least in the world as is today. There may come a time that the threat to the US homeland has become so great as to justify compromising our moral standards for security’s sake, however, we are not there, at least not yet.

The one thing we have to keep in mind is that the purpose of an interrogation is to obtain information. If the purpose becomes otherwise, all objectivity is lost and we become no better than our enemies.

To some knuckle dragging cretins being better has no meaning. We signed an important international document guaranteeing how we would treat captured prisoners. It is clear that some Americans ARE no better than our enemies.

If waterboarding saves the life of ONE American soldier, it is completely justified. It is clear that some Americans have never served in a shooting war.

Ya think? 99% of Americans have never served in a shooting war ya dolt.

It is also clear that that a lot of the 99% did not support those that did serve.
What no post Mertex ?

Didn't think so.

There is a reason they call you Brown-eyes.

Maybe you don't understand English? I said I don't like to converse with idiots and with every one of your posts you prove to be a bigger idiot than the last post. Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege.
When we chop off their heads we become no better than our enemies.
I agree, so maybe we shouldn't chop heads off.

I don't recall the US ever chopping off any heads. It is a certainty that LWNJ's will say that Trump wanted to. Waterboarding is a non fatal interrogation method that has worked in obtaining information a few times according to the CIA.

Trump stated clearly that he would employ methods "a lot worse than waterboarding".

Sierra Hotel!

Yankee Oscar Uniform.... Alpha Romeo Echo.... Alpha November ... India Delta India Oscar Tango

I am a Papa Alpha Tango Romeo India Oscar Tango. You are a Foxtrot Oscar Oscar Lima.
I am a vet, and If waterboarding saves one American soldiers life, it is justified in my opinion.
Since waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques are surrounded in a veil of secrecy, we don't know how effective they are. There're a lot of "experts" who claim they don't work and there're others that claim they do.

IMHO, there are a lot of interrogation techniques that have been proven effective and we should stick with those, at least in the world as is today. There may come a time that the threat to the US homeland has become so great as to justify compromising our moral standards for security’s sake, however, we are not there, at least not yet.

The one thing we have to keep in mind is that the purpose of an interrogation is to obtain information. If the purpose becomes otherwise, all objectivity is lost and we become no better than our enemies.

To some knuckle dragging cretins being better has no meaning. We signed an important international document guaranteeing how we would treat captured prisoners. It is clear that some Americans ARE no better than our enemies.

If waterboarding saves the life of ONE American soldier, it is completely justified. It is clear that some Americans have never served in a shooting war.

Ya think? 99% of Americans have never served in a shooting war ya dolt.

It is also clear that that a lot of the 99% did not support those that did serve.

Oh that's right YOU saved my rights for me by invading a lot of third world countries , some illegally. Thanks Sparky! How would we ever have survived if you didn't invade Granada?
The Japanese used waterboarding and it was torture and men did die. The way we do it, its no more than mildly annoying.
Then what's the point in it.

Strange as it may sound, one of the most effective interrogation techniques is pretending to be friends. Many people think this can't work with terrorists but a number of studies have concluded otherwise.
Trump and his surrogates claimed that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIL. And, for several days, they doubled down on those claims.

Today he said he was being sarcastic.

Only problem is, sarcasm is saying something you don't believe in an ironic and snarky way. Does this mean that Obama and Hillary DIDN'T found ISIL?

And now...............he's yet again telling the military they will be called on to do something illegal. A few months back, it was ordering the military to waterboard prisoners. Now? He's saying that if a US citizen commits an act of terror here in the US, he would send them to GITMO for a military tribunal.

Only problem is, you can't put US citizens in front of a military tribunal, it goes against our justice system, because if they commit an act of terror in the US, and they are US citizens, the US courts have the jurisdiction and the responsibility.

If you want to keep the Constitution intact, Trump would be your last choice for president.

As if Trump supporters care. They don't even know what the Constitution is.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Do us all a favor. Hold your breath until he gets arrested. Don't worry, his crimes are so heinous it will be any second now.
The way we do it, its no more than mildly annoying.

Really? You think it is just annoying? Then why do we even bother? Surely you don't suspect that terrorists would give up information just not to be annoyed? You're so should read what you post so you could see how silly you sound.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Do us all a favor. Hold your breath until he gets arrested. Don't worry, his crimes are so heinous it will be any second now.

He's the biggest joke we've ever had running....probably why the FBI just ignores him, they realize that he's mental.

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