Trump calls for nationwide concealed carry

Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.

You're a special kind of stupid.

Hell yeah!! Tune in next week when the left threaten to move to Canada!
Canada don't want them and Mexico won't have them. Cuba maybe?

I don't think there's a country on the planet who would take in our dumb as a brick liberals.

What about Zambia? They have nice neighbours, Angola, DR Congo and Zimbabwe....what's not for the Leftists to like? :popcorn:


Here's a street market in Zambia.

OMG how racist of them to have that infamous racist symbol the watermelon on display :eek-52:

Timmy in Zambia...."Oh my G-d its global warming!"
Zambian....." Its Saturday idiot".
I was expecting Trump to make a huge move to the left in order to get the wemen vote.

Perhaps his huge balls will get the vote anyway...
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.

yeah, thats why there was a national election to allow Texans to carry guns ...

you dumbass.

its your right to bear arms

its the states right to allow you to carry arms

its 7 11's right to keep you out of their stores carrying a gun

it's RW's right to be educate themselves and be intelligent. Too late for that !
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Don't you just love it when a demagogue panders to the rubes and says he will do something he knows doesn't have a snowball's chance of happening? To see the rubes clamor and shout and cheer at his empty promise is always good for a belly laugh.

Trump will never get a nationwide concealed carry passed, but he will get his dream of an assault weapons ban passed.

And the rubes will be like, "Wha-? thought...but he said...???" :lol:
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.

You're new to forums, eh? Back in the day when Horse Face Sheehan, Sean Penn, etc went to Valenzuela and crowed about how well it was doing? Get informed and then comment you ignorant little thing

You're pretty feisty again today, are you Irish or something? :smoke:
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.

You're new to forums, eh? Back in the day when Horse Face Sheehan, Sean Penn, etc went to Valenzuela and crowed about how well it was doing? Get informed and then comment you ignorant little thing

You're pretty feisty again today, are you Irish or something? :smoke:

Just weary of dealing with ignorant progtards. ;)
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.

You're new to forums, eh? Back in the day when Horse Face Sheehan, Sean Penn, etc went to Valenzuela and crowed about how well it was doing? Get informed and then comment you ignorant little thing

You're pretty feisty again today, are you Irish or something? :smoke:

Just weary of dealing with ignorant progtards. ;)

They can test one's resolve, but you know somewhere in their subconscious they know we're right about almost everything, that's why they frequently get their panties in a wad.
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.

You're new to forums, eh? Back in the day when Horse Face Sheehan, Sean Penn, etc went to Valenzuela and crowed about how well it was doing? Get informed and then comment you ignorant little thing

You're pretty feisty again today, are you Irish or something? :smoke:

Just weary of dealing with ignorant progtards. ;)

They can test one's resolve, but you know somewhere in their subconscious they know we're right about almost everything, that's why they frequently get their panties in a wad.

I would think they would tire of hearing us say "we told you so"
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
Sure to make the left's heads spin and explode...and will play well with the millions of gun owners...who vote

Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump — who said he has a concealed carry permit — called for the expansion of gun rights including making those permits applicable nationwide.

In a position paper published on his website, Trump called for the elimination of gun and magazine bans, labeling them a “failure.”

It’s not a departure from what he’s said on the trail this year, though it does mark a shift from a position he took in his 2000 book “The America We Deserve,” where Trump stated that he generally opposes gun control but that he supported a ban on assault weapons and a longer waiting period to get a gun.
“If we can do that for driving — which is a privilege, not a right — then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege,” Trump touted.

Trump has apparently had a handgun permit for years; a 1987 Associated Press story said he had one at the time.

The real estate magnate called for expanding mental health treatment, saying that people with mental health issues who are violent must be off the street “before they can terrorize our communities.” Trump said the issue has been ignored.
“All of the tragic mass murders that occurred in the past several years have something in common – there were red flags that were ignored,” Trump said. “And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Once again, because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen.”

That deafening roar is the sound of the owners of 300 million American firearms owners cheering. And by the way…they vote.

Trump Calls for Nationwide Concealed Carry - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action

Good for him! Another reason to vote for him!!!
The more Trump makes the left hyperventilate the better he will do. Most Americans are not hard core lefties and many live in very oppressive states.
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
The right to bear arms is a national right.
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
Not really. We always hear from the left how the state can't over rule the federal and many states have prevented citizens from bearing arms. Enforcing the Constitution isn't a burden on a state, the burden is in creating laws that take rights away.
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
The right to bear arms is a national right.

Concealed Carry in not a national right.
Trump just put a national registry for CC on the table. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump wants CC permits to be valid nationwide. That would mean all the states would have to compromise and adopt the same requirements for issuing a permit and maintain a nationwide list available to all law-enforcement agencies and entities, federal, state and local. Big government Trump proposal.
Sure to make the left's heads spin and explode...and will play well with the millions of gun owners...who vote

Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump — who said he has a concealed carry permit — called for the expansion of gun rights including making those permits applicable nationwide.

In a position paper published on his website, Trump called for the elimination of gun and magazine bans, labeling them a “failure.”

It’s not a departure from what he’s said on the trail this year, though it does mark a shift from a position he took in his 2000 book “The America We Deserve,” where Trump stated that he generally opposes gun control but that he supported a ban on assault weapons and a longer waiting period to get a gun.
“If we can do that for driving — which is a privilege, not a right — then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege,” Trump touted.

Trump has apparently had a handgun permit for years; a 1987 Associated Press story said he had one at the time.

The real estate magnate called for expanding mental health treatment, saying that people with mental health issues who are violent must be off the street “before they can terrorize our communities.” Trump said the issue has been ignored.
“All of the tragic mass murders that occurred in the past several years have something in common – there were red flags that were ignored,” Trump said. “And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Once again, because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen.”

That deafening roar is the sound of the owners of 300 million American firearms owners cheering. And by the way…they vote.

Trump Calls for Nationwide Concealed Carry - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action

Sounds like something that won't fix a single problem our country has. He must be establishment.

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