Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

I just want to say this :
If Bush lied, so did bill Clinton and hundreds of other people. Lets not forget CLinton bombed the shit out of them in the late 90s because they wouldn't cooperate with UN weapon inspectors. Bush had information given to him..
We shouldn't forget that history didn't start in 2000 and there were talks of war since after the Gulf War. Revisionism helps no one.
Also, saying 9-11 was the Presidents fault is partisan bullshit.
Do you have any idea how many threats our govt get a DAY? If they went after every threat, we wouldn't be able to go to work without letting big brother know.
How much freedom are you willing to trade for a false sense of security?
Clinton was satisfied with using sanctions and no fly zones to contain Saddam for eight worked

Only Bush was dumb enough to invade. Even his father knew better
Here hack boy
Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike - December 16, 1998
Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.
Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world.
Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.
I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.
Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the elimination of Iraq's capability to retain, create and use weapons of mass destruction, and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that capability.
Rest at link. Not like you give a fuck..
A missile strike is different from an invasion and occupation, dumbass.
you'll have to forgive TNHarley because he's a snot-nosed kid intellectually

As to the OP, its settled. Only die hard hacks defend vietraq given the facts
You two are just hacks and cant put 2 and 2 together.
Rape rooms! OMG!!!!

I guess we can take that as your vote in favor of them?
It's not a reason to invade a country, but the Bushies sure whipped that one around for a while when their "intel" was falling apart, in December 2002, and Hans Blix was contradicting them.

Hans Blix? Now there is one unqualified POS! A Swedish lawyer is always someone who should be tasked with investigating complex weapons of mass destruction. He could have tripped and fallen over a nuclear weapon and not known what it was. He probably thought "yellowcake" was something to have for dessert!

Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.
So Trump is in a double-digit lead but the only conz posting on this thread are still peddling the neocon kool aid version
Rape rooms! OMG!!!!

I guess we can take that as your vote in favor of them?
It's not a reason to invade a country, but the Bushies sure whipped that one around for a while when their "intel" was falling apart, in December 2002, and Hans Blix was contradicting them.

Hans Blix? Now there is one unqualified POS! A Swedish lawyer is always someone who should be tasked with investigating complex weapons of mass destruction. He could have tripped and fallen over a nuclear weapon and not known what it was. He probably thought "yellowcake" was something to have for dessert!

Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.

Blix was the primary international expert on nuclear weapons. Blix turned out to be 100% right in his assessment of Iaq and it was Bush who was the epic failure
Or, play totally stupid like you do. Embarrassing is what the teabaggers are, trying to re-write history all the time.

Take a look at what haliburtons stock did during and after the war. Take alook.
Odd that their former employee was VP as well :eusa_think:
Who, in the mid-1990s, made a $50 million deal with Saddam for oil services.

So, Cheney went from calling Saddam a murderous tyrant who needed to go, to making million dollar deals with him, to calling Saddam a murderous tyrant who needed to go.

I don't know. It is your fantasy. Why don't you provide some back up for your wet dreams?
Take a look at what haliburtons stock did during and after the war. Take alook.
Odd that their former employee was VP as well :eusa_think:
Who, in the mid-1990s, made a $50 million deal with Saddam for oil services.

So, Cheney went from calling Saddam a murderous tyrant who needed to go, to making million dollar deals with him, to calling Saddam a murderous tyrant who needed to go.

I don't know. It is your fantasy. Why don't you provide some back up for your wet dreams?
Well, you just proved you cannot read. Where does your first source say anything about a $50 million dollar deal with Saddam?
I guess you can't read:

Cheney is asked whether Halliburton or its subsidiaries were trying to do business with Iraq. He says no; he had a firm policy that they wouldn't do anything in Iraq, even if it was legal. This was a blatant lie: subsidiaries sold over $73 million in oil-production parts to Iraq.

$73 million is even worse than $50 million.

Again, you failed to link the source!

Is it pathological with you, just like Bill and Hillary's tendency to lie when the truth harms no one?
It's the first link I gave you!

How fucking retarded are you, anyway?
Here a classic FoxNews poll, where they actually declared someone other than Paul the winner.


Paul sure likes like the winner with 33% in that graphic to me. Are you sure you don't need to see his son Rand for an eye checkup?
Yes! I agree he won. But Fox ignored their own graphic and declared Huckaminijad the winner. That's why I saved the graphic.

So, you admit that Fox News is smart enough to realize that their own internet poll is absolute bullshit?
No, FoxNews hated Ron Paul.

I was on Hannity's forum at the time and the Paulettes were spitting bullets over this, which was a poll over who had won the debate they had just moderated on Fox. Many people were banned/timed out for criticizing Hannity over this, too.

