Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

You know, you might be on to something there. I have seen the Ancestry commercials where a woman gets in front of the camera and says that she is 28 percent Native American, and that she had never known.

You know, there is a certain percentage that is required to be able to call yourself Native American and receive benefits. I wonder if a DNA test is admissible as proof that you are NA?

Doesn't matter anyway. It's family lore. Family lore is not some kind of affidavit. Nor did Warren apply for membership in Cherokee Nation or anything of the sort. That's a complete strawman. Hell a better strawman could be made for Mark Lindsay.

It's not a straw man you dipshit. She LIED about being an Indian, her reasons for lying are wholly irrelevant to the discussion about whether she lied or not, you are just desperate to deflect.

Once AGAIN you just dumped the same ass-ertion you can't prove.

Go ahead -- prove she "lied"about being an Indian.

I'm Black Irish. Prove I'm "lying" about that.

I have a white car in my driveway. Prove I don't.

Don't you GET how this works? Are you a moron?

IF Warren could prove she was an Indian she would have by now sued Trump for slander. That is without question true. She hasn't sued yet, meaning she knows his claims are true. As do you, Warren lied about being an Indian.

Oooh big surprise a politician who lied. I suspect the D behind her name is the only reason you continue to defend her.

So you ***CAN'T*** prove it.

That's what the fuck I just said. DUH.

Oh you mean like you idiots can't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians, but here you are a year later still crying about it?
Of course he has damaged her. But in order for it to be slander the burden falls on HER to prove the claims were false.

WRONG Gummo. Doesn't work that way on this planet, never did, never will. Burden of proof is on the ASSERTER, not the subject OF it.

Watch this.

Emissaries of the planet 5g3mi have landed in your town and are about to take over your drinking water.

I just posted that. You're actually going to sit on this board and pretend that's YOUR job to document?


You really are a fucking moron. If I declare you're "a witch", does it become true unless you prove otherwise?

Stupidest post I've read all day. Even in this thread.
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Of course he has damaged her. But in order for it to be slander the burden falls on HER to prove the claims were false.

WRONG Gummo. Doesn't work that way on this planet, never did, never will. Burden of proof is on the ASSERTER, not the subject OF it.

Watch this.

Emissaries of the planet 5g3mi have landed in your town and are about to take over your drinking water.

I just posted that. You're actually going to sit on this board and pretend that's YOUR job to document?


You really are a fucking moron. If I declare you're "a witch", does it become true unless you prove otherwise?

Stupidest fucking post I've read all day. Even in this thread.[/QUOTE]

are you really this stupid?

If you sue someone for slander (or libel) the burden of proof absolutely falls on you to prove the told a lie about you.

Elements of Libel and Slander - FindLaw

I don't know what kind of nitwits you're used to arguing with around here, but time to step up your game sonny.
The school touted her as an Indian for over a decade online and in journals .

Are you suggesting that Trump made this story up or something and Waran never tried to play herself off as an Indian? I mean for God sakes, she's answered a few questions about this and said yes she told Harvard she was an Indian b/c that's what her granny told her she waas.
Trump lied when he said she used it to get a job.

She said she marked that she had Native American ancestry to meet other like people. She has explained why she makes that claim.

She used it as an advantage to get into Harvard, she used it to get a $350,000 teaching gig.

Trump was telling the truth as usual.

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud and a liar. The perfect democrat.

How often foes something need debunked prior to getting into you obviously vacant skull?

Never has been debunked, mainly because it’s true.

The ass-ertion is a negative: "is a fraud and a liar" and "used it as an advantage to get into Harvard" and "used it to get a teaching gig".

Those are three assertions, ***NONE*** of which have a scintilla of evidence backing them up. Zero. If they did --------------------------- YOU COULD DOCUMENT IT.

Yet you "liar"mongers go on and on and on yammering this fake meme that you know you can't prove.

This tells is absolutely nothing about Elizabeth Warren, or about Oklahoma or about Indians. What it tells us is the level of dishonest you hacks are willing to drop just to defame anybody whose politics you decide you don't like. At that level of dishonest hackery, the fact that you can't document anything becomes irrelevant just because it "feels" like the reality you wish existed.

Sadly for you the world does not function that way.

It’s true, and I can document it and I have. If by document, you meant links.
he used a slur. Oh wait, your ilk lovers using racial slurs.

