Trump Campaign not the first Republican campaign to collude to influence election


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
As historian Klaus Fischer points out in his book Hitler & America, Hitler had a shrewd grasp of American politics. The Führer nurtured Germany's ties to the America First crowd - led by the Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. He hosted a meeting with Herbert Hoover in Berlin. Hoover, an engineer by training, marveled at the Nazi's massive infrastructure projects. Hitler's goal all along was to keep America neutral for as long as possible - until at least he had finished his project on the European continent. This strategy was largely successful until Kristallnacht in November 1938. Even after Kristallnacht there were plenty of Americans who thought the threat against the Jews was exaggerated, or even that the Jews had brought it on themselves (see The American Papers That Praised Hitler).

At the same time, Hitler recognized that his greatest adversary was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hitler suspected that FDR might be a Jew, but in any case he was clearly controlled by the Jewish interest. By 1940 Hitler sensed that FDR was girding the nation for war with Germany. His last hope was that FDR could somehow be defeated in the 1940 presidential election.

GOP Collusion with the Nazis in the 1940 Election

Good thing we didn't have Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then. Europe would be under Nazi control, and millions of more Jews would have been killed.
As historian Klaus Fischer points out in his book Hitler & America, Hitler had a shrewd grasp of American politics. The Führer nurtured Germany's ties to the America First crowd - led by the Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. He hosted a meeting with Herbert Hoover in Berlin. Hoover, an engineer by training, marveled at the Nazi's massive infrastructure projects. Hitler's goal all along was to keep America neutral for as long as possible - until at least he had finished his project on the European continent. This strategy was largely successful until Kristallnacht in November 1938. Even after Kristallnacht there were plenty of Americans who thought the threat against the Jews was exaggerated, or even that the Jews had brought it on themselves (see The American Papers That Praised Hitler).

At the same time, Hitler recognized that his greatest adversary was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hitler suspected that FDR might be a Jew, but in any case he was clearly controlled by the Jewish interest. By 1940 Hitler sensed that FDR was girding the nation for war with Germany. His last hope was that FDR could somehow be defeated in the 1940 presidential election.

GOP Collusion with the Nazis in the 1940 Election

Good thing we didn't have Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then. Europe would be under Nazi control, and millions of more Jews would have been killed.
Democrats are colluding to ruin the country. Show us some proof Trump colluded ya lying Skank! A two and a half year investigation found nothing!
As historian Klaus Fischer points out in his book Hitler & America, Hitler had a shrewd grasp of American politics. The Führer nurtured Germany's ties to the America First crowd - led by the Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. He hosted a meeting with Herbert Hoover in Berlin. Hoover, an engineer by training, marveled at the Nazi's massive infrastructure projects. Hitler's goal all along was to keep America neutral for as long as possible - until at least he had finished his project on the European continent. This strategy was largely successful until Kristallnacht in November 1938. Even after Kristallnacht there were plenty of Americans who thought the threat against the Jews was exaggerated, or even that the Jews had brought it on themselves (see The American Papers That Praised Hitler).

At the same time, Hitler recognized that his greatest adversary was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hitler suspected that FDR might be a Jew, but in any case he was clearly controlled by the Jewish interest. By 1940 Hitler sensed that FDR was girding the nation for war with Germany. His last hope was that FDR could somehow be defeated in the 1940 presidential election.

GOP Collusion with the Nazis in the 1940 Election

Good thing we didn't have Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then. Europe would be under Nazi control, and millions of more Jews would have been killed.
/----/ Any fake outrage when Ted BELCH Kennedy asked Russia to interfere with Reagan's reelction? Any at all? And don't pretend you didn't know.
Listen OP, you misbegotten, pathological LIAR: the Mueller report proved THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION ON THE PART OF TRUMP, you stupid asshole. When are you liberal psychotics going to find some other paranoid delusion over which to masturbate??? You lying, treasonous pigs. You blatantly America-hating sons of bitches. If it weren't for the 8th Amendment, I'd work hard to bring back England's old hang/draw/quarter "therapy" for liberal traitors.
Listen OP, you misbegotten, pathological LIAR: the Mueller report proved THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION ON THE PART OF TRUMP, you stupid asshole. When are you liberal psychotics going to find some other paranoid delusion over which to masturbate??? You lying, treasonous pigs. You blatantly America-hating sons of bitches. If it weren't for the 8th Amendment, I'd work hard to bring back England's old hang/draw/quarter "therapy" for liberal traitors.
The horses would be busy 24/7.
Listen OP, you misbegotten, pathological LIAR: the Mueller report proved THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION ON THE PART OF TRUMP, you stupid asshole. When are you liberal psychotics going to find some other paranoid delusion over which to masturbate??? You lying, treasonous pigs. You blatantly America-hating sons of bitches. If it weren't for the 8th Amendment, I'd work hard to bring back England's old hang/draw/quarter "therapy" for liberal traitors.
The horses would be busy 24/7.

