Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

The guy will get a fine, which Trump will pay. Then he might have to go to an anger management class, for which Trump will also pay.
Won't go anywhere once they play that tape at real speed and find out the bruises were on her left FOREARM not upper arm where you can clearly see he grabbed her.

The guy said he never touched her. He flat out lied.

Right. He denied anything and then the CCTV video was released after the police reviewed it. What a Drumpfkopf this guy is.
See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

You are struggling, CK.

Struggling to defend an obvious offensive act as opposed to a passive or defensive one.

Getting flashed doesn't rate assault.

So the Jupiter police department is wrong. They are going against the law in filing charges, correct? Yes or no.
The guy will get a fine, which Trump will pay. Then he might have to go to an anger management class, for which Trump will also pay.

Indeed. what the guy did was "wrong" in the sense that he should have grabbed the reporter. The "consequences" will be a fine and it will be forgotten. End of story - that is, if there ever was one.
WTF? She didn't. You can see she is grabbed by Lewandowski. Do rightwing suckups really need more than video? What tools.


"""I wasn’t called upon to ask a question during the televised press conference, but afterwards Trump wandered around, stopping at every reporter to take their questions. When he approached me, I asked him about his view on an aspect of affirmative action.

Trump acknowledged the question, but before he could answer I was jolted backwards. Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken.

The Washington Post’s Ben Terris immediately remarked that it was Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski,
who aggressively tried to pull me to the ground. I quickly turned around and saw Lewandowski and Trump exiting the building together. No apology. No explanation for why he did this."""

She didn't just say she was grabbed. She claimed She was, "yanked down".

Fields said that someone "grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down" after a press conference Tuesday.

She SAID SHE ALMOST fell but was ABLE TO MAINTAIN HER BALANCE. [shaking head]

So just keep defending Trump's "strong arm" methods, pun intended.

No one tried to yank her to the ground she's lying.

She's looking for a payday. That's all there is to it. Who ever heard of her before this?

She was a reporter for Breitbart. You know, THAT Breitbart.

So you think the Jupiter P.D. is lying....They are the ones who decided to file charges after they watched the video and reviewed her complaint.

I don't give a Fuck who she worked for. She's still lying her ass off.

No, by your logic the Jupiter police department is lying.
Trump says his guy is innocent. Of course. Mainly because Trump doesn't consider roughing up women to be any sort of a crime.
he didn't set out to do that. but if he has a rap sheet to that effect, you might be in luck.

it wasn't orchestrated or premeditated like benghazi. or the destruction of miss lewinsky, that may come up.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
They both, the football player and the asshole that grabbed the reporter, need to be punished. But you go right ahead and excuse it.

Dumbass - no one is excusing a damned thing. I just do NOT believe in making a mountain out of a mole hill. What? You think the campaign manager should be hung at dawn? Jesus, you guys are an amazing lot..

A misdemeanor is no mountain.

Jesus - Jay walking is a misdemeanor. Spitting on the sidewalk is a misdemeanor. What is your point?

You're having trouble following this conversation, it appears. Maybe you're too emotional right now to follow?

You said you don't believe in making a mountain out of a mole hill, so I pointed out that a misdemeanor is not a mountain....then you agreed with me.

Are you caught up yet?
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

Do you have a mental problem? Where did she or anyone say it's okay to knock a woman down stairs?

Do we need to get straw man out for your play time?


Just trying to understand the justification of the left. Care to enlighten me? I have never heard anything from the left when this sort of thing happens to a "nobody" - but you folks sure go ape-shit when a minor altercation happens in the course of a political campaign. You folks go crazy. So, what's it going to be? you going to stand up for everyone? or just those you deem "worthy?"

I don't know what you plan to do, but I'm going to debate the topic of this thread.
Lamest case of "battery" I have seen.

From the video, it appears the reporter was trying to ask Trump a question. She appears to have a recording device.

Lewandowski does plainly grab her, and she does appear to be yanked off balance. This is definitely a no-no on his part. But worthy of arrest? Come on.

But those who are making asinine comments about how she's lucky she wasn't belted around more, with the implication she deserved it, are falling right into the narrative that supporters of Trump are thuggish nazi-types.

