Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

:rolleyes: geez she's luck it's just a bruise...

Just a love tap from Trump via his proxy.
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

He wanted her to not ask Trump any questions. So instead of just asking her to move aside he grabbed her.

I would have pushed the asshole back, but that's just me. Having just gone through JFK's security checkpoint and hassling with the TSA over the cotton drawstrings in my sports pants as a possible flight security threat, and taunting those assholes back, I don't scare easily.

Why did she lie about the encounter?

WTF? She didn't. You can see she is grabbed by Lewandowski. Do rightwing suckups really need more than video? What tools.


"""I wasn’t called upon to ask a question during the televised press conference, but afterwards Trump wandered around, stopping at every reporter to take their questions. When he approached me, I asked him about his view on an aspect of affirmative action.

Trump acknowledged the question, but before he could answer I was jolted backwards. Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken.

The Washington Post’s Ben Terris immediately remarked that it was Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski,
who aggressively tried to pull me to the ground. I quickly turned around and saw Lewandowski and Trump exiting the building together. No apology. No explanation for why he did this."""

She didn't just say she was grabbed. She claimed She was, "yanked down".

Fields said that someone "grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down" after a press conference Tuesday.

She SAID SHE ALMOST fell but was ABLE TO MAINTAIN HER BALANCE. [shaking head]

So just keep defending Trump's "strong arm" methods, pun intended.

No one tried to yank her to the ground she's lying.

She's looking for a payday. That's all there is to it. Who ever heard of her before this?
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
This story would not even be in the media were it not for the GOP Establishment looking for some way to kill Trumps campaign by a thousand slanderous cuts.
didn't this reporter claim initially she was violently thrown to the ground, but then the video showed she was just grabbed and pulled aside? Be interesting to see how this plays out....
didn't this reporter claim initially she was violently thrown to the ground, but then the video showed she was just grabbed and pulled aside? Be interesting to see how this plays out....

Hell, he barely "pulled her aside". I believe that the way it will "play out" is that, after the election, he will receive probation (90 days) and that will be the end of it. There was nothing to it.
GOP war on women takes the next step !

You have to grab her pretty hard to leave a bruise .
GOP war on women takes the next step !

You have to grab her pretty hard to leave a bruise .

Give me a break. I've been bruised worse from hitting the side of the dresser in the middle of the night. Poor baby. Just another "reporter" looking for a story, right?
Lamest case of "battery" I have seen.

From the video, it appears the reporter was trying to ask Trump a question. She appears to have a recording device.

Lewandowski does plainly grab her, and she does appear to be yanked off balance. This is definitely a no-no on his part. But worthy of arrest? Come on.

But those who are making asinine comments about how she's lucky she wasn't belted around more, with the implication she deserved it, are falling right into the narrative that supporters of Trump are thuggish nazi-types.
Lamest case of "battery" I have seen.

From the video, it appears the reporter was trying to ask Trump a question. She appears to have a recording device.

Lewandowski does plainly grab her, and she does appear to be pulled off balance. This is definitely a no-no on his part. But worthy of arrest? Come on.

But those who are making asinine comments about how she's lucky she wasn't belted around more, with the implication she deserved it, are falling right into the narrative that supporters of Trump are thuggish nazi-types.

Damn....for once I completely agree with you. Alert the media!!! :)
These accusations are so pointless when Corey ends up not guilty. Just another diversion the msm is trying to explode. Feels like they're trying to distract us from the Cruz sex scandal which has tons of evidence.

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