You have no concept of what my ilk are nor what we love ... You are a simple minded partisan fruitloop ... :thup:

I base it on your posts.

If you post like a bigoted fuck, then you are likely a bigoted fuck.

Like I said ... You have no concept ... Your inability to come to a different conclusion is only evidence to that point ... :thup:

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Doesn't matter anyway. It's family lore. Family lore is not some kind of affidavit. Nor did Warren apply for membership in Cherokee Nation or anything of the sort. That's a complete strawman. Hell a better strawman could be made for Mark Lindsay.

It's not a straw man you dipshit. She LIED about being an Indian, her reasons for lying are wholly irrelevant to the discussion about whether she lied or not, you are just desperate to deflect.

Once AGAIN you just dumped the same ass-ertion you can't prove.

Go ahead -- prove she "lied"about being an Indian.

I'm Black Irish. Prove I'm "lying" about that.

I have a white car in my driveway. Prove I don't.

Don't you GET how this works? Are you a moron?

IF Warren could prove she was an Indian she would have by now sued Trump for slander. That is without question true. She hasn't sued yet, meaning she knows his claims are true. As do you, Warren lied about being an Indian.

Oooh big surprise a politician who lied. I suspect the D behind her name is the only reason you continue to defend her.

well, no... because she's a public figure and he hasn't damaged her. you freaks don't count.

but we are still waiting for Donald the sexual predator to bring a defamation suit against the women who went public about him

Of course he has damaged her. But in order for it to be slander the burden falls on HER to prove the claims were false.

Same with Trump. I suspect he was telling the truth when on the Billy Bush tapes and if he sued them women for slander the burden of proof would lie on him to prove they lied.

See how that works ? I don't give a shit about party. Truth is truth and lies are lies.

Trump is a liar doesn't equal Warren is not and visa versa , at least for non political hacks. I suspect you have no idea what I am talking about.

what damage did she suffer? are trumptards not going to vote for her? did she lose any esteem among rational people?

what is the economic value of that damage?
It's not a straw man you dipshit. She LIED about being an Indian, her reasons for lying are wholly irrelevant to the discussion about whether she lied or not, you are just desperate to deflect.

Once AGAIN you just dumped the same ass-ertion you can't prove.

Go ahead -- prove she "lied"about being an Indian.

I'm Black Irish. Prove I'm "lying" about that.

I have a white car in my driveway. Prove I don't.

Don't you GET how this works? Are you a moron?

IF Warren could prove she was an Indian she would have by now sued Trump for slander. That is without question true. She hasn't sued yet, meaning she knows his claims are true. As do you, Warren lied about being an Indian.

Oooh big surprise a politician who lied. I suspect the D behind her name is the only reason you continue to defend her.

well, no... because she's a public figure and he hasn't damaged her. you freaks don't count.

but we are still waiting for Donald the sexual predator to bring a defamation suit against the women who went public about him

Of course he has damaged her. But in order for it to be slander the burden falls on HER to prove the claims were false.

Same with Trump. I suspect he was telling the truth when on the Billy Bush tapes and if he sued them women for slander the burden of proof would lie on him to prove they lied.

See how that works ? I don't give a shit about party. Truth is truth and lies are lies.

Trump is a liar doesn't equal Warren is not and visa versa , at least for non political hacks. I suspect you have no idea what I am talking about.

what damage did she suffer? are trumptards not going to vote for her? did she lose any esteem among rational people?

what is the economic value of that damage?

Yeah Jillian I believe she has lost some esteem among rationale people (and by rationale people I don't mean idiotic partisans on EITHER side, unlike you I accept that there are some rationale people on both sides who do not like this sort of behavior from elected officials and don't look the other way simply because they are from THEIR party)

I don't think you'd find a jury in this country who wouldn't agree that being called a liar on national TV by the POTUS from the Oval Office is damaging to one's reputation.

This is why these politicians don't sue in cases like this even when it hurts them politically. Most of the stories have a t least a kernel of truth to them and that would come out in a slander suit.
Once AGAIN you just dumped the same ass-ertion you can't prove.

Go ahead -- prove she "lied"about being an Indian.

I'm Black Irish. Prove I'm "lying" about that.

I have a white car in my driveway. Prove I don't.

Don't you GET how this works? Are you a moron?

IF Warren could prove she was an Indian she would have by now sued Trump for slander. That is without question true. She hasn't sued yet, meaning she knows his claims are true. As do you, Warren lied about being an Indian.

