Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs The Great Iraq Mistake

To be fair, the U.S. Permanant War foreign policy has been in place during times of both Republican and Democrat control. It's more of a U.S. policy than a Republican or Democrat policy.

That being said, things really went bad for the Republican Party when the Neocons (Nazis) rose to power. They've been proven to be warmongering madmen. They never miss an opportunity to stuff our American kids into the meat grinder. I've stopped referring to myself as a Republican. I won't again until the Neocons (Nazis) are booted.
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
Bombing and invading are two diff things :eusa_whistle: but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for Iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:
Last edited:
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
bombing and invading are two diff things but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Oh hell no they are not.. When you lock up the inhabitants of Iraq with a madman for 12 years on false premises and bomb them so much that the military had to use concrete bombs because they ran out of smart weapons. And you kill over 200,000 children as a result of food and medicine deprivation and allow the UN apparachiks to make shady backroom deals with their "Food for Oil" program ---- THAT is worse than ending that mad practice by invading.

That is WORSE than making a decision to take down Saddam and leave.. The MISTAKE --- was the nation building part. Built on false hopes of spreading democracy throughout the Mid East.
The Republican who is in first place in South Carolina is the guy who called for his friend Nancy Pelosi to impeach George Bush.

In George Bush country. He's in first place in Bush country!

If this doesn't wake the rubes up to how far off the reservation they are, nothing will.
You bringing up other peoples lies as having anything to do with Bush lying seems to indicate a lack of responsibility and mental problem.

Going "they did it too" doesnt make you look better

You have to choose.

1. they all were misled by bad intell
2. Bush was such a great communicator that he fooled the entire world.

which is it?

No, you dont craft the topic. I dont have to chose from your bullshit choices dummy. Bush lied, you cant defend it so you say "Oh well EVERYONE LIES"

Like lying about a war is the same saying I paid the light bill and didnt

stating something that you believe to be true is not lying. The fact is that none of them lied, they were all taken in by bad intell and Saddam's lies about having WMDs.

my choices were valid if you contend that Bush knew the truth and lied about it. So I guess you pick number 2. But I thought you said Bush was an idiot. your logic falls apart at step one.

Ahhh, its always some wiggle room with you guys. When Obama says things that wiggle room and gray areas vanish. But suddenly Bush had to know something was not true in order to lie. Him asserting facts that werent facts dont count because some twisted logic you use says so.

If that's your position then you have to concede that Bush was such a brilliant orator and manipulator that he fooled the entire world. How could an idiot cowboy do that?

No he just simply lied. Thats it and thats all
All the Dems were saying was that "Containment was working".. Except it was falling apart and KILLING more civilians than you care to remember. Germany was holding "industry fairs" in Baghdad and the EU was DONE with containment policies. YOU --- and your party -- were living in a fantasy... "Containment" had become an abomination -- based on the SAME LIE that you say "bush told"..

You would have been just as wrong to keep reducing Iraqi life to rubble over the lie..
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
bombing and invading are two diff things but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Oh hell no they are not.. When you lock up the inhabitants of Iraq with a madman for 12 years on false premises and bomb them so much that the military had to use concrete bombs because they ran out of smart weapons. And you kill over 200,000 children as a result of food and medicine deprivation and allow the UN apparachiks to make shady backroom deals with their "Food for Oil" program ---- THAT is worse than ending that mad practice by invading.

That is WORSE than making a decision to take down Saddam and leave.. The MISTAKE --- was the nation building part. Built on false hopes of spreading democracy throughout the Mid East.
what does that have to do w/the topic? You sure do spend a lot of time typing deflections. You just described N. Korea and Iran but we don't invade them
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
bombing and invading are two diff things but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Oh hell no they are not.. When you lock up the inhabitants of Iraq with a madman for 12 years on false premises and bomb them so much that the military had to use concrete bombs because they ran out of smart weapons. And you kill over 200,000 children as a result of food and medicine deprivation and allow the UN apparachiks to make shady backroom deals with their "Food for Oil" program ---- THAT is worse than ending that mad practice by invading.

