Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Russia is Europe's problem, we ought to be concerned with our neglected relationship with Latin America. Obama and now Trump bellyache about China's man-made island in South China Sea yet neglect China's growing influence directly under our nose in this hemisphere.
Have the Russian troops with their tanks and missiles left Ukraine yet?
Have the Russians taken responsibility for shooting down that plane full of Dutch citizens while flying over Ukraine yet?
Surely, Putin has agreed to stop sending bombers to the Alaskan border and causing American fighters to chase them away. Surely Trump is not putting up with that nonsense, right?
Putin is lowlife scum as is his pal Trump
Until trump was elected, America was in an economic and cyber war with Russia. Trump has surrendered and America is losing the war, if it has not completely lost it already.

Let it sink in. Trump has surrendered the economic and cyber war with Russia. Put up the white flag and backed down.
I can see you liberals just hate peace, don't you?

Who benefits from that artificially created war with Russia? You? No. Deep States, war industry, NATO generals do. Unless you are one of those, I don't see any reason for you to need a war.
Putin and Russia started the war. Did you think everyone would allow the invasion of Ukraine to go unchallenged?
Trump surrendering, or at least attempt to surrender will not go unchallenged either.
Trump is doing putins work for him ,breaking up our union with our allies FUCK all putin supporters
Be fair. Trump has no choice. He has to betray America. If it were not for Putin he would have never won the election and been given the opportunity to profiteer and rob country.

I heard he is considering thousands of pardons....the country has elected a moronic mobster....I am sure Al Capone and John Dillinger are on the list....
Yep. He asked the millionaire NFL players to recommend pardons. Have you viewed the list of requests?

He is an embarrassment to the office...
Until trump was elected, America was in an economic and cyber war with Russia. Trump has surrendered and America is losing the war, if it has not completely lost it already.

Let it sink in. Trump has surrendered the economic and cyber war with Russia. Put up the white flag and backed down.
I can see you liberals just hate peace, don't you?

Who benefits from that artificially created war with Russia? You? No. Deep States, war industry, NATO generals do. Unless you are one of those, I don't see any reason for you to need a war.
Putin and Russia started the war. Did you think everyone would allow the invasion of Ukraine to go unchallenged?

Trump surrendering, or at least attempt to surrender will not go unchallenged either.
I live in Ukraine, you?

Soros and Obama's administration invaded Ukraine, that's who. That's who Military tribunal has to judge as war criminals, not Putin. However I wish you were right and Putin invaded Ukraine. We have been waiting for him for 4 years but he's not coming. May be you can tell him to come and to rescue us from dirty Deep State hands, ha, Camp?
Trump is doing putins work for him ,breaking up our union with our allies FUCK all putin supporters
Be fair. Trump has no choice. He has to betray America. If it were not for Putin he would have never won the election and been given the opportunity to profiteer and rob country.
Unsubstantiated nonsense daily. Your new nickname
I don't care about the volume of fake news you turds put out there. Nothing changes the fact Clinton and the DNC purchased a dossier created by Kremlin agents. She tried to throw a national election based on info provided by the Kremlin.
Called interference. The word I heard over and over. Isn’t interference interference? Hmm thought that is what you leftists claimed!
Have the Russian troops with their tanks and missiles left Ukraine yet?
Have the Russians taken responsibility for shooting down that plane full of Dutch citizens while flying over Ukraine yet?
Surely, Putin has agreed to stop sending bombers to the Alaskan border and causing American fighters to chase them away. Surely Trump is not putting up with that nonsense, right?
Putin is lowlife scum as is his pal Trump
Unsubstantiated nonsense
Until trump was elected, America was in an economic and cyber war with Russia. Trump has surrendered and America is losing the war, if it has not completely lost it already.

Let it sink in. Trump has surrendered the economic and cyber war with Russia. Put up the white flag and backed down.
I can see you liberals just hate peace, don't you?