Oooh big surprise a politician who lied. I suspect the D behind her name is the only reason you continue to defend her.

well, no... because she's a public figure and he hasn't damaged her. you freaks don't count.

but we are still waiting for Donald the sexual predator to bring a defamation suit against the women who went public about him

Of course he has damaged her. But in order for it to be slander the burden falls on HER to prove the claims were false.

Same with Trump. I suspect he was telling the truth when on the Billy Bush tapes and if he sued them women for slander the burden of proof would lie on him to prove they lied.

See how that works ? I don't give a shit about party. Truth is truth and lies are lies.

Trump is a liar doesn't equal Warren is not and visa versa , at least for non political hacks. I suspect you have no idea what I am talking about.

what damage did she suffer? are trumptards not going to vote for her? did she lose any esteem among rational people?

what is the economic value of that damage?

Yeah Jillian I believe she has lost some esteem among rationale people (and by rationale people I don't mean idiotic partisans on EITHER side, unlike you I accept that there are some rationale people on both sides who do not like this sort of behavior from elected officials and don't look the other way simply because they are from THEIR party)

I don't think you'd find a jury in this country who wouldn't agree that being called a liar on national TV by the POTUS from the Oval Office is damaging to one's reputation.

This is why these politicians don't sue in cases like this even when it hurts them politically. Most of the stories have a t least a kernel of truth to them and that would come out in a slander suit.

On the other hand..

Trump sues and wins frequently when it comes to libel.

Because the left and their propaganda arm do lie, and in court it is confirmed.
In the book by Trump "Art of the deal" (or whatever), Trump said his father came here from Sweden.


To make money. For personal gain.
In the book by Trump "Art of the deal" (or whatever), Trump said his father came here from Sweden.


To make money. For personal gain.

You, of course, have no idea what his reasons for doing so for were, AND whether he did or not or why he did it, doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Also, of course, there is a significant difference in that the Swedes weren't and aren't a demographic that was all but wiped out but evil whitey and so are a protected class today .
I don't think you'd find a jury in this country who wouldn't agree that being called a liar on national TV by the POTUS from the Oval Office is damaging to one's reputation.

When it's this POTUS, nobody takes that seriously. If they did his approval rating wouldn't be down there with tick bites.
I don't think you'd find a jury in this country who wouldn't agree that being called a liar on national TV by the POTUS from the Oval Office is damaging to one's reputation.

When it's this POTUS, nobody takes that seriously. If they did his approval rating wouldn't be down there with tick bites.

Well his tick bite approval rating his higher than Congress's , so there's that.

But also, there sure is a lot of news coverage and such about a topic no one cares about.
doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Technically it doesn't "change" it because you can't "change" something that doesn't exist in the first place.

Of course if it did exist you could document it.

You lose.
doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Technically it doesn't "change" it because you can't "change" something that doesn't exist in the first place.

Of course if it did exist you could document it.

You lose.
She no longer claims to be an Indian Pogo, in fact Trump isn't even the first political foe to bring this up. That was Scott Brown in 2012 , and coincidentally 2012 was when ALL references to her "heritage" were removed from EVERYTHING.

FACT CHECK: Did Elizabeth Warren Lie About Her Native American Heritage to Land a Job at Harvard?

See, this was a lot like the "birther" thing , Trump didn't invent it, he just picked up on something that already existed and took it to the next level.

Doesn't change the fact that Warren used to claim she was part Indian, and no longer does. Perhaps you have a reasonable explanation for that, but the only one I can come up with is "once she was exposed for telling a lie, she stopped telling that lie"

And , of course, it is beyond obvious that if Warren were a conservative Republican under the same circumstances, you would be apoplectic about the lie.

Sad that you accept lies from SOME politicians. I accept them from NONE
In the book by Trump "Art of the deal" (or whatever), Trump said his father came here from Sweden.


To make money. For personal gain.

You, of course, have no idea what his reasons for doing so for were, AND whether he did or not or why he did it, doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Also, of course, there is a significant difference in that the Swedes weren't and aren't a demographic that was all but wiped out but evil whitey and so are a protected class today .
Really? I have an idea, pull your head out of Trump's ass & do some reading on the subject. Starting a business here in the US so soon after WWII & You think being German would help? Really? My God you people are fucking idiots.

