‘Trump Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands.

I said it was a matter of perspective. Political campaigns have been around since they promoted "Tippicanoe and Tyler too" in the 1840's. Candidates accept legitimate donations from the public and that's the way the system works. You can find some poor soul who thought a political donation was the path to wealth but you can't blame the candidate unless you are so filled with hatred that an essay by some babes named Brandy and Corky makes sense to you. Dirty money is a different thing. Maybe democrats thought Bankman-Fried was legitimate but it is their responsibility to find out and to refund the donations to the people who lost their savings in a bit-coin scam.
Conservatives are for the most part cowards – hence the failed attempts to deflect; they lack the courage to address the topic and instead engage in lying about the political opposition.

And the red herring fallacy is understandable – it’s embarrassing to Trump supporters, Republicans, and others on the right that conservatives can be so gullible, dull-witted, and stupid as to buy into a con such as ‘Trump Bucks.’
As the indictments begin to pile up, maybe these grifters can come up with some trump Get out of Jail cards?
Ahhh...P.T. Barnum proven correct once again:

In the recesses of the internet where some of Donald Trump’s most fervent supporters stoke conspiracies and plot his return to the White House, suspected con artists have been mining their disappointment over the last presidential election for gold.
They’ve been peddling “Trump Bucks,” which are emblazoned with photos of the former president, and advertising them online as a kind of golden ticket that will help propel Trump’s 2024 bid and make the “real patriots” who support him rich when cashed in.
John Amann told NBC News he bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks and other items over the past year only to discover they were worthless when he tried to cash them in at his local bank. So he’s gone on Twitter to warn other Trump supporters not to fall for this scam.

NBC News has identified the Colorado-based companies behind the Trump Bucks as Patriots Dynasty, Patriots Future and USA Patriots and reviewed dozens of social posts, online complaints and hundreds of misleading ads for the products. Additionally, NBC News has found at least a dozen people like Amann who say they invested thousands of dollars after watching the pitches on Telegram and other websites that strongly suggested that Trump himself was endorsing these products.
“Now I’m questioning whether he is aware of this,” Amann said of Trump.
Repeated attempts to reach a spokesperson for Trump and his re-election campaign by email have gone unanswered. No evidence suggests the alleged scammers are connected to Trump or his re-election campaign.
And FTX and Bernie Madoff defrauded millionaires... What is your point?
But the grandmother, who describes herself as a “real patriot,” said what she got for the $1,500 she invested in Trump Bucks turned out to be fool’s gold.
Nah, she got an education. Cheap at twice the price...
And FTX and Bernie Madoff defrauded millionaires... What is your point?

CollectTrumpCards | Donald Trump Digital Trading Card NFTs​

Collect Trump Cards

Each Trump Digital Trading Card is $99 USD, plus the low transactional fee required to interact with the Polygon blockchain. This fee is commonly known as a “ ...

Trump Drops More NFTs—And Now the First Batch Is ...​

https://decrypt.co › trump-drops-more-nfts-price-plum...

Apr 18, 2023 — Trump wants “'NICE GUY' CREDIT” after dropping more $99 NFTs, but his first set of collectibles have fallen by over 50% on the secondary ...
Some people love orange Don so much, that they lose their ability to think clearly, whenever they see stuff with his image on it.
Trump Drops More NFTs—And Now the First Batch Is ...
View attachment 789431
https://decrypt.co › trump-drops-more-nfts-price-plum...
Apr 18, 2023 — Trump wants “'NICE GUY' CREDIT” after dropping more $99 NFTs, but his first set of collectibles have fallen by over 50% on the secondary ...
Hmmm, according to the link, the original run of NFTs are currently selling for $355.
Not bad for something that cost $99 when purchased.
As with any other collectible, the trick is selling when the market is highest.
Hmmm, according to the link, the original run of NFTs are currently selling for $355.
Not bad for something that cost $99 when purchased.
As with any other collectible, the trick is selling when the market is highest.
In February, they going for over $1,000.
In May they dropped to almost $200.
Still, twice as much as the selling price.
In February, they going for over $1,000.
In May they dropped to almost $200.
Still, twice as much as the selling price.
Yep. Bitcoin had a similar rollercoaster ride. If you get in and get out at the right times, you can make a lot of money. Physical gold and silver are much more stable investments.

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