Yeah, you sound like one of the those that doesn't understand why polls like that are worthless.
They're not scientific, but I don't think they're worthless. They can measure zealousness. Ron Paul had a lot of zealous, dedicated fans who would vote in polls and generally be more active than, say, a Mitt Romney voter.
Rape rooms! OMG!!!!

I guess we can take that as your vote in favor of them?
It's not a reason to invade a country, but the Bushies sure whipped that one around for a while when their "intel" was falling apart, in December 2002, and Hans Blix was contradicting them.

Hans Blix? Now there is one unqualified POS! A Swedish lawyer is always someone who should be tasked with investigating complex weapons of mass destruction. He could have tripped and fallen over a nuclear weapon and not known what it was. He probably thought "yellowcake" was something to have for dessert!

Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.
Blix is an internationally recognized expert on nuclear inspections. Bush's opinions on nuclear capabilities are mocked around the world
I guess we can take that as your vote in favor of them?
It's not a reason to invade a country, but the Bushies sure whipped that one around for a while when their "intel" was falling apart, in December 2002, and Hans Blix was contradicting them.

Hans Blix? Now there is one unqualified POS! A Swedish lawyer is always someone who should be tasked with investigating complex weapons of mass destruction. He could have tripped and fallen over a nuclear weapon and not known what it was. He probably thought "yellowcake" was something to have for dessert!

Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.
Blix is an internationally recognized expert on nuclear inspections. Bush's opinions on nuclear capabilities are mocked around the world

How can he be an expert on nuclear weapons if his own country does not even possess them?

I guess he has seen pictures and read books.
It's not a reason to invade a country, but the Bushies sure whipped that one around for a while when their "intel" was falling apart, in December 2002, and Hans Blix was contradicting them.

Hans Blix? Now there is one unqualified POS! A Swedish lawyer is always someone who should be tasked with investigating complex weapons of mass destruction. He could have tripped and fallen over a nuclear weapon and not known what it was. He probably thought "yellowcake" was something to have for dessert!

Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.
Blix is an internationally recognized expert on nuclear inspections. Bush's opinions on nuclear capabilities are mocked around the world

How can he be an expert on nuclear weapons if his own country does not even possess them?

I guess he has seen pictures and read books.


He is an expert on what it takes for a nation to develop, purchase materials, manufacture and deploy weapons of mass destruction. He has investigated them around the globe. Seems he knows more than Bush and his posse knew
How many on the left are willing to hold lying Mrs. Bosnia Clinton to her vote for war?
She didn't vote for war, she voted to not tie the hands of the president, and give him authority for war as a last resort - just as Bush framed it.

She either knew what the vote meant or she is mighty stupid. I say both. One thing i never heard Bush lie about was his intentions of taking the Butcher of Baghdad out.

She voted for war.

She continued to vote to fund the war.

Then when the war was over regretted it all. Typical two faced lying b..............
Hans Blix? Now there is one unqualified POS! A Swedish lawyer is always someone who should be tasked with investigating complex weapons of mass destruction. He could have tripped and fallen over a nuclear weapon and not known what it was. He probably thought "yellowcake" was something to have for dessert!

Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.
Blix is an internationally recognized expert on nuclear inspections. Bush's opinions on nuclear capabilities are mocked around the world

How can he be an expert on nuclear weapons if his own country does not even possess them?

I guess he has seen pictures and read books.


He is an expert on what it takes for a nation to develop, purchase materials, manufacture and deploy weapons of mass destruction. He has investigated them around the globe. Seems he knows more than Bush and his posse knew

He's a lawyer! His scientific knowledge probably is high school level at best.

That's how we get presidents that call military medical personnel in the Navy a "corpse man".
Blix was right in his assessment, Bush was wrong
Bush knew his charade would come to an end if Blix had more time. He invaded before Blix could prove him wrong

Blix was a Swedish lawyer and as head of the IAEA and as the UN's bloodhound, he was an epic failure.
Blix is an internationally recognized expert on nuclear inspections. Bush's opinions on nuclear capabilities are mocked around the world

How can he be an expert on nuclear weapons if his own country does not even possess them?

I guess he has seen pictures and read books.


He is an expert on what it takes for a nation to develop, purchase materials, manufacture and deploy weapons of mass destruction. He has investigated them around the globe. Seems he knows more than Bush and his posse knew

He's a lawyer! His scientific knowledge probably is high school level at best.

That's how we get presidents that call military medical personnel in the Navy a "corpse man".

He does not have to build a nuclear weapon, he only has to find them

Building a nuclear weapon takes highly skilled personnel, a complex procurement system, manufacturing capabilities, shipping invoices, storage capabilities......all of which leave a paper trail

The stuff of lawyers
Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

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