Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

You said a mental break with reality. What can be more evidence of a mental break with reality than shaking hands with somebody that isn't there?
Demanding either another election immediately, or appointing him president NOW!! is pretty serious evidence of being nuts. You really don't get that?
I checked, and didn't see a similar thread, however, an ex president and still head of the repub party who has suffered a mental break with reality, and has noone to take responsibility to see that he gets the psychiatric help that he needs is worthy of more than one thread.
I appreciate that you checked, and also responded to my rudely worded query - thank you.
I appreciate that you checked, and also responded to my rudely worded query - thank you.
Not a problem. I make an effort to answer all reasonable questions, even if they have an edge to them.
Demanding either another election immediately, or appointing him president NOW!! is pretty serious evidence of being nuts. You really don't get that?

I don't think it's all that nuts when there is clear cut evidence a government agency fixed the election. I know it will never go anywhere, but what are we supposed to do when that happens, just ignore it?

Get your story straight. Nobody said Saddam had nukes, they said Saddam had WMD's. as in chemical weapons.
Chemical weapons do not fit the descriptions we were given by Bush/Cheney on our threat, because they are not, "Us waking up to a Smoking gun in the form of a Mushroom cloud", Ray.
I don't think it's all that nuts when there is clear cut evidence a government agency fixed the election. I know it will never go anywhere, but what are we supposed to do when that happens, just ignore it?

You should present your proof of what you think might have happened. Rudy said he had lots of theories, but no proof. Hurt feelings because you lost isn't proof. Either way, the rantings of a lunitic demanding to be appointed president is cause for concern, especially if he is leader of a major political party, and his followers have already proven they will attack the government on his order.
I don't think it's all that nuts when there is clear cut evidence a government agency fixed the election. I know it will never go anywhere, but what are we supposed to do when that happens, just ignore it?

Not a chance! Trump's Hunter Biden October surprise wouldn't have changed a single vote for Biden, to Trump.
You should present your proof of what you think might have happened. Rudy said he had lots of theories, but no proof. Hurt feelings because you lost isn't proof. Either way, the rantings of a lunitic demanding to be appointed president is cause for concern, especially if he is leader of a major political party, and his followers have already proven they will attack the government on his order.

I just provide proof. A poll of what people would have done if they knew about the Hunter scandal. What more do you want?
I just provide proof. A poll of what people would have done if they knew about the Hunter scandal. What more do you want?
Don't be silly. No matter how much you want it to, a poll a couple of years after the fact means nothing. If it's the poll I'm thinking of, it's not credible anyway. They won't even publish the questions they asked. Trump lost. It's literally insane to demand another election or to just appoint him as president. Trump is verifiably insane, and he still runs your party.

Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won​

And after he did do so came a white car with flashing blue lights and men with white shoes, white socks, white trousers and white shirts came out, clothed him into a white straitjacket and drove with him dircection west into a wonderful sundown and to a nice white hospital with many other nice Napoleon Bonapartes?
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Only dangerous to your illegitimate regime.

I want a do-over of several sporting events. I think the Miracle Mets was a fluke, and we need to do the entire season over. That is but one. I think we can do several over.

As for elections. I think the place to start is the 1972 election. Where Watergate gave Nixon an unfair advantage. I think we should do that one over. What do you say? If we are going to go and do things over. Let’s do it. If people really understood, if they knew then what they know now and all that.

It’s fair isn’t it? To redo the 1960’s election? So Nixon could take some Cold Medicine and put make up on before the televised debate?
Anf after he did do so came a white car with flashing blue lights and men with white shoes, white socks, white trousers and white shirts came out, clothed him into a white straitjacket and drove with him dircection west into a wonderful sundown and to a nice white hospital with many other nice Napoleon Bonapartes?
It would have been great if that had actually happened. Unfortunately, it didn't and that crazy fool is still head of the republican party. All those crazies being led by the crazy in chief.
We believe there was massive fraud.

And we know that in the elections in 2016 Russian hackers supported Donald Trump in the USA.

Any honest person does.

Not so the election observers of the OSCE in 2020. They saw not any systemic problem nor any other important problem in the execution of this elections.

i understand that leaves you out.

This big lie from Donald Trump is only one from an unbelievable amount of misrepresentations and lies from Donald Trump. This man is absolute untrustworthy in everything what he says. Looks like he - and many others who believe in him - not know the difference between fantasy and reality.

Zwei Jungen schmeissen aus Spaß mit Steinen nach Fröschen. Die Frösche sterben - im Ernst.

Erich Fried
Two boys throw stones at frogs for fun. The frogs die - seriously.
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Biden's cheating will NEVER be forgotten, and his cheating will be discussed in every election till the end of time. This is why it is stupid to cheat. Everybody KNOWS Beijing Biden never won shit, this will never be over.
Yep. Winners write the history and it says Trump is a lying loser with stupid followers. Nothing you can do will change that history cuz Donald lost.

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