Fix your sarcasm meter.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

Do you have a mental problem? Where did she or anyone say it's okay to knock a woman down stairs?

Do we need to get straw man out for your play time?


Just trying to understand the justification of the left. Care to enlighten me? I have never heard anything from the left when this sort of thing happens to a "nobody" - but you folks sure go ape-shit when a minor altercation happens in the course of a political campaign. You folks go crazy. So, what's it going to be? you going to stand up for everyone? or just those you deem "worthy?"

I don't know what you plan to do, but I'm going to debate the topic of this thread.

That's exactly what I figured you (and the left would do) - makes perfect sense.
Clinton never raped or abused anyone. You choose to believe a lie. That's your problem.

Because women should NEVER be believed when they allege sexual assault. :thup:

EXACTLY! When someone on the left is involved - it never happened. When the "shoe is on the other foot" - it becomes a "crisis". These fools on the left would watch someone like Hillary shoot someone in the head on Broadway - then swear to God that it never happened.
Is it even possible for you scumbags not to lie?

No one was "arrested" Rodent.

{Corey Lewandowski, 42, faces one misdemeanor count of battery. He voluntarily went to police headquarters in Jupiter, Fla., and signed paperwork that ordered him to appear in court on May 4.}

Read the fucking article next time, you drooling retard.


"The Trump campaign insisted in a statement that he “was not arrested,” although a police report distributed to news outlets said his arrest occurred at 8:10 a.m."

{“He came in by himself, without us picking him up, and signed his notice to appear,” said officer Joseph Beinlich, a department spokesman. He added that because Lewandowski faces a misdemeanor charge, no booking photo was taken.}

Try again, Rati.
The guy will get a fine, which Trump will pay. Then he might have to go to an anger management class, for which Trump will also pay.
absence of malice, no anger, he was doing his job, i'd like to see more video, or if she is known as an aggressive.

the solution is to apologise for the confusion on behalf of the campaign, let the secret sevice handle it. both parties could be complicit.

this would all be much easier if the libs weren't in a constant state of provoking for reaction, which they are really good at. i'd still like to go to a bernie rally in a Trump shirt... you know... with a reporter from breitbart.
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Clinton never raped or abused anyone. You choose to believe a lie. That's your problem.

Because women should NEVER be believed when they allege sexual assault. :thup:

EXACTLY! When someone on the left is involved - it never happened. When the "shoe is on the other foot" - it becomes a "crisis". These fools on the left would watch someone like Hillary shoot someone in the head on Broadway - then swear to God that it never happened.

You're really married to this Deflection fallacy huh?

Seems to be a pattern around here. Bring up Rump, they cry "but -- but... Hillary!" That's gotta be inconvenient.
I just watched the video, but have not followed this story. Why was Corey grabbing her in the first place?

It looked like he was trying to move past her. Touching her arm in such a scenario is a perfectly natural reaction. We've all done it.

That was not touching her arm, it was grabbing her arm.

Semantics. It doesn't change the fact that she lied.

Look up the legal definition of battery. If you don't see his hands on her you're blind or stupid or both. Battery doesn't literally have to be battered, beat up or hit.

The WaPo reporter who witnessed Lewandowski published an article immediately afterward:

Inside Trump’s inner circle, his staffers are willing to fight for him. Literally.

""As security parted the masses to give him passage out of the chandelier-lit ballroom, Michelle Fields, a young reporter for Trump-friendly Breitbart News, pressed forward to ask the Republican front-runner a question. I watched as a man with short-cropped hair and a suit grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the way. He was Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s 41-year-old campaign manager.
Fields stumbled. Finger-shaped bruises formed on her arm.
“I’m just a little spooked,” she said, a tear streaming down her face. “No one has grabbed me like that before.”"""

When asked about the incident the Trump assholes said this below. How fucking stupid can you get? Trump has a bunch of stupid goons working for him:

"""In addition to our staff, which had no knowledge of said situation, not a single camera or reporter of more than 100 in attendance captured the alleged incident.”

At least there is this: The Jupiter, Florida police department is not owned by Trump and his fucking Brownshirts.

Inside Trump’s inner circle, his staffers are willing to fight for him. Literally.

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