Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret

You’ve still got plenty of nothing. And you share it with empty arms.
I get yuz now.Yourn attempt to make Fortune Cookie reply's.
Like howz about ...
-, Without knowing the force of words,it is imposible to
know men - But instead the word " men " insert " cookies ".
Then happliy,merrily go skipping off to Grandmas Home.
Or cottage.Or hidden bunker.
Well, that's one of the biggest questions I have.

I know the politicians know better. But the rubes? They really SEEM to believe it.
I honestly think most of them do not actually believe it either. But they are so far down this rabbit hole and can NOT admit they were wrong AND duped that they would rather just go with it now!
I honestly think most of them do not actually believe it either. But they are so far down this rabbit hole and can NOT admit they were wrong AND duped that they would rather just go with it now!
Oh! Jeez Aloysius
More duplicate inanity on parade.On this hardly sacred of
Presidents Day.Mores " rabbit hole " analogy.
Why not some Roadrunner analogy.Or maybe ...
Pepe Le Pew
At least one daytime romantic paradigm to explain a failure.
Not every crime can be proven in a court of law.

So are you NOW admitting there is no evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

IF so, what would the "Hearings" you continue to rant about be based on.

IF so, how would a jury trial be conducted, there would be no evidence of crime. Without evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud how could guilt be established?

IF so, how could a jury reach a fair and just verdict without evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, who could called to attest that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud if there is not supporting evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, what "Expert Testimony" could offered if there is no evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, how can Guilt or Innocence be established without a "Preponderance of Evidence" required to establish such Guilt or Innocence?

You want hearings and a trial, but you seem to be admitting there is no evidence for such hearings or trial.

Your argument lack logic.

But being a MAGA MAGGOT Con who has swallowed every lie the Traitor has told you, I not in the least surprised.
Oh! Jeez Aloysius
More duplicate inanity on parade.On this hardly sacred of
Presidents Day.Mores " rabbit hole " analogy.
Why not some Roadrunner analogy.Or maybe ...
Pepe Le Pew
At least one daytime romantic paradigm to explain a failure.

Go with either, they are both as funny as watching the tardherders flail about!
So are you NOW admitting there is no evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

IF so, what would the "Hearings" you continue to rant about be based on.

IF so, how would a jury trial be conducted, there would be no evidence of crime. Without evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud how could guilt be established?

IF so, how could a jury reach a fair and just verdict without evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, who could called to attest that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud if there is not supporting evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, what "Expert Testimony" could offered if there is no evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, how can Guilt or Innocence be established without a "Preponderance of Evidence" required to establish such Guilt or Innocence?

You want hearings and a trial, but you seem to be admitting there is no evidence for such hearings or trial.

Your argument lack logic.

But being a MAGA MAGGOT Con who has swallowed every lie the Traitor has told you, I not in the least surprised.
Say Mentally challenged person of utter malfeasant repute..
Fraud has to be investigated ... Bubba.Like in the Film Noir
movies of the 40's and 50's and Bunco squads.
Or more explicably as in a Murder investigation where a person
is missing.No Body then no Murder case.
Got how this sorta stuff works.This ain't as easy as some
SNL { Saturday Night Live } skit. Electioneering is somewhat easier.
It's more blatant and out in the open.But Election Fraud in a
General Election is more encompassing.However like with
Melowese Richardson { Cincinatti Pol worker } who was nabbed
because she shot her big mouth off about voting Twice for Obama
in the 2012 General election.She ended up getting 5 years.
There were around 1,000 affidavits presented as to Election
tampering or Fraud in the 2020 General.Basically just one to two
states.Those folk who used sworn affidavits { under penalty of perjury }
never really had their day in court.Because the Woke legal system
in those states used radical judges to suppress and deny any
court cases over Election Fraud.
I get yuz now.Yourn attempt to make Fortune Cookie reply's.
Like howz about ...
-, Without knowing the force of words,it is imposible to
know men - But instead the word " men " insert " cookies ".
Then happliy,merrily go skipping off to Grandmas Home.
Or cottage.Or hidden bunker.
You haven’t figured out how to wipe yourself yet, Fooltardy.