That is WORSE than making a decision to take down Saddam and leave.. The MISTAKE --- was the nation building part. Built on false hopes of spreading democracy throughout the Mid East.
what does that have to do w/the topic? You sure do spend a lot of time typing deflections. You just described N. Korea and Iran but we don't invade them

Are we bombing NK and IRAN DAILY?? Do we have a no-fly zone there?
All the Dems were saying was that "Containment was working".. Except it was falling apart and KILLING more civilians than you care to remember. Germany was holding "industry fairs" in Baghdad and the EU was DONE with containment policies. YOU --- and your party -- were living in a fantasy...
Sooo..... you disagree w/ most of the current Repub candidates?

The Great Iraq Mistake
Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq, Bush subtly changed his answer three days later, saying in a subsequent interview he would not but couching the reversal in a qualifier that blamed the decision-making on a failure of accurate intelligence.

It was a watershed moment. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and other GOP candidates have now also repudiated the decision to go to war – usually prefacing their condemnation with some form of the phrase, "if we knew then what we know now," while keeping intact avenues for criticism about the prosecution of the campaign since Democratic President Barack Obama took office.

BTW- its not a good idea to jump head first into a 20 pg long thread and start blathering about stuff thats already been discussed and debunked

did you ever serve? just looking for context.
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
bombing and invading are two diff things but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Oh hell no they are not.. When you lock up the inhabitants of Iraq with a madman for 12 years on false premises and bomb them so much that the military had to use concrete bombs because they ran out of smart weapons. And you kill over 200,000 children as a result of food and medicine deprivation and allow the UN apparachiks to make shady backroom deals with their "Food for Oil" program ---- THAT is worse than ending that mad practice by invading.

That is WORSE than making a decision to take down Saddam and leave.. The MISTAKE --- was the nation building part. Built on false hopes of spreading democracy throughout the Mid East.
what does that have to do w/the topic? You sure do spend a lot of time typing deflections. You just described N. Korea and Iran but we don't invade them

THat IS the topic of this thread. The SAME LIE was used to justify 12 years of abominable abuse of the Iraqi people. That policy the DEMS supported continuing was MORE destructive than ending it in some fashion.

AT LEAST -- Bush ended that embarrassing chapter of our shitty foreign policy with a decision based on the fact that the "containment" was falling apart and SOMETHING DIFFERENT had to be done.

You have a very short memory for the pain and suffering we inflicted on the Iraqi people for those 12 years.
All the Dems were saying was that "Containment was working".. Except it was falling apart and KILLING more civilians than you care to remember. Germany was holding "industry fairs" in Baghdad and the EU was DONE with containment policies. YOU --- and your party -- were living in a fantasy...
Sooo..... you disagree w/ most of the current Repub candidates?

The Great Iraq Mistake
Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq, Bush subtly changed his answer three days later, saying in a subsequent interview he would not but couching the reversal in a qualifier that blamed the decision-making on a failure of accurate intelligence.

It was a watershed moment. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and other GOP candidates have now also repudiated the decision to go to war – usually prefacing their condemnation with some form of the phrase, "if we knew then what we know now," while keeping intact avenues for criticism about the prosecution of the campaign since Democratic President Barack Obama took office.

BTW- its not a good idea to jump head first into a 20 pg long thread and start blathering about stuff thats already been discussed and debunked

did you ever serve? just looking for context.

You could not DEBUNK -- anything I jumped in and said. Because it's all true. It's just not the ACCEPTED partisan blame-pointing narrative that you binge on..
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
bombing and invading are two diff things but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Oh hell no they are not.. When you lock up the inhabitants of Iraq with a madman for 12 years on false premises and bomb them so much that the military had to use concrete bombs because they ran out of smart weapons. And you kill over 200,000 children as a result of food and medicine deprivation and allow the UN apparachiks to make shady backroom deals with their "Food for Oil" program ---- THAT is worse than ending that mad practice by invading.

That is WORSE than making a decision to take down Saddam and leave.. The MISTAKE --- was the nation building part. Built on false hopes of spreading democracy throughout the Mid East.
what does that have to do w/the topic? You sure do spend a lot of time typing deflections. You just described N. Korea and Iran but we don't invade them

THat IS the topic of this thread. The SAME LIE was used to justify 12 years of abominable abuse of the Iraqi people. That policy the DEMS supported continuing was MORE destructive than ending it in some fashion.

