Trump Calls DeSantis a “Globalist RINO”

So much for that whole "globalist RINO" shit.

It's just words. Always was.

Might as well call him a doody head

Trump took to his Truth Social account to whack DeSantis as a “globalist” and a “RINO” (Republican in name only).​

“Thank you. The real Ron is a RINO GLOBALIST, who closed quickly down Florida and even its beaches. Loved the Vaccines and wasted big money on ‘Testing.’ How quickly people forget!”​

Trump also “re-truthed,” similar to re-tweeting on Twitter, various supportive messages, such as “President Trump will destroy DeSantis in the primary,” “people need to do there (sic) research, DeSantis is fake and a globalist,” and reminders that the then-Congressman voted for resolutions that would raise the retirement age to 70.​

“You need to go back and look at his history. You will change tour (sic) mind. He is a RINO. Paid opposition to keep Trump from saving America. A vote for DeSantis is a vote for the establishment,” read a missive from one Trump supporter that the former President boosted.​

Words like “RINO,” “globalist” and “conservative” don’t mean anything anymore.
Seriously, some one is actually paying attention to what the sociopath Trump says ? You’d thing by the time he hit 3045 lies, we’d catch in by then. He must still be selling coins.

Anyone here want to. Any one want to fess up to buying Trump‘s memorabilia ?
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i don't see anything wrong with increasing the retirement age to 70. Most people these days live way beyond 70. The problem is, the economy under Corn Pop is so bad... we can't really do that at this time IMO
What are you, Scandinavian ? In America the life expectancy for a male is just 73 years.
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Trump called himself the father of the vaccine, claimed nobody died from the vaccine, allowed fauci to lock us down to kill the economy. ( phizer gave him 1 million for his inaugural party.)

Trump did everything rhinos McConnell and Ryan told him to do and self inflicted his demise by allowing leftists to remain in power rather than cleaning house. his left leaning daughter and son in law made him a wimp who left office without a fight.

he is worse than a rhino. he was a puppet.
desantis is no rhino. as we speak, he and the legislature are planning to block the digital money system xiden has in store for us. once implemented, you will be allowed pennies to the dollar and they can limit, deduct, or block monies to control you. you should move to FL to remain free.
I will vote for desantis. I cannot say the same for trump. I would probably sit the election out if that's the case.
No, no, no. Only if you think Trump as President would be worse than the Democrat nominee.

That's what I thought in 2016. I was wrong.

America is ruled by the Supreme Court. Like the old Roman Republic, we've had a "revolution within the form", where the formal trappings of democracy remain, yet have been filled with a different content.

Let a Democrat get in again in 2024, and we'll see the Supreme Court and many Federal judgeships filled with progressiive American-haters, or those who yield to them.

I ardently wish Mr Trump would step aside, and work on building a powerful grass-roots conservative organization. He could still have giant rallies where he would introduce the Republican candidate (and get more enthusiastic applause than that candidate). He would go down in history as a selfless (HA!) hero that way.

Anyway ... whoever is the Republican nominee should get our support.

On DeSantis. The real question is, has he changed, or is he still a business-as-usual Republican, like most of the top of the Republican Party. Remember Trump was a Democrat, until he saw what they were doing to our country.
Remember Trump was a Democrat, until he saw what they were doing to our country.
Ha ha that’s hilarious.
You don’t even know why Trump ran as a repugnant do you ?
He ran becaseu he luvs the less educated. He’s a Republican because they fall for shit and any lie you throw out there.

He uses this bullshit to destroy his opponents. Everything from Hillary to DeSantes to Hunter Biden, he has you idiots in the palm of his hand.

Most of your posts indicate you’d vote for Putin over any democrat. That comes from being out right ignorant.

Maria Bartiromo was saying Democrats need to do a better job at fighting back when Republicans call us socialists, communists and fascists. These buzz words work on people who came to America from socialist, communist and fascist countries. So the lying liars (Republicans) are able to dupe a pretty large portion of Hispanic voters with that rhetoric. Look at Florida. Cuban Americans get their dicks sucked by the Republican party down there. Of course Republicans don't treat Haitians or Dominican Republic people the same as they do Cubans.

We are not socialists. If being for social security makes us socialists, what does that make you? Are you against social security or for it? Ah ha! Either you are a socialist or you're lying when you Republicans say you don't want to make cuts to the program. Even end the program. Be clear on this. Are you or are you not a socialist?

We are pro union and anti illegal employers.
So much for that whole "globalist RINO" shit.

It's just words. Always was.

Might as well call him a doody head




Who's got the most global business'? Trump

with D
I actually wish Trump would just fade away.

He's obnoxious and the TDS is annoying
with DeSantis as president it will be DDS

You think they wil l stop the persecution of Rs and conservatives ifTrump goes away?

He and his daughter have their clothing lines manufactured in China and Mexico.

Trump hotel in Moscow, the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion dollars.

Now you tell me what Jared has to offer that's worth $2 billion dollars.

Even if it's legit, it's globalist shit right?
Such are the egos of politicians.

We're all going to find out years from now Biden was the most authentic middle class first president since FDR. Carter wasn't able to get so much done. And Biden knows ways to shrinking the gap between rich and poor. Clinton sold us out too on too many things. Like NAFTA. So far Biden has only given them that Alaska pipeline far as I can tell.

The gap between rich and rest of us has been widening since the late 70's and for a few different reasons and each reason all republicans have to say is so what?

Meanwhile our infrastructure was falling apart, social security running out of money, etc.....

Social programs don't mean anything to the rich but they do the rest of us. And I'm sorry Mississippi hicks if you don't get very many social services and programs where you live. Talk to your republican politicians about that.

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