Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret

So, it appears poster Tyroneweaver was lied to.
And doesn't yet want to face that unpleasant acceptance.
OK. We get it.
We can understand some minor embarrassment.
But, you can still help the forum Tyrone.
Help the forum understand the acceptance of such behavior of FOX by so many in MAGA-world, so many in QAnon-world.

So let me pose these questions ----which has been posed before.
Perhaps your insight can help the forum reach an understanding.
The Questions: The answers to which may illuminate for the forum the seeming mystery of widespread acceptance of FOX's behavior.

  • I guess it is a not inappropriate question to ask the Republicans and the MAGA's and the QAnon'rs on this forum -----well, how do you feel about these revelations about Fox?
  • Do you feel good about 'em?
  • Why?
  • Or if you don't....well why not?
Why did Fox do what they did?

No, I'm serious guys, perhaps your insights can help the forum understand this rather bizarre development that has been revealed about FOX.

FOX has long had a huge audience of eyeballs. They are unquestionably influential in today's America.
And now court-released documents demonstrate that they were deceptive with us when the matters they were broadcasting were of grave importance to America.

So, can you help the forum with these questions:

The answers to which may illuminate for the forum the seeming mystery of widespread acceptance of FOX's behavior.


  • I guess it is a not inappropriate question to ask the Republicans and the MAGA's and the QAnon'rs on this forum -----well, how do you feel about these revelations about Fox?
  • Do you feel good about 'em?
  • Why?
  • Or if you don't....well why not?
Get under my skin?
All they do is make me wonder how old you really are and why you don't have more parental supervision on the internet.
So then. Yes. Very much under your petty thin skin.


You’re a phony. And it is obvious. I don’t mean to laugh at you. Much.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
So then. Yes. Very much under your petty thin skin.


You’re a phony. And it is obvious. I don’t mean to laugh at you. Much.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
I love it whenever you unwittingly prove my point in your response.
You ain't very sharp are you kiddo?
I love it whenever you unwittingly prove my point in your response.
You ain't very sharp are you kiddo?
Kid. Your as sharp as a balloon.

And I wittingly wrecked what would have been your point if you were capable of making a point. But you’re not.

Hurry back with more of your weak sauce.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

(It’s so easy to get under your thin skin.)
Put up every kind of bull shite you can find, but you know damned good and well that the great and all knowing Obama decided along with the Democrat activist that he was going to fundementally change this nation, and that means that every thing that you want to go back and google or access don't mean squat anymore boy, so get in line for your soup and water, because that's all you gonna get once the world collapses under the weight of y'all's idiocy.

I posted facts. NOT Bull Shit. I've posted my proof, more than one time I've posted my proof. Now you post your proof. Show your evidence, which we both know does not exist.
I love it whenever you unwittingly prove my point in your response.
You ain't very sharp are you kiddo?

I love it whenever you unwittingly prove my point in your response.
You ain't very sharp are you kiddo?

Cons like B.A. only have a self-imposed limited knowledge and are proud of it. He remains blissfully ignorant. He prefers to a lemming, being lead by nose. Like the majority of Cons I know, he is desperately afraid to think for himself.
The Elements That Prove Election/Voter Fraud.

In order to sustain a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud, evidence presented must meet a legal standard by which a charge can stand up in court. Which means a judge hearing such a case must rule on the admissibility of such evidence.

This link lists most but not all means by which a person or persons unknown can commit Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. But, there must be conclusive evidence, evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that such fraud was committed. The judge hearing the case rules on the admissibility of evidence based upon legal standards and a clear understanding of the law.

Post your fucking proof of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. Do not bitch if what you post does not meet the legal standard or is fucking bias to be accepted. Rule of evidentiary procedure for Election Fraud/Voter Fraud require this.

Penalties Under 52 U.S. Code 20511

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office
(1)knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person for—
registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;
urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or
exercising any right under this chapter; or
(2)knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or
the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,
shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
(Pub. L. 103–31, § 12, May 20, 1993, 107 Stat. 88.)

Post your proof, and does that proof meet the legal standard.
Hay Pally.Howz about Election Legal Standards.Like Signature
verification.Or time requirements as to when a Mail-in ballot
must be received { no later than by 5 pm {est } the day of
Election.NOT up to and including 3 days later.Instead of a Tuesday
{ Election day } but by a Friday.
Plus ballot Rejection rate.Not Under 1 % but 2-3 %.
All that was changed in the late summer and then Fall in order
to accomodate Election irregularities.Pluo John Roberts refusing to
have the Supreme Court hear a Legal case involving Pennsylavania
changing Election rules by overturning the Republican Majority State
Legislature and their authority because the Governor and Secretary of
State in Pennsylvania allowed a Majority State Supreme Court with a one person
majority decision allow Pennsylvania to operate under different Election
guidelines.The Governor { Wolf } and Secretary-of-State { Kathy Boockvar }
both virulent Trump haters.Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was very
upset when John Roberts decided to pass on the Supreme Court taking up
the matter.That Decision caused Pennsylvania to waste valuable time'
hemming and hawing over counting ballots.
Ohio,Florida and Texas knew by early evening on Election day who the
winner was.The new normal in certain states is to take time counting
ballots to find out how many are needed.That way the needed votes
can arrive in the nick of time when called upon.
Kid. Your as sharp as a balloon.

And I wittingly wrecked what would have been your point if you were capable of making a point. But you’re not.

Hurry back with more of your weak sauce.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

(It’s so easy to get under your thin skin.)
No No ... Nannette !. Your the one in some hellfire hurry Bub.
Over 16,ooo messages in a years long does it take you
to wipe yer ass after a classic Holiday Poop.
No No ... Nannette !. Your the one in some hellfire hurry Bub.
Over 16,ooo messages in a years long does it take you
to wipe yer ass after a classic Holiday Poop.
It always amuses me when a jerkoff like you is so fascinated by the trivial. And you take the time to check. :piss2:Fooltard

It always amuses me when a jerkoff like you is so fascinated by the trivial. And you take the time to check. :piss2:Fooltard

Be Wary of those who claim { it always amuses me }.
In olden time that was easily handled.Just call for the
men in white coats and their paddy wagon.
Like easy breezie ... lemon squeezie.
Be Wary of those who claim { it always amuses me }.
In olden time that was easily handled.Just call for the
men in white coats and their paddy wagon.
Like easy breezie ... lemon squeezie.
You may be stupid, but at least you are witless.
Not every crime can be proven in a court of law... it doesn't mean it didn't happen.... you can not mail out ballots as if they are pizza flyers and put unguarded drop boxes on the street and still have fair elections.... PERIOD!!!!!

Without evidence of crime, there is no crime. All you have to do is post your proof. Which you know you do not have because there is no proof because there was no Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

You keep bitching about hearings, without evidence of crime (which you do not have) then there be no evidentiary hearing. Where is your evidence of a crime, post your proof.
All you have to do is post your proof, which you have never done. You dance as fast as you can, but you still have nothing.
Gee I wonder if our President ever relies on that drool { Post or give us
the Proof }.Or even if the First Catholic Potus { JFK } ever went there.
as in " Hey ... give us the Proof ". Sounds mamby pambyish.
But then what else do Leftists have. Places like Wikipedia
or PolitiFact or even Snopes.Or Or the more
newer ... Mediaite
More newer ain't better.Even in decades past like the 50's.
Maybe the 60's.

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