AT LEAST -- Bush ended that embarrassing chapter of our shitty foreign policy with a decision based on the fact that the "containment" was falling apart and SOMETHING DIFFERENT had to be done.

You have a very short memory for the pain and suffering we inflicted on the Iraqi people for those 12 years.
I never figured you for a World Policeman type. You DO realize the no-fly zone costed in the 100's of MILLIONS whereas vietraq cost $2BILLION WEEK at its height?

So you "feel better" knowing that 4400+ servicemen sacrificed their lives for appearances sake?
All the Dems were saying was that "Containment was working".. Except it was falling apart and KILLING more civilians than you care to remember. Germany was holding "industry fairs" in Baghdad and the EU was DONE with containment policies. YOU --- and your party -- were living in a fantasy...
Sooo..... you disagree w/ most of the current Repub candidates?

The Great Iraq Mistake
Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq, Bush subtly changed his answer three days later, saying in a subsequent interview he would not but couching the reversal in a qualifier that blamed the decision-making on a failure of accurate intelligence.

It was a watershed moment. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and other GOP candidates have now also repudiated the decision to go to war – usually prefacing their condemnation with some form of the phrase, "if we knew then what we know now," while keeping intact avenues for criticism about the prosecution of the campaign since Democratic President Barack Obama took office.

BTW- its not a good idea to jump head first into a 20 pg long thread and start blathering about stuff thats already been discussed and debunked

did you ever serve? just looking for context.

You could not DEBUNK -- anything I jumped in and said. Because it's all true. It's just not the ACCEPTED partisan blame-pointing narrative that you binge on..
you just glossed over my source. Didn't think I'd notice that eh? Read it. Its only two paragraphs.
Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
bombing and invading are two diff things but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Oh hell no they are not.. When you lock up the inhabitants of Iraq with a madman for 12 years on false premises and bomb them so much that the military had to use concrete bombs because they ran out of smart weapons. And you kill over 200,000 children as a result of food and medicine deprivation and allow the UN apparachiks to make shady backroom deals with their "Food for Oil" program ---- THAT is worse than ending that mad practice by invading.

That is WORSE than making a decision to take down Saddam and leave.. The MISTAKE --- was the nation building part. Built on false hopes of spreading democracy throughout the Mid East.
what does that have to do w/the topic? You sure do spend a lot of time typing deflections. You just described N. Korea and Iran but we don't invade them

THat IS the topic of this thread. The SAME LIE was used to justify 12 years of abominable abuse of the Iraqi people. That policy the DEMS supported continuing was MORE destructive than ending it in some fashion.

AT LEAST -- Bush ended that embarrassing chapter of our shitty foreign policy with a decision based on the fact that the "containment" was falling apart and SOMETHING DIFFERENT had to be done.

You have a very short memory for the pain and suffering we inflicted on the Iraqi people for those 12 years.
I never figured you for a World Policeman type. You DO realize the no-fly zone costed in the 100's of MILLIONS whereas vietraq cost $2BILLION WEEK at its height?

So you "feel better" knowing that 4400+ servicemen sacrificed their lives for appearances sake?

I covered that. NATION-BUILDING was a mistake. And I am the exact OPPOSITE of a "world policeman". I don't want my country's foreign policies based on pipe dreams of "spreading democracy" into areas that NEED to be run by Shotgun-Toting Mad men like Saddam. They NEED his type of leadership there to keep the bloodshed quotient under control..

But the LIE was also behind the atrocious "containment policy" that the Dems HAPPILY endorsed as a continuing "solution". Maybe you don't remember the "3 Jew Road Show" that Clinton launched off late into his prez. Where he sent Albright , Berger and the other Jew out to college campuses attempting to make the case for war against an Arab state. The irony of the "optics" was not lost on me. But it happened Daffy.. You just don't want to remember all that..

