Trump can be held civilly liable in Jan. 6 riot, judges rule

It is, though.

Most popular with people whom expect other people to pay the medical costs of their unhealthy lifestyles.

NOTE; the above is a litmus test for personal integrity.
Stryder50 needs serious meds.
When I click on your Profile page and click the "About", I get this;
Oops! We ran into some problems.
This member limits who may view their full profile.
Usually an indicator of someone not wanting to be honest or show integrity and guts.
What is it you are hiding?

Note wanting to submit to the Leftist agenda of being deadbeat thieves plundering from the wealth makers of this nation, while destroying the Bill of Rights means I haven't drunk the 'Kool Aid' you have.

Time to take your "serious meds".
The MAGA mob beat Capitol price with flag poles. The MAGA mob dedicated on the walls. The MAGA mob wanted to hang Mike Pence. Why?

Cause the SOB named trump incited them and stoked their rage. And the POS will do it again if given a chance.
Capital police, among other questionable actions, began the fraycus by tossing a few flash-bang grenades into the crowd. Then their allies in form of embedded FBI & DOJ false flaggers helped stir and direct the crowd.
The MAGA mob beat Capitol price with flag poles. The MAGA mob dedicated on the walls. The MAGA mob wanted to hang Mike Pence. Why?

Cause the SOB named trump incited them and stoked their rage. And the POS will do it again if given a chance.
Better behave.
Let me grant this much, at the outset. The decision by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals has a rational basis in logic and law. As the judges explained, just because he happens to have been President at the time doesn’t automatically translate into immunity from lawsuit. It instead matters whether or not he was acting as a private person or in his official capacity at the time.

So far, so good.

But, the real legal issue is going to be nothing more than this: did President Trump say anything to “exhort” anybody else to engage in the mob behavior of January 6?

Since I maintain that he plainly did not, these pending lawsuits are solely focused on punishing free speech.
Let me grant this much, at the outset. The decision by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals has a rational basis in logic and law. As the judges explained, just because he happens to have been President at the time doesn’t automatically translate into immunity from lawsuit. It instead matters whether or not he was acting as a private person or in his official capacity at the time.

So far, so good.

But, the real legal issue is going to be nothing more than this: did President Trump say anything to “exhort” anybody else to engage in the mob behavior of January 6?

Since I maintain that he plainly did not, these pending lawsuits are solely focused on punishing free speech.
Exactly. Nothing is going to happen.
So you are an idiot.

Stinky, it is easy to see why you failed as a moderator and a human being. But I understand that anti-Trumpers such as yourself are pretty miserable these days as the persecution of Trump is just moving too slow for you and far from certain. Trump remains the best, most likely winner in 2024 (of course Biden is like entering a 3-legged blind dog in a canine race), so you have nothing left in your bag of tricks than to hatefully lash out as others.

Perhaps you should try Ritalin.
Yep, he sure did, despite your weird lies. Everyone saw it.

He feared Hillary as president and bought himself a useful orange idiot.
Nope! "He" sure did NOT!

Why would he "fear" SHillary when she can be bought more certainly and cheaper than Trump, plus shares the ideological goals and agenda as Putin/Russia ??? !!!

The Clinton's are much more likely to dance to the tune of the Kremlin piper ~ which they have done all their career.

To date no evidence/proof that any ballots were changed, by "the Russians", to"Trump" versus "Clinton"; nor any ballot count altered to Trump's benefit, by "the Russians".

"Weird lies" came from, and continue, to be fabrications of you deadwood, non-productive, socialist/communist, Statist-tyrants seeking to desolve the Constitution and Bill of Rights to replace with your pseudo-liberal socialist collective Oligarchy!

Why would Putin "fear" SHillary Clinton when since the time from graduating from college, her career path, and Bill's, tracked the Alinsky mold to "fundamentally change the USA" into a socialist, single party(DNC) dominated, fascist tyrannical State. ???

Useful fools/tools like the Clinton's (and Obama's and Biden's) are just the sort that Putin/Russia want in charge of the USA since they will more often than not facilitate Russia's Goals~Agenda.

Trump was too much a "wild card" and pragmatist whom could change and alter at any time based on what he thought was best for his interests and the perception he had for the Best Interest of the USA. Trump was not an ideologically controllable POTUS being an outlier from the Elite Class of "Chosen" World Leaders. That's why he was so rejected by many other national leaders of the world, because he wasn't from the "Right" - Class/Caste, Schools, 'Fraternities', or other Global Oligarch Network. Which is also why he got elected in the first place;
1) because enough voters saw he wasn't part of the centuries old "Establishment", and ...
2) the "Establishment" under-estimated that he would win so didn't rig the elections enough to block him.

And speaking of "idiots"; have you amassed a wealth equal to or greater than Trump's?
Yes, we know the answer there: = NOT!
Nor do you have the brains or capability to even come close. :rolleyes:
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Let me grant this much, at the outset. The decision by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals has a rational basis in logic and law. As the judges explained, just because he happens to have been President at the time doesn’t automatically translate into immunity from lawsuit. It instead matters whether or not he was acting as a private person or in his official capacity at the time.

So far, so good.

But, the real legal issue is going to be nothing more than this: did President Trump say anything to “exhort” anybody else to engage in the mob behavior of January 6?

Since I maintain that he plainly did not, these pending lawsuits are solely focused on punishing free speech.
Even more to the point;
"The Devil made me do it." or any similar "I was incited" sort of defense does not absolve anyone of exercising their Free Will choice to perform in any way that might be unethical or criminal.

Does matter whom said or did not say what. If you did something you should not have that is your own doing and fault.

Of course we know the mental illness that infects Leftists, pseudo-liberals, and most Democrats is the sort where they deny their own part and responsibility in the evil they do.
Even more to the point;
"The Devil made me do it." or any similar "I was incited" sort of defense does not absolve anyone of exercising their Free Will choice to perform in any way that might be unethical or criminal.

Does matter whom said or did not say what. If you did something you should not have that is your own doing and fault.

Of course we know the mental illness that infects Leftists, pseudo-liberals, and most Democrats is the sort where they deny their own part and responsibility in the evil they do.

If someone says “we have to fight like hell” against liberal propaganda and lies, that’s not a call to arms.

And if I were to misinterpret a bit of rhetoric, I’s be the one responsible for my own behavior. Not the guy who never actually said shit about using violence.
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When I click on your Profile page and click the "About", I get this;
Oops! We ran into some problems.
This member limits who may view their full profile.
Usually an indicator of someone not wanting to be honest or show integrity and guts.
What is it you are hiding?

Note wanting to submit to the Leftist agenda of being deadbeat thieves plundering from the wealth makers of this nation, while destroying the Bill of Rights means I haven't drunk the 'Kool Aid' you have.

Time to take your "serious meds".
Go away....MORON
Even more to the point;
"The Devil made me do it." or any similar "I was incited" sort of defense does not absolve anyone of exercising their Free Will choice to perform in any way that might be unethical or criminal.

Does matter whom said or did not say what. If you did something you should not have that is your own doing and fault.

Of course we know the mental illness that infects Leftists, pseudo-liberals, and most Democrats is the sort where they deny their own part and responsibility in the evil they do.
When I click on your Profie I select IGNORE.

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