Trump calls for unity and healing

As President Trump said yesterday, this is a time for healing and unity as one Nation," he said. "A politically motivated impeachment against a President, who has done a great job, with 12 days remaining in his term will only serve to further divide our great country."

We will do everything to destroy men in dresses liberals.
The raging male feminists of the Democratic party are total creepers. I would never follow their lead anywhere.
My God liberal men are so effeminate. Lol

They talk tough.
That’s all it is too. Their mommies carry their balls in their purse and only let them borrow them occasionally. :)
and then they taze their own balls and die of a heart attack, eh?
No they light themselves on fire and roll in the streets.

Man. You really love to go after the women here you fucking pansy.
They usually align themselves with wierd feminist women and then get their asses handed to them for sex offenses. They are preditory creepers ( but then so are feminists) . See the employees of Marvel,Disney,Lucas Films etc...
Lol. Who are all the girls here? I can't tell what Genes they are wearing. I know Lass, Ram. You...If you could let me know off the top of the head. Saves me time a guessin.

And I mean girls born with girl parts, not some fat short bald person sitting on his computer naked a whacking named Jennifer, like a few here.
I have yet to meet my "betters" so that's gonna be tough.
The talking heads you repeat would disagree with your assessment-
This guy has 42,000 posts in2 plus know he's on 3 other boards

His betters????..........lolo...................I'm astonished at the fantasies some have here....Betters....lolol
I have yet to meet my "betters" so that's gonna be tough.
The talking heads you repeat would disagree with your assessment-
This guy has 42,000 posts in2 plus know he's on 3 other boards

His betters????..........lolo...................I'm astonished at the fantasies some have here....Betters....lolol
Probably one of those password sharing accounts that posts 24/7.
Four years ago my unfavorable thoughts of Hillary were heightened when she delayed giving the customay concession speech thanking all those that worked for her and putting political differences with Trump aside in a unifying moment. I now view it as how shameful it is that she's proven herself a better man than Trump. What a loser he is.
If Democrats go full throttle for 2nd Impeachment or removal with less than 2 weeks to go, they are going to further divide this country.

Yet, if Republicans conducted a Federal Investigation of the 2020 election with two weeks to go, it would not have divided the country?

It is Trumps wild claims of a stolen election that has divided the country. It is Trumps refusal to admit he lost that divided the nation. It is the attack on Congress by a Trump mob that divided the nation
Most Democrat Voters are bigots.
The three main groups who they loath are rich, people, white people and/or Christians.
The Democrat Party is based on hate.
The Corrupt Dem Politicians exploit the ignorance and hate of Left Wing Crackpots.
How can anyone unite with the people who hate them?
If Democrats go full throttle for 2nd Impeachment or removal with less than 2 weeks to go, they are going to further divide this country.

Yet, if Republicans conducted a Federal Investigation of the 2020 election with two weeks to go, it would not have divided the country?

It is Trumps wild claims of a stolen election that has divided the country. It is Trumps refusal to admit he lost that divided the nation. It is the attack on Congress by a Trump mob that divided the nation

You are blind if you think Wednesday’s storm on the Capitol by a Trump mob divided the country. We were already divided. Who smashed windows and burnt cars in Washington during Trump’s Inauguration? Who blocked old people from crossing the street? Who ripped people from cars and beat them? Who looted small businesses? The answer to each of these questions is Anti-Trump people.
In response to Democrats planned Impeachment proceedings, Trump representative says it will affect our unity and healing

Where was Trumps “healing and unity” when....

He refused to acknowledge his election defeat?
When he accused Biden of cheating and stealing the election?
When he called a rally to “Stop the Steal” while Congress was confirming the results?
When he sent an angry mob to the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the results?

He did not seem to give a damn that he was “further dividing our great country”
You stupid twits attacked him for four years. Rember these?
Then we will never have unity and healing

But that is what Trump wants

I think he really believes he was cheated. He won't be able to do that. I think he still wants peace though.

If that is the case, then why did he give the speech he gave. Has he ever spoke of peace and unity? All I hear is him attacking Democrats, Liberals, etc.

Libs attacked Trump first, he merely returns fire.
There is only one way they are coming down - Trump admits to the fair and free election he lost.

If Trump truly wants healing and unity, he will back off his wild claims of a stolen election

Until he does, a cloud of illegitimacy will hang over Biden’s Presidency.

