Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

The school touted her as an Indian for over a decade online and in journals .

Are you suggesting that Trump made this story up or something and Waran never tried to play herself off as an Indian? I mean for God sakes, she's answered a few questions about this and said yes she told Harvard she was an Indian b/c that's what her granny told her she waas.
Trump lied when he said she used it to get a job.

She said she marked that she had Native American ancestry to meet other like people. She has explained why she makes that claim.
Warren is a nut. Certifiable. Can you imagine had Sarah Palin got a free ride to college and a $340,000 job claiming "Eskimo cheekbones"?
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.

Actually it's an example of Echobubblers running around with myths they can't prove and then wondering why it's not selling.

It's quite interesting. They are just creating this myth that Warren applied for minority status when she applied for school, and it's completely untrue. But they want it to be true, so they defiantly stand behind it. Crazy. Scary too. They have one that makes Trump a self made man rather than being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. What's the psychological theory for this phenomenon?
I went to push Granny off the cliff but Republicans had already there. Just waiting to cut medicare & Social Security so they can hand rich people more money.

That's it ... Bingo ... Now if you could only recognize the same foolishness in controlling dialog directed at you ... :thup:

I mean ... President Trump says "Pocahontas" days ago ... And you are still talking about it (as well as most media outlets).
The problem is that you don't understand it isn't helping you any ... And it is accomplishing what he intended ... Keep talking about it, because it is what he wants.

Sooner or later (probably later) ... You are going to understand he didn't say it on accident.

"Who said 'Pocahontas' (this time) is irrelevant. You're missing the forest for the cashew tree.

What's relevant here is the outright denial of reality that dumps us into a Bubble of Unlimitedly Lame Lying Self-delusional Hole In Truth (BULLSHIT) where you can just make shit up, avoid the burden of proof and one's private bubble smells of roses and unicorns forevermore because one can't handle the truth.

That's far more sinister than somebody trolling with "Pocahontas". All that does is identify the troller as one of the Ignorami.
Warren is a nut. Certifiable. Can you imagine had Sarah Palin got a free ride to college and a $340,000 job claiming "Eskimo cheekbones"?
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

Riiight, her hiring was merit based.

It's nothing like leftist progressive covering for another leftist progressive.
Warren is a nut. Certifiable. Can you imagine had Sarah Palin got a free ride to college and a $340,000 job claiming "Eskimo cheekbones"?
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.

Actually it's an example of Echobubblers running around with myths they can't prove and then wondering why it's not selling.

It's quite interesting. They are just creating this myth that Warren applied for minority status when she applied for school, and it's completely untrue. But they want it to be true, so they defiantly stand behind it. Crazy. Scary too. They have one that makes Trump a self made man rather than being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. What's the psychological theory for this phenomenon?

Elizabeth Warren is 100% fake in every way, the fucking bitch deserves that
How does that excuse Trump's stupidity?
President Trump "misspoke", and it is humiliating.
Humiliating? For who?

This racial sensitivity nonsense has reached a nauseating extreme. There is absolutely nothing offensive about what Trump said. Calling Warren, Pocahontas, is a perfectly benign tease, one which Warren has earned by her patronizing and highly questionable association with Native Americans.

Political Correctness has become a political cancer.
Actually, it is people who believe like you who are a cancer. Eating away at the human decency and diversity that have made the US a great and strong country. You want everyone who doesn't look like you and who is not culturally, religiously, and politically just like you outsted from the country, If Trump had the power Jackson had in 1830, we'd have a modern day Trail of Tears with Muslims, Mexicans, and Afro-Americans being driven out of the country because of your zenophobia and just plain overriding fear of not being at the top of all races and communities in the US.

Funny shit, considering Pocohantes wasn't willing to live by those same diversity rules where lesser qualified candidates are accepted because of simply because of their race or ethnicity, so she lied about her background. Perhaps you and the rest of the Left wing nutjobs need to get off your pedestals.
Jesus fuck buddy, are you really this fucking stupid?

