Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Russia invades Crimea
Russia tinkers with our election
Russia kills it’s foreign dissidents

Trump lobbies to have them in the G7.

What did the US get in return for Trump’s lobbying the other members for their inclusion? Nothing.

Dealmaker? My ass.
You left out the part where vlad’s puppet pulled us out of the G7 because they were mean to Russia. Vlad must be so proud

It used to be you wondered if he had hit bottom. Now you wonder if there actually is a bottom.
A FN mad man in our WH Hopefully the world will band against us just to show republicans what pricks they really are as America goes downhill once more under republican rule
Russia invades Crimea
Russia tinkers with our election
Russia kills it’s foreign dissidents

Trump lobbies to have them in the G7.

What did the US get in return for Trump’s lobbying the other members for their inclusion? Nothing.

Dealmaker? My ass.
You left out the part where vlad’s puppet pulled us out of the G7 because they were mean to Russia. Vlad must be so proud

It used to be you wondered if he had hit bottom. Now you wonder if there actually is a bottom.

Yup. There isn’t any bottom. The depths to which he sinks are limitless
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

November 2016 proved there are well over 63 million brain dead supporters of the idiot trump.


Until trump was elected, America was in an economic and cyber war with Russia. Trump has surrendered and America is losing the war, if it has not completely lost it already.

Let it sink in. Trump has surrendered the economic and cyber war with Russia. Put up the white flag and backed down.
I can see you liberals just hate peace, don't you?

Who benefits from that artificially created war with Russia? You? No. Deep States, war industry, NATO generals do. Unless you are one of those, I don't see any reason for you to need a war.
Putin and Russia started the war. Did you think everyone would allow the invasion of Ukraine to go unchallenged?

Trump surrendering, or at least attempt to surrender will not go unchallenged either.
I live in Ukraine, you?

Soros and Obama's administration invaded Ukraine, that's who. That's who Military tribunal has to judge as war criminals, not Putin. However I wish you were right and Putin invaded Ukraine. We have been waiting for him for 4 years but he's not coming. May be you can tell him to come and to rescue us from dirty Deep State hands, ha, Camp?

Soros, Israel Lobby and Obama's administration invaded Ukraine
It does appear to be a hostile act excluding Russia from the talks. Why are so many in the West itching for another Cold War, or WWIII? It's so sad and perplexing.
Why are Republicans in bed with Russia?
There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)

The illegal Coup in Ukraine was supported by the US/West. Russia wouldn't have had to respond if there was no illegal Coup. It's something the US/Western Media never talks about. Folks in the West are only provided one side of the story. The reality is, no illegal Coup in Ukraine, no bloody mess.
Republican congress is 100% supporting Ukraine against Russia in 2014. Great Putin Apparatchik you are.

Russia wouldnt have to respond? Their response was to illegally annex Crimea. And the eastern third of Ukraine has been utter shit since then; although it wasnt great before them, its been just death.

Yes, both major American Parties fully supported the US/Western-backed Coup in Ukraine. More 'Regime Change' meddling. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the US/West kicked Russia when it was down. They've placed missiles right up to its Border. It isn't surprising Russia is now beginning to respond. The US wouldn't tolerate such aggression so close to its borders either. The US/West has been poking the bear since the Cold War ended. Now the bear is beginning to react.

And this policy of trying to isolate Russia isn't gonna work. It's a different world now. Many around the world see the US as the big bully in the schoolyard. They'll form alliances with Russia. It's already happening with China and India. Excluding Russia from this meeting was very hateful and childish. It doesn't hurt to talk. Russia doesn't want another Cold War, or WWIII. It's so sad to see the US/West dragging us there. It's completely unnecessary. Isolating Russia won't solve any problems. Talking to Russia will.
Putin supported trump you know this how?
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....

Isolating Russia won't work. It's a different world now. The US/West is the big bully in the world. Many nations will form alliances with Russia. It's already beginning to happen with China and India. The world needs balance.

The US/West is out of control. It's been on a bloody invasion spree ever since the Soviet Union collapsed. It's become an un-checked power. And absolute power always corrupts absolutely. If Russia can form some strong alliances with rising powers like China and India, balance in the world may once again be achieved.
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Not Putin, but Soros and his puppets Obama&Co invaded Ukraine and blamed Putin for that. I live there and know WHO invaded it. I wonder, how do you know?

Same like DNC cheated Bernie for Hillary, then lost and guess whom they blamed for that? Yes, neither they blamed themselves nor their crooked candidate, they blamed Putin.

Putin did NOT annex Crimea. Crimea has had a referendum and according to the International Law reunited with Russia. But Kosovo WAS illegally annexed from Serbia because there was NO referendum.

