Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

  • There is no historical precedent to indicate that an economy in recession can produce 528,000 jobs in a month, as the U.S. did during July.

  • But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a recession ahead, and, ironically enough, it is the labor market’s phenomenal resiliency that could pose the biggest danger.

  • The Federal Reserve’s rate tightening to address inflation poses a recession threat into 2023.

For decades a recession has been defined by two negative growth quarters in a row. We hit that already. The loss of jobs is right around the corner just in time for the election.
Oh? What dies the Constitution say about fraud? And where was fraud proven?

Are you ever not a rambtard?

We are speaking hypothetically you retard... once again you are late to the discussion yet you fly off the handle sounding like a fool....
It's not against any law for a US President to ask a favor from a leader of another country. It was all a Communist lie.

Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors and treason. Asking another leader to look into something doesn't fit any of those categories.

Let me tell you what this really was about: The commies found out that Trump asked Zelenskyy to look into the very suspicious Hunter deal. They knew they had to shut up Zelenskyy before he said anything, so they created this phony impeachment thing. They based their claim from their holy Bible, the book 1984. But the truth of the matter is there is no such thing as thought police.

They knew Zelenskyy didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between Congress and the President because his country gets their money from, both places, so he didn't tell Trump anything.

You lie. Zelensky was scheduled to announce on CNN that Biden was under investigation: but then the shitbhit the proverbial fan and he cancelled.
We are speaking hypothetically you retard... once again you are late to the discussion yet you fly off the handle sounding like a fool....


The Constitution is not hypothetical, rambtard. I already showed you where it doesn't allow for another election after Congress certifies it.
He didn't say manufacture votes, he said find the votes, as in something wasn't counted properly. As for Dementia, during the phone call with Zelenkyy he was running for the Communist party nomination. He wasn't even Trump's rival yet, so the entire thing was a complete lie like always with the left.

You lie again. So sad.

At the time Trump asked Zelenskyy to open an investigation into Bien, both Trump and Biden had declared their intentions to run for the same office. They were political rivals when Trump illegally solicited a foreign national to subvert a political rival.

The Constitution is not hypothetical, rambtard. I already showed you where it doesn't allow for another election after Congress certifies it.
But you are wrong... as usual... if fraud and intimidation and other means to defraud an election is proven in a state a judge can order a redo election... something like what Zuckerberg confessed to could be something that could be challenged..... The FBI can not interfere... That's all... not saying it will happen so stop freaking out government troll...
here.... read and learn something dummy....

there were plenty of hearings.
Not a single one. I said evidentiary hearings.
For decades a recession has been defined by two negative growth quarters in a row. We hit that already. The loss of jobs is right around the corner just in time for the election.


You idiot... here YOU are, calling the 2007 recession a "recession" even though we didn't have 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth in 2007 or even early 2008...

The most full time people working was before the recession in 2007 at 121 million.

... so you pick and choose which definition you want to observe based on political expediency.
But you are wrong... as usual... if fraud and intimidation and other means to defraud an election is proven in a state a judge can order a redo election... something like what Zuckerberg confessed to could be something that could be challenged..... The FBI can not interfere... That's all... not saying it will happen so stop freaking out government troll...
here.... read and learn something dummy....


You're too stupid to understand your link agrees with me, rambtard. There's nothing in the Constitution that permits a redo after Congress certifies the election.


You're too stupid to understand your link agrees with me, rambtard. There's nothing in the Constitution that permits a redo after Congress certifies the election.

I never said it didn't dummy... you missed the whole debate and you don't know what was said before you showed up all lathered up like a Tijuana hooker hoping for the donkey... jeeeze are you just itching for a fight or what?... lmao
Actually the crime was sending the phony (forged) elector certificates to the National Archives and to congress.

Like with counterfeiting, The crime isn't making phony stuff. The crime is trying to pass it off as real.

Prove they were fake. Let's see the evidence. We're all waiting.

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