Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

:rolleyes: geez she's lucky it's just a bruise...

In the video he never grabs her there. Watch.

Lamest case of "battery" I have seen.

From the video, it appears the reporter was trying to ask Trump a question. She appears to have a recording device.

Lewandowski does plainly grab her, and she does appear to be yanked off balance. This is definitely a no-no on his part. But worthy of arrest? Come on.

But those who are making asinine comments about how she's lucky she wasn't belted around more, with the implication she deserved it, are falling right into the narrative that supporters of Trump are thuggish nazi-types.
Under Florida law, battery is committed when a person “actually and intentionally touches or strikes another person against the will of the other...

The 2015 Florida Statutes

Title XLVI
CRIMES Chapter 784
784.03 Battery; felony battery.—
(1)(a) The offense of battery occurs when a person:
1. Actually and intentionally touches or strikes another person against the will of the other; or
2. Intentionally causes bodily harm to another person.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (2), a person who commits battery commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(2) A person who has one prior conviction for battery, aggravated battery, or felony battery and who commits any second or subsequent battery commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. For purposes of this subsection, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or a trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld or a plea of nolo contendere is entered.
Maybe the lady made an aggressive move toward Trump.
It's a presidential campaign. The campaign manager should not be manhandling reporters or anyone else. The incident is on video tape. She did not make any aggressive moves. As well, a security person should handle anyone who is a problem, not the campaign manager.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.
Listen buster: what a private citizen does who is not running for president is a different issue than what someone does who is planning to be the leader of the first world. I am not excusing anyone for anything. What I'm saying is that there is no comparison between what a private citizen does and what a presidential hopeful does, or someone does in his name. You are talking about apples and oranges. Get the point .... someone who plans to lead the US, be a leader of the country, should not countenance what his campaign manager did, or countenance brutality or loss of temper at any level.

I just don't know how you cannot see that we are not talking about men who beat up women but a presidential hopeful who supports violence and brutality toward anyone. It is two very different issues. Men beating up or killing women is not the issue here. How dense are you anyway?

Well,well, well. I see that you are a Hillary supporter who is preaching to me about violence against fucking hypocrite.

Hillary Clinton Supported Bill Clinton against the women that Bill Clinton raped and abused. The lying, no good bitch is married to a man who, repeatedly abused women, over and over again, and that fat-assed bitch DEFENDED that no good son-of-a-bitch.

Do YOU understand that? She stood by a serial rapist and abuser and YOU are fine with that. HYPOCRITE.

You have no right to speak ill of ANYONE in this thread.
^ repeated dishonest characterization of past events does not resemble the facts of the matter ^

No, you're right. Trumps guy grabbed a women by the arm. Clinton repeatedly raped and abused.

But let's not allow history to get in the way of your bullshit "crisis".
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.
Listen buster: what a private citizen does who is not running for president is a different issue than what someone does who is planning to be the leader of the first world. I am not excusing anyone for anything. What I'm saying is that there is no comparison between what a private citizen does and what a presidential hopeful does, or someone does in his name. You are talking about apples and oranges. Get the point .... someone who plans to lead the US, be a leader of the country, should not countenance what his campaign manager did, or countenance brutality or loss of temper at any level.

I just don't know how you cannot see that we are not talking about men who beat up women but a presidential hopeful who supports violence and brutality toward anyone. It is two very different issues. Men beating up or killing women is not the issue here. How dense are you anyway?

Well,well, well. I see that you are a Hillary supporter who is preaching to me about violence against fucking hypocrite.

Hillary Clinton Supported Bill Clinton against the women that Bill Clinton raped and abused. The lying, no good bitch is married to a man who, repeatedly abused women, over and over again, and that fat-assed bitch DEFENDED that no good son-of-a-bitch.

Do YOU understand that? She stood by a serial rapist and abuser and YOU are fine with that. HYPOCRITE.

You have no right to speak ill of ANYONE in this thread.
Clinton never raped or abused anyone. You choose to believe a lie. That's your problem.
^ repeated dishonest characterization of past events does not resemble the facts of the matter ^

No, you're right. Trumps guy grabbed a women by the arm. Clinton repeatedly raped and abused.

But let's not allow history to get in the way of your bullshit "crisis".
Another red herring. And the continuous promotion of a 20 year old lie. Pathetic.

How about dealing with the issue of this thread? Seems you cannot, otherwise you wouldn't be throwing out so many red herrings.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?