Yes, I understand that after a hang/draw/quarter, the beheaded, disemboweled corpse would be pulled into four bloody chunks by a herd of horses, tied to the body, would be whipped into running in different directions, pulling the body into roughly four bloody ragged segments (the "quartering" part) and then the pieces of the body would be publicly displayed in various English cities as a warning to anyone who wanted to commit treason. But during the actual hang/draw/quarter torture, I would pay money to see these liberal politicians' intestines being DRAWN through a bonfire while they're still alive and watching.
As historian Klaus Fischer points out in his book Hitler & America, Hitler had a shrewd grasp of American politics. The Führer nurtured Germany's ties to the America First crowd - led by the Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. He hosted a meeting with Herbert Hoover in Berlin. Hoover, an engineer by training, marveled at the Nazi's massive infrastructure projects. Hitler's goal all along was to keep America neutral for as long as possible - until at least he had finished his project on the European continent. This strategy was largely successful until Kristallnacht in November 1938. Even after Kristallnacht there were plenty of Americans who thought the threat against the Jews was exaggerated, or even that the Jews had brought it on themselves (see The American Papers That Praised Hitler).

At the same time, Hitler recognized that his greatest adversary was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hitler suspected that FDR might be a Jew, but in any case he was clearly controlled by the Jewish interest. By 1940 Hitler sensed that FDR was girding the nation for war with Germany. His last hope was that FDR could somehow be defeated in the 1940 presidential election.

GOP Collusion with the Nazis in the 1940 Election

Good thing we didn't have Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then. Europe would be under Nazi control, and millions of more Jews would have been killed.
/----/ Any fake outrage when Ted BELCH Kennedy asked Russia to interfere with Reagan's reelction? Any at all? And don't pretend you didn't know.

Listen OP, you misbegotten, pathological LIAR: the Mueller report proved THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION ON THE PART OF TRUMP, you stupid asshole. When are you liberal psychotics going to find some other paranoid delusion over which to masturbate??? You lying, treasonous pigs. You blatantly America-hating sons of bitches. If it weren't for the 8th Amendment, I'd work hard to bring back England's old hang/draw/quarter "therapy" for liberal traitors.

Folks, folks, PAHLEEZE!

It is because the Leftists know what is coming, and they are making as much hay as they can now.

Now that Trumps hands are untied, does any American think he is not going to stick it to the people who pulled this off? They may talk him out of Hilly and Obama, but the rest of them are in for a very rough ride. And we all know that Nunez and friends, already have the goods. They just couldn't use it as long as Mueller was there, because the Left would have turned it into obstruction.

The start of retribution, will not be long in coming. I would be willing to bet that the 1st shoe to drop will come before the Mueller report is released in mid-April, with more to follow; and these people WILL BE CHARGED with a crime that will easily be defined as being tied to the HOAX!

See, what the Leftists do not know is...………..mainly because they were to sold on their version-----------> People have been singing for awhile. If you Leftists knew about the theories we were told about long ago, Mz Ohr's and Mz Paiges testimony, basically proved it out. But you couldn't know that, because you were so buried in your fantasy, you never PAID ATTENTION to what the other side was telling you.

To this DAY I read threads on here where a Leftist posts PROOF of something, that was long ago totally debunked. But they would not know that, because they only watch news that SUPPORT THEIR VIEW. I mean, how dumb are they? 1 House investigation, 1 Senate investigation, a Special Counsel with all the supporting cast BEING DEMOCRATIC DONERS, and all came to the same conclusion. Either NO COLLUSION, or if we want to take the Leftist definition----------->not enough evidence to PROVE collusion, but these posters are smarter then the House, the Senate, AND the Special Counsel.

The LEFT WAS LIED TO, plain and simple, and their leaders thought they could keep the flame going into 2020. Now that the cat is out of the bag, these nimrods are willing to LOSE their reputations and credibility, because they allowed themselves to be SO BRAINWASHED, they can not grasp reality.

You want to know how some nutjob can be so BRAINWASHED, that they put on a suicide vest and kill themselves and 50 other people over religion? Well, look at some of these posters! While they are a step BELOW that level of lunacy, they aren't all that far behind.

And why are they like this?

