Trump Budget

How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.

Remember, the very foundation of our representative republic is that states play the primary role and the federal government is responsible for national defense and security and to arbitrate interstate commerce.

Trump's Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything But Defense and Border Spending

Which is exactly what the majority of American voters want.


The article claims this is just an example of the horrible things the president wants to eliminate. The Delta Regional Authority? The Denali Commission? The United States Institute of Peace? Ever wonder how many in these things are funded by YOUR taxes?

Sounds just fine by me. Read more of the whining @ Trump’s Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything but Defense and Border Spending
Your last statement says it all. You voted for Trump.

At what point is our military strong enough? When its stronger than the next 5 countries combined? The next ten?

And the shoret sightness to cut State Department funding & funding for overseas projects that help prevent war?

Is it that you want war? I guess what is the point of that huge military if we don't get to kill some people. right?

Trump cut funding that provides access to an airport for rural areas. These help local business & the people who live nearby.

I'm sure you & your orange buddy have no clue what these institutions actually do but the Denali Commissions is a partnership to help Alaska infrastructure. Great Lakes & Chesapeake commissions help coordinate the bordering States. But OMG OMG Noooooooooooo. "I need more lawyers to fuck people out of their land so I can build my most wonderful wall." Fucking people out of their land is a signature Trump maneuver.
Stop whining and buckle up. Trumps in charge now, so we get to do the things WE want to do, while getting rid of your leftist bullshit.

Quit being a little bitch and take it like a man.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
This is typical BS coming from the right. They hate education. Back when Republicans actually gave a shit about this country they thought it was important enough to help kids go to college with National Defense loans. Now Trump wants to take public money to fund religious schools.

The EPA is what keeps corporations from polluting. Evidently, you & Trump think that the only way a corp can survive is if they can pollute.
We don't hate education, that's just your leftist babble you keep repeating.
I've got a college degree, I have several technical certifications in my career field. I never once needed the Federal government to direct me or interfere in my education.

We don't need the EPA to keep corporations from polluting. Laws should be enforced by the DoJ. The EPA terrorizes private citizens over asinine reasons on their own private property. It's time to shut them down.
What a fucked up liar you are. Love canal. Asbestos. And so many other examples of corporations fighting against reasonable regulations and people dying as a result.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.

Remember, the very foundation of our representative republic is that states play the primary role and the federal government is responsible for national defense and security and to arbitrate interstate commerce.

Trump's Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything But Defense and Border Spending

Which is exactly what the majority of American voters want.


The article claims this is just an example of the horrible things the president wants to eliminate. The Delta Regional Authority? The Denali Commission? The United States Institute of Peace? Ever wonder how many in these things are funded by YOUR taxes?

Sounds just fine by me. Read more of the whining @ Trump’s Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything but Defense and Border Spending
Your last statement says it all. You voted for Trump.

At what point is our military strong enough? When its stronger than the next 5 countries combined? The next ten?

And the shoret sightness to cut State Department funding & funding for overseas projects that help prevent war?

Is it that you want war? I guess what is the point of that huge military if we don't get to kill some people. right?

Trump cut funding that provides access to an airport for rural areas. These help local business & the people who live nearby.

I'm sure you & your orange buddy have no clue what these institutions actually do but the Denali Commissions is a partnership to help Alaska infrastructure. Great Lakes & Chesapeake commissions help coordinate the bordering States. But OMG OMG Noooooooooooo. "I need more lawyers to fuck people out of their land so I can build my most wonderful wall." Fucking people out of their land is a signature Trump maneuver.
Stop whining and buckle up. Trumps in charge now, so we get to do the things WE want to do, while getting rid of your leftist bullshit.

Quit being a little bitch and take it like a man.
Hey dumb fuck, the orange clown did not get the majority of votes. Clinton did by nearly 3 million. Trump got the majority of electoral votes.