IT is an election year, and so the partisan hypocrits are feigning outrage as a way to attack Trump because they really want the Establishment to never change and keep fucking working class people till the end of time.

I cannot believe people are this stupid as Ravi repeatedly proves is the case.
If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.

... which would be simple battery, right. Hitting someone who accidentally brushes against you is a crime.

Not that it really has to do with the OP.

Who's to say it was an accident? I think it would depend on the situation.

I said it was an accident in my scenario. In crowds, there is unavoidable contact. If one perceives every unwanted contact to be intentional and malicious, one is a nut and should avoid crowds, IMO.

Ive brushed up against my mom's boobs trying to get around her, and there was no crowd. Battery? That is ridiculous, and would be just as ridiculous even if my mom had "felt" it was battery or sexual assault.

It wasn't your scenario, it was cereal_killers.

Scroll over to the two minute mark.

Sorry. My bad. I thought you were responding to me. Alerts confuse me sometimes.
Yep, just another Adolf Trump thug.
And you are just another lying PC Nazi.

If the stupid wimp reporter cant handle someoen pulling her out of the way by the arm, then she needs to find another career.

And the only reason you are repating this nonses is because Trump is a Republican, which makes you a posturing hypocrit and liar as well.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.
Listen buster: what a private citizen does who is not running for president is a different issue than what someone does who is planning to be the leader of the first world. I am not excusing anyone for anything. What I'm saying is that there is no comparison between what a private citizen does and what a presidential hopeful does, or someone does in his name. You are talking about apples and oranges. Get the point .... someone who plans to lead the US, be a leader of the country, should not countenance what his campaign manager did, or countenance brutality or loss of temper at any level.

I just don't know how you cannot see that we are not talking about men who beat up women but a presidential hopeful who supports violence and brutality toward anyone. It is two very different issues. Men beating up or killing women is not the issue here. How dense are you anyway?

Well,well, well. I see that you are a Hillary supporter who is preaching to me about violence against fucking hypocrite.

Hillary Clinton Supported Bill Clinton against the women that Bill Clinton raped and abused. The lying, no good bitch is married to a man who, repeatedly abused women, over and over again, and that fat-assed bitch DEFENDED that no good son-of-a-bitch.

Do YOU understand that? She stood by a serial rapist and abuser and YOU are fine with that. HYPOCRITE.

You have no right to speak ill of ANYONE in this thread.
Clinton never raped or abused anyone. You choose to believe a lie. That's your problem.

Of course, Billy Boy would NEVER have done anything wrong, right?

Bill Clinton's 'Terrible Record Of Women Abuse': Sexual Harassment And Assault Allegations Plague Hillary’s Husband

How many millions have they spent paying off the women?

Monica Lewinsky.....

You just remember this - YOU support a "woman" that stood by while her man repeatedly abused women. YOU remember that about YOUR candidate.
This is the same guy Trump was championing for assaulting the reporter.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager was just charged with battery

Is it even possible for you scumbags not to lie?

No one was "arrested" Rodent.

{Corey Lewandowski, 42, faces one misdemeanor count of battery. He voluntarily went to police headquarters in Jupiter, Fla., and signed paperwork that ordered him to appear in court on May 4.}

Read the fucking article next time, you drooling retard.
The reporter was doing what every reporter does. To portray her otherwise is dishonest.

If you are a political candidate, you are going to have reporters approaching you at your events. Duh!

That's what the candidates want. Duh!
^ repeated dishonest characterization of past events does not resemble the facts of the matter ^

No, you're right. Trumps guy grabbed a women by the arm. Clinton repeatedly raped and abused.

But let's not allow history to get in the way of your bullshit "crisis".
Another red herring. And the continuous promotion of a 20 year old lie. Pathetic.

How about dealing with the issue of this thread? Seems you cannot, otherwise you wouldn't be throwing out so many red herrings.

The only "Lie" that is being cast here is the one that YOU believe about Hillary.
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

It looked like he was trying to move past her. Touching her arm in such a scenario is a perfectly natural reaction. We've all done it.

That was not touching her arm, it was grabbing her arm.

Semantics. It doesn't change the fact that she lied.

No, there's a difference. What did she lie about?

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.
Was I talking about perverts who do that on purpose? No. I was talking about what happens inadvertently when people are packed tightly together. It happens and we've all been there (those of us who have been to packed venues). Sometimes were not even aware of it because of the sensory overload.

If he's charged with misdemeanor assault this could very well change media access to candidates

I still have no idea of how your scenario relates to this particular situation.

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