Trump calls for unity and healing

Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.
Democrats refused to audit votes. Your claims of no fraud are just your hysterical ranting. If democrats had nothing to hide they would be open to letting the process play out. They are not. And now they are even MORE unhinged to the point Pelosi made the military angry for asking them to go around congress and perform a coup on a sitting President.

you idiots need to stop watching CNN day and night. It’s making you mentally ill.
In contested states, the votes were audited, audited and audited

There was no fraud found
That right there is a lie. Which is why you can’t be taken seriously.
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I swear. The entire Washington establishment is poised. They are recoiling in fear. They are cowering in fear in the corners. They are scared to death of Donald Trump. They are scared to death of you. You have been defeated. You have been vanquished. Donald Trump has been vanquished. But he hasn’t left. He hasn’t left town. He hasn’t apologized.
He hasn’t said he won’t do it again, whatever it is, and they’re gonna be like this — do you understand? — for the next 12 days. In case you missed it, Nancy Pelosi, according to top-of-the-hour propaganda on the radio from an EIB affiliate… Well, I’m assuming it’s radio. Yeah, ’cause our listeners would be listening to the EIB Network radio facilitate and local news or national news network.
Pelosi has called the military and put ’em on standby in case Trump launches the nuke codes. Who are we gonna nuke? The little pot-bellied dictator, Kim Jong-un? What are they terrified of? They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup.
The four-year coup, the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents. Do you know what else they’re worried about? Do you know what else they’re scared of?
They are scared to death — they are terrified — that Trump is gonna pardon people who are dangerous to the establishment. Call it the swamp if you want. Because let me tell you, nothing’s changed. The people in the Washington establishment, why did they want to stop Trump in the first place? Because they didn’t want what they have been up to (which is no good) for years to ever come out.
They didn’t want Trump to discover it and release it. They remain petrified for the next 12 days that Trump is going to release — somehow, some way — what he knows about these people. In other words, they’re worried to death that he’s got a card or two to play here yet, including the pardon power. They’ve got a lot of stuff to keep covered up.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.

I admit Trump lost and Biden-Harris as the next President. I also admit that the 2020 Election created a lot of changes and extensions on an ad-hoc basis that should never happen again so that integrity is not compromised.
Changes in the 2020 election came about because of a COVID a epidemic and a shift towards more mail-in voting. Many voters voted by mail for the first time and liked it
Expect more mail in voting in the future.

For such an increase in vote by mail, it went very smoothly and NO THERE WAS NO ADDITIONAL FRAUD

The modified mail in voting created a lot of anomalies and risk. Keep up your mantra and retort about “smoothness” and “no additional fraud” (proven) but it does not reduce the exacerbated doubt about the integrity of Mail In voting modifications.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it
Ever notice with left loons everyone else has to acknowledge something they demand...but somehow they never have to do anything?

Republicans need to put their big boy pants on and admit that Trump lost.

He didn’t lose because he was cheated, he lost because he was a bad President. So bad that even Republican voters went against him.

While you are pouting about the 2020 election, you can pout that Trump did not only cost Republicans the White House but he cost them the Senate. Trump shenanigans cost Republicans TWO seats in solid Red Georgia

So stop blaming a cheat and start blaming Trump.
Democrats refused to audit votes. Your claims of no fraud are just your hysterical ranting. If democrats had nothing to hide they would be open to letting the process play out. They are not. And now they are even MORE unhinged to the point Pelosi made the military angry for asking them to go around congress and perform a coup on a sitting President.

you idiots need to stop watching CNN day and night. It’s making you mentally ill.
Time to grow up

Trump LOST
Not because he was cheated, but because he was a bad President
His “Election was stolen” tantrum cost you the Senate

