Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

LOL, something that happened on March 8th and all the lamestream leftwing stations has BREAKING NEWS on someone grabbed the poor wittle reporters arm. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SPARE US your whiny crap

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.

... which would be simple battery, right. Hitting someone who accidentally brushes against you is a crime.

Not that it really has to do with the OP.
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

It looked like he was trying to move past her. Touching her arm in such a scenario is a perfectly natural reaction. We've all done it.

You don't know the difference between touch and grab hard enough to cause a bruise.
I'm sure she's not the first he's harassed like this. It's why Trump hired him.

He didn't make contact with her forearm.

Again, why did she lie when she first reported the encounter.

If you understand right from left, and can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can see her body blocks the camera from the left side of her body and her left arm. She immediately gave Terris of the WaPo permission to write about what he saw.

Well, in the real world, that's called a lack of evidence.
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

Reporters are roped off, like at HRC events. For security reasons, no one is allowed to rush the don when he is on the move. She did what that photographer did, left her designated area to get to the don, which they all knew was not allowed.
LOL, something that happened on March 8th and all the lamestream leftwing stations has BREAKING NEWS on someone grabbed the poor wittle reporters arm. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SPARE US your whiny crap

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.
Was I talking about perverts who do that on purpose? No. I was talking about what happens inadvertently when people are packed tightly together. It happens and we've all been there (those of us who have been to packed venues). Sometimes were not even aware of it because of the sensory overload.

If he's charged with misdemeanor assault this could very well change media access to candidates

The big bully's bully needs to keep his hands off people.

March 29, 2016, 11:16 am
Trump campaign manager charged with battery

Trump campaign manager charged with battery

What did you Communists use to charge him? A car battery? An industrial battery?

Why did need to shock him? Usually your allies cut the heads off their victims on Al Jazeera, wasn't that good enough for you?

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.

... which would be simple battery, right. Hitting someone who accidentally brushes against you is a crime.

Not that it really has to do with the OP.

Who's to say it was an accident? I think it would depend on the situation.

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.
Was I talking about perverts who do that on purpose? No. I was talking about what happens inadvertently when people are packed tightly together. It happens and we've all been there (those of us who have been to packed venues). Sometimes were not even aware of it because of the sensory overload.

If he's charged with misdemeanor assault this could very well change media access to candidates

What he did does not look like an accident. It looks like he reached for her and grabbed her. I see no reason to change media access, just get rid of grabby hands.
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

He wanted her to not ask Trump any questions. So instead of just asking her to move aside he grabbed her.

I would have pushed the asshole back, but that's just me. Having just gone through JFK's security checkpoint and hassling with the TSA over the cotton drawstrings in my sports pants as a possible flight security threat, and taunting those assholes back, I don't scare easily.

Why did she lie about the encounter?

WTF? She didn't. You can see she is grabbed by Lewandowski. Do rightwing suckups really need more than video? What tools.


"""I wasn’t called upon to ask a question during the televised press conference, but afterwards Trump wandered around, stopping at every reporter to take their questions. When he approached me, I asked him about his view on an aspect of affirmative action.

Trump acknowledged the question, but before he could answer I was jolted backwards. Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken.

The Washington Post’s Ben Terris immediately remarked that it was Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski,
who aggressively tried to pull me to the ground. I quickly turned around and saw Lewandowski and Trump exiting the building together. No apology. No explanation for why he did this."""

She didn't just say she was grabbed. She claimed She was, "yanked down".

Fields said that someone "grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down" after a press conference Tuesday.

She SAID SHE ALMOST fell but was ABLE TO MAINTAIN HER BALANCE. [shaking head]

So just keep defending Trump's "strong arm" methods, pun intended.

See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.

... which would be simple battery, right. Hitting someone who accidentally brushes against you is a crime.

Not that it really has to do with the OP.

Who's to say it was an accident? I think it would depend on the situation.

I said it was an accident in my scenario. In crowds, there is unavoidable contact. If one perceives every unwanted contact to be intentional and malicious, one is a nut and should avoid crowds, IMO.

Ive brushed up against my mom's boobs trying to get around her, and there was no crowd. Battery? That is ridiculous, and would be just as ridiculous even if my mom had "felt" it was battery or sexual assault.

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.
Was I talking about perverts who do that on purpose? No. I was talking about what happens inadvertently when people are packed tightly together. It happens and we've all been there (those of us who have been to packed venues). Sometimes were not even aware of it because of the sensory overload.

If he's charged with misdemeanor assault this could very well change media access to candidates

You mean if he's found guilty of battery. He was not charged with assault.
And no, it won't change anything because Trump would die on the vine if he didn't have the press kissing his ass and following him around. His sociopathic needs are too great to put a rope between himself and his groupies.
See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.

... which would be simple battery, right. Hitting someone who accidentally brushes against you is a crime.

Not that it really has to do with the OP.

Who's to say it was an accident? I think it would depend on the situation.

I said it was an accident in my scenario. In crowds, there is unavoidable contact. If one perceives every unwanted contact to be intentional and malicious, one is a nut and should avoid crowds, IMO.

Ive brushed up against my mom's boobs trying to get around her, and there was no crowd. Battery? That is ridiculous, and would be just as ridiculous even if my mom had "felt" it was battery or sexual assault.

It wasn't your scenario, it was cereal_killers.

Scroll over to the two minute mark.

ya but that bitch was probably asking for it.

in the good old days no one would even care if you hurt a woman.

those were the days! :mad-61:
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

Reporters are roped off, like at HRC events. For security reasons, no one is allowed to rush the don when he is on the move. She did what that photographer did, left her designated area to get to the don, which they all knew was not allowed.

I don't see any ropes, and I see a lot of reporters around Donald.
he would have liked to punch her in the face, but he didn't... so wtf?

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