If the school really did use it, don't you think they would require documentation?

Perhaps you & the rest of your band ot fucking idiots could try to become better informed.

What would happen if they asked for documentation back then?

We asked for documentation today and look what we have, leftists losing their mind.

The only proof they needed is her #HighCheekbones.

If they asked, she would say how she knows. Harvard would then decide.

She never claimed to have documentation. She never claimed her belief was based on anything outside of family stories.

I am sure Warren does not give a shit if a moronic Trumpette believes it or not. You anin't shit.,

The sct is that it can not be proven either way.
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.
You sound ignorant of how the admissions / approval process works. Perhaps because you never applied to college or if you did it wasn't difficult to get into. The admission put all the "diversity" candidates in a different pile. A "diversity" candidate has a better chance of getting in even if their scores are slightly lower than other candidates.

So yes, by fraudulently claiming Native American heritage, she was picked over many other diversity candidates that were also being considered at the time.


Document that and prove us wrong.
Are you seriously trying to tell us that you don't believe Warren passed herself off as an Indian both at at the U of Penn and at Harvard? Come on man.

I already know there was no such "application", and I already know you can't prove the negative, to wit "she lied".

Get past that, and it's all over.
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

Riiight, her hiring was merit based.

It's nothing like leftist progressive covering for another leftist progressive.

I'd say this qualified her:

Warren started her academic career as a lecturer at Rutgers University, Newark School of Law (1977–78). She moved to the University of Houston Law Center (1978–83), where she became Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 1980, and obtained tenure in 1981. She taught at the University of Texas School of Law as visiting associate professor in 1981, and returned as a full professor two years later (staying 1983–87). In addition, she was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (1985) and research associate at the Population Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin (1983–87).[37] Early in her career, Warren became a proponent of on-the-ground research based on studying how people actually respond to laws in the real world. Her work analyzing court records, and interviewing judges, lawyers, and debtors, established her as a rising star in the field of bankruptcy law.[38]

Warren joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School as a full professor in 1987 and obtained an endowed chair in 1990 (becoming William A Schnader Professor of Commercial Law). She taught for a year at Harvard Law School in 1992 as Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Commercial Law. In 1995, Warren left Penn to become Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Elizabeth Warren is 100% fake in every way, the fucking bitch deserves that
How does that excuse Trump's stupidity?
President Trump "misspoke", and it is humiliating.
Humiliating? For who?

This racial sensitivity nonsense has reached a nauseating extreme. There is absolutely nothing offensive about what Trump said. Calling Warren, Pocahontas, is a perfectly benign tease, one which Warren has earned by her patronizing and highly questionable association with Native Americans.

Political Correctness has become a political cancer.
Actually, it is people who believe like you who are a cancer. Eating away at the human decency and diversity that have made the US a great and strong country. You want everyone who doesn't look like you and who is not culturally, religiously, and politically just like you outsted from the country, If Trump had the power Jackson had in 1830, we'd have a modern day Trail of Tears with Muslims, Mexicans, and Afro-Americans being driven out of the country because of your zenophobia and just plain overriding fear of not being at the top of all races and communities in the US.

Funny shit, considering Pocohantes wasn't willing to live by those same diversity rules where lesser qualified candidates are accepted because of simply because of their race or ethnicity, so she lied about her background. Perhaps you and the rest of the Left wing nutjobs need to get off your pedestals.
Jesus fuck buddy, are you really this fucking stupid?

If the school really did use it, don't you think they would require documentation?

Perhaps you & the rest of your band ot fucking idiots could try to become better informed.
Fuck you're ignorant, do you think schools ask for proof of ethnic or racial background in the tens of thousands of applications each of these schools receive yearly? Seriously, did you even graduate from high school? Ha ha ha.
"Who said 'Pocahontas' (this time) is irrelevant. You're missing the forest for the cashew tree.

