Trump Budget


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Is it really saving money when the federal governments cuts spending that the States have to pick up?

If all this stuff belongs at State level, why aren't vouchers for private (think religious) schools?

Defunding research & money toward global warming does not make it nonexistent. It just makes Trump an asshole. We & future generations will pay for the time lost fighting global warming because Trump is too stupid to get it.

Defunding Meals on Wheels? Really?

Increase funding to hire 20 more US Attorneys with the sole purpose of taking private land from US citizens to build his really stupid wall.

Defunding the programs to help the Great Lakes & Chesapeake Bays?

Basically, over fund the military & cut the State Department (where diplomacy prevents war). Is Trump really that stupid? Yes he is.

Cutting a program that helps poor people get jobs because only half get jobs is beyond idiotic.

Overall, we will see which Republicans stand behind this budget.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.

Remember, the very foundation of our representative republic is that states play the primary role and the federal government is responsible for national defense and security and to arbitrate interstate commerce.

Trump's Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything But Defense and Border Spending

Which is exactly what the majority of American voters want.


The article claims this is just an example of the horrible things the president wants to eliminate. The Delta Regional Authority? The Denali Commission? The United States Institute of Peace? Ever wonder how many in these things are funded by YOUR taxes?

Sounds just fine by me. Read more of the whining @ Trump’s Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything but Defense and Border Spending
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
This is typical BS coming from the right. They hate education. Back when Republicans actually gave a shit about this country they thought it was important enough to help kids go to college with National Defense loans. Now Trump wants to take public money to fund religious schools.

The EPA is what keeps corporations from polluting. Evidently, you & Trump think that the only way a corp can survive is if they can pollute.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.

Remember, the very foundation of our representative republic is that states play the primary role and the federal government is responsible for national defense and security and to arbitrate interstate commerce.

Trump's Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything But Defense and Border Spending

Which is exactly what the majority of American voters want.


The article claims this is just an example of the horrible things the president wants to eliminate. The Delta Regional Authority? The Denali Commission? The United States Institute of Peace? Ever wonder how many in these things are funded by YOUR taxes?

Sounds just fine by me. Read more of the whining @ Trump’s Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything but Defense and Border Spending
Your last statement says it all. You voted for Trump.

At what point is our military strong enough? When its stronger than the next 5 countries combined? The next ten?

And the shoret sightness to cut State Department funding & funding for overseas projects that help prevent war?

Is it that you want war? I guess what is the point of that huge military if we don't get to kill some people. right?

Trump cut funding that provides access to an airport for rural areas. These help local business & the people who live nearby.

I'm sure you & your orange buddy have no clue what these institutions actually do but the Denali Commissions is a partnership to help Alaska infrastructure. Great Lakes & Chesapeake commissions help coordinate the bordering States. But OMG OMG Noooooooooooo. "I need more lawyers to fuck people out of their land so I can build my most wonderful wall." Fucking people out of their land is a signature Trump maneuver.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).
Is it really saving money when the federal governments cuts spending that the States have to pick up?

If all this stuff belongs at State level, why aren't vouchers for private (think religious) schools?

Defunding research & money toward global warming does not make it nonexistent. It just makes Trump an asshole. We & future generations will pay for the time lost fighting global warming because Trump is too stupid to get it.

Defunding Meals on Wheels? Really?

Increase funding to hire 20 more US Attorneys with the sole purpose of taking private land from US citizens to build his really stupid wall.

Defunding the programs to help the Great Lakes & Chesapeake Bays?

Basically, over fund the military & cut the State Department (where diplomacy prevents war). Is Trump really that stupid? Yes he is.

Cutting a program that helps poor people get jobs because only half get jobs is beyond idiotic.

Overall, we will see which Republicans stand behind this budget.

It would be nice to return back to Federalism. if California wants single payer, it can do it. If NY wants to fund a PBS station, it can.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
This is typical BS coming from the right. They hate education. Back when Republicans actually gave a shit about this country they thought it was important enough to help kids go to college with National Defense loans. Now Trump wants to take public money to fund religious schools.

The EPA is what keeps corporations from polluting. Evidently, you & Trump think that the only way a corp can survive is if they can pollute.

All States have a DEP/DEC organization. If the EPA would have stuck to pollution, and not delved into taking people's land, fighting power production, and calling a drainage ditch a stream, it would not be so hated by so many.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).

Then the EPA should stick to pollution, and not try to tell me what type of gas can to use, or that the drain down a gully is a "Waterway of the Untied States"
No more NPR and NEA.
Just more fucking dummies like you. Yes, let's do Lysenkoism to a tee. Get rid of all those scientists, after all, what do the know? Replace them with some bucktoothed hillbillies that have never seen a college classroom. That will make our universities world class. LOL
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.
So, you think those are the only people affected by the cuts?

We already have enough military to defend this country. Who is going to invade us?

LHEAP is very important in my area. As is Meals on Wheels. First Trump fucks older people with backing Ryan's healthcare bill likely to raise premiums by 66%, then he makes it more difficult to heat their homes & get a hot delivered meal.

But hey, oil companies can drill & coal companies mine with out worrying about the environment while risking their employees well being by cutting mine inspectors.

This is picture perfect Trump. Fuck over the little guy to hand money to his corporate buddies. The real Republican way.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Well you can move to Venezuela, your ideal government, but good luck finding dinner.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).

Then the EPA should stick to pollution, and not try to tell me what type of gas can to use, or that the drain down a gully is a "Waterway of the Untied States"
But the gas you want pollutes more or that "gully" flows into a major waterway. What sense does it make to enforce pollution laws on the rivers if we let polluted streams flow into them.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Well you can move to Venezuela, your ideal government, but good luck finding dinner.
Wow, let's drag out the Venezuela example like every other fricken right wing loser.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).
You assume that the EPA isn't just another agency used by Democrats to carry out their political agenda and actually cares about any of those things but you are of course wrong.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
This is typical BS coming from the right. They hate education. Back when Republicans actually gave a shit about this country they thought it was important enough to help kids go to college with National Defense loans. Now Trump wants to take public money to fund religious schools.

The EPA is what keeps corporations from polluting. Evidently, you & Trump think that the only way a corp can survive is if they can pollute.

All States have a DEP/DEC organization. If the EPA would have stuck to pollution, and not delved into taking people's land, fighting power production, and calling a drainage ditch a stream, it would not be so hated by so many.

The number one source of pollutants is coal fired generation plants. That pollution crosses State lines.

What land did the EPA take? Would that be similar to the land taken by the XL Pipeline or Trump's wall?

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