Trump campaign member slams Biden, posting video of his visit to dead son at the cemetery


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Joe Biden should have stopped to talk to reporters instead of visiting his dead son at the cemetery, according to the heartless Trump campaign. And they have not deleted the tweet yet.
I read through or skim so many of these petty "news" titles. All I can think of is the harm of so much access to social media. I remember the days where we wouldn't know.. or more to the point.. what we think we know of all this stuff. The instant judgments. Random thought. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Holy fucking drama, no one cares. Your inability to focus on anything relevant makes Trumpslide that much bigger.

Biden should visit his voters more often though.
You forgot to add how much a trump hates the military.

Come on man.

The big picture: Trump has a history of sparring with and criticizing military officials and service members, even before his presidency, though he frequently points to his prioritization of funding for the Pentagon as a sign of his commitment to the troops. Yet two years after his election, he hasn't visited troops in combat zones, and former Trump administration official and retired Marine Col. David Lapan told the New York Times that Trump doesn't understand "the proper use and role of the military and what we can, and can't, do."

What's happened: Most recently, Trump took a dig at retired Navy Adm. William McRaven — a military official who served for over 37 years and organized the Osama bin Laden raid — calling him a "Hillary Clinton backer," and saying it would "have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner."

  • He canceled his World War I cemetery visit in France due to bad weather, despite other world leaders continuing on with plans to pay their respects.
  • He skipped a visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day, telling Fox News' Chris Wallace he was "extremely busy because of affairs of state." He told Wallace that he should have gone, in retrospect, and "will virtually every year."
  • He said visiting troops in combat zones is not "overly necessary." A former senior White House official told the Washington Post that Trump is "afraid of those situations. He's afraid people want to kill him."
  • He urged Florida to only count ballots received by or cast on Election Day in the midterms, which would have disenfranchised military members voting abroad.
  • Military members have expressed displeasure at Trump's comments as president that assert ownership over the armed forces, calling it "my military" and military leaders "my generals."
  • He struggled to console Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action in Niger last year.
  • He blamed military generals for the death of Senior Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens in Yemen last year on a mission he authorized: "This was something that was, you know, just — they wanted to do. ... And they lost Ryan."
  • He famously criticized late Sen. John McCain during the 2016 presidential campaign for being captured during the Vietnam war.
  • He fought with Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan during the campaign.
  • He went after retired 4-star Gen. John Allen, after Allen supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, saying, per Politico: "You know who he is? He’s a failed general. He was the general fighting ISIS. I would say he hasn't done so well, right?"
The bottom line, from retired Gen. Wesley Clark, a former NATO supreme allied commander: "Trump’s actions and behavior have led service members and veterans to question whether he really understands who a commander in chief is, or what he does."

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