Trump Calls To Skip Military Votes - On Veterans Day

If this was what he actually did, it wouldn't be nearly as odious as taking medical coverage away from low income Americans, separating innocent children from the refugee parents, and pulling the USA out of all of its trade deals and strategic alliances, on the advice of Vladimir Putin.
Don't forget all of the puppies he kicked.

I thought that was Romney!

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Bush, Romney, Trump, what's the difference???

Point being it doesn't matter what Trump does. The left will call him whatever pops into their demented little minds.

Just like you on the right did for 8 years under the previous POTUS.

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Obama had the MSM in his corner. They treated him with kid gloves on every issue. Surely, you see the double standard and are not duped by the one-sided reporting, are you?


How does that change how the right treated him? Even today on this very forum there is nothing that is beyond him being accused of, up to and including his wife really being a man.

And while you might tell me that is the "extreme", it is never called out by the right.
So now your claim is that Kelly and Dunford did not make it to the ceremony?

Here is a video of them there! Damn look at that driving rain!

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The Secret Service grounded Marine One because of inclement weather.
Anyone who has been in the military knows air assets have to go with weather forecasts, not react to every momentary break in the weather.
I also noticed the absense of anyone else during your video. I saw 4 soldiers, including General Kelly. Where was all of those European assholes at???

Please provide the evidence the SS grounded Marine One.

Not only was I in the Marine Corps for 20 years, my MOS was Aviation Operations Specialist.

Out of those 20 years, 9 were spent in Flight Clearance/Base operations. I was also a crew chief on the C12 at two separate Marine Corps Air Stations.

Trust me when I say I understand this topic far better than you ever will.

The ceremony at Belleau was not designed for anyone but the US. Other world leaders went to other locations that held significance to their countries.

Belleau Woods is the location Marines earned the nickname Devil Dog and is sacred ground to us. That is why Trump was going.

And, those were not shoulders, they were Marines.

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Marines are expendable apparently. Not the president.
That's why you dumb fucks jump when you shouldn't.
I remember 26-30 knot winds on the DZ in Kuwait in 92' and the jump masters pushed all of those JarHeads out the door. They ended up putting 90% of them in the hospital. Every one of them that could walk was wearing bandages.

Nice story, have you thought of writing fiction for a living?

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I've thought about it.
But it's not fiction.
I was one of 5th Group guys on the DZ standing next to the safeties on the ground. The wind was do strong that a Marine's chute dragged him over our Humvee. I guess he forgot about his disconnect. I could barely see the DZ because of the sandstorm, but they still pushed em out. I hope they fired whoever was responsible for that catastrophe.

If your story is real, the jump master would have been toast. There are few things that will set a CO off more than his readiness being degraded due to stupidty, and 200 Marines being broken from a jump would do that.
he didnt walk with world leaders in France to the cemetery and honor Armistice Day, and he no showed on thousands of our fallen soldiers within walking distance of the WH - his loyalty and heart are here ....


F Trump.

I cannot believe he skipped out of the Veteran's Day event at Arlington. He did not even leave the White House at all...was it raining again?

Officials from the French Embassy even showed up at Arlington on vets day! Not so much Trump.
I thought that was Romney!

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Bush, Romney, Trump, what's the difference???

Point being it doesn't matter what Trump does. The left will call him whatever pops into their demented little minds.

Just like you on the right did for 8 years under the previous POTUS.

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Obama had the MSM in his corner. They treated him with kid gloves on every issue. Surely, you see the double standard and are not duped by the one-sided reporting, are you?

Some people only need a headline to start ranting about Trump.

He's fucking up their plans.
Plans of a permanent underclass.
Plans of stacking the courts with activist judges ready to take our guns.
Plans of putting the first woman/lesbian in the Oval Oriface.
A political party that always seems to be breaking the law and causing turmoil.

naw, he's just fucking up because he's a fuck up like you are ...

never dawned on your stupid ass your DI was making you jump under adverse conditions so you would know exactly what to expect in case you HAD to do it one day to save your fellow Marines lives did it Gomer ?

go whine about Obama and kiss Trumps old fat ass, it's all you're good at.
I wasn't a Marine, Shitforbrains.
I was a Green Beret.
Oh, and fuck you.
Why in the hell would Republicans not want to count military votes?