Take your wrath out on Trump for losing
He deserves it

I swear. The entire Washington establishment is poised. They are recoiling in fear. They are cowering in fear in the corners. They are scared to death of Donald Trump. They are scared to death of you. You have been defeated. You have been vanquished. Donald Trump has been vanquished. But he hasn’t left. He hasn’t left town. He hasn’t apologized.
He hasn’t said he won’t do it again, whatever it is, and they’re gonna be like this — do you understand? — for the next 12 days. In case you missed it, Nancy Pelosi, according to top-of-the-hour propaganda on the radio from an EIB affiliate… Well, I’m assuming it’s radio. Yeah, ’cause our listeners would be listening to the EIB Network radio facilitate and local news or national news network.
Pelosi has called the military and put ’em on standby in case Trump launches the nuke codes. Who are we gonna nuke? The little pot-bellied dictator, Kim Jong-un? What are they terrified of? They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup.
The four-year coup, the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents. Do you know what else they’re worried about? Do you know what else they’re scared of?
They are scared to death — they are terrified — that Trump is gonna pardon people who are dangerous to the establishment. Call it the swamp if you want. Because let me tell you, nothing’s changed. The people in the Washington establishment, why did they want to stop Trump in the first place? Because they didn’t want what they have been up to (which is no good) for years to ever come out.
They didn’t want Trump to discover it and release it. They remain petrified for the next 12 days that Trump is going to release — somehow, some way — what he knows about these people. In other words, they’re worried to death that he’s got a card or two to play here yet, including the pardon power. They’ve got a lot of stuff to keep covered up.

“Democrats are terrified that Trump will spend his twelve days in office exposing the corruption of the swamp and especially the Dems including Madame Speaker.”

Why wait till the last 12 days?

If Trump had anything, wouldn’t he use it BEFORE the election?
The modified mail in voting created a lot of anomalies and risk.

It worked and it worked well

The disaster of mail in voting predicted by Republicans never happened. It was a success
There is only one way they are coming down - Trump admits to a fair election he lost.

He doesn't believe that.

He is so pathological it's tough to know where his lies end and true belief in nutbag conspiracies begins. But either way, him simply talking about unity without true concession won't do anything to unite anyone.
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Then we will never have unity and healing

But that is what Trump wants

I think he really believes he was cheated. He won't be able to do that. I think he still wants peace though.

If that is the case, then why did he give the speech he gave. Has he ever spoke of peace and unity? All I hear is him attacking Democrats, Liberals, etc.

Libs attacked Trump first, he merely returns fire.
yeah. i remember that kenya born obama attacking trump back in 2010.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job

Why can’t we impeach over an assault on Congress?

You people have proven you can and will impeach over anything; even when. I thing has yet to occur. This latest round of impeachment not only furthers it’s insignificance but is a waste of time and resources. Congress and the incoming Administration need to be focused on the pandemic and the economy.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job

Why can’t we impeach over an assault on Congress?

You people have proven you can and will impeach over anything; even when. I thing has yet to occur. This latest round of impeachment not only furthers it’s insignificance but is a waste of time and resources. Congress and the incoming Administration need to be focused on the pandemic and the economy.
"Congress and the incoming Administration need to be focused on the pandemic and the economy."

that's right. the outgoing administration certainly wasn't.
I say that we give the Democrats their version of unity when their pervert takes office....

Republicans impeached over a Blow Job

Why can’t we impeach over an assault on Congress?

You people have proven you can and will impeach over anything; even when. I thing has yet to occur. This latest round of impeachment not only furthers it’s insignificance but is a waste of time and resources. Congress and the incoming Administration need to be focused on the pandemic and the economy.
Trump is not above the law
Do you really think the election was legit? Even after Red China gave Mr. Biden's son a check for a billion and a half?

This election was as legit as any in history

Wild claims about China only get people killed

In a period of massive propaganda, censorship and violent mobs, supported by the police and one of the major parties, you call that election "legit"?

I have to disagree.

You want me to respect the election, you need to end the propaganda and censorship.

The election was as legitimate as any in history

The only difference with this one is we have a mad man who refuses to admit the voters did not want him

HOw is an election "free and fair" with the media controlled by propagandists and violent partisan mobs rampaging though the streets, often with the support of the police?

Also, that double standard where you guys are free to disrespect elections but you want us to play by the old rules of loyal opposition?



You want a civil war? Cause what you've been doing? That is how you get a civil war.

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