Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

Eh get over it. Warren lied.

And your proof of that is....



Because you're parroting a meme that you can't back up.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Haha, you spelled "self-delusion" wrong.

None of this has to do with "Liberalism" or any other kind of politics. It's about simple logic and lying. It's about false accusations that you can't prove. It's about basic mendacity.

In short, you're still a liar.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

Riiight, her hiring was merit based.

It's nothing like leftist progressive covering for another leftist progressive.

I'd say this qualified her:

Warren started her academic career as a lecturer at Rutgers University, Newark School of Law (1977–78). She moved to the University of Houston Law Center (1978–83), where she became Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 1980, and obtained tenure in 1981. She taught at the University of Texas School of Law as visiting associate professor in 1981, and returned as a full professor two years later (staying 1983–87). In addition, she was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (1985) and research associate at the Population Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin (1983–87).[37] Early in her career, Warren became a proponent of on-the-ground research based on studying how people actually respond to laws in the real world. Her work analyzing court records, and interviewing judges, lawyers, and debtors, established her as a rising star in the field of bankruptcy law.[38]

Warren joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School as a full professor in 1987 and obtained an endowed chair in 1990 (becoming William A Schnader Professor of Commercial Law). She taught for a year at Harvard Law School in 1992 as Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Commercial Law. In 1995, Warren left Penn to become Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

There are thousands of professors like her. There are thousands of lawyers with actual court experience.

You think Harvard, or any other place begged her to apply? Or did she applied for a job?

You know what probably happened? When she applied, they told her: "You know Liz, you've changed 10 jobs in past 10 years, probably with a reason, so you're not exactly the right person for us, but you have those "high cheekbones" and you could pass as "Indian", and that's exactly what we need here. Go write Indian cookbook to have it as a proof, and if anyone ever ask you anything, just tell them your mother and grandmother told you who you are. And don't worry, DNA tests are not that accurate."

How come Elizabeth Warren looks more like John Denver than Pocahontas?
Genetics. You should study it. What happens to a genetic trait afer 5 generations?

A simple DNA test would resolve all.
Not that simple. A DNA test only compares the measured DNA against typical DNAs from a given region. It would likely identify Warren as being from that part of Oklahoma.
Oh so now you're a DNA expert too? Ha ha ha.
I just read an article in the past two days. you should try reading & maybe you won't be such an ignorant fool all your life.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
lol...wanna see how obviously bogus and irrelevant you and the rest of the left are? you find "Pochohantas" to be "racially insensitive"? [everyone reading this knows you have no problem with it outside of who said it], how about Sitting Bull"? "Featherstone"? "Geronimo"? ooohh, what about this one, "CRAZY HORSE"...or are you feeling the impending implosion in your bogus PC belief system and pretending you haven't noticed it's adverse effect on the left by lashing out in a political death throe using the last of your PC arsenal.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and Cherokee cheekbones are not extraordinary evidence
Your hero said a racial slur. A racial slur against the race of the very people he was supposed to be honoring.

That much stupidity is news worthy.

There is no need to be assigning hero status to anyone ... Especially when peeps like you are such easy marks ... :thup:
What better place to make fun of Senator Warren for her claims than in front of a bunch of Native Americans being honored for using their native tongue as an unbreakable code in the Second World War?

It is news worthy ... The stupidity is evident.

he used a slur. Oh wait, your ilk lovers using racial slurs.
So just because the Left and it's fake news media say so, it has to be a slur.

How come Elizabeth Warren looks more like John Denver than Pocahontas?
Genetics. You should study it. What happens to a genetic trait afer 5 generations?

A simple DNA test would resolve all.
Not that simple. A DNA test only compares the measured DNA against typical DNAs from a given region. It would likely identify Warren as being from that part of Oklahoma.

The poster seems to (again) have a perverted idea of "who owes who what".

Nobody owes him a fucking DNA test, a fingerprint, a letter from your Mom or an alibi from your boss just because HE decides "she's a witch". That's immeasurably arrogant.

Once again the concept of "burden of proof" is ignored because it's inconvenient. That's the first step in lying.

Wow you just nailed the door shut on "Trump colluded with the Russians" fairly conclusively. Well done.

Lame deflection attempt -- nothing above refers to, even obliquely, anything about Rump or Russians in any way whatsoever.

I can understand though why you want to run away from your own burden of proof problem. Because you're a wimp who can't handle it. :gay:
Eh get over it. Warren lied.

And your proof of that is....



Because you're parroting a meme that you can't back up.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Haha, you spelled "self-delusion" wrong.

None of this has to do with "Liberalism" or any other kind of politics. It's about simple logic and lying. It's about false accusations that you can't prove. It's about basic mendacity.

In short, you're still a liar.
You enjoy posting gibberish?
Genetics. You should study it. What happens to a genetic trait afer 5 generations?

A simple DNA test would resolve all.
Not that simple. A DNA test only compares the measured DNA against typical DNAs from a given region. It would likely identify Warren as being from that part of Oklahoma.

The poster seems to (again) have a perverted idea of "who owes who what".

Nobody owes him a fucking DNA test, a fingerprint, a letter from your Mom or an alibi from your boss just because HE decides "she's a witch". That's immeasurably arrogant.

Once again the concept of "burden of proof" is ignored because it's inconvenient. That's the first step in lying.

Wow you just nailed the door shut on "Trump colluded with the Russians" fairly conclusively. Well done.