Aside from the slap in the face to the used to be that military votes were reliably Republican.

Are Republicans afraid that has changed?

And why do they only want to count votes they think will favor them?

(Yea the answer is self evident but shameful)
Urging Florida To Ignore Military Votes Fits Trump’s True Pattern With The Troops

From attacking a former POW to nixing a cemetery visit, the president has often disrespected service members.

WASHINGTON ― Two days after skipping a visit to an American military cemetery near Paris because it was raining, President Donald Trump called for effectively disenfranchising overseas military members voting in Florida, raising further questions about the draft-evading president’s commitment to the armed services.

“The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged,” Trump tweeted early on Monday, the observed Veterans Day holiday for the federal government. “An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!”

Scott and DeSantis are the GOP’s candidates for U.S. senator and governor in Florida whose election-night margins of victory have resulted in legally mandated recounts.

But skipping those recounts would not only violate state law, it would ignore the ballots of tens of thousands of Florida-based troops deployed overseas. Those ballots are supposed to be counted if they arrive by this coming Friday.

More: Urging Florida To Ignore Military Votes Fits Trump's True Pattern With The Troops

As stated above, "ballots are supposed to be counted if they arrive by this coming Friday", November 16. It's shameful that Trump would not want military ballots counted. This Veterans Day has been a disaster for Trump.
You lied about what Trump said, of course.
Why in the hell would Republicans not want to count military votes?

Aside from the slap in the face to the used to be that military votes were reliably Republican.

Are Republicans afraid that has changed?

And why do they only want to count votes they think will favor them?

(Yea the answer is self evident but shameful)
Trump never said any such thing, moron. This is just one more example where snowflakes deliberate misstate what Trump says and then wail like petulant children about it.
Trump is a national and international disgrace!
Says the person that has backed 3 national disgraces for president, Barack Obama, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.
Bill is a rapist.
Hillary committed espionage and destroyed evidence.
Obama gave billions to the worst terrorist country in the world.
Nevermind the fact that all are involved in a criminal conspiracy to frame the president and are currently conducting a clandestine coup d'état to remove him from office.
Trump hates the military and pisses on the graves of dead soldiers.

And burns the ballots of military personnel.

And makes all military personnel keep their penises.

And kicks puppies.

And has his limo driver do 45 in the fast lane.

That motherfucker!



If this was what he actually did, it wouldn't be nearly as odious as taking medical coverage away from low income Americans, separating innocent children from the refugee parents, and pulling the USA out of all of its trade deals and strategic alliances, on the advice of Vladimir Putin.
Don't forget all of the puppies he kicked.

I thought that was Romney!

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Bush, Romney, Trump, what's the difference???

Point being it doesn't matter what Trump does. The left will call him whatever pops into their demented little minds.

It matter very much what Trump does. And it's not just the left who are calling him out.

At the United Nations, the assembled world leaders laughed in his face when he said his was the greatest Administration in US history. Canadian taxpayers petitioned the government to bar Trump from entering the country for the G7 conference. Trudeau let him come. He renegged on the closing statement, insulted his hosts and it's unlikely he'll be asked to come back.

The Brits rescinded two invitations to visit. When they finally agreed to a visit, the Queen pointedly wore a gift from President and Michelle Obama to greet Trump. The Princes snubbed him, and the British public mocked him with a Baby Trump balloon.

Putin told the world that Trump does whatever he asks. And that he didn't want Hillary to be President. That's the best recommendation for Sec. Clinton, you could possibly get.
Trump is a national and international disgrace!
Says the person that has backed 3 national disgraces for president, Barack Obama, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.
Bill is a rapist.
Hillary committed espionage and destroyed evidence.
Obama gave billions to the worst terrorist country in the world.
Nevermind the fact that all are involved in a criminal conspiracy to frame the president and are currently conducting a clandestine coup d'état to remove him from office.

Do you have any "credible" proof of your lies?
Trump hates the military and pisses on the graves of dead soldiers.

And burns the ballots of military personnel.

