Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

No, you dont craft the topic. I dont have to chose from your bullshit choices dummy. Bush lied, you cant defend it so you say "Oh well EVERYONE LIES"

Like lying about a war is the same saying I paid the light bill and didnt

stating something that you believe to be true is not lying. The fact is that none of them lied, they were all taken in by bad intell and Saddam's lies about having WMDs.

my choices were valid if you contend that Bush knew the truth and lied about it. So I guess you pick number 2. But I thought you said Bush was an idiot. your logic falls apart at step one.
126 dems voted against the AUMF. Only 6 repubs. Your point?

Use sourcing you idiot- fish boi if you're going to post in my thread

the measure would not have passed without dem votes, one of which was cast by the hildebeast.
you still didn't disprove my point that 126 dems voted against that optional war you non-sourcing shit stain

Go spam someone else's thread Dropout

GFY, asshole. I never said the vote was anything but what it was. The measure would not have passed without dem votes, that is fact. One of the dem votes was cast by Hillary Clinton, that is also fact.

So what you are saying is that Hillary was too stupid to know that the intel was bad or that Bush was making it up. Ok, I agree, she is a moron.
he didn't fool half of the dem congress you dipshit and what was that about the threat of "you're with us or against us"? Oh yeah he was promising not to hand out contracts to countries that didn't sign on. Now why would he do that? BECAUSE COUNTRIES WEREN'T SIGNING ON YOU BRAIN DEAD RW PARTISAN TOOL!!!

Gawd but you're an idiot Redfish
stating something that you believe to be true is not lying. The fact is that none of them lied, they were all taken in by bad intell and Saddam's lies about having WMDs.

my choices were valid if you contend that Bush knew the truth and lied about it. So I guess you pick number 2. But I thought you said Bush was an idiot. your logic falls apart at step one.
126 dems voted against the AUMF. Only 6 repubs. Your point?

Use sourcing you idiot- fish boi if you're going to post in my thread

the measure would not have passed without dem votes, one of which was cast by the hildebeast.
you still didn't disprove my point that 126 dems voted against that optional war you non-sourcing shit stain

Go spam someone else's thread Dropout

GFY, asshole. I never said the vote was anything but what it was. The measure would not have passed without dem votes, that is fact. One of the dem votes was cast by Hillary Clinton, that is also fact.

So what you are saying is that Hillary was too stupid to know that the intel was bad or that Bush was making it up. Ok, I agree, she is a moron.
he didn't fool half of the dem congress you dipshit and what was that about the threat of "you're with us or against us"? Oh yeah he was promising not to hand out contracts to countries that didn't sign on. Now why would he do that? BECAUSE COUNTRIES WEREN'T SIGNING ON YOU BRAIN DEAD RW PARTISAN TOOL111

Gawd but you're an idiot

you are the idiot in this discussion. your partisan anger is confirmation that deep down inside you know that your left wing ideology is a massive failure and your left wing candidates are shitheads.

As to Bush, he screwed up a lot of things, but not as many as Obama. The Clintons and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and that is sad for the USA.
He did lie. Good on Trump. :thup:

no one lied, they all bought into the bad intelligence.

Nah, he intentionally fudged it. His Neocon (Nazi) masters wanted all-out war with Iraq. But they knew they needed absurd lies to get the overwhelming support. It's just like how they recently tried to lie about Assad using chemical weapons in Syria. Warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get more war.

I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.
Now not only is my thread infected by the sourceless wonder- Redfish but large font boi Contumacious. Idiot twins if you will

...back to topic- the disaster that was the last Repub Admin.
126 dems voted against the AUMF. Only 6 repubs. Your point?

Use sourcing you idiot- fish boi if you're going to post in my thread

the measure would not have passed without dem votes, one of which was cast by the hildebeast.
you still didn't disprove my point that 126 dems voted against that optional war you non-sourcing shit stain

Go spam someone else's thread Dropout

GFY, asshole. I never said the vote was anything but what it was. The measure would not have passed without dem votes, that is fact. One of the dem votes was cast by Hillary Clinton, that is also fact.