Washington -- The United States is determined to destroy Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological weapons via diplomatic or
military means, senior U.S. officials made clear in an "international
town meeting" that reached vast audiences in the United States and
around the world.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Defense Bill
Cohen, and National Security Advisor Sandy Berger elaborated on U.S.
goals in Iraq during an appearance February 18 at Ohio State
University. The discussion was broadcast live worldwide by the Cable
News Network (CNN) both on television and radio.

After brief opening presentations, the three U.S. officials took
questions from members of the audience present in the university's St.
John Arena, which holds 13,000 people. Listeners from around the
United States phoned in their questions as did those from countries as
far off as Holland, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates.

The 90-minute event was interrupted repeatedly by hecklers. But
Albright, Cohen, and Berger seemed to welcome the lively debate and
the informed and sharp questions they received.
Albright? Are you serious? The same woman who said if females don't vote for Hillary, they will go to hell. THAT Albright? Establishment-types no less who profit off of wars. Certainly you have something better than that?

The vote speaks for itself, over 1/2 of the dems voted against the AUMF.
All the Dems were saying was that "Containment was working".. Except it was falling apart and KILLING more civilians than you care to remember. Germany was holding "industry fairs" in Baghdad and the EU was DONE with containment policies. YOU --- and your party -- were living in a fantasy...
Sooo..... you disagree w/ most of the current Repub candidates?

The Great Iraq Mistake
Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq, Bush subtly changed his answer three days later, saying in a subsequent interview he would not but couching the reversal in a qualifier that blamed the decision-making on a failure of accurate intelligence.

It was a watershed moment. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and other GOP candidates have now also repudiated the decision to go to war – usually prefacing their condemnation with some form of the phrase, "if we knew then what we know now," while keeping intact avenues for criticism about the prosecution of the campaign since Democratic President Barack Obama took office.

BTW- its not a good idea to jump head first into a 20 pg long thread and start blathering about stuff thats already been discussed and debunked

did you ever serve? just looking for context.

You could not DEBUNK -- anything I jumped in and said. Because it's all true. It's just not the ACCEPTED partisan blame-pointing narrative that you binge on..
you just glossed over my source. Didn't think I'd notice that eh? Read it. Its only two paragraphs.

I did not "gloss over your source".. I entered the thread admonishing some Repub that NO ONE was left in the candidate field that didn't want to start WW3 over Syria and make the same mistake that was made in Iraq.

And then -- I noted that Repubs under Bush were TOO STUPID to justify the invasion over the principle that "containment was a mistake and something new needed to happen"..

If there's any glossing -- you maybe the glossing culprit..
Albright? Are you serious? The same woman who said if females don't vote for Hillary, they will go to hell. THAT Albright? Establishment-types no less who profit off of wars. Certainly you have something better than that?

The vote speaks for itself, over 1/2 of the dems voted against the AUMF.

Yeah -- it speaks for itself. The same DEM morons were PERFECTLY FINE with continuing the failed containment policy that was torturing Iraqi citizens for 12 years based on the SAME DAMN LIE.. Hypocrites is what they are. Not a ONE of them had the balls to suggest that we ease off the containment policy and bring that atrocious policy to an end.. Or maybe Kucinich or one or two did..
Bush is guilty of carrying-out Bill Kristol's wishes (current Fox news employee and founder of the PNAC) using neocons. Ever heard of the PNAC? Google it. Fascinating stuff :eusa_whistle:
Last edited:
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.

Really? Just a Repub mistake? And when Clinton bombed them daily and took the keys to their economy away that was NOT a mistake? When he STEPPED up the bombing as a political cover for his purposes -- that was NOT a mistake. And when Mad Albright said that the deaths of 200,000 Iraqi children from the effects of the embargo was "acceptable side effect" ---- THAT was not a mistake.

BOTH parties sucked on Iraq policy.. And neither party had the COURAGE to let Iraq out of containment -- as SHOULD have been. Especially if that containment was for the benefit of a LIE about WMDs.

Spare me the partisan crap fest..
Bombing and invading are two diff things :eusa_whistle: but we've already gone over that. We've also gone over the fact that > 1/2 the Democrats voted against AUMF for Iraq. You read the thread? :doubt:

Bombing and invading are two different things? HUH?

Only if you use an Orwellian dictionary. and/or the debaters are retarded.

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