Because they are soooooo arrogant and smart, they can NEVER admit they were duped, because if they admit that they were duped, then they will then have to admit, their whole way of thinking on politics, may be wrong too!

Remember, anybody can have an opinion and be wrong, and they will accept that. But that is not the case here, they are not saying in MY OPINION, they are saying HE DID, HE DID, HE DID COLLUDE and HE IS A TRAITOR.

How do they know? BECAUSDE THEY WERE TOLD SO, and they BELIEVE IT SO MUCH, they put their own credibility on the line. That is why they will not admit they were wrong, they will change their name on here 1st. Better to be wrong in public, then played for a FOOL in public, and they were played for fools, and that is what is obvious to everyone, BUT THEM!
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As historian Klaus Fischer points out in his book Hitler & America, Hitler had a shrewd grasp of American politics. The Führer nurtured Germany's ties to the America First crowd - led by the Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. He hosted a meeting with Herbert Hoover in Berlin. Hoover, an engineer by training, marveled at the Nazi's massive infrastructure projects. Hitler's goal all along was to keep America neutral for as long as possible - until at least he had finished his project on the European continent. This strategy was largely successful until Kristallnacht in November 1938. Even after Kristallnacht there were plenty of Americans who thought the threat against the Jews was exaggerated, or even that the Jews had brought it on themselves (see The American Papers That Praised Hitler).

At the same time, Hitler recognized that his greatest adversary was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hitler suspected that FDR might be a Jew, but in any case he was clearly controlled by the Jewish interest. By 1940 Hitler sensed that FDR was girding the nation for war with Germany. His last hope was that FDR could somehow be defeated in the 1940 presidential election.

GOP Collusion with the Nazis in the 1940 Election

Good thing we didn't have Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then. Europe would be under Nazi control, and millions of more Jews would have been killed.
/----/ Any fake outrage when Ted BELCH Kennedy asked Russia to interfere with Reagan's reelction? Any at all? And don't pretend you didn't know.

Listen OP, you misbegotten, pathological LIAR: the Mueller report proved THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION ON THE PART OF TRUMP, you stupid asshole. When are you liberal psychotics going to find some other paranoid delusion over which to masturbate??? You lying, treasonous pigs. You blatantly America-hating sons of bitches. If it weren't for the 8th Amendment, I'd work hard to bring back England's old hang/draw/quarter "therapy" for liberal traitors.

Folks, folks, PAHLEEZE!

It is because the Leftists know what is coming, and they are making as much hay as they can now.

Now that Trumps hands are untied, does any American think he is not going to stick it to the people who pulled this off? They may talk him out of Hilly and Obama, but the rest of them are in for a very rough ride. And we all know that Nunez and friends, already have the goods. They just couldn't use it as long as Mueller was there, because the Left would have turned it into obstruction.

The start of retribution, will not be long in coming. I would be willing to bet that the 1st shoe to drop will come before the Mueller report is released in mid-April, with more to follow; and these people WILL BE CHARGED with a crime that will easily be defined as being tied to the HOAX!

See, what the Leftists do not know is...………..mainly because they were to sold on their version-----------> People have been singing for awhile. If you Leftists knew about the theories we were told about long ago, Mz Ohr's and Mz Paiges testimony, basically proved it out. But you couldn't know that, because you were so buried in your fantasy, you never PAID ATTENTION to what the other side was telling you.

To this DAY I read threads on here where a Leftist posts PROOF of something, that was long ago totally debunked. But they would not know that, because they only watch news that SUPPORT THEIR VIEW. I mean, how dumb are they? 1 House investigation, 1 Senate investigation, a Special Counsel with all the supporting cast BEING DEMOCRATIC DOANERS, and all came to the same conclusion. Either NO COLLUSION, or if we want to take the Leftist definition----------->not enough evidence to PROVE collusion, but these posters are smarter then the House, the Senate, AND the Special Counsel.

The LEFT WAS LIED TO, plain and simple, and their leaders thought they could keep the flame going into 2020. Now that the cat is out of the bag, these nimrods are willing to LOSE their reputations and credibility, because they allowed themselves to be SO BRAINWASHED, they can not grasp reality.

You want to know how some nutjob can be so BRAINWASHED, that they put on a suicide vest and kill themselves and 50 other people over religion? Well, look at some of these posters! While they are a step BELOW that level of lunacy, they aren't all that far behind.

And why are they like this?

Because they are soooooo arrogant and smart, they can NEVER admit they were duped, because if they admit that they were duped, then they will then have to admit, their whole way of thinking on politics, may be wrong too!
Hoping for something like this.

They called down the thunder and I am hoping they get it......


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