Go play in heavy traffic on a freeway.
Say Mentally challenged person of utter malfeasant repute..
Fraud has to be investigated ... Bubba.Like in the Film Noir
movies of the 40's and 50's and Bunco squads.
Or more explicably as in a Murder investigation where a person
is missing.No Body then no Murder case.
Got how this sorta stuff works.This ain't as easy as some
SNL { Saturday Night Live } skit. Electioneering is somewhat easier.
It's more blatant and out in the open.But Election Fraud in a
General Election is more encompassing.However like with
Melowese Richardson { Cincinatti Pol worker } who was nabbed
because she shot her big mouth off about voting Twice for Obama
in the 2012 General election.She ended up getting 5 years.
There were around 1,000 affidavits presented as to Election
tampering or Fraud in the 2020 General.Basically just one to two
states.Those folk who used sworn affidavits { under penalty of perjury }
never really had their day in court.Because the Woke legal system
in those states used radical judges to suppress and deny any
court cases over Election Fraud.

Fraud was investigated. No widespread election fraud was found.
Oh! Jeez Aloysius
More duplicate inanity on parade.On this hardly sacred of
Presidents Day.Mores " rabbit hole " analogy.
Why not some Roadrunner analogy.Or maybe ...
Pepe Le Pew
At least one daytime romantic paradigm to explain a failure.

Why don't you give us an analogy for continuing to espouse the lie that Trump won. You know he lost, but you continue to convince the rest of us that you're complete and total fools because you refuse to admit that they lied to you or that they thought you were stupid enough to believe their lies.

And they were right about you.
Why don't you give us an analogy for continuing to espouse the lie that Trump won. You know he lost, but you continue to convince the rest of us that you're complete and total fools because you refuse to admit that they lied to you or that they thought you were stupid enough to believe their lies.

And they were right about you.
It's Kabuki Theater for them now. They know. They just use it as an excuse and an attack.

They don't care that Fox News has been busted. They don't care that Steve Bannon is on tape describing the whole "rigged election" scam in advance. They don't care that Trump-appointed judges are laughing their phony bullshit cases out of court.

They just want to attack and and insult and hate. These are children trying to destroy the sandbox.
Sideny Powell Cited Woman Who Claimed To Be Headless, Time Traveling Entity In Emails Pushing Election Conspiracy Theories.

Trump-allied lawyer Sidney Powell sent Fox an email full of wild claims from a woman claiming to be a decapitated time-traveler, according to a recent court filing.

Excerpts of the message formed part of a filing from Dominion Voting Systems released on Thursday in its defamation case against Fox.

Dominion said that Powell forwarded the email to Fox personality Maria Bartiromo in November 2020, and informed Bartiromo that she'd received "evidence" about voter fraud.

This was before Powell appeared on the November 8, 2020, edition of Bartiromo's Fox Business show, "Sunday Morning Futures."

Yes, please let's have a hearing where a source used by "The Kracken" who claims to be a headless time traveling entity, the judge will laugh her out of court.
Sideny Powell Cited Woman Who Claimed To Be Headless, Time Traveling Entity In Emails Pushing Election Conspiracy Theories.

Trump-allied lawyer Sidney Powell sent Fox an email full of wild claims from a woman claiming to be a decapitated time-traveler, according to a recent court filing.

Excerpts of the message formed part of a filing from Dominion Voting Systems released on Thursday in its defamation case against Fox.

Dominion said that Powell forwarded the email to Fox personality Maria Bartiromo in November 2020, and informed Bartiromo that she'd received "evidence" about voter fraud.

This was before Powell appeared on the November 8, 2020, edition of Bartiromo's Fox Business show, "Sunday Morning Futures."

Yes, please let's have a hearing where a source used by "The Kracken" who claims to be a headless time traveling entity, the judge will laugh her out of court.


Hey man, this was one of "The Kracken's" trusted sources. This was the woman that "The Kracken" used, this is a woman "The Kracken" trusted.

"The Kracken" was at one time a lead attorney.

Just think what a judge would do to her.

No wonder "The Kracken" later said that people who believed her were nuts.