Who benefits from that artificially created war with Russia? You? No. Deep States, war industry, NATO generals do. Unless you are one of those, I don't see any reason for you to need a war.
Putin and Russia started the war. Did you think everyone would allow the invasion of Ukraine to go unchallenged?
Trump surrendering, or at least attempt to surrender will not go unchallenged either.
Wow your ignorance is bright! You should try reading rather than parroting
I don't care about the volume of fake news you turds put out there. Nothing changes the fact Clinton and the DNC purchased a dossier created by Kremlin agents. She tried to throw a national election based on info provided by the Kremlin.
Called interference. The word I heard over and over. Isn’t interference interference? Hmm thought that is what you leftists claimed!
In fact, interference into dying on american citizens . Leftists are ok with that amazing
Have the Russian troops with their tanks and missiles left Ukraine yet?
Have the Russians taken responsibility for shooting down that plane full of Dutch citizens while flying over Ukraine yet?
Surely, Putin has agreed to stop sending bombers to the Alaskan border and causing American fighters to chase them away. Surely Trump is not putting up with that nonsense, right?
Putin is lowlife scum as is his pal Trump
Unsubstantiated nonsense
JC Believing what trump says is sheer idiocy BUT believing anything Russia says and you're ready for mattress city
Have the Russian troops with their tanks and missiles left Ukraine yet?
Have the Russians taken responsibility for shooting down that plane full of Dutch citizens while flying over Ukraine yet?
Surely, Putin has agreed to stop sending bombers to the Alaskan border and causing American fighters to chase them away. Surely Trump is not putting up with that nonsense, right?
Putin is lowlife scum as is his pal Trump
Unsubstantiated nonsense
JC Believing what trump says is sheer idiocy BUT believing anything Russia says and you're ready for mattress city
Not sure what you think you know, but from my position you got jack shit . Just saying
Have the Russian troops with their tanks and missiles left Ukraine yet?
Have the Russians taken responsibility for shooting down that plane full of Dutch citizens while flying over Ukraine yet?
Surely, Putin has agreed to stop sending bombers to the Alaskan border and causing American fighters to chase them away. Surely Trump is not putting up with that nonsense, right?
Putin is lowlife scum as is his pal Trump
Unsubstantiated nonsense
JC Believing what trump says is sheer idiocy BUT believing anything Russia says and you're ready for mattress city
Not sure what you think you know, but from my position you got jack shit . Just saying
your position is too far up trumps and putins butts ,,,get out and see the world like it really is
Thanks for proving his point

Russian Bots never stop...
Sick, isn’t it?

Yes....real Republicans would never post something this ridiculous.

I wonder if this was what it was like when hitlers minions went all in

Maybe we should begin calling the GOP Congress the SS Congress?
I dunno. Maybe just Putin's Congress
Trump is doing putins work for him ,breaking up our union with our allies FUCK all putin supporters
Your "allies" wanted to be your allies as long as YOU were paying for them. Only idiots need such kind of "allies".

Trump highlighted all their "loyalty" for you guys like a litmus paper. You need to thank him for that: it may save your taxpayers lots of money, even such hopelessly stupid ones like yourself.
you fn idiot our allies left their blood along with our guys on the same battlefields
And the blood was also left on THEIR battlefields, not on American ones. Thanks for reminding: you have been paying them not only with your money but also with your countrymen's blood for their doubtful loyalty.

People you have to pay to be with you are usually called prostitutes. Just a reminder for all you screaming pissed off liberals.

Everyone except psycho trumpscum is unhappy.

That means the world except for Russia and the majority of the US.

Getting Russia back in the G8 is a further necessary undoing of what shitstain obama did.

Obama didn’t throw Russia out of the G8. ALL of the other leaders did it and Putin has done nothing since to be allowed back it.

Perhaps if shitstains like you would learn their facts before posting, you would come off like a Russian troll so often.
If it was done during the shitstain obama years it must be undone. Everything he did must be unravelled.

The Russians are better for the US than democrats. If Putin sent an army here to purge the country of democrats we would be much better off. We would have the wall already built.

Someone pointing missiles at you is “better”? You’re fucking insane.
Russia invades Crimea
Russia tinkers with our election
Russia kills it’s foreign dissidents

Trump lobbies to have them in the G7.

What did the US get in return for Trump’s lobbying the other members for their inclusion? Nothing.

Dealmaker? My ass.
Russia invades Crimea
Russia tinkers with our election
Russia kills it’s foreign dissidents

Trump lobbies to have them in the G7.

What did the US get in return for Trump’s lobbying the other members for their inclusion? Nothing.

Dealmaker? My ass.
You left out the part where vlad’s puppet pulled us out of the G7 because they were mean to Russia. Vlad must be so proud

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