But that is what Trump wants

Do you really think the election was legit? Even after Red China gave Mr. Biden's son a check for a billion and a half?

Isn't there some indication of Red Chinese Collusion? Shouldn't that be investigated?

Its not that "wild" to think that the election may well be rigged.

Further, how would you suggest the Republicans fight Bidenism if they abandon this?
Durham is the only way this can be solved.
View attachment 440074
Boy sure takin a a lot of time for a whole lotta nuttin boiger eh?
They usually do.

Hard to come to a conclusion when you don't have anything to go on but wacky conspiracy theories.
Why was the Capitol Police so undermanned when they knew a crowd that size was coming.

Something about that dog don't hunt.
Then we will never have unity and healing

But that is what Trump wants

I think he really believes he was cheated. He won't be able to do that. I think he still wants peace though.

If that is the case, then why did he give the speech he gave. Has he ever spoke of peace and unity? All I hear is him attacking Democrats, Liberals, etc.

Libs attacked Trump first, he merely returns fire.

That's BS, this has been his MO all his life.
In response to Democrats planned Impeachment proceedings, Trump representative says it will affect our unity and healing

Where was Trumps “healing and unity” when....

He refused to acknowledge his election defeat?
When he accused Biden of cheating and stealing the election?
When he called a rally to “Stop the Steal” while Congress was confirming the results?
When he sent an angry mob to the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the results?

He did not seem to give a damn that he was “further dividing our great country”
You stupid twits attacked him for four years. Rember these?
View attachment 440109

By attack you mean posted or played all the lies he has told.
Then we will never have unity and healing

But that is what Trump wants

I think he really believes he was cheated. He won't be able to do that. I think he still wants peace though.

If that is the case, then why did he give the speech he gave. Has he ever spoke of peace and unity? All I hear is him attacking Democrats, Liberals, etc.

Libs attacked Trump first, he merely returns fire.

That's BS, this has been his MO all his life.

That's right. That is Trump's MO.

If someone attacks him, he comes back with both barrels. Even during the Battle of the Billionaires, that was instigated because Vince McMahon staged a wrestling match between a Fake Donald Trump and a Fake Rosie O'Donnell and Trump felt disrespected and attacked.
In response to Democrats planned Impeachment proceedings, Trump representative says it will affect our unity and healing

Where was Trumps “healing and unity” when....

He refused to acknowledge his election defeat?
When he accused Biden of cheating and stealing the election?
When he called a rally to “Stop the Steal” while Congress was confirming the results?
When he sent an angry mob to the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the results?

He did not seem to give a damn that he was “further dividing our great country”
You stupid twits attacked him for four years. Rember these?
View attachment 440109

By attack you mean posted or played all the lies he has told.
You mean if he said the sky is clear, then a liberal say liar. There is a cloud in the sky. Unlike Obama lied about the deaths of Americans on his watch in bengazi?
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.

I admit Trump lost and Biden-Harris as the next President. I also admit that the 2020 Election created a lot of changes and extensions on an ad-hoc basis that should never happen again so that integrity is not compromised.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.
Democrats refused to audit votes. Your claims of no fraud are just your hysterical ranting. If democrats had nothing to hide they would be open to letting the process play out. They are not. And now they are even MORE unhinged to the point Pelosi made the military angry for asking them to go around congress and perform a coup on a sitting President.

you idiots need to stop watching CNN day and night. It’s making you mentally ill.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.

I admit Trump lost and Biden-Harris as the next President. I also admit that the 2020 Election created a lot of changes and extensions on an ad-hoc basis that should never happen again so that integrity is not compromised.
Changes in the 2020 election came about because of a COVID a epidemic and a shift towards more mail-in voting. Many voters voted by mail for the first time and liked it
Expect more mail in voting in the future.

For such an increase in vote by mail, it went very smoothly and NO THERE WAS NO ADDITIONAL FRAUD
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.
Democrats refused to audit votes. Your claims of no fraud are just your hysterical ranting. If democrats had nothing to hide they would be open to letting the process play out. They are not. And now they are even MORE unhinged to the point Pelosi made the military angry for asking them to go around congress and perform a coup on a sitting President.

you idiots need to stop watching CNN day and night. It’s making you mentally ill.
In contested states, the votes were audited, audited and audited

There was no fraud found

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