A Fucking Headless Time Traveler......the Traitor got what he so very richly deserved.
Pro-Trump Lawyer Says, "No Reasonable Person", Would Believe Her Election Lies.

A key member of the legal team that sought to steal the 2020 election for Donald Trump is defending herself against a billion-dollar defamation lawsuit by arguing that “no reasonable person” could have mistaken her wild claims about election fraud last November as statements of fact.

Powell falsely stated on television and in legal briefs that Dominion machines ran on technology that could switch votes away from Trump, technology she said had been invented in Venezuela to help steal elections for the late Hugo Chávez.

Those lies were built on empty claims that apparently originated in anonymous comments on a pro-Trump blog, only to be amplified on a global scale by Trump himself in a 12 November tweet in which he wrote in part “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE.”

When you have a Headless Time Traveler as one of your trusted sources, who on earth would believe you......the supporters of Traitor of course.
It's Kabuki Theater for them now. They know. They just use it as an excuse and an attack.
That is a traction-full description.
They know...they all ain't stupid or blinded by partisanship.
They know.
As my avatar has posted and commented on several times over the last two years.....Trump and his enablers knew he lost. And they knew why. Their own trusted man went out, found out, and came back and told 'em.

Their hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told 'em. They trusted this guy. Trusted him for years to tell them which way the wind blew with voter they could course-correct when needed. He was their guy.
And he told 'em.
He and his team went out and polled thousands of voters....mostly Republican voters. And those voters told Fabrizio and his team.

And then Fabrizio told Trump -----

So now, if the MAGA-folks and the QAnon folks......simply won't believe the guy that Trump trusted, well, they then cannot be convinced. It is, as mentioned, now just Kabuki theater. AND......they cannot re-calibrate, cannot say "ooops, my bad". They cannot accept that they are wrong. So they wreck our American sandbox.

They just want to attack and and insult and hate. These are children trying to destroy the sandbox.
And Mac offers another view of the recalcitrance of the MAGA's and the QAnon's........they simply want to hold on to the trope that the election was stolen, Trump is still president, and Biden ain't. And by holding onto to that stated belief, and using it as their rationale.......well, it helps them justify their insults and attacks.

And yes, this wonderful American sandbox that our forebearers constructed is in danger from the MAGA-fibs, and QAnon fabrications. Those people are not good Americans. They are wreckers of what has been built and what has provided so many of us with good, productive, and happy lives. They are willing to wreck it all. Shame!
So are you NOW admitting there is no evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

IF so, what would the "Hearings" you continue to rant about be based on.

IF so, how would a jury trial be conducted, there would be no evidence of crime. Without evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud how could guilt be established?

IF so, how could a jury reach a fair and just verdict without evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, who could called to attest that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud if there is not supporting evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, what "Expert Testimony" could offered if there is no evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud?

IF so, how can Guilt or Innocence be established without a "Preponderance of Evidence" required to establish such Guilt or Innocence?

You want hearings and a trial, but you seem to be admitting there is no evidence for such hearings or trial.

Your argument lack logic.

But being a MAGA MAGGOT Con who has swallowed every lie the Traitor has told you, I not in the least surprised.
No..... learn to comprehend words and you won't make so many wrong assertions on this board....
Without evidence of crime, there is no crime. All you have to do is post your proof. Which you know you do not have because there is no proof because there was no Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

You keep bitching about hearings, without evidence of crime (which you do not have) then there be no evidentiary hearing. Where is your evidence of a crime, post your proof.
Voter fraud is difficult to prove with the covid rules in place... when those rules are ended as they will be in 24 then you will find the truth of the 2020 election fraud.... and the truth that libs are in the minority in America....
Tell you what, provide the proof you are so damn certain exists, because to date it ain't happening. The Traitor LOST 60+Lawsuits Alleging Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Put up or shut have the proof, where is it?
The proof will be revealed at the end of Biden's presidency. This is when the fact's won't be refuted any longer, otherwise refuted by a deep state cabal that is hell bent on changing America into something that America is totally against... No matter if black, white, brown, red, yellow or blue, the citizen's aren't going to fall for the bull shite anymore.

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