Trump can not be only one responsible for having classified documents.

The stuttering shit clown stole classified documents while he was a senator and vp.

There is NO scenario where a senator or vp is permitted to be in possession of classified material outside of a federal SCIF.

Not under the Corvette, not in Chinatown, not in the crackhead's fuck pad. Literally, not one mitigation for that treasonous conduct by Josef Stolen. And NO, "he's dumber than fuck" is no excuse.

biden criminals classified docs.jpg
Former President Trump can not be the only one guilty of having classified documents. There had to be a chain of custody that he had to sign off onto. The CIA, FBI, NSA should have made sure that those classified documents were returned back to a secure area. Others have to also be accountable. Your thoughts.?

Well, you see, its not about the crime, it is about the man, the state targeting people it doesn't like then making the law fit the alleged crime.

You know, the way the SS, Gestapo and KGB did.

So, they will make this not about the actual documents because clearly, lots of people from Hillary to Biden to Pence to probably far more had them as well. So as soon as they realized that Biden had documents, they made sure they got them all back. So now, all they need to do is look at everything everyone else did and pick the one thing they can find they did that Trump didn't, and make it about THAT.

Then they will say THIS is why Trump must be indicted under the Espionage Act. Because, it's not about the law, it is about getting their man, because clearly, they don't want the people electing Trump again even if he got 100 million votes!

Now you know why no matter who you vote for, nothing important ever really changes.
Former President Trump can not be the only one guilty of having classified documents. There had to be a chain of custody that he had to sign off onto. The CIA, FBI, NSA should have made sure that those classified documents were returned back to a secure area. Others have to also be accountable. Your thoughts.?
That's exactly what the government tried to do, but Trump obstructed the return of the documents.

I hope this catches you up.
Former President Trump can not be the only one guilty of having classified documents. There had to be a chain of custody that he had to sign off onto. The CIA, FBI, NSA should have made sure that those classified documents were returned back to a secure area. Others have to also be accountable. Your thoughts.?

My thoughts? You seem retarded.

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