Trump campaign knew they were lying about Dominion voting machines.

Trump on this date...

Gallup: 37%

You're flailing AND failing, Rambtard.

The one that is flailing away is the one that won't answer a simple question and now has brought up Trump again for some reason that escapes me.....Biden hit the 40's with a glowing sycophant media that loves him...Trump had the opposite and was attacked by lies from the beginning and he still did a better job than I'll try again....are you better off with Joe as the president? the nation?...lets see just how stupid Faun is shall we...answer the question you TDS fool.....
The one that is flailing away is the one that won't answer a simple question and now has brought up Trump again for some reason that escapes me.....Biden hit the 40's with a glowing sycophant media that loves him...Trump had the opposite and was attacked by lies from the beginning and he still did a better job than I'll try again....are you better off with Joe as the president? the nation?...lets see just how stupid Faun is shall we...answer the question you TDS fool.....

Poor Rambtard. Denying I answered a question I've actually already answered twice only serves to further expose your desperation.

As far as the media loving Biden and hating on Trump, that's also bullshit as there is plenty of media that loves Trump and hates on Biden.

And yes, for the third time, not just me but the entire nation is better off with Biden as president.

Poor Rambtard. Denying I answered a question I've actually already answered twice only serves to further expose your desperation.

As far as the media loving Biden and hating on Trump, that's also bullshit as there is plenty of media that loves Trump and hates on Biden.

And yes, for the third time, not just me but the entire nation is better off with Biden as president.
It was a yes or no question please produce the post number where you answered the yes or no question....I'll check after lunch we have a new In and Out burger shop in town.....:scared1:
It was a yes or no question please produce the post number where you answered the yes or no question....I'll check after lunch we have a new In and Out burger shop in town.....:scared1:

Rambtard, I answered yes in the form of evidence showing better results under Biden. Now you're trying to blame me because you're too ignorant to understand English.

Rambtard, I answered yes in the form of evidence showing better results under Biden. Now you're trying to blame me because you're too ignorant to understand English.
No you didn't...but aside from that lie you just think the nation is better off under Biden? you are one huge idiot.....
Faun said:
I love that it's the Biden regime and not the Trump regime.

Faun said:
At the rate Biden is going, he'll surpass the numbers from two years ago. We're still recovering from the Trump recession.

GDP annualized growth:
Trump: 1.3%
Biden: 6.4%

Number of employed:
Trump: -2,876,000
Biden: +4,454,000

Unemployment rate:
Trump: +34%
Biden: -18%

Faun said:
I already answered it, Rambtard. I pointed out you're cherry-picking Trump's best with Biden's ongoing recovery which is on pace to surpass Trump's best if it continues. I also pointed out if you compare the entirety of Trump's term with the entirety of Biden's term so far, Biden destroys Trump's failed term. Even comparing Trump's first 7 months with Biden's first 7 months, Biden still wins.

GDP annualized growth:
Trump: 2.1%
Biden: 6.4%

Number of employed:
Trump: +948,000
Biden: +4,454,000

Unemployment rate:
Trump: -6%
Biden: -18%

Faun said:
Rambtard, I answered yes in the form of evidence showing better results under Biden. Now you're trying to blame me because you're too ignorant to understand English.

No you didn't...but aside from that lie you just think the nation is better off under Biden? you are one huge idiot.....


Poor, deranged Rambtard. Yes, I answered it. Your ignorance is not my problem. Neither is it my problem you think we were better off under lyin' Trump with worse economic numbers than so far under Biden.
The one that is flailing away is the one that won't answer a simple question and now has brought up Trump again for some reason that escapes me.....Biden hit the 40's with a glowing sycophant media that loves him...Trump had the opposite and was attacked by lies from the beginning and he still did a better job than I'll try again....are you better off with Joe as the president? the nation?...lets see just how stupid Faun is shall we...answer the question you TDS fool.....

Yo Ramtard: Regarding your “sychophant media” I call BS.

There was more RW sycophant media at that point than leftist sycophant media.

Fox was #1 (still are) and Newsmax/ OAN/ Sinclair were way up that particular ladder.

So please cut it with the BS talking points ;)
Yo Ramtard: Regarding your “sychophant media” I call BS.

There was more RW sycophant media at that point than leftist sycophant media.

Fox was #1 (still are) and Newsmax/ OAN/ Sinclair were way up that particular ladder.

So please cut it with the BS talking points ;)
What are you arguing???that the media didn't come after Trump every day?...because if you are you are nuts....we just found out that the Russian hoax came from Hillary just like we told you...the media knew that and so did go and crawl up someone's ass and think it over....

Poor, deranged Rambtard. Yes, I answered it. Your ignorance is not my problem. Neither is it my problem you think we were better off under lyin' Trump with worse economic numbers than so far under Biden.
:blahblah:...didn't see an answer to my question....
Two weeks after the 2020 election, a team of lawyers closely allied with Donald J. Trump held a widely watched news conference at the Republican Party’s headquarters in Washington. At the event, they laid out a bizarre conspiracy theory claiming that a voting machine company had worked with an election software firm, the financier George Soros and Venezuela to steal the presidential contest from Mr. Trump.

But there was a problem for the Trump team, according to court documents released on Monday evening.

By the time the news conference occurred on Nov. 19, Mr. Trump’s campaign had already prepared an internal memo on many of the outlandish claims about the company, Dominion Voting Systems, and the separate software company, Smartmatic. The memo had determined that those allegations were untrue.


The only people who did not know that Trump or the Trump campaign were lying about Dominion machines were Trump cultists. Trump knew and knows how to lead his flock. Quite pathetic and sad.
It appears that you do not know about various pieces of relevant information:

ES&S got off with all attention on Dominion- read first link about the deception.
Trump with worse economic numbers than so far under Biden
Due to the China virus the numbers are misleading and that makes you dishonest....Joe is breaking the bank he is destroying any semblance of US sovereignty and the dems will pay dearly for it...and when we win back the white house we will track down every damn illegal alien and ship them home.....and we will restore American pride and MAGA...hell we don't even have to change the yard signs...because Trump is running again....
What are you arguing???that the media didn't come after Trump every day?...because if you are you are nuts....we just found out that the Russian hoax came from Hillary just like we told you...the media knew that and so did go and crawl up someone's ass and think it over....
Some did, some didn't. Same as with Biden.
It appears that you do not know about various pieces of relevant information:

ES&S got off with all attention on Dominion- read first link about the deception.
Great, now try and find where they found voting machines connected to the Internet in the 2020 general election....

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