And, no, you are not going to get to do the crimes you wish to commit against this nation and the citizens of this nation. We will fight you tooth and nail. And are doing so right now. From demonstrations in every one of America's cities, to the legal rulings of the judiciary, we are fighting back against the fascists like you trying to control this nation.
Trump didn't need the popular vote, we don't vote people on popular vote. Otherwise, he would have campaigned in other areas. He campaigned to win the electoral, not popular, vote.

You have to love Liberals. In 8 years they doubled the debt to 20 trillion dollars and no matter what Trump wants to cut, it's ZOMG HE'S GOING TO LAUNCH POOR PEOPLE INTO THE RIVER!!! ZOMG HES GOING TO KILL BIG BIRD!!!! ZOMG THE SKY ISN'T FALLING, IT'S CRASHING ON HEADS!!!

Ya'll ran this debt up, he's going to cut it. He's a businessman. God this country has been in need of a Donald Trump for a long damn time.
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Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).

Then the EPA should stick to pollution, and not try to tell me what type of gas can to use, or that the drain down a gully is a "Waterway of the Untied States"
But the gas you want pollutes more or that "gully" flows into a major waterway. What sense does it make to enforce pollution laws on the rivers if we let polluted streams flow into them.

Where does it stop? Do you get a hard on when some government flunky tells you what to do? Do you find cold comfort in letting your betters think for you, and tell you how to live down to how you wipe your ass?

And the new gas cans are so annoying, they cause more spills than they prevent because people can't get them to work right.

Patterico's Pontifications » Government-Designed Gas Cans Surprisingly Suck
Where does a government person tell me what to do?

OMG I can't burn a 100 foot tall pile of tires?

OMG, I can't dump my used motor oil in the creek?

We have the EPA & regulations because there are people (like you) who want to pollute. And yes, it should not be legal.

We need the EPA to tell us not to dump oil in a creek? Sounds like something the local police can handle. Enough with the phony outrage and over the top scenarios.
You may not have heard of the Donora Death Fog, but if you are interested in climate change, you should have. This notorious weather event is arguably one of the most pivotal moments responsible for the adoption of air quality regulations in the United States. Though more of a "Smog" than a "Fog," this aptly named phenomenon left 20 dead and half a town hospitalized in its wake during the fall of 1948. It showed all of the characteristics of an atmospheric inversion, an event in which air stops circulating and is trapped close to the ground. The combination of trapped toxic gasses and early morning mists yielded disastrous effects.

In the early morning hours of October 26, 1948, a fog settled over the town of Donora, Pennsylvania, the home of U.S. Steel Corporation's Donora Zinc Works and American Steel and Wire. As the day wore on, the fog became progressively thicker and witnesses even claimed that it was so thick and potent they could taste it. By October 29, the inversion had trapped so much pollution and fog that attendees of a local high school football game noted that they couldn't even see the players on the field. Doctors ordered the elderly and those having trouble breathing to leave town, which became impossible as visibility was reduced to nothing - firefighters had to abandon attempts to deliver oxygen to suffering citizens as they were unable to navigate the town--in the middle of the day. On the morning of October 30, the two U.S. Steel plants ceased operation. The following morning the fog had begun to dissipate leaving many surviving residents with permanent respiratory damage

During a temperature inversion, however, the cool air gets stuck at the surface. The early morning fog in the valley was created when the cool front and high pressure system interacted with moisture in the air, which reflected and blocked the sun's ability to warm the cool air at the surface of the Earth. With little air movement, the pollution emitted by the steel-belt town had nowhere to go but into the valley, increasing in concentration. Particulates like zinc, cadmium and lead emitted by the plants contributed to the sun-blocking, compounding the problem and ensuring a stagnant layer of air.

The now poisonous air contained more than just particulates--it also contained hydrofluoric acid, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide. In a news clip published in Chemical and Engineering News on December 13, 1948, it was revealed that the victims of the smog experienced acute fluorine poisoning determined by the extreme fluorine levels in the blood of the deceased (12 to 25 times the normal levels) and the near-asthmatic breathing of the survivors. Humans were not the only victims--all of the crops in the area perished. Corn, which is highly sensitive to fluorine exposure, was especially devastated.