According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

So many Americans have eyes but can't see simple things, can't differ sh*t from Shinola. What a perfect material for Soros and his Deep State buddies. - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Most Americans are fully onboard with the arrogant Imperialist 'Regime Change' policy. So of course they have no problem with the US/Western-backed illegal Coup in Ukraine. Most don't even know it happened. And they don't wanna know. Ukraine was just another US/Western Regime Change operation.

How do people think Russia is supposed to react to such aggression right on its Border? The US certainly wouldn't tolerate such aggression on its Borders. The reality is, the US/West has been poking the Bear ever since the Cold War ended. So it shouldn't be surprising the Bear is reacting. And their isolation policy isn't gonna work this time. Russia's moving on past the US/West. It's seeking important alliances elsewhere. It'll survive. Russians are very tough folks.
Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.

You might not know much about Ukraine. It has many Russian-speaking citizens. The leader the US/West ousted illegally, was friendly to Russia. It was another 'Regime Change' operation. Ukraine was at peace before the illegal Coup.
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.

You might not know much about Ukraine. It has many Russian-speaking citizens. The leader the US/West ousted illegally, was friendly to Russia. It was another 'Regime Change' operation. Ukraine was at peace before the illegal Coup.

And this has ... what to do with their potential admission back into the fold? They are actively hostile to the West. Why would you invite them back into a position of confidence? Makes no sense to me.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure they don't even want to be there.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

November 2016 proved there are well over 63 million brain dead supporters of the idiot trump.

View attachment 197548

There’s a reason he succeeded with the uneducated. They are more easily duped.
Doesn’t speak well for your leftists education system. I’d say change it. In mine, 2 +2=4 not 5 like your system teaches.
Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.

You might not know much about Ukraine. It has many Russian-speaking citizens. The leader the US/West ousted illegally, was friendly to Russia. It was another 'Regime Change' operation. Ukraine was at peace before the illegal Coup.

And this has ... what to do with their potential admission back into the fold? They are actively hostile to the West. Why would you invite them back into a position of confidence? Makes no sense to me.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure they don't even want to be there.

Russia doesn't want another Cold War, or WWIII. It sees no benefit in it at all. It appears the US/West wants a new Cold War though. I don't get it. What are they up to? It's sad.
Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.

You might not know much about Ukraine. It has many Russian-speaking citizens. The leader the US/West ousted illegally, was friendly to Russia. It was another 'Regime Change' operation. Ukraine was at peace before the illegal Coup.

And this has ... what to do with their potential admission back into the fold? They are actively hostile to the West. Why would you invite them back into a position of confidence? Makes no sense to me.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure they don't even want to be there.
Cause you would know? You don’t see the irony there do you?
Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.

You might not know much about Ukraine. It has many Russian-speaking citizens. The leader the US/West ousted illegally, was friendly to Russia. It was another 'Regime Change' operation. Ukraine was at peace before the illegal Coup.

And this has ... what to do with their potential admission back into the fold? They are actively hostile to the West. Why would you invite them back into a position of confidence? Makes no sense to me.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure they don't even want to be there.

trump is just doing Putin's bidding....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Sadly, folks in the US/West only get one side of the story from their Government/Corporate Media. Ukraine was doing very well until the US/West carried out a Coup against the democratically-elected leader there. That's when the bloodshed and chaos began. No illegal Coup, Ukraine would be at peace today. And it really is funny watching Americans feign such outrage over foreign nations possibly meddling in their Elections. No other nation in the world meddles in more foreign nations' Elections than the US does.

How many Puppet Governments has the US installed over the last several decades? In fact, they just did it in Ukraine. Yet they're blaming Russia for the awful mess there. But regardless, isolating Russia isn't gonna work this time. It will seek and achieve new very important alliances. Many in the world wanna see the US/West's power be checked. They feel it's time for that. So excluding Russia from this meeting, was just a desperate childish act. It never hurts to talk with folks you disagree with.

Why would they want Russia there? Putin's Russia is openly an enemy of the West. He doesn't even try to hide it.

You might not know much about Ukraine. It has many Russian-speaking citizens. The leader the US/West ousted illegally, was friendly to Russia. It was another 'Regime Change' operation. Ukraine was at peace before the illegal Coup.

And this has ... what to do with their potential admission back into the fold? They are actively hostile to the West. Why would you invite them back into a position of confidence? Makes no sense to me.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure they don't even want to be there.

Russia doesn't want another Cold War, or WWIII. It sees no benefit in it at all. It appears the US/West wants a new Cold War though. I don't get it. What are they up to? It's sad.

Maybe they should stop attacking Western nations then? Just a thought.

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