Trump Budget

I dare you to walk into an VA hospital or military hospital, go to the physical therapy or prosthetics clinic and yell that at the top of your lungs. If you really have the arrogance and stupidity to do this, please let me know which one you plan on visiting first, so that I can be there to record the aftermath.

So what? I don't care about hurting the feelings of a bunch of imperialist traitors and welfare queens.



What an intelligent response!
We need the EPA to tell us not to dump oil in a creek? Sounds like something the local police can handle. Enough with the phony outrage and over the top scenarios.

Don't be so naïve. The company dumping into the creek is likely to be paying a big chunk of the municipal budget either directly or indirectly.
I dare you to walk into an VA hospital or military hospital, go to the physical therapy or prosthetics clinic and yell that at the top of your lungs. If you really have the arrogance and stupidity to do this, please let me know which one you plan on visiting first, so that I can be there to record the aftermath.

So what? I don't care about hurting the feelings of a bunch of imperialist traitors and welfare queens.

I wish you had the balls to tell me where you live, but of course I know that you don't. The actions of the people that have the need of the services provided in these medical facilities are what allow you to be the ignorant ass that you are. Oppose the reasons for any actions our government take, but please do not slander the sacrifice these brave Americans have and are making. You need to learn a little respect, you POS.
Where Trump wants the Pentagon to spend its extra billions

These make a whole lot of sense.

Killing jihadists


Rebuilding the military

Trump particularly wants to swell the Army's ranks and the budget "begins to rebuild the US armed forces by addressing pressing shortfalls, such as insufficient stocks of critical munitions, personnel gaps, deferred maintenance and modernization, cyber vulnerabilities, and degraded facilities."


Full article @ Where Trump wants the Pentagon to spend its extra billions
I dare you to walk into an VA hospital or military hospital, go to the physical therapy or prosthetics clinic and yell that at the top of your lungs. If you really have the arrogance and stupidity to do this, please let me know which one you plan on visiting first, so that I can be there to record the aftermath.

So what? I don't care about hurting the feelings of a bunch of imperialist traitors and welfare queens.



What an intelligent response!

Response to a POS slamming American servicemen saying they are on welfare? Flag burning flipping it the bird?

Dude needs his ass kicked

Do NPR, PBS, and the NEA really need government funding?


Okay, I know this is the opinion of an individual blogger that most of you have never heard of. But, it IS a good question that needs discussion – calm and reasoned discussion.

This quote actually comes from the NY Times:

The bigger question is this: Which activities are properly performed by the federal government, and which activities are properly left to other bodies, such as states, local governments, the private sector or nonprofit organizations?

Well, my question is this: Why can't the wealthy, especially those making outrageous sums for being someone else on film and television, donate some of their $$$ to support these entities? After all, they're the ones who benefit most from their activities.

Read more @ My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.: Do NPR, PBS, and the NEA really need government funding?
let's cut the drug war, first.
Where Trump wants the Pentagon to spend its extra billions

These make a whole lot of sense.

Killing jihadists


Rebuilding the military

Trump particularly wants to swell the Army's ranks and the budget "begins to rebuild the US armed forces by addressing pressing shortfalls, such as insufficient stocks of critical munitions, personnel gaps, deferred maintenance and modernization, cyber vulnerabilities, and degraded facilities."


Full article @ Where Trump wants the Pentagon to spend its extra billions
when are we going to discuss, wartime tax rates to pay for all of this spending?

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