Donora Death Fog: The Crisis that Led to Modern Air Pollution Laws | AIChE

So where was the fucking morality of the corporations? You are such a fucked up liar. Without an agency like the EPA we would still be seeing things like this taking place.
Trump didn't need the popular vote, we don't vote people on popular vote. Otherwise, he would have campaigned in other areas. He campaigned to win the electoral, not popular, vote.

You have to love Liberals. In 8 years they doubled the debt to 20 trillion dollars and no matter what Trump wants to cut, it's ZOMG HE'S GOING TO LAUNCH POOR PEOPLE INTO THE RIVER!!! ZOMG HES GOING TO KILL BIG BIRD!!!! ZOMG THE SKY ISN'T FALLING, IT'S CRASHING ON HEADS!!!

Ya'll ran this debt up, he's going to cut it. He's a businessman. God this country has been in need of a Donald Trump for a long damn time.
Like hell he's going to cut it. His budget is going to result in even more deficits, and most of the money will go to the very wealthy. How the hell did you ever get so stupid?
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Hey you fucking stupid mother fucker, we are the only ones trying to keep the U.S from becoming a third-world nation. If we left it up to you goddamn fucking idiots we would not even have borders, and every goddamned third-worlder with their palms out would be allowed in to come in and completely swamp our social services.
Goddamn fucking moron !
Look dumb ass, cutting scientific and medical research is going to make the nation better? My goodness, one learns something new every day.

Going to be very interesting for the farmers this year. Of course, we could require you retards to harvest the crops before you
More winning:

Trump Is Expected to Sign Off on Expanding Drug Tests for the Unemployed

Lawmakers in the GOP-controlled Congress have complained that under President Barack Obama, the government placed too many limits on states for deciding which unemployment applicants can be drug-tested. The Labor Department's regulation meant that states could only test applicants for unemployment benefits who do jobs that require drug testing. The resolution passed by the House and approved by the Senate 51-48 on Tuesday would cancel those limits.
Just FYI: Sesame Street isn't on PBS anymore for everyone saying Republicans want to "kill Big Bird"
Like hell he's going to cut it. His budget is going to result in even more deficits, and most of the money will go to the very wealthy. How the hell did you ever get so stupid?

Like you give a fuck? That fuckin' niggir you voted for twice doubled it in 8 years.

Take your faux outrage and go cry on NBC.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.

Remember, the very foundation of our representative republic is that states play the primary role and the federal government is responsible for national defense and security and to arbitrate interstate commerce.

Trump's Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything But Defense and Border Spending

Which is exactly what the majority of American voters want.


The article claims this is just an example of the horrible things the president wants to eliminate. The Delta Regional Authority? The Denali Commission? The United States Institute of Peace? Ever wonder how many in these things are funded by YOUR taxes?

Sounds just fine by me. Read more of the whining @ Trump’s Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything but Defense and Border Spending
Your last statement says it all. You voted for Trump.

At what point is our military strong enough? When its stronger than the next 5 countries combined? The next ten?

And the shoret sightness to cut State Department funding & funding for overseas projects that help prevent war?

Is it that you want war? I guess what is the point of that huge military if we don't get to kill some people. right?

Trump cut funding that provides access to an airport for rural areas. These help local business & the people who live nearby.

I'm sure you & your orange buddy have no clue what these institutions actually do but the Denali Commissions is a partnership to help Alaska infrastructure. Great Lakes & Chesapeake commissions help coordinate the bordering States. But OMG OMG Noooooooooooo. "I need more lawyers to fuck people out of their land so I can build my most wonderful wall." Fucking people out of their land is a signature Trump maneuver.
Stop whining and buckle up. Trumps in charge now, so we get to do the things WE want to do, while getting rid of your leftist bullshit.

Quit being a little bitch and take it like a man.
Hey dumb fuck, the orange clown did not get the majority of votes. Clinton did by nearly 3 million. Trump got the majority of electoral votes.

