Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

You remind me of drool.
Now you are being nasty. I told you not to strain your brain cell, however I am glad that I reminded you to wipe your chin since you cannot multitask. Remembering to wipe your drool and trying to speculate at the same time are just too much for your processing capacity.
You must have a very low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.
Not at all. You told me that I reminded you wiping the drool off your chin, how is that MY low opinion? Did you wipe it off?

You really should make a strong attempt to learn to read, write and count and it won't be necessary for you to come here seeking pity any longer.
Mr. DeFuck-a, you cannot deny that you said I reminded you of your drool. Look the chain upward to see what you said and I replied to. Thank you so much for displaying your mental abilities again.

Non-imbeciles know what I meant. Thanks again for the confirmation.
Russian agents supporting Trump and buddies on this site.

The majority of people posting in favor of the Trump administration on this site are Russian agents.

They are dirty, stinkin, lyin commies.
Now you are being nasty. I told you not to strain your brain cell, however I am glad that I reminded you to wipe your chin since you cannot multitask. Remembering to wipe your drool and trying to speculate at the same time are just too much for your processing capacity.
You must have a very low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.
Not at all. You told me that I reminded you wiping the drool off your chin, how is that MY low opinion? Did you wipe it off?

You really should make a strong attempt to learn to read, write and count and it won't be necessary for you to come here seeking pity any longer.
Mr. DeFuck-a, you cannot deny that you said I reminded you of your drool. Look the chain upward to see what you said and I replied to. Thank you so much for displaying your mental abilities again.

Non-imbeciles know what I meant. Thanks again for the confirmation.
Mr. DeFuck-a thank you for the denial. Watch that brain cell!
This happened during the election.

Yes Trump was right. The election WAS rigged. For him.

Yeah, CNN is confirming this also, they have seized the phone records.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

One has to ask themselves what in the hell was so interesting about the Russians during the campaign season? There's only one answer to that, and we all know what it is. I believe there was collusion between several in the Trump campaign to encourage Putin to do a cyber attack on DNC databases, and to flood social media outlets with FAKE news regarding Hillary Clinton. What was the deal. Putin would have never stuck his neck out this far--without some type of reward associated with it. He certainly did not expect to get caught, and he never expected this kind of response.

At any rate the bricks are coming down quickly, and I really don't believe it's going to be too far away that someone is going to bring up impeachment. Even Senate Republicans are pedal to the medal on this.
McConnell: Flynn investigation 'highly likely' in Senate committee -

We all knew that anyway. Now we know that Trump KNEW Flynn was blackmailable and decided since being blackmailed isnt illegal...big deal! Until the truth got out.

Now we find out they were in contact with Russian Intelligence (not politicians) DURING the same time Russia was spreading fake news to help Trump.

Uh oh!??!
We all knew that anyway. Now we know that Trump KNEW Flynn was blackmailable and decided since being blackmailed isnt illegal...big deal! Until the truth got out.

Now we find out they were in contact with Russian Intelligence (not politicians) DURING the same time Russia was spreading fake news to help Trump.

Uh oh!??!
8 § 798 of the U.S. Code:
Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates … or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes … any classified information … obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

The leakers and the Washington Post journalists who published the material should all be prosecuted and jailed.
Yeah, CNN is confirming this also, they have seized the phone records.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

One has to ask themselves what in the hell was so interesting about the Russians during the campaign season?

There is a slow drip drip drip of the truth coming out. One top Trump appointee having ties to Russia means nothing, half a dozen Trump appointees having ties to Russia is a coincidence. Having Dozens of Trump appointees and political staff having russia on speed dial is a serious concern. It gives additional credence to the story that Trump had an e-mail server that connected him directly to a russian bank, that has ties directly to Putin.
This happened during the election.

Yes Trump was right. The election WAS rigged. For him.

Yeah, CNN is confirming this also, they have seized the phone records.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

One has to ask themselves what in the hell was so interesting about the Russians during the campaign season? There's only one answer to that, and we all know what it is. I believe there was collusion between several in the Trump campaign to encourage Putin to do a cyber attack on DNC databases, and to flood social media outlets with FAKE news regarding Hillary Clinton. What was the deal. Putin would have never stuck his neck out this far--without some type of reward associated with it. He certainly did not expect to get caught, and he never expected this kind of response.

At any rate the bricks are coming down quickly, and I really don't believe it's going to be too far away that someone is going to bring up impeachment. Even Senate Republicans are pedal to the medal on this.
McConnell: Flynn investigation 'highly likely' in Senate committee -

8 § 798 of the U.S. Code:
Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates … or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes … any classified information … obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

The leakers and the journalists who published the material should all be prosecuted and jailed.
To those of us that lived through the Watergate era, this feels like deja vu all over again. One after the other, the dominoes fall . . . .
We all knew that anyway. Now we know that Trump KNEW Flynn was blackmailable and decided since being blackmailed isnt illegal...big deal! Until the truth got out.

Now we find out they were in contact with Russian Intelligence (not politicians) DURING the same time Russia was spreading fake news to help Trump.

Uh oh!??!
8 § 798 of the U.S. Code:
Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates … or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes … any classified information … obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

The leakers and the Washington Post journalists who published the material should all be prosecuted and jailed.

To what end? You want compliant press like Russia now? Dumbass
I laugh so hard when I look at your avatar of Groucho. He was as left wing as they come but you're not smart enough to know that.

One of his quotes gets you squarely between the eyes:
He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
Groucho Marx
And there was no collusion.

"Current and former officials that spoke with the Times would not give many details, and it's not clear exactly who, both from the U.S. and Russia, were part of the conversations or what they talked about, including if discussions centered on Trump himself.

Officials told the publication that they have seen no evidence of collusion in regards to hacking or the election."

Report: Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intel officials
To those of us that lived through the Watergate era, this feels like deja vu all over again. One after the other, the dominoes fall . . . .

The difference is that watergate started after Nixon was in office for 4 years. This started when Trump was in office for 4 weeks.
Sounds like Adolf Trump's days are numbered. Will he survive the year?

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States would be considered TREASON. No one is taking this lightly except the typical phyco-babble interpreters that have surrounded him through-out this campaign.

This is not going away anytime soon, that's for certain. Republicans are having a conniption fit over it, and lets face it. Trump and his supporters have made plenty of Republican enemies on the hill, while he has insulted the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies for continually denying their intelligence. I think Senate & House Republicans will be content in letting the Trump Titanic sink with his supporters on board. I think they know that to save the party they're going to have to be very pro-active at getting rid of Trump prior to the 2018 midterm.

Right Now Senate and House Republicans are facing a gauntlet of very angry voters in their town hall meetings. And it's only going to get worse. They have awoken a sleeping Giant and they know it.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

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I laugh so hard when I look at your avatar of Groucho. He was as left wing as they come but you're not smart enough to know that.

One of his quotes gets you squarely between the eyes:
He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
Groucho Marx

Dick Cavet referred to Trump as "Trumpo" the 5th Marx brother.

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