Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

Please cite the Constitutional provision that permits a re-election. Its probably right after the one that confirms the earth is flat.
No... you cite the Constitutional provision that says its unconstitutional... you are the one challenging it.....
No... you cite the Constitutional provision that says its unconstitutional... you are the one challenging it.....
Thats not how logic works. If you want a new Federal election, you have to cite where the authority comes from to have a new election.

My Constitution says the next Presidential election will be in 2024. I don't know what your TrumpConstitution says, but I am sure its in bullet point crayon.
Thats not how logic works. If you want a new Federal election, you have to cite where the authority comes from to have a new election.

My Constitution says the next Presidential election will be in 2024. I don't know what your TrumpConstitution says, but I am sure its in bullet point crayon.
Ok lazy I'll do the work for you... go ahead and take another bong hit....

A redo election, also known as a revote or special election remedy, is the process of voiding election results and holding a new election.[1] The specific reasons for calling a redo election vary, but might include deliberate efforts to obscure the results such as electoral fraud or mistakes like a broken voting machine

And UNTIL those "beneficiaries" of your reformed education system DO become "better educated"... what of their votes in the INTERIM?

Only if you answer the above in the wrong way... no twisting will be necessary.
Until some laws are changed and enforced their vote means very little, if anything at all.
And UNTIL those "beneficiaries" of your reformed education system DO become "better educated"... what of their votes in the INTERIM?

Only if you answer the above in the wrong way... no twisting will be necessary.
Your post is moronic.
If you only see today, tomorrow will never be better.
Trump won
Well actually now he is saying he lost but it was because of Facebook's handling of Hunter's laptop story.

Try to keep up ok.

I know, I hurts to have to admit that the orange grifter has lied to you once again. All along he's been telling you he won but Biden only got more votes because of fraud.

And you have been dutifully repeating that.

But now you just look like a fool because now he's making up a different story....but you are still telling the old one.

It must be hard being one of his MAGAT Trumptards.
The lies kee changing faster than you all can keep up.
No... you cite the Constitutional provision that says its unconstitutional... you are the one challenging it.....

Rambtard, the Constitution is very clear. It states that Congress determines who the president is based on the electoral count. It also states an elected president is president for 4 years. It further states that if a president can't complete their four year term, the vice president takes over for them. And the only method to remove a sitting president is death, resignation, 25th Amendment or conviction of impeachment.

To hold another presidential election now would violate that if someone other than Biden won.
Joe Biden is doing a pretty good job. You would see that if your mind hadn't been polluted with all that crazy trump rhetoric.

Yeah, he's doing a great job. Gasoline prices the highest in history, inflation at a 40 year high, border problem the worst it's been in over 20 years, wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on the climate farce and tens of thousands of new government workers, highest interest rates in 14 years, making sure illegals had more baby formula than American women, more covid deaths with three vaccines than Trump had with no vaccines, threats from two nuclear armed countries.

The only thing Dementia built back better was the Taliban now that they have 83 billion dollars of US military gear. Now we find out according to Zuckerberg the FBI acting on behalf of our government violated our US Constitution by silencing free speech that likely is responsible for the Trump loss and all the problems listed above.
you cite the Constitutional provision that says its unconstitutional.

There is not one because the presidential elections are run by the States. As long as they certify their election by the right date, the Federal government has no right to interfere.
Which was none at all.

Try to follow along. A document still “marked” as classified ISN’T still actually classified when it has already been DEclassified, you dolt.
If it was declassified then the raid would not have been approved.

If they were declassified then they would not have been still marked classified.

If they were declassified then why did the former 1-term president fight their return for 18 months?

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