What this shows is Trump doing the exact same thing Warren did. That is what it shows.

Your orange buddy should remember that thing about stones & glass houses.
doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Technically it doesn't "change" it because you can't "change" something that doesn't exist in the first place.

Of course if it did exist you could document it.

You lose.
She no longer claims to be an Indian Pogo, in fact Trump isn't even the first political foe to bring this up. That was Scott Brown in 2012 , and coincidentally 2012 was when ALL references to her "heritage" were removed from EVERYTHING.

FACT CHECK: Did Elizabeth Warren Lie About Her Native American Heritage to Land a Job at Harvard?

See, this was a lot like the "birther" thing , Trump didn't invent it, he just picked up on something that already existed and took it to the next level.

Doesn't change the fact that Warren used to claim she was part Indian, and no longer does. Perhaps you have a reasonable explanation for that, but the only one I can come up with is "once she was exposed for telling a lie, she stopped telling that lie"

And , of course, it is beyond obvious that if Warren were a conservative Republican under the same circumstances, you would be apoplectic about the lie.

Sad that you accept lies from SOME politicians. I accept them from NONE
rump lied about the birther thing, jackass. Just like he is lying now.

Elizabeth Warren was very clear where she got the information that she was part Cherokee. She never claimed she had proof. She never used it for personal gain.
In the book by Trump "Art of the deal" (or whatever), Trump said his father came here from Sweden.


To make money. For personal gain.

You, of course, have no idea what his reasons for doing so for were, AND whether he did or not or why he did it, doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Also, of course, there is a significant difference in that the Swedes weren't and aren't a demographic that was all but wiped out but evil whitey and so are a protected class today .
Really? I have an idea, pull your head out of Trump's ass & do some reading on the subject. Starting a business here in the US so soon after WWII & You think being German would help? Really? My God you people are fucking idiots.

What this shows is Trump doing the exact same thing Warren did. That is what it shows.

Your orange buddy should remember that thing about stones & glass houses.

Hey dip shit, I already said that obviously Trump lied about his heritage, I merely pointed out some differences.

Damn you people are stupid. I mean painfully stupid.
doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Technically it doesn't "change" it because you can't "change" something that doesn't exist in the first place.

Of course if it did exist you could document it.

You lose.
She no longer claims to be an Indian Pogo, in fact Trump isn't even the first political foe to bring this up. That was Scott Brown in 2012 , and coincidentally 2012 was when ALL references to her "heritage" were removed from EVERYTHING.

FACT CHECK: Did Elizabeth Warren Lie About Her Native American Heritage to Land a Job at Harvard?

See, this was a lot like the "birther" thing , Trump didn't invent it, he just picked up on something that already existed and took it to the next level.

Doesn't change the fact that Warren used to claim she was part Indian, and no longer does. Perhaps you have a reasonable explanation for that, but the only one I can come up with is "once she was exposed for telling a lie, she stopped telling that lie"

And , of course, it is beyond obvious that if Warren were a conservative Republican under the same circumstances, you would be apoplectic about the lie.

Sad that you accept lies from SOME politicians. I accept them from NONE
rump lied about the birther thing, jackass. Just like he is lying now.

Elizabeth Warren was very clear where she got the information that she was part Cherokee. She never claimed she had proof. She never used it for personal gain.[/QUOTE]

That is , of course, your opinion based on the fact that you like Warren's politics, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

The truth is, we don't know why she lied about being an Indian.
In the book by Trump "Art of the deal" (or whatever), Trump said his father came here from Sweden.


To make money. For personal gain.

You, of course, have no idea what his reasons for doing so for were, AND whether he did or not or why he did it, doesn't change the fact that Warren lied about her heritage as well.

Also, of course, there is a significant difference in that the Swedes weren't and aren't a demographic that was all but wiped out but evil whitey and so are a protected class today .
Really? I have an idea, pull your head out of Trump's ass & do some reading on the subject. Starting a business here in the US so soon after WWII & You think being German would help? Really? My God you people are fucking idiots.

What this shows is Trump doing the exact same thing Warren did. That is what it shows.

Your orange buddy should remember that thing about stones & glass houses.

Hey dip shit, I already said that obviously Trump lied about his heritage, I merely pointed out some differences.

Damn you people are stupid. I mean painfully stupid.
I responded to your claim that I did not know why. Read up & it is clear as to why.

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