Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Watch and see. In every election going forward, we will see election fraud being discussed, just like its being discussed right now. You can thank Brandon for this. Everybody knows he cheated. The only way to end this cycle is to do to people what they did in that book 1984 where he holds up the four fingers and demands that the prisoner reports a different number.
You a$$hole$ and your Orange Baboon-God had sixty-two chances to present your evidence in court.

Your failed sixty-one of those sixty-two chances.

And the single case in which the court was willing to listen, there wasn't enough by way of disputed votes to make the slightest difference in the outcome.

You lost... Bigly.

Full stop.
Imagine the outrage on the left if in 2016 something similar happened with Don Jr. You have to admit, lefties would be outraged. I mean look how pissed they were over the made up hoax known as Russiagate.

Yet another thing you duopoly types have in common.
You notice that Trump is not claiming he could have won the election because he is the better candidate; only because he had "dirt" on his opponent that the media wouldn't cover.
That's pretty sad that this is all he's got going for him....."Look, I'm not AS BAD as the other guy."
We all know he's (Trump) MUCH worse.
The Trumpsters never notices that Trumpyberra rode on the back of Obama's policy for both the destruction of ISIS and the longest winning streak in US economic history.
I;m absolutely sure Obama would have MOABed ISIS! :laughing0301:
It is unconstitutional. Any attempt to overturn the election will be met by the full power of the US military including chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. In short fuck around and find out.
There is no political mechanism for a National Referendum on, well anything.

Nov.'s coming.
I;m absolutely sure Obama would have MOABed ISIS! :laughing0301:

It was the Generals plan and used Iraqi and Kurdish military and paramilitary forces supported by US air power.
You notice that Trump is not claiming he could have won the election because he is the better candidate; only because he had "dirt" on his opponent that the media wouldn't cover.
That's pretty sad that this is all he's got going for him....."Look, I'm not AS BAD as the other guy."
We all know he's (Trump) MUCH worse.
Trump won
Since trump doesn't have any more right to make those demands than I do, it's sad that he doesn't have anyone willing to care for him.
Just over 75 million and counting.
Just over 75 million and counting.
Which is the bigger number, 81 million or 75 million? Of course, that number doesn't matter anyway. If it did, Hillary would have won her election, because she got more votes. The electoral college is what matters, and trump lost that too.
And we know that in the elections in 2016 Russian hackers supported Donald Trump in the USA.

Not so the election observers of the OSCE in 2020. They saw not any systemic problem nor any other important problem in the execution of this elections.

This big lie from Donald Trump is only one from an unbelievable amount of misrepresentations and lies from Donald Trump. This man is absolute untrustworthy in everything what he says. Looks like he - and many others who believe in him - not know the difference between fantasy and reality.

Zwei Jungen schmeissen aus Spaß mit Steinen nach Fröschen. Die Frösche sterben - im Ernst.

Erich Fried
Two boys throw stones at frogs for fun. The frogs die - seriously.
And we know that in the elections in 2016 Russian hackers supported Donald Trump in the USA.
You know what the corrupt media told and probably not much else.

Not so the election observers of the OSCE in 2020. They saw not any systemic problem nor any other important problem in the execution of this elections.
Fuck the OSCE. They are bought and paid for. Read my signature.
This big lie from Donald Trump is only one from an unbelievable amount of misrepresentations and lies from Donald Trump. This man is absolute untrustworthy in everything what he says.

The Big Lie is coming from the bureaucrats, politicians and especially the useless MSM that hates this country. The fraud was more than obvious and remains more than obvious.
That Trump is making these absurd claims is just an indication of how unhinged and desperate is
Which is the bigger number, 81 million or 75 million? Of course, that number doesn't matter anyway. If it did, Hillary would have won her election, because she got more votes. The electoral college is what matters, and trump lost that too.
:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
You are the one who ignores reality. Look at what this illegitimate administration has done to this country.
You should talk to your theripist about these odd thoughts you are having. He might need to redjust your meds.
You should talk to your theripist about these odd thoughts you are having. He might need to redjust your meds.
Odd? It is odd you will not admit the shit show the installed pedophile has put on. Reality awaits.

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