So what you are saying is that Hillary was too stupid to know that the intel was bad or that Bush was making it up. Ok, I agree, she is a moron.
he didn't fool half of the dem congress you dipshit and what was that about the threat of "you're with us or against us"? Oh yeah he was promising not to hand out contracts to countries that didn't sign on. Now why would he do that? BECAUSE COUNTRIES WEREN'T SIGNING ON YOU BRAIN DEAD RW PARTISAN TOOL111

Gawd but you're an idiot

you are the idiot in this discussion. your partisan anger is confirmation that deep down inside you know that your left wing ideology is a massive failure and your left wing candidates are shitheads.

As to Bush, he screwed up a lot of things, but not as many as Obama. The Clintons and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and that is sad for the USA.
except that is not the topic of this discussion oh sourceless wonder. Clue. Buy one :thup:
no one lied, they all bought into the bad intelligence.

Nah, he intentionally fudged it. His Neocon (Nazi) masters wanted all-out war with Iraq. But they knew they needed absurd lies to get the overwhelming support. It's just like how they recently tried to lie about Assad using chemical weapons in Syria. Warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get more war.

I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.
no one lied, they all bought into the bad intelligence.

Nah, he intentionally fudged it. His Neocon (Nazi) masters wanted all-out war with Iraq. But they knew they needed absurd lies to get the overwhelming support. It's just like how they recently tried to lie about Assad using chemical weapons in Syria. Warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get more war.

I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.
he's a tool just like OldStyle, Iceweasel, etc... They blather on day after day never providing sourcing. IOW's- they are piles

...back to my topic- Trump calling-out repub hypocrits and failed repub foreign policy
the measure would not have passed without dem votes, one of which was cast by the hildebeast.
you still didn't disprove my point that 126 dems voted against that optional war you non-sourcing shit stain

Go spam someone else's thread Dropout

GFY, asshole. I never said the vote was anything but what it was. The measure would not have passed without dem votes, that is fact. One of the dem votes was cast by Hillary Clinton, that is also fact.

So what you are saying is that Hillary was too stupid to know that the intel was bad or that Bush was making it up. Ok, I agree, she is a moron.
he didn't fool half of the dem congress you dipshit and what was that about the threat of "you're with us or against us"? Oh yeah he was promising not to hand out contracts to countries that didn't sign on. Now why would he do that? BECAUSE COUNTRIES WEREN'T SIGNING ON YOU BRAIN DEAD RW PARTISAN TOOL111

Gawd but you're an idiot

you are the idiot in this discussion. your partisan anger is confirmation that deep down inside you know that your left wing ideology is a massive failure and your left wing candidates are shitheads.

As to Bush, he screwed up a lot of things, but not as many as Obama. The Clintons and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and that is sad for the USA.
except that is not the topic of this discussion oh sourceless wonder. Clue. Buy one :thup:

that is exactly the topic, you fricken moron. You claimed that Trump confirmed your belief that Bush lied because he wanted war in the Mideast.

So you and Trump share a belief, BFD. WTF does that have to do with anything? People are not voting for Trump because of what he thinks of W. They are voting for him because he is the only one who has any ideas about how to fix the mess that 60 years of liberalism in both parties has caused.
Nah, he intentionally fudged it. His Neocon (Nazi) masters wanted all-out war with Iraq. But they knew they needed absurd lies to get the overwhelming support. It's just like how they recently tried to lie about Assad using chemical weapons in Syria. Warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get more war.

I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.

Sorry, but you have no idea who's currently running your Party. The Neocons (Nazis) do want more war. They want a whole lot more of it. They can't wait to stuff more American kids into the meat grinder. You need to seriously take a closer look at your Party leadership.
I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.

