Trump calls for boycott of Goodyear for banning MAGA hats.

According to, “Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.
Today President Trump joined Cancel Culture by calling for the boycott of Goodyear tires, for banning MAGA hats:
Play with matches you get burned. I hope their stock PLUMETS.
Prove that Goodyear allows pro-Biden clothing.
Adult diapers? That's all I can think of.
Unlike Epstein, Goodyear did kill itself

I can understand your anger considering the horrific censorship that American conservatives face every day.

Nevertheless, from the above post, it seems the offending slide was from a single, confused employee who did not understand company police.

I accept CEO Rich Kramer's explanation.

If we accept that, how do you explain an employee
At that level being so confused regarding company policy?
I worked, at one time, for a multi-state corporation and there was not a lot of centralized long as there were profits and business was good. We do not know at what level that employee was, an educated guess he was in human resources.

I sympathize with TRUMP's Anger as his supporters face discrimination every day. I also support TRUMP, so I know.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Until Goodyear bans BLM they should be boycotted.
NOW that is a fair question. While I agree that political garb should not be worn, it is also important racial garb should also be banned, including BLM.

Sadly, while most Americans believe ALL LIVES MATTER, which includes Black Lives, there is a dichotomy
between the sentiment "Black Lives Matter" which is right versus the Racist Hate Group known as BLM.
Bottom of the link you can hear the audio play for yourself.

“Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance,” the speaker said during the meeting. “However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate.”

That can't be,
Aldo assured us that no audio existed.
This is one of those times I kinda wish I was wrong. They come out with a statement, and I saw the lawyers speak... Saw what they DIDN'T say... Questioned it because it didn't seem to ring true... Wish I was wrong. Wish Trump was wrong. But...

Fuck Goodyear.
GOODYEAR is in over their head in Topeka. The CEO said nobody outside that plant had anything to do with that training session. GOODYEAR opened up a can of worms with this HR session and for their sake they better have someone in their organization who has not been programmed with "political correctness".
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Poltifact lies. The slide showed that anything with BLM or LLGBTQ on it was OK. Anything with MAGA, all lives matter or Blue Lives Matter is prohibited. This is a perfect example showing that so-called "fact check sites" are fake news.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Poltifact lies. The slide showed that anything with BLM or LLGBTQ on it was OK. Anything with MAGA, all lives matter or Blue Lives Matter is prohibited. This is a perfect example showing that so-called "fact check sites" are fake news.

Liberals truly believe that their beliefs are so obviously right, that they are not "political" just "right thinking".

their minds are completely closed.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Poltifact lies. The slide showed that anything with BLM or LLGBTQ on it was OK. Anything with MAGA, all lives matter or Blue Lives Matter is prohibited. This is a perfect example showing that so-called "fact check sites" are fake news.

Liberals truly believe that their beliefs are so obviously right, that they are not "political" just "right thinking".

their minds are completely closed.
The left lacks the capacity to commit logic. They can only regurgitate talking points, and they continue to do so long after they have been proven to be lies.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:

The slide shows basically that they allow only two progressive political movements to wear attire, and all others are banned, mostly conservative ones, which have no exceptions.
Is there even such a thing as a Biden hat? Keep America pathetic?
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Poltifact lies. The slide showed that anything with BLM or LLGBTQ on it was OK. Anything with MAGA, all lives matter or Blue Lives Matter is prohibited. This is a perfect example showing that so-called "fact check sites" are fake news.

Liberals truly believe that their beliefs are so obviously right, that they are not "political" just "right thinking".

their minds are completely closed.
The left lacks the capacity to commit logic. They can only regurgitate talking points, and the continue to do so long after the have been proven to be lies.

Yes, we see that all the time, from all of them.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:

As you know, and know well, Politifact is a far-left "fact-checking" organization owned and operated by the far left Tampa Bay Times. They use the same facilities, writers, editors, and philosophy.


When was the slogan, Black Lives Matter NOT political? Same with

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