Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

Trump says George W. Bush ‘lied’ to get U.S. into Iraq

I agree w/ him

Any Trump- supporters care to chime-in, agreeing? I don't expect this thread to have many responses given all Trump-supporters on this forum are rw'ers
Bill Clinton says bullshit, Bush was justified in invading Iraq. - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

"even though I think he should have waited until the U.N. inspections were over,"

That sure is some support........
Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.
Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.
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Trump says George W. Bush ‘lied’ to get U.S. into Iraq

I agree w/ him

Any Trump- supporters care to chime-in, agreeing? I don't expect this thread to have many responses given all Trump-supporters on this forum are rw'ers
Bill Clinton says bullshit, Bush was justified in invading Iraq. - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

"even though I think he should have waited until the U.N. inspections were over,"

That sure is some support........
Trump says George W. Bush ‘lied’ to get U.S. into Iraq

I agree w/ him

Any Trump- supporters care to chime-in, agreeing? I don't expect this thread to have many responses given all Trump-supporters on this forum are rw'ers
Bill Clinton says bullshit, Bush was justified in invading Iraq. - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004

"even though I think he should have waited until the U.N. inspections were over,"

That sure is some support........

Listen here to what Mrs. Bosnia Clinton had to say about her vote. She even says it is a vote for war and there are those in this thread denying it.

Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Jeb started it. Trump was saying that he believes that that the Bushes aren't all that and a box of chips.

Jeb is an asshole. One thing you could say about GW, he had a sense of humor. Jeb has none. Big headed SOB.
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway

We know that

It was about Bush getting even for Saddams threats against his father
The reasons for the war changed as time went by:
Saddam had WMD's
Saddam was associated with the 9/11 terrorist
We are getting rid of a evil dictator
We are creating a Democracy in the Mid East
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway

We know that

It was about Bush getting even for Saddams threats against his father

That and may go now know nothing.
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway
I agree...but he should just grin and say no comment when asked about WMD. He could just say what Obabble would say..."it's still under investigation, therefore I cannot comment." And then add.....GFY!
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway
I agree...but he should just grin and say no comment when asked about WMD. He could just say what Obabble would say..."it's still under investigation, therefore I cannot comment." And then add.....GFY!

I like how the left tards whine about Dubya and he must occupy space in their noodles, they are constantly posting "BBBBBBUUUUTTTT BOOOOOOSH!"
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway

We know that

It was about Bush getting even for Saddams threats against his father[/QUOTE

Bullshit. It was about killing Saddam. He had the balls to do it. ...unlike your hero...
Yesterday someone (I forget who) was adamant in his belief that Saddam had WMD. I agree wholeheartedly...and with unimpeachable reason. What I don't understand is why W to this day maintains the Intel was bad. The only explanation I have ever been given is that it is better to take the heat than to revisit how the WMD got there in the first place....and where it went.

Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway

We know that

It was about Bush getting even for Saddams threats against his father

That and may go now know nothing.
Sanctions worked without having to invade
Sanctions did not kill 5000 Americans

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