Sorry, but you have no idea who's currently running your Party. The Neocons (Nazis) do want more war. They want a whole lot more of it. They can't wait to shove more American kids into the meat grinder. You need to seriously take a closer look at your Party leadership.

give me names or STFU. Who specifically in the GOP wants the USA to be in a constant state of war. Who and Why.
you are the idiot in this discussion. your partisan anger is confirmation that deep down inside you know that your left wing ideology is a massive failure and your left wing candidates are shitheads..

my anger is that somehow you left school w/o learning anything. No one here is interested in your rw kool aid opinions. Ask someone how to source something so that you don't continue embarrassing yourself like saying "the world was with bush on iraq (it wasn't) and the dems in congress voted for iraq (126 didn't, thats way over 1/2 of them)
you still didn't disprove my point that 126 dems voted against that optional war you non-sourcing shit stain

Go spam someone else's thread Dropout

GFY, asshole. I never said the vote was anything but what it was. The measure would not have passed without dem votes, that is fact. One of the dem votes was cast by Hillary Clinton, that is also fact.

So what you are saying is that Hillary was too stupid to know that the intel was bad or that Bush was making it up. Ok, I agree, she is a moron.
he didn't fool half of the dem congress you dipshit and what was that about the threat of "you're with us or against us"? Oh yeah he was promising not to hand out contracts to countries that didn't sign on. Now why would he do that? BECAUSE COUNTRIES WEREN'T SIGNING ON YOU BRAIN DEAD RW PARTISAN TOOL111

Gawd but you're an idiot

you are the idiot in this discussion. your partisan anger is confirmation that deep down inside you know that your left wing ideology is a massive failure and your left wing candidates are shitheads.

As to Bush, he screwed up a lot of things, but not as many as Obama. The Clintons and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and that is sad for the USA.
except that is not the topic of this discussion oh sourceless wonder. Clue. Buy one :thup:

that is exactly the topic, you fricken moron. You claimed that Trump confirmed your belief that Bush lied because he wanted war in the Mideast.

So you and Trump share a belief, BFD. WTF does that have to do with anything? People are not voting for Trump because of what he thinks of W. They are voting for him because he is the only one who has any ideas about how to fix the mess that 60 years of liberalism in both parties has caused.
So you know what my OP is about? You're a real comedian considering you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag.
Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.

Sorry, but you have no idea who's currently running your Party. The Neocons (Nazis) do want more war. They want a whole lot more of it. They can't wait to shove more American kids into the meat grinder. You need to seriously take a closer look at your Party leadership.

give me names or STFU. Who specifically in the GOP wants the USA to be in a constant state of war. Who and Why.

The Neocons (Nazis) aren't hiding anything. They openly warmonger on a daily basis. They want war with so many nations, it's hard to keep track at this point. Their list of nations to start wars with grows longer everyday.

If the Neocons (Nazis) are ever booted from the Republican Party, i'll return. Until then, i can't call myself a Republican. And that's a real shame, i've leaned Republican most of my life.
Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.

Sorry, but you have no idea who's currently running your Party. The Neocons (Nazis) do want more war. They want a whole lot more of it. They can't wait to shove more American kids into the meat grinder. You need to seriously take a closer look at your Party leadership.

give me names or STFU. Who specifically in the GOP wants the USA to be in a constant state of war. Who and Why.

Since Rand Paul dropped out --- basically ALL of the survivors. They either want to carpet bomb another Arab country and leave it as a void for the radicals to set up shop --- OR --- they have silly notions of finding a "useful opposition" to Assad and cling to the notion that a "regime change" will bring democracy and roses to the entire Mid East.

All that sucks. We DESTROYED stability in Libya, Iraq, and Somalia. We want to do that AGAIN????

Which brings us back to the topic -- Republicans were just too stupid to make the BEST argument for invading Iraq.
And that was that the 12 years of DAILY BOMBING, KILLING SANCTIONS, and UN GRAFT --- was one of the ugliest periods of US foreign policy in the last 30 years. It was falling apart, costing too money and was a sore point with most of the Arab nations.

So the choices were --

1) Drop the containment and let Saddam "out of the box" -- like our allies wanted.