Lame deflection attempt -- nothing above refers to, even obliquely, anything about Rump or Russians in any way whatsoever.

I can understand though why you want to run away from your own burden of proof problem. Because you're a wimp who can't handle it. :gay:

Oh, so burden of proof only matters SOMETIMES? Got it.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and Cherokee cheekbones are not extraordinary evidence

And family anecdotes are not "extraordinary claims". On the contrary few things are more ordinary.
Family anecdotes written as facts in legal journal reviews ARE extraordinary however.

Simple test, would Pogo be exploding right now if it was Trump who had said he was part Indian with no proof? Of course he would have been.
Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

The school touted her as an Indian for over a decade online and in journals .

Are you suggesting that Trump made this story up or something and Waran never tried to play herself off as an Indian? I mean for God sakes, she's answered a few questions about this and said yes she told Harvard she was an Indian b/c that's what her granny told her she waas.
Trump lied when he said she used it to get a job.

She said she marked that she had Native American ancestry to meet other like people. She has explained why she makes that claim.

She used it as an advantage to get into Harvard, she used it to get a $350,000 teaching gig.

Trump was telling the truth as usual.

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud and a liar. The perfect democrat.

How often foes something need debunked prior to getting into you obviously vacant skull?

Never has been debunked, mainly because it’s true.
A simple DNA test would resolve all.

She probably did it herself, anonymously.

The unfavorable results she got are probably the reason she's refusing to do it publicly.

If results were in her favor, she would be all over media with it.
And family anecdotes are not "extraordinary claims". On the contrary few things are more ordinary.

so trump is Swedish?, I have to agree with you here, as the only thing I can think of more ordinary than claiming Native American heritage to get into an Ivy league slot is becoming a millionaire while serving the public by writing textbooks...nothing fishy about those things at all...hope I did not offend you or anyone else by using the word fishy while speaking of groups who are known for having fishermen as part of their heritage, I can assure you those are just part of the english speaking non-communist American way of speaking
Eh get over it. Warren lied.

And your proof of that is....



Because you're parroting a meme that you can't back up.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Haha, you spelled "self-delusion" wrong.

None of this has to do with "Liberalism" or any other kind of politics. It's about simple logic and lying. It's about false accusations that you can't prove. It's about basic mendacity.

In short, you're still a liar.
You enjoy posting gibberish?

Hey I ain't the one who posted, and I quote, "Pfffft" when challenged to back up a claim he just made, before deciding I "didn't need to". That was in fact, you.

I doubt you "enjoyed" it though if you have any conscience at all. I suspect it felt more like a panic attack and "pffft" was the best you could come up with. Which speaks volumes about your intellect.
A simple DNA test would resolve all.

She probably did it herself, anonymously.

The unfavorable results she got are probably the reason she's refusing to do it publicly.

If results were in her favor, she would be all over media with it.

You know, you might be on to something there. I have seen the Ancestry commercials where a woman gets in front of the camera and says that she is 28 percent Native American, and that she had never known.

You know, there is a certain percentage that is required to be able to call yourself Native American and receive benefits. I wonder if a DNA test is admissible as proof that you are NA?
And family anecdotes are not "extraordinary claims". On the contrary few things are more ordinary.

so trump is Swedish?, I have to agree with you here, as the only thing I can think of more ordinary than claiming Native American heritage to get into an Ivy league slot is becoming a millionaire while serving the public by writing textbooks...nothing fishy about those things at all...hope I did not offend you or anyone else by using the word fishy while speaking of groups who are known for having fishermen as part of their heritage, I can assure you those are just part of the english speaking non-communist American way of speaking

I've posted nothing about anything "Swedish". No idea what you're talking about here.
A simple DNA test would resolve all.

She probably did it herself, anonymously.

The unfavorable results she got are probably the reason she's refusing to do it publicly.

If results were in her favor, she would be all over media with it.

You know, you might be on to something there. I have seen the Ancestry commercials where a woman gets in front of the camera and says that she is 28 percent Native American, and that she had never known.

You know, there is a certain percentage that is required to be able to call yourself Native American and receive benefits. I wonder if a DNA test is admissible as proof that you are NA?

Doesn't matter anyway. It's family lore. Family lore is not some kind of affidavit. Nor did Warren apply for membership in Cherokee Nation or anything of the sort. That's a complete strawman. Hell a better strawman could be made for Mark Lindsay.
And family anecdotes are not "extraordinary claims". On the contrary few things are more ordinary.

so trump is Swedish?, I have to agree with you here, as the only thing I can think of more ordinary than claiming Native American heritage to get into an Ivy league slot is becoming a millionaire while serving the public by writing textbooks...nothing fishy about those things at all...hope I did not offend you or anyone else by using the word fishy while speaking of groups who are known for having fishermen as part of their heritage, I can assure you those are just part of the english speaking non-communist American way of speaking

No, Trump isn't Swedish. He claimed to be because his father did. And the only reason his father did was to be able to rent properties to people.

Trump incorrectly claimed to be Swedish for decades

Trump himself claimed, wrongly, to be of Swedish heritage as least until 1987 — he wrote in The Art of the Deal that his grandfather had come to the U.S. from Sweden. Actually, The Boston Globe reported last year and Axios recalled on Monday, Trump's father, Fred Trump, made up the Swedish ancestry after World War II so he wouldn't have problems selling apartments to Jewish buyers on account of his German heritage. (Friedrich Trump immigrated to New York from Germany in 1885.

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