What's relevant here is the outright denial of reality that dumps us into a Bubble of Unlimitedly Lame Lying Self-delusional Hole In Truth (BULLSHIT) where you can just make shit up, avoid the burden of proof and one's private bubble smells of roses and unicorns forevermore because one can't handle the truth.

That's far more sinister than somebody trolling with "Pocahontas". All that does is identify the troller as one of the Ignorami.

I'm sorry ... But I am not the one who cannot see the big picture there Picasso ... :thup:

You still think it is about Senator Warren ... Or whatever he says next.
He said he would "drain the swamp" ... And he never talked about how he was going to do it.

He has already exposed the establishment Republicans for the worthless lot they are.
I suspect he will spend just as much time gutting the Democrats.

You put enough chicken blood in the water ... And the big mouthed gators that come running will take care of the rest.

How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.
You sound ignorant of how the admissions / approval process works. Perhaps because you never applied to college or if you did it wasn't difficult to get into. The admission put all the "diversity" candidates in a different pile. A "diversity" candidate has a better chance of getting in even if their scores are slightly lower than other candidates.

So yes, by fraudulently claiming Native American heritage, she was picked over many other diversity candidates that were also being considered at the time.


Document that and prove us wrong.

I believe she has admitted that she marked that she was Native American and explained it away as "my granny told me.........."

Now, were Trump's remarks appropriate for that setting? No, of course not, but it is 100% that Warren lied on her application by claiming she was an Indian.
My uncle told me I was a black Irishman. No seriously, I'm not kidding. Or wait...I think it was half Mongolian half Madagascar. Never mind.
Oh go fuck yourself. Most people know their heritage by what their family told them.
I went to push Granny off the cliff but Republicans had already there. Just waiting to cut medicare & Social Security so they can hand rich people more money.

That's it ... Bingo ... Now if you could only recognize the same foolishness in controlling dialog directed at you ... :thup:

I mean ... President Trump says "Pocahontas" days ago ... And you are still talking about it (as well as most media outlets).
The problem is that you don't understand it isn't helping you any ... And it is accomplishing what he intended ... Keep talking about it, because it is what he wants.

Sooner or later (probably later) ... You are going to understand he didn't say it on accident.

"he didn't say it on accident." Wow. LMAO You people sure do like to make up an alternative reality. Unbelievable.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

Riiight, her hiring was merit based.

It's nothing like leftist progressive covering for another leftist progressive.

I'd say this qualified her:

Warren started her academic career as a lecturer at Rutgers University, Newark School of Law (1977–78). She moved to the University of Houston Law Center (1978–83), where she became Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 1980, and obtained tenure in 1981. She taught at the University of Texas School of Law as visiting associate professor in 1981, and returned as a full professor two years later (staying 1983–87). In addition, she was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (1985) and research associate at the Population Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin (1983–87).[37] Early in her career, Warren became a proponent of on-the-ground research based on studying how people actually respond to laws in the real world. Her work analyzing court records, and interviewing judges, lawyers, and debtors, established her as a rising star in the field of bankruptcy law.[38]

Warren joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School as a full professor in 1987 and obtained an endowed chair in 1990 (becoming William A Schnader Professor of Commercial Law). She taught for a year at Harvard Law School in 1992 as Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Commercial Law. In 1995, Warren left Penn to become Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.
There are thousands like her, even more qualified, you ignoramus.
How does that excuse Trump's stupidity?
Humiliating? For who?

This racial sensitivity nonsense has reached a nauseating extreme. There is absolutely nothing offensive about what Trump said. Calling Warren, Pocahontas, is a perfectly benign tease, one which Warren has earned by her patronizing and highly questionable association with Native Americans.

Political Correctness has become a political cancer.
Actually, it is people who believe like you who are a cancer. Eating away at the human decency and diversity that have made the US a great and strong country. You want everyone who doesn't look like you and who is not culturally, religiously, and politically just like you outsted from the country, If Trump had the power Jackson had in 1830, we'd have a modern day Trail of Tears with Muslims, Mexicans, and Afro-Americans being driven out of the country because of your zenophobia and just plain overriding fear of not being at the top of all races and communities in the US.