2) END the failed containment and bring him down, but NOT set in for a nation building excersize.

I chose #1 right off the bat. There was no need to lie. Just fixing a HORRIBLE 12 year policy would have been good enough..
GFY, asshole. I never said the vote was anything but what it was. The measure would not have passed without dem votes, that is fact. One of the dem votes was cast by Hillary Clinton, that is also fact.

So what you are saying is that Hillary was too stupid to know that the intel was bad or that Bush was making it up. Ok, I agree, she is a moron.
he didn't fool half of the dem congress you dipshit and what was that about the threat of "you're with us or against us"? Oh yeah he was promising not to hand out contracts to countries that didn't sign on. Now why would he do that? BECAUSE COUNTRIES WEREN'T SIGNING ON YOU BRAIN DEAD RW PARTISAN TOOL111

Gawd but you're an idiot

you are the idiot in this discussion. your partisan anger is confirmation that deep down inside you know that your left wing ideology is a massive failure and your left wing candidates are shitheads.

As to Bush, he screwed up a lot of things, but not as many as Obama. The Clintons and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman and that is sad for the USA.
except that is not the topic of this discussion oh sourceless wonder. Clue. Buy one :thup:

that is exactly the topic, you fricken moron. You claimed that Trump confirmed your belief that Bush lied because he wanted war in the Mideast.

So you and Trump share a belief, BFD. WTF does that have to do with anything? People are not voting for Trump because of what he thinks of W. They are voting for him because he is the only one who has any ideas about how to fix the mess that 60 years of liberalism in both parties has caused.
So you know what my OP is about? You're a real comedian considering you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag.
Your op asks if any Trump supporters agree with his statement on the Iraq war. The answer is no I don't. He is simply trying to take middle of the road votes from Jeb. He didn't need to do that. Jeb is going nowhere. All the rest of your dribble.
Cowboy Diplomacy (voluntarily invading countries that are not a direct threat to the vital interests of the US ) failed and was agreed to AFTER A LONG TIME by Repubs

The Great Iraq Mistake

Invading Iraq was a mistake.

That's the consensus now even among Republicans, whose presidential candidates in recent days have largely fallen in line behind Jeb Bush and denounced the 2003 invasion initiated by his brother. After first telling Fox News this month he "would have" invaded Iraq

Most GOP candidates have voiced support for escalating U.S. involvement against the militants, while until recently sidestepping the widespread public perception that their party is responsible for the unpopular conflict that contributed to the group's formation.
the measure would not have passed without dem votes, one of which was cast by the hildebeast.

If every Democrat in the House voted against the war resolution, the bill still would have passed 214 to 207. The GOP had the majority.

In the Senate, the GOP only needed one Democratic vote for the resolution to pass.
I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.

Sorry, but you have no idea who's currently running your Party. The Neocons (Nazis) do want more war. They want a whole lot more of it. They can't wait to stuff more American kids into the meat grinder. You need to seriously take a closer look at your Party leadership.

Yes, indeed

The motherfuckers need a boogeyman, they need another war

"Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren't allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren't playing by the rules."
Nah, he intentionally fudged it. His Neocon (Nazi) masters wanted all-out war with Iraq. But they knew they needed absurd lies to get the overwhelming support. It's just like how they recently tried to lie about Assad using chemical weapons in Syria. Warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get more war.

I disagree. you have bought into the media/Hollywood version of history. But that's your right, you are free to believe whatever fantasy you like.

Just remember, warmongering madmen will say and do anything to get their wars. Always keep that in mind.

Don't be an idiot, no one wants wars.

You're sadly mistaken. The Neocon (Nazi) powers-that-be in the Republican Party do want war. They warmonger daily, 365 24/7.

Bullshit, wanting a strong military is wanting to prevent wars. you have it totally backwards. We get into wars when we are weak.
We have had by far the strongest military in the world since the end of WW II in the late part of the 1940's and we have been in continuous wars the entire time. Perhaps there is something else needed in that equation, thesis, concept, whatever.

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