And, no, you are not going to get to do the crimes you wish to commit against this nation and the citizens of this nation. We will fight you tooth and nail. And are doing so right now. From demonstrations in every one of America's cities, to the legal rulings of the judiciary, we are fighting back against the fascists like you trying to control this nation.

He did get the majority of votes. Just because a few blue states had high turn out doesn't mean they should get more representation in the EC. Plus there is the illegal alien vote and double voting in multiple states that Dems are notorious for. More states voted for Trump, you just can't accept it.
Once the EPA started punishing communities that displeaaed them by poisoning the water, 90% of that organization had to go.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Hey you fucking stupid mother fucker, we are the only ones trying to keep the U.S from becoming a third-world nation. If we left it up to you goddamn fucking idiots we would not even have borders, and every goddamned third-worlder with their palms out would be allowed in to come in and completely swamp our social services.
Goddamn fucking moron !
Look dumb ass, cutting scientific and medical research is going to make the nation better? My goodness, one learns something new every day.

Going to be very interesting for the farmers this year. Of course, we could require you retards to harvest the crops before you

In other words you have no problem with illegals doing the work.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.

Watching the US decline at the hands of Republicans is like watching the fall of Russia: Deeply, deeply satisfying. Republicans are destroying everything that made America great in the first place.

Sinking into venality and greed, the selfishness of Rand's acolytes knows no bounds.

Half your country is living on the edge of poverty and Republicans are kicking as many over that edge as they can, while the wealthy pocket millions in tax breaks.

You should be so proud.
How dare he spend money on defending our country instead of creating new rights for left handed disabled transsexual Muslims with self reliance issues.

Remember, the very foundation of our representative republic is that states play the primary role and the federal government is responsible for national defense and security and to arbitrate interstate commerce.

Trump's Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything But Defense and Border Spending

Which is exactly what the majority of American voters want.


The article claims this is just an example of the horrible things the president wants to eliminate. The Delta Regional Authority? The Denali Commission? The United States Institute of Peace? Ever wonder how many in these things are funded by YOUR taxes?

Sounds just fine by me. Read more of the whining @ Trump’s Budget Proposal Guts Just About Everything but Defense and Border Spending
Your last statement says it all. You voted for Trump.

At what point is our military strong enough? When its stronger than the next 5 countries combined? The next ten?

And the shoret sightness to cut State Department funding & funding for overseas projects that help prevent war?

Is it that you want war? I guess what is the point of that huge military if we don't get to kill some people. right?

Trump cut funding that provides access to an airport for rural areas. These help local business & the people who live nearby.

I'm sure you & your orange buddy have no clue what these institutions actually do but the Denali Commissions is a partnership to help Alaska infrastructure. Great Lakes & Chesapeake commissions help coordinate the bordering States. But OMG OMG Noooooooooooo. "I need more lawyers to fuck people out of their land so I can build my most wonderful wall." Fucking people out of their land is a signature Trump maneuver.
Stop whining and buckle up. Trumps in charge now, so we get to do the things WE want to do, while getting rid of your leftist bullshit.

Quit being a little bitch and take it like a man.
Hey dumb fuck, the orange clown did not get the majority of votes. Clinton did by nearly 3 million. Trump got the majority of electoral votes.

And, no, you are not going to get to do the crimes you wish to commit against this nation and the citizens of this nation. We will fight you tooth and nail. And are doing so right now. From demonstrations in every one of America's cities, to the legal rulings of the judiciary, we are fighting back against the fascists like you trying to control this nation.

He did get the majority of votes. Just because a few blue states had high turn out doesn't mean they should get more representation in the EC. Plus there is the illegal alien vote and double voting in multiple states that Dems are notorious for. More states voted for Trump, you just can't accept it.
You are worse than your POS orange buddy. "OMG OMG the illegal alien vote!!!! OMG OMG OMG" You assholes really think a person hiding from the government is going to walk into a government office where he needs to produce an ID? Really? You are really this FUCKING stupid? Just askin. Must be a reason. And really, whose administration had several advisiors registered to vote in more than one state. Maybe it was El Cheeto & his fucked up advisors that voted illegally.

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