Trump Campaign was prepared for a guilty verdict

It was a fake trial with a dozen reversible errors.
Everyone was prepared.

Is your dumb ass ready for what's next?
Whenever it is negative for Trump it is fake, it is rigged. Can you say one thing negative about Trump.
I don't blame you as much as I blame the relentless push for safety in the US the last 80 years or so.
Prior to that, Darwinism would have culled the herd of people as brain dead as you.
I am the smartest person you have communicated with, ever.
Stupidity has a hard fime finding brilliance
No sore losers. Just pointing out that leftists are flailing their Pom Poms for a crooked judge who made illegal campaign contributions to the Dems / Socialists. The same crooked judge hand selected to preside over the case.
The same judge whose daughter has a financial interest in the verdict.
Fake news
Merchan could have remanded him to custody for 135 years on the spot but he didn't.
Convicted felon Trump is still a free man...and he most likely will remain one even after sentencing on July 11th.
Some political prisoner right?
He just makes ads like this to swindle clueless MAGAt rubes out of their money.

Cry harder, needle dick
Trump will need the money for his appeals.

How can people be so stupid to send money to someone who has billions of dollars.
He is using the money for his criminal legal fees. He is not spending his money.
What a bunch of suckers.
His defense wasn't very good. It's like he thought the more he said, the worse it would be.

So, he's working on just appealing, don't bother defending yourself, use the guilty verdict to play the victim.

What does it say to all other criminals?
The defense was consistently denied by the judge. Witnesses, cross examination, all tossed the the crooked judge.
Obviously, Dems RIGGED it from the beginning. RIGGED venue, RIGGED jury selection, RIGGED judge, lawless DA, RIGGED trial decisions (plural) all went against Trump's defense team. Constitutional rights stomped on. Trump called it, mother Teresa couldn't beat this kangaroo court.

I hope you Dem geniuses understand the consequences. Infuriating your opponents so they turn out to vote at historic levels wiping out Democrats from the top to the bottom of the ballot seems ill advised but you people can't help yourselves.
Let's see, a year ago you MAGAt-tards were predicting that convicted felon Trump would NEVER EVER be formally charged with any crimes.
Then when he was formally charged last year you all predicted there was NO WAY he would EVER be convicted of anything.
So shut the HELL up!
Your predictions SUCK!
Actually this is true:
We all know. Manhattan Democrat jurors, with a hack judge who basically said they had to convict.
Fake news.
He was convicted because the evidence of his crimes was overwhelming and his pathetic attempt at a defense was underwhelming.
Let's see, a year ago you MAGAt-tards were predicting that convicted felon Trump would NEVER EVER be formally charged with any crimes.
Then when he was formally charged last year you all predicted there was NO WAY he would EVER be convicted of anything.
So shut the HELL up!
Your predictions SUCK!
Let your Trump hate flow, it's a gift to the Republicans. :muahaha:

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