Funny shit, considering Pocohantes wasn't willing to live by those same diversity rules where lesser qualified candidates are accepted because of simply because of their race or ethnicity, so she lied about her background. Perhaps you and the rest of the Left wing nutjobs need to get off your pedestals.
Jesus fuck buddy, are you really this fucking stupid?

If the school really did use it, don't you think they would require documentation?

Perhaps you & the rest of your band ot fucking idiots could try to become better informed.

What would happen if they asked for documentation back then?

We asked for documentation today and look what we have, leftists losing their mind.

The only proof they needed is her #HighCheekbones.

If they asked, she would say how she knows. Harvard would then decide.

She never claimed to have documentation. She never claimed her belief was based on anything outside of family stories.

I am sure Warren does not give a shit if a moronic Trumpette believes it or not. You anin't shit.,

The sct is that it can not be proven either way.

How do you call when you claim something you can't prove?
Warren is a nut. Certifiable. Can you imagine had Sarah Palin got a free ride to college and a $340,000 job claiming "Eskimo cheekbones"?
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.

Warren got a job at Harvard as was billed as the Indian of the school

Elizabeth Warren is 100% fake in every way, the fucking bitch deserves that
How does that excuse Trump's stupidity?
President Trump "misspoke", and it is humiliating.
Humiliating? For who?

This racial sensitivity nonsense has reached a nauseating extreme. There is absolutely nothing offensive about what Trump said. Calling Warren, Pocahontas, is a perfectly benign tease, one which Warren has earned by her patronizing and highly questionable association with Native Americans.

Political Correctness has become a political cancer.
Actually, it is people who believe like you who are a cancer. Eating away at the human decency and diversity that have made the US a great and strong country. You want everyone who doesn't look like you and who is not culturally, religiously, and politically just like you outsted from the country, If Trump had the power Jackson had in 1830, we'd have a modern day Trail of Tears with Muslims, Mexicans, and Afro-Americans being driven out of the country because of your zenophobia and just plain overriding fear of not being at the top of all races and communities in the US.

Funny shit, considering Pocohantes wasn't willing to live by those same diversity rules where lesser qualified candidates are accepted because of simply because of their race or ethnicity, so she lied about her background. Perhaps you and the rest of the Left wing nutjobs need to get off your pedestals.
Jesus fuck buddy, are you really this fucking stupid?

If the school really did use it, don't you think they would require documentation?

Perhaps you & the rest of your band ot fucking idiots could try to become better informed.
Fuck you're ignorant, do you think schools ask for proof of ethnic or racial background in the tens of thousands of applications each of these schools receive yearly? Seriously, did you even graduate from high school? Ha ha ha.

In one post he does a 180 flip flop. Suddenly now there is no such application preference and his previous post saying the opposite becomes an unpost that never existed. Top speed, comrade.
How dumb are you, by lying about her ancestry, she took another Native American's (as well as other minorities) spot.

This is another example of the fascist left not willing to live by the idiotic and unreasonable diversity and social justice rules they want the rest society and academia to live by.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

The school touted her as an Indian for over a decade online and in journals .

Are you suggesting that Trump made this story up or something and Waran never tried to play herself off as an Indian? I mean for God sakes, she's answered a few questions about this and said yes she told Harvard she was an Indian b/c that's what her granny told her she waas.
Trump lied when he said she used it to get a job.

She said she marked that she had Native American ancestry to meet other like people. She has explained why she makes that claim.

She used it as an advantage to get into Harvard, she used it to get a $350,000 teaching gig.

Trump was telling the truth as usual.

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud and a liar. The perfect democrat.
Elizabeth Warren is 100% fake in every way, the fucking bitch deserves that
How does that excuse Trump's stupidity?
President Trump "misspoke", and it is humiliating.
Humiliating? For who?