And makes all military personnel keep their penises.

And kicks puppies.

And has his limo driver do 45 in the fast lane.

That motherfucker!



If this was what he actually did, it wouldn't be nearly as odious as taking medical coverage away from low income Americans, separating innocent children from the refugee parents, and pulling the USA out of all of its trade deals and strategic alliances, on the advice of Vladimir Putin.
Don't forget all of the puppies he kicked.

I thought that was Romney!

Sent from my iPhone using
Bush, Romney, Trump, what's the difference???

Point being it doesn't matter what Trump does. The left will call him whatever pops into their demented little minds.

It matter very much what Trump does. And it's not just the left who are calling him out.

At the United Nations, the assembled world leaders laughed in his face when he said his was the greatest Administration in US history. Canadian taxpayers petitioned the government to bar Trump from entering the country for the G7 conference. Trudeau let him come. He renegged on the closing statement, insulted his hosts and it's unlikely he'll be asked to come back.

The Brits rescinded two invitations to visit. When they finally agreed to a visit, the Queen pointedly wore a gift from President and Michelle Obama to greet Trump. The Princes snubbed him, and the British public mocked him with a Baby Trump balloon.

Putin told the world that Trump does whatever he asks. And that he didn't want Hillary to be President. That's the best recommendation for Sec. Clinton, you could possibly get.
You're full of crap.
Where do you read this garbage??
Trump is a national and international disgrace!
Says the person that has backed 3 national disgraces for president, Barack Obama, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.
Bill is a rapist.
Hillary committed espionage and destroyed evidence.
Obama gave billions to the worst terrorist country in the world.
Nevermind the fact that all are involved in a criminal conspiracy to frame the president and are currently conducting a clandestine coup d'état to remove him from office.

Clinton's a rapist you say. Like when was the trial and conviction?
Trump is a national and international disgrace!
Says the person that has backed 3 national disgraces for president, Barack Obama, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.
Bill is a rapist.
Hillary committed espionage and destroyed evidence.
Obama gave billions to the worst terrorist country in the world.
Nevermind the fact that all are involved in a criminal conspiracy to frame the president and are currently conducting a clandestine coup d'état to remove him from office.

When was hilary tried and convicted? Now these people are involved in a criminal conspiracy to frame the president..... No proof in this twilight zone of your mind.
Trump never said any such thing, moron. This is just one more example where snowflakes deliberate misstate what Trump says and then wail like petulant children about it.

Nice defense of something that was never said moron.

Trump was never mentioned in the quote that YOU quoted...ya fucking freak
Trump is a national and international disgrace!
Says the person that has backed 3 national disgraces for president, Barack Obama, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.
Bill is a rapist.
Hillary committed espionage and destroyed evidence.
Obama gave billions to the worst terrorist country in the world.
Nevermind the fact that all are involved in a criminal conspiracy to frame the president and are currently conducting a clandestine coup d'état to remove him from office.

Clinton's a rapist you say. Like when was the trial and conviction?
After seeing the Kavanaugh hearings....I think you're a hypocrite.Whatever happened to you leftist saying "All women must be believed"?
Clinton was accused of rape while at Oxford and he has been accused of it more than once here in the states.
I figure if it happened more than once, it sets a pattern.
And we all know that the Clintons never have to answer for what they do wrong.
Trump never said any such thing, moron. This is just one more example where snowflakes deliberate misstate what Trump says and then wail like petulant children about it.

Nice defense of something that was never said moron.

Trump was never mentioned in the quote that YOU quoted...ya fucking freak
If it was never said, then what are you blubbering about? Sow hat if you didn't mention Trump. Who else would you be talking about? It's "Trump, Trump, Trump" 24 hours a day.
Trump never said any such thing, moron. This is just one more example where snowflakes deliberate misstate what Trump says and then wail like petulant children about it.

Nice defense of something that was never said moron.

Trump was never mentioned in the quote that YOU quoted...ya fucking freak
If it was never said, then what are you blubbering about? Sow hat if you didn't mention Trump. Who else would you be talking about? It's "Trump, Trump, Trump" 24 hours a day.
You called me a liar, stupid while defending against something I never said.


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