Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

Do you have a mental problem? Where did she or anyone say it's okay to knock a woman down stairs?

Do we need to get straw man out for your play time?


Just trying to understand the justification of the left. Care to enlighten me? I have never heard anything from the left when this sort of thing happens to a "nobody" - but you folks sure go ape-shit when a minor altercation happens in the course of a political campaign. You folks go crazy. So, what's it going to be? you going to stand up for everyone? or just those you deem "worthy?"

I don't know what you plan to do, but I'm going to debate the topic of this thread.

That's exactly what I figured you (and the left would do) - makes perfect sense.

You figured we would stay on topic while you troll the thread?
But let's not allow history to get in the way of your bullshit "crisis".

you're having a crisis?

Not me - but apparently the left is going apeshit over nothing....Oh, by the way, here is Bill Clinton's latest "squeeze" and Hillary knows all about it:

Meet Bill Clinton's Latest Mistress - The Political Insider

So see.....grabbing a woman by the arm is a "much worse" offense that Billy Boy has EVER done, right? :)

More lies. You guys are unbelievable. As you are deflecting from the real issue of this thread. Your posts about Clinton are red herrings and deflection. Deal with the topic of the OP.
You're really married to this Deflection fallacy huh?

Seems to be a pattern around here. Bring up Rump, they cry "but -- but... Hillary!" That's gotta be inconvenient.

You bolsheviks and your reeking hypocrisy.

Oh, but no doubt you are REAL concerned with the welfare of a Breitbart reporter....

Thanks for proving my point, Pothead --- however timidly. :gay:
See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

I guess no one needs to tell you that there are actually perverts out there who do that on purpose? And accident or not, it might get you a good smack in the face.
Was I talking about perverts who do that on purpose? No. I was talking about what happens inadvertently when people are packed tightly together. It happens and we've all been there (those of us who have been to packed venues). Sometimes were not even aware of it because of the sensory overload.

If he's charged with misdemeanor assault this could very well change media access to candidates

You mean if he's found guilty of battery. He was not charged with assault.
And no, it won't change anything because Trump would die on the vine if he didn't have the press kissing his ass and following him around. His sociopathic needs are too great to put a rope between himself and his groupies.
Yes battery (my bad) You do realize this is utterly ridiculous though right? We must be honest with ourselves here. If that constitutes a criminal charge of battery then what happens with viable charges of battery's. Do they get elevated to attempted murders?

Where do we draw the line. I'm hoping common sense prevails here and it gets tossed out once it goes to court. If not then I'm seriously disheartened where we are heading.
Trump says his guy is innocent. Of course. Mainly because Trump doesn't consider roughing up women to be any sort of a crime.
if he has a prior history of abusing women as with someone like, oh... say... bill clinton or cosby, that will be a different story. the beat campaign reporters know about and have been calling it a full contact sport for generations. i think it's just the tip of the iceberg. i'm trying to figure why she was working for breitbart.
It's a different issue, ding dong.
This is the same guy Trump was championing for assaulting the reporter.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager was just charged with battery

Is it even possible for you scumbags not to lie?

No one was "arrested" Rodent.

{Corey Lewandowski, 42, faces one misdemeanor count of battery. He voluntarily went to police headquarters in Jupiter, Fla., and signed paperwork that ordered him to appear in court on May 4.}

Read the fucking article next time, you drooling retard.

Accepting a person into custody who voluntarily surrenders pursuant to an arrest warrant constitutes an arrest. -

See more at: Accepting Into Custody A Person Who Voluntarily Surrenders On An Arrest Warrant | Washington State

Yes that's WA state law but is probably nationwide.

Was there an arrest warrant involved?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

Do you have a mental problem? Where did she or anyone say it's okay to knock a woman down stairs?

Do we need to get straw man out for your play time?


Just trying to understand the justification of the left. Care to enlighten me? I have never heard anything from the left when this sort of thing happens to a "nobody" - but you folks sure go ape-shit when a minor altercation happens in the course of a political campaign. You folks go crazy. So, what's it going to be? you going to stand up for everyone? or just those you deem "worthy?"

I don't know what you plan to do, but I'm going to debate the topic of this thread.

That's exactly what I figured you (and the left would do) - makes perfect sense.
LMAO :cuckoo:
This is the same guy Trump was championing for assaulting the reporter.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager was just charged with battery

Is it even possible for you scumbags not to lie?

No one was "arrested" Rodent.

{Corey Lewandowski, 42, faces one misdemeanor count of battery. He voluntarily went to police headquarters in Jupiter, Fla., and signed paperwork that ordered him to appear in court on May 4.}

Read the fucking article next time, you drooling retard.

Accepting a person into custody who voluntarily surrenders pursuant to an arrest warrant constitutes an arrest. -

See more at: Accepting Into Custody A Person Who Voluntarily Surrenders On An Arrest Warrant | Washington State

Yes that's WA state law but is probably nationwide.

Was there an arrest warrant involved?

No. He was served with a court order to appear in court.

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