This racial sensitivity nonsense has reached a nauseating extreme. There is absolutely nothing offensive about what Trump said. Calling Warren, Pocahontas, is a perfectly benign tease, one which Warren has earned by her patronizing and highly questionable association with Native Americans.

Political Correctness has become a political cancer.
Actually, it is people who believe like you who are a cancer. Eating away at the human decency and diversity that have made the US a great and strong country. You want everyone who doesn't look like you and who is not culturally, religiously, and politically just like you outsted from the country, If Trump had the power Jackson had in 1830, we'd have a modern day Trail of Tears with Muslims, Mexicans, and Afro-Americans being driven out of the country because of your zenophobia and just plain overriding fear of not being at the top of all races and communities in the US.

Funny shit, considering Pocohantes wasn't willing to live by those same diversity rules where lesser qualified candidates are accepted because of simply because of their race or ethnicity, so she lied about her background. Perhaps you and the rest of the Left wing nutjobs need to get off your pedestals.
Jesus fuck buddy, are you really this fucking stupid?

If the school really did use it, don't you think they would require documentation?

Perhaps you & the rest of your band ot fucking idiots could try to become better informed.
Fuck you're ignorant, do you think schools ask for proof of ethnic or racial background in the tens of thousands of applications each of these schools receive yearly? Seriously, did you even graduate from high school? Ha ha ha.

Ha HA Ha. you think universities hire tens of thousands of professors every year.,

Jesus Christ buddy, how stupid are you?
I went to push Granny off the cliff but Republicans had already there. Just waiting to cut medicare & Social Security so they can hand rich people more money.

That's it ... Bingo ... Now if you could only recognize the same foolishness in controlling dialog directed at you ... :thup:

I mean ... President Trump says "Pocahontas" days ago ... And you are still talking about it (as well as most media outlets).
The problem is that you don't understand it isn't helping you any ... And it is accomplishing what he intended ... Keep talking about it, because it is what he wants.

Sooner or later (probably later) ... You are going to understand he didn't say it on accident.

"Who said 'Pocahontas' (this time) is irrelevant. You're missing the forest for the cashew tree.

What's relevant here is the outright denial of reality that dumps us into a Bubble of Unlimitedly Lame Lying Self-delusional Hole In Truth (BULLSHIT) where you can just make shit up, avoid the burden of proof and one's private bubble smells of roses and unicorns forevermore because one can't handle the truth.

That's far more sinister than somebody trolling with "Pocahontas". All that does is identify the troller as one of the Ignorami.

Warren needs to be called out as a race baiting freak, which she is.

I hope more do this in the future, although I'm sure all other Republicans will hide in their holes, like "W", and vote Hillary instead.
What spot? She didn't take anyone's spot. She didn't apply for any type of benefits based on being Native American. None. Look it up.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

Right... Harvard realized "we're to white, we need to diversify" and hired someone that checked the "minority" box on application. It's not her fault she lied, it's their fault they believed it's truth.

We on the right don't understand it, it's a leftist thing.
Unfortrunately, those that were at Harvard who hired Warren said her ancestry never came up.,

Gee who do I believe, Harvard or a stump jumpin retarded Trump supporter? Ummmmmmmm.

The school touted her as an Indian for over a decade online and in journals .

Are you suggesting that Trump made this story up or something and Waran never tried to play herself off as an Indian? I mean for God sakes, she's answered a few questions about this and said yes she told Harvard she was an Indian b/c that's what her granny told her she waas.
Trump lied when he said she used it to get a job.

She said she marked that she had Native American ancestry to meet other like people. She has explained why she makes that claim.

She used it as an advantage to get into Harvard, she used it to get a $350,000 teaching gig.

Trump was telling the truth as usual.

Elizabeth Warren is a fraud and a liar. The perfect democrat.

How often foes something need debunked